May 26, 2014, 12:07 AM

Angels: I am so happy to be writing. This night – this day, this week, month, year has been fantastic in the stirring that I feel, and I feel more and more. I am moving forward in my consciousness expansion, and yet some things, some challenges come back to me again and again. For example, each day I think of Ch. I think of how I miss him. I think of my frustration in dealing with him. I think of how he thinks of me. I am angered that he shuns me. I woke up today thinking of good words that I would share. But I have forgotten those words. Could you remind me? Could you help me remember/restore/renew/re-find my center of love and appreciation, so that I may replace resentment with understanding? I really want to set him free in my body, mind, and spirit. He is free, of course. But I want to respect, value and appreciate his freedom in the depths of my being – and appreciate my own freedom, as well. Thank you.

Dear Linda, we are with you and we understand these feelings. You see, all beings who have evolved have evolved by virtue of experience – not through magic, not by birth, not by anything other than living. So we as angels have come to know what you experience because we, too, have experienced it. We, too, evolve. We too, are one with all and so as we recognize our connection to our Creator, so we recognize our connection to YOU, our brethren – our sisters and brothers of Universal Consciousness. We are one, as we are designed to help one another understand. So, let us try to help you understand.

We know that you know that you and Ch. are twin souls. You see, this is important for you to understand again and again because it explains the very nature of your relationship. Your relationship is one is intense communication. You see, you are essentially One who was divided into Two – long long ago. And yet, you also know that there is no time in the spirit world. And so as you were created as a facet – a spark of your Creator, so you were created as one with each other, and so you remain. You are one, and therefore it was not meant, by design, for you to feel separate. But it was meant for you to love.

But in loving, we can understand that love is a facet of freedom, that is, freedom is a facet of love. The two are linked in many, many ways. So as you love one another, as you contemplate one another, as you appreciate one another from afar, through time and space, so you can appreciate the freedom that you have given one another to grow.

You see, freedom is necessary for growth. Picture the ancient ritual of Chinese foot binding. The feet were bound so as to restrict growth, because the illusion of the day, of the time, was that control and manipulation by the male of the female was perfect, was called for, was needed, and was – attractive. Of course, anything the male desired was perceived as justifiable.

But as the female foot was bound, the female mind grew in great leaps and bounds. The mind of the woman was set free as the pain and suffering of the body and mind was inflicted.

And so you, in the female role in this life, are knowing the freedom that is imbued in the energy of control that is being exacted by the male, by your mate, who is eternally your mate as your twin energy. The control he perceives in his actions toward you is having a different effect than one might presume. You are learning your freedom. You are learning your power. You are learning the stuff that you are made of.

So you see, this is a gift that the soul of your twin soul gives to you. It is a great gift.

Angels, I feel immensely humbled to see things this way. I had no idea – no conscious idea of the roles here. Please say more.

So – you are growing! How beautiful is this growth. And were it not for the circumstances of pain that you feel in the separation, you would not be jettisoning your fears as you are. You would not be growing as you are.

So why do I not give thanks more often? Why do I keep thinking of him with discomfort?

This is the ego energy, rearing its fearful head. It takes time to loosen the patterns of thinking. But you are making good progress. You are moving forward rapidly. A small time in Earth time – only a few decades – this is very fast in spirit time to learn such an important lesson of letting go – of letting go and of appreciating and seeing the good in the gift.

Yes, I do feel the gift. At times I wonder how he treats P. If he puts her in the same boat as me.

This is not for you to be concerned about. But let us just say that for all humans, the lessons we are learning are endless. There is no relationship that is “lesson free.” There is no relationship that is without inherent role playing and the learning of new lessons – or old lessons. Until each lesson is learned with total clarity, it must be repeated.

But the important lesson to remember, the important gem to keep in mind, is that we are all one. We are not in competition with one another. ALL SOULS ARE ADVANCING as is designed by the Universal Consciousness. ALL SOULS are worthy of love. All souls are extant because each is a cell in the body of the Creator. None is less. None is more. We are truly one. We must remember our Oneness because to see separation is to accept illusion. Illusion has its value in the third dimension, but as you seek to raise your awareness, it is of benefit to let go of illusion and to see truth. To see truth is to rise to new dimensions. Truth, Love, Equality are the greatest of the Ethical Values that comprise your Spirit Consciousness. To see Truth, you will see Love and Equality. To see Love, you will be Love. And to be Love is to BE in the arms of your father/mother God who is the “Great Central Sun” and the Master of All That Is. Remember the purity of love that you felt in the arms of your mother as a newborn – the safety, the fulfillment, he absolute comfort? This is a glimpse of what you feel when you KNOW in each cell that you are One with the Creative Forces of All That Is. The knowing is the Infinity of Love. It is the definition of greatness. Words cannot define. But words are symbols that help you evolve. Remember the words and the feels. Eloni, Elohim, all God’s greatness.

Dear Angels, I am happy to be listening. Please help me more readily pursue my advancement. I deeply want to transition out of my ego. I deeply want to gain new levels of living my Ethical Values. I ask for your guidance on a much deeper level. Once again, I feel ready. Please help me honor my commitment. Thank you.

We are here, Linda. We are here. Ask, and it shall be given. You have asked. We shall give. Be open to receiving. In gratitude, we leave you with these thoughts: Be ever the spirit that you are. You are made in the image of your Creator. Your Creator watches you as you move through life. Your advancement is the advancement of your Creator. Honor self, and you honor your Creator. Help the Universe by helping self. Know your Oneness. Accept This Gift. :-)

Thank you, Angels! Good night.

Good night. See you soon.

Friday, January 24, 2014, 11:51 PM

Dear Angels: In my mind in the past month I have felt a million feelings of moving faster, of quickening, of feeling more and more connected with who I really am. I feel that I am on the verge of discovery. I see little miracles happening often. I marvel and I feel more and more faith and excitement about my path. I’ve been reading again Kathy’s Ancient Storybook. It’s my favorite book of all books. It’s the best book ever written. It’s all that’s needed for me if I had one desert island book. And I’ve been struck by the thought that I am truly Spirit Consciousness. What does this mean to me, I ask myself. I know I am spirit consciousness, and yet I live so much through my ego. So I want to explore what it means to me to be Spirit Consciousness, and what it would mean to have just a glimpse, just a glimpse into the “infinity of thought,” – that I might help myself and mankind advance on our shared journey home to Be who we truly are. Please talk with me about these ideas. Thank you.

Dear L, these are beautiful ideas. It is indeed a marvel to consider infinity and what role the mind plays in advancing the goals of infinity.

And we intentionally word things this way because infinity itself is a consciousness that you indeed are part of – and it, with you and all humanity – has a goal in the greatest order and structure and form and discipline of the Universe.

You see, you are created for the purpose of knowing thyself. Your infinity is just that: the process of coming to know thyself. Now this process never ends, because the more you come to know thyself, the more you become, and the more you become, the more there is to know. Do you see how this process could never end? And herein lies the infinity of the Universe.

You were created as part of the Universe. You were created to come to BE and come to KNOW that which the Universe is.

Now, let us explore the Universe for a moment. The Universe exists because the Creator—the energy of All That Is—was lonely and wanted companionship in the sea of thought in which he existed. He was not a He per se but a vast androgynous, all being, all consuming allness. And the Allness wanted companionship. And as is written in the Ancient Storybook, the Creator began his creations as a scientist would create experiments: a little change here, a little change there, observations, trials, tests, experiences, thoughts, adventures, knowings, learnings, beings, joys, sorrows. Yes, the Creator knew sorrow, as did the first son, as has all of creation, as all of creation is part of the Creator, and the Creator is part of you.

My word—by my word you can know that you are part of the Creator and that the Creator is part of you. Yes, this is why in Ancient Storybook you read that it is so important that you understand who you are — understand that you are Spirit Consciousness, because to be Spirit Consciousness is to BE the energy of the Almighty Creator, the Creative Energy of the Universe, of all Universes.

Pause, we pause to allow contemplation.

You are part of the Universal System.

And so on the greatest level, this means that you are embued within the structure of your cells and your DNA with the entire set of Ethical Values that the Creator gained himself through thought. It is through thought that you expand. It is through Thought that the Creator expands. You expand and give that expansion to your Creator and to the Earth and to the Universe. There is no separation except the separation that you may perceive in your mind. You are one. You have always been one. You will always BE one. But you have free will, free thought, free intention. BE who you want to be. Your thought directs you. Where do you wish to go.

So with this, we give you an explanation of who you are. This is a brief explanation of the infinity of thought. This is a piece of the picture of where you are going.

Go with Love. And remember that you and the Creator are tied forever in every cell of your body. You are, indeed, a cell in the body of the Creator. BE that cell, and make it the best cell you can possibly make it. Your advancement depends solely upon this.

Good night.

Thank you, Angels. Good night.