Monday, May 27, 2013, 3:13 PM


In the beginning was the Creator,
atomic, pure love, aware
but alone,
wanting to expand,
to be more, to be with,
to know Self.

So the Creator,
moved outward in thought,
forming Spirit Consciousness -
a creative seed,
beginning the pattern of my existence:

Spirit energy (E) at my core,
I am that equation:
(M) mass—a body motivated by
(C2) the square of my light —
electric thoughts and magnetic emotions,
being dual as a soul,
living through opposites,
guiding myself through experiences
of senses, thoughts and emotions.

Bonded in eternal shape,
my pattern pieces direct my quest
to be divine in physical form,
to learn the allness of myself,
to begin as my Creator did,
to expand as my Creator does,
to be more, to be with, to feel love,
unity within myself,
companionship with All That Is,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 9:55 PM

Dear Angels: KO has asked us students to write an essay about what we want to do with our life. We each have—100 years? What do I want to do with this time? Well, I know what I’ve done with the first 50, and it’s been fantastic, the learning, the love, the understanding, the knowings, the connections, the friendships, my beautiful family, my child, my pets, my homes, my deep yearnings, my joys, my frivolities, my work, my colleagues…life has been rich and I feel deep gratitude for what I’ve experienced and gained. YET – at times I am awash in lethargy in terms of planning concretely for my future. Days pass. I fill them with work and driving and commuting for the most part and then fill in the blanks with the other things as I can. There is structure. But where am I headed? What do I want? How am I planning to structure my next 50 years? How will I organize my days? What forms will life take? What discipline will I maintain to enact my deepest hopes and dreams? These are the questions that I seek your guidance with. I deeply want to know where I am going so that I go there consciously and not by default.

These are—many questions, many questions indeed about your future. But let us think that the future is not really coming, that is, your future is a roll-out of the microseconds of your present, but truly, for you here and now and living on the Earth, there is only the present. So what brings you emotional fulfillment in the present, to the greatest extent?

Great question! My greatest fulfillment is in connecting with my family! I so enjoy our times together. This weekend my brother D joined me and Mom and the Bs for an outing. I felt so complete being there with them. I felt anchored and loved. I felt my history coming to life. And I love being with friends, too. The Bs are really family and friends. It was a great, great pleasure to bring the past into the present.

Then this can be your greatest intention for your “future”: to live each day refreshed and invigorated by the love you share for and with your family. You can plan your housing on this. You can plan your dreams to include aspects of your family and friends so that you always know that you are loved and cared for. This is good.

Next, ask yourself to whom you owe the greatest inspiration for growth. Who or what propels you forward in disciplining yourself to become more and more of what your spirit guides you toward? You see, your family loves you unconditionally, which provides you with a resting point, because with family you do not need to prod for growth as much as you can relax and know that you are accepted. But when we seek inspiration, it often comes from conditions that reach our core of yearning, of asking, of wanting, of at times seeing contrast that gives birth to great desire. So – what is it, or who is it in life that triggers your greatest inspiration?

There is no question that my studies with Kathy Oddenino are what do this for me. They reach inside my soul and pull me up up up into a stratosphere of newness, where I am exhilarated with that which I come to know that I already know deep inside. My studies are comfortable, easeful and flowing yet powerful and motivating. I always feel my world change when I study with Kathy and with my fellow students. Life is continually transformed.

So, this is good. This is very good to acknowledge so clearly what uplifts you and causes you to be more. As you seek to be more, you do indeed become more. Time—you have the luxury of time to grow within. You can observe your growth. And you can see more and more readily what it is that inspires. 

So as you acknowledge the significance and value of your studies and your relationships within this circle of seekers, make your plans, design your next 50 years to accommodate them to the greatest degree possible. Know that your purpose is anchored within this community, and that your family and friends are the support network that encourage your commitment. They give you strength to advance your own growth and to honor your commitment to help bring Kathy’s work and the spiritual philosophy of the ancients to others.

Now, we ask what it is within each day that you are comfortable working with, and that you enjoy working with, and that you seek out because of its bringing of pleasure and stimulation?

It is writing. It is creating media. It is connecting with people, cultures around the world. It is providing forums for exchanges. It is learning. It is being in the thrust of youth and the elderly and those my age and just feeling the pulse of life. I love being in the pulse of life!

Then, these, too, are elements that you can seek to harvest more fully. Keep those skills fine-tuned in working with media. Keep your eyes on the horizon for opportunity. Keep your hands in the pie of working with others, i.e., do not isolate, because your extroversion will be stoked and your balance will be challenged. Keep yourself in the thick of connectivity with other people and the movements of technologies. The technologies are happening because they are helping the masses to learn rapidly and to come to understand humanity on a much deeper level. The Internet is a nervous system, just like yours within, and it connects the cells of activity of Planet Earth just as the cells of your body connect all aspects of your body. See the fractal pattern of you and your brethren and the Earth and the Universe. You are all truly one. 

Yes, I do feel that we are one. It is exciting to connect on deeper and deeper levels.

So now, you can ask yourself what are the emotions that you wish to feel inside. How do you want to feel about life and about those with whom you choose to surround yourself? What are the emotions that give you the greatest pleasure?

The emotions that give me the greatest pleasure are the emotions of joy and passion and ecstasy. I have felt joy a good deal, but I seek more passion and ecstasy. I know I feel them when I unite with others in the shared pursuit of helping the Earth, and the people of Earth, find comfort zones. When I feel clean rain upon my skin, I feel elation. When I see the harmony and beauty of nature, I feel immense peace and excitement. When I am talking with friends and I feel the depth of our unity, I feel peace and lightness. These are the feelings I want to feel and that I know I will feel because I’ve felt them before and I know I can feel them again. I would like to feel them every day. This is why I seek a place to live, where I can remember each day, by virtue of the nature around me, that life is supposed to be happy and good and fulfilling and exciting. I strive to feel these things!

It is important, when defining your hopes and dreams, to be specific, to have clear images of what you want. What are the dominant images in your mind when you think of what you want?

Ahhh! I see a lovely little cottage nestled in the trees, but with sun sun sun pouring down and bathing my gardens with all the good chemical-light necessities for plants to grow. I see beautiful gardens growing in the sun. I see chickens ambling about. I see a goat or two nearby. I see a friend sharing this with me, joining me in this dream of creating. I see artwork on the walls and colorful tapestries decking the rooms. I see openness and color and warmth. And I feel the gentleness of being wrapped by nature. 
These images are indeed fractal patterns of what you’ve experienced in other lives and what you have come to know with certainty are the attributes of living that bring you pleasure. You see, you know yourself. You do know what you want. So continue seeking it with passion, with fervor, with all the belief in the world that you can create this. You can create this! Believe in your powers of creation. Draw unto self, by virtue of your own powers of Creation, that which you want. You do not need a partner to create this, but wanting, simply wanting is fine and good. But – no need. You have no need. You have only to want – in order to create.

Now, let us think about the funds that you would like to have. What do you envision?

I have always thought that I needed somebody else to help me create my creations. I have held this belief for my whole life. I still believe it. I still am not sure that I do have all that I need to create total abundance. 

Yes, this is true: you do have all that you need to create your own abundance. You do not need a partner to help you create abundantly. Let us take a moment to do a visualization about abundance:

Imagine yourself lying on a beach. Imagine the uncountable grains of sand around you. And each grain of sand is a penny. And you insert your hands into the sand, like a shovel, and you turn over the sand, and you rub your hands together to feel the sensory grit of the sand, and you feel it in between your toes and on your skin and in your hair and on your clothing. And do you know that if each grain of sand were to manifest in your life as pennies, and if all the grains of sand on the beach were to come into your life as pennies, and all the grains of sand in the ocean in front of you were to come into your life as pennies—then even still your abundance, your true ability to create abundance—would be far greater, far, far greater. You can create all this by your thought. You have only to believe it to make it so, as the water was turned into wine by virtue of understanding the laws of the Universe, which hold that there is free flow of energy, and mind is the builder. Together these two principles are the principles of abundance. So, your abundance is indeed a game of the thinking mind. Examine your thoughts, and put them to work for you. Remember that you are a master creator, as is each human being. You need only to believe it to make it so. 

Thank you! I am loving being reminded of my abundance and my ability to create!

Let us move on to another question. This question is in regards to mind, the thinking mind. What are the thoughts you wish to surround yourself with each day? What do you want to have dancing in your mind?

My mind dances when I am not feeling fear. Fear is a killer. It makes for stop signs everywhere. I want my mind to dance with the confidence and connectedness that true health and vitality of body, mind, and spirit bring. I want to wake up each day with thoughts of the many stimulating things I’ll be doing that day. I want to have thoughts every day of what will bring me joy that day, and what will help me give goodness to the planet. I want to apply myself diligently to making music, and dancing, and playing in my gardens, and playing with my cats, and playing with my friends, and creating things, being a vital creator. I want to wake each day and fall asleep each night with thoughts of all that I can create. I want to remember my dreams. I want to send loving notes to the people I love. I want to think of ways that I can nurture myself and others. I want to think of how I will help change our world, and heal myself and help heal the world. I want to tie in to goodness. I want to be aware of all the scientific discoveries in the world. I want to better understand earth science, and how and why we have come to this point in our evolution. I want to think of traveling, and plan to travel. South America! Spain! Austria! Norway, Denmark! I am excited to travel to see more of this beautiful treasure jewel of the Universe Planet Earth! So these are some of the many things I want to have rolling around in my thinking mind each day. They make me happy and they bring me joy. I see how the mind and the emotions are eternally connected.

Indeed they are connected. Knowing what you want to think, and knowing what you want to feel, are two very important goals to be clear about in your mind. As they merge, you will feel a quickening of the spirit within. As each thought unites with emotion, the Universe expands. See your power of Creation. 

Thank you so much, Angels of my higher self. I look forward to continuing this exploration of my future. In my next post, I would like to explore how the ethical values will help me more readily create what I want. Thank you again.

Saturday, May 11, 2013, 3:55 PM

Dear Angels: I feel like I’m getting caught up in a whirlwind of negativity. I understand that I would not be here if the energy around me were not a match to my own. But I want to climb out of this and find some equilibrium. What do you advise?

Dear L, we know that this kind of energy permeates the planet but there are many corners, many areas, many people who are finding equilibrium, and you, too, can find it.

The first order of business for change is to make the decision that you are not walking down that road—that your intention is to stay centered and focused on what you do want.

To achieve, to attain what we do want is a simple order: write it down. Use your emotion to move into it, your loving emotion, your sense of centeredness. Just get into the energy that you want to feel, and stay with it. Use affirmations, use writing, use thought, use friends, speak of it, want it, know that it is yours, and be there to receive it, expect it, know that it is for you to have. You must put yourself into the energy that you want to feel in order to feel it.

Now, a challenge with all of this is to not focus on what you do not want. Look elsewhere. Look at what you do want. Better yet, find those things that you love in your every moment. Be grateful for every moment. Be happy with what you have. Be simple in your appreciation, or grand in your gratitude, but focus on what is working.

Truly, the game of life is the game of conscious awareness. Become conscious of your thoughts. Become conscious of your feelings. Be aware of what is around you and what you are swimming in energetically in each and every moment. Take a shower. Wash yourself clean of that which does not serve. Swim in the waters that uplift. Know that you can do or be or have that which you want. But – believe that it is yours to have.

Meditation, quiet moments are good to seek. Walk in grace. Walk in that which brings you pleasure. Find, identify that which brings you pleasure, and think of it often. Find the feeling place of happiness.

How did I get into such volatility? I feel uneasy.

Little thoughts add up. You draw unto self that which is a match to your energy. Be aware of the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel. Concentrate on the ethical values. Bring them into focus when you can. Have patience with self. You are learning to adjust energy. It is a magnificent, ongoing learning experience. But when you master it, you will understand that you are far more than just a physical body enduring physical experiences. You will understand that life is for learning and that you can change your energy and thereby change your life. You will understand your divinity and you will understand your ethical values and you will be the spirit consciousness that you are.

Now, be patient with self. Rome was not built in a day. You have eternity to learn. You will never stop learning. It is ongoing and it is sweet because with each glimmer of a lesson learned there is a lightness brought into the countenance. There is a lightening of the being. There is a greater connection to peace. There is happiness. So—believe in your destiny of expansion. It is what the Universe is all about.

Have fun tonight. Believe that what lies ahead is an outgrowth of your thought and emotion. Just pre-pave your future by changing your present. Tell a new story. Feel differently. Give thanks. See beauty. See kindness everywhere. Have compassion. Believe in love. Believe in yourself. You are spirit consciousness having physical experiences for the purpose of learning. Enjoy the learning, make it worthwhile. Live the lessons you’ve learned. Trust that all is as it should be. Know that you live forever. Know that this will pass. Know that you will never die. Know that all the beings are spirit energy and you are cooperating masterfully to learn. Know that you will continue to learn forever because the expansion of the mind is the expansion of the Universe. The Universal Mind encompasses you, enfolds with you, and directs your being. You and mind are one. Enjoy the Unity!

Thank you, Angels. I relish our conversation and I will calm myself.

Friday, May 10, 2013, 11:40 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: I was listening to The Divine Idea talk that Kathy gave some years ago, and I was so drawn to her words about allowing the mind to think its own thoughts instead of forcing it to think by continually asking questions. So I’d like to try this – not asking questions but just allowing my memories of other times and previous lives and simultaneous lives and whatever to come to the fore. I want to experience me in my wholeness, in my unity with All That Is, in peace and in comfort and connectedness. I look for peace. 

Dear L, we are with you. We are always with you. You are one with All That Is and you are also a being unto yourself. And you do indeed have multiple lives, thousands, and you do indeed have simultaneous lives, thousands, and you do indeed have infinity as your energetic heritage and trajectory and is-ness. You exist in multiple dimensions and you think in multiple dimensions as thought is infinite and never starting and never ending. You are part of a stream of consciousness that connects you to All That Is.

Can you imagine just what All That Is – is? All That Is is unfathomable, ineffable and yet it is you, and therefore your mind IS that which IS All That Is. The greatest conundrum of the Universe is how can we be so small as physical beings and yet so big, so expansive, so infinite, so pure in essence that we have no boundaries?

Imagine, then, an atom within you. And this atom is so tiny that it cannot be perceived with the physical senses that you know, and yet it does exist. And there are particles even smaller. And within this atom is the very fractal pattern of the entire Universe. And within that atom the fractal pattern of the Universe is life. Life is the energy that propels this atom to expand and contract into infinity.

And so within you, how many atoms are there? How many opportunities, then, within you are there to expand infinitely? The answer is - there is no number. There is only the understanding that the mind is the radio tower that controls the expansion and contraction of these atoms.

And so imagine, also, that this radio tower has infinite capacity to broadcast. There is not a Pentagon room of mu-metal covered walls to constrain or contain this broadcast. The broadcast of the mind is light, and as light it knows no bounds. It travels beyond and beyond and beyond.

And so you, too, travel beyond, beyond, beyond. Gene Roddenberry was a soul who understood this in a way that others in his day did not. He was a pioneering spirit and he gave images to your people of the potential for the mind and the body and the soul and the spirit to travel into infinite time and space. These thoughts dance in the minds of man because it is time to begin to understand on mass levels that you, as humans, are truly infinite in your capacity to think, to feel, to know, to be, to have, to hold, to live, to breathe, to love, to be with All That Is forever.

Now, let us talk about the Ethical Values of  the Spirit. The Ethical Values of the Spirit are the character colors of your Spirit Consciousness. You are a design of Spirit Consciousness, and as such you have the Ethical Values woven within your very DNA. There is no separation between your Ethical Values and who you truly are.

And yet, as a human your goal, your essence of living is to come to Know Thyself. And so as these Ethical Values are your essential Spirit, they are masked by your intellect, which considers itself supreme. Know that the intellect is not supreme. The intellect is a tool of the soul in its pattern of growth. The intellect has been your guide as you have evolved as humanity.

But now is the time for the intellect to stand aside and make way for the mind of wisdom and the Spirit Consciousness to imbue your lives with the goodness – with the Ethical Values – with the peace of being all that you truly are.

To live in your mind of wisdom you must release your beliefs of old. Release the belief that sex is love. Release the belief that Jesus will save. Release the belief that the man is superior to the woman. Release the belief that all food is good food. Release the belief that life is lived only once. Release all beliefs that tie you to the teachings that were meant to control you.

You see, beliefs are the designs of fear. And fear is what separates you from your true self. Beliefs are fear. You do not need fear. Fear infuses your blood with cortisol. Fear controls the freedom of the mind to think. Fear is the insidious mu metal that does not allow the free flow of thought to be and to travel. As you think, you should travel. Release fear and allow your mind to be free.

So now we ask you to think thoughts of peace. We ask that you allow yourself to join us in our thoughts of peace. Allow your thoughts to dance and to be joyful and to be safe. Your thoughts can heal you and they can heal others and healing is what we do when we evolve. We shed the debris of ancient fears and we don the cloak of truth. In truth, we are All That Is. There is no separation.

So we are grateful that you have asked to join thought with us this evening. Know that you are infinite. This is very important. Know that you are energy, and as such, you are infinite. You are infinite and your brethren are infinite. You are each learning. You are each on a path of expansion and evolution. You are only just beginning. And yet, you, too, are ancient. You are Love. Be the love that you are. You have only to think it to allow it to be so. Love is your healing. Love is the greatest of all Ethical Values. Love encompasses all. You are Love. Know it, feel it, remember it, recite it, play it. Play it again. Play it again. Play it again. Love, love, love. Go to sleep and know that you are Love.

We bid you goodnight. Thank you for listening.

Thank you, Angels. I will sleep well, I am sure. Good night.

Saturday, April 20, 2013, 1:04 PM

Dear Angels: I had a dream last night about J – about how we communicated with openness about “what happened,” and it was a great dream. I woke up knowing that I need, well, want to write to him to explain what I feel. I want understanding. Can you help me find some words to use or a stance that I might take when I write so that I speak with respect and value and appreciation for how we have come to this point and how I might more readily create with him what I want?

Yes, we can help you in these regards. Let us start by asking you what it is that you want with J. What is it, more pertinently, that you want within yourself?

I want within myself to feel accepted and honored for who I am. I want to feel love and total acceptance of self. I want to feel joy and appreciation for everyone in my life. I want to feel that I am always in the right place and solid and sturdy even if the ground is shaking. I want to feel the purpose of growth. I want to feel the sweetness of excelling in my soul’s advancement. I want to feel my spirit energy coming to the fore with each thought in my brain and each word that I utter. I want to feel in tune, total atunement, to growth and awareness and kindness and compassion. I want to know that I am far beyond the fear behaviors that preceded where I am today. I want with J to reflect all of these attributes so that I uplift, only uplift. I want to be an uplifter.

Then this you shall be. Keep upliftment in the forefront of your mind. When you awaken each day, tell yourself that you are an uplifter. Ask for your soul and spirit to guide you in embracing the energy stream of upliftment. Know that this is who you are. Get into the emotional feeling place of being an uplifter. What does it feel like?

It feels joyful. It feels freeing. It feels uplifting! I feel as light as a feather when I feel that I am an uplifter because it just feels good. Weight is gone. I am free, free to dance and free to move. No weight, no holds. Happy.

Keep these ever in mind. Return to them frequently. Remind yourself of who you really are. For to BE who you really are in mind, emotions and senses is to live the truth of self. You are all that you have ever wanted to be, at your core. And yet as you live life, you give yourself experiences that will allow you to recognize consciously the spirit energy that connects you to your Creator and to each of your fellows on Earth. You are each body, thoughts, emotions and senses. “Come to your senses” by knowing that you are each spirit. This phrase is so apt.

Now, let us talk about J again. J has served for you as a bellwether of your mentality and your disposition in relation to the events of your life. For you and J both, you were not meant in your own intentions to stay together and to be a united front in the physical world. But you have pledged to support one another in all that you do at these junctures when reflection is most needed. See the perfection of this commitment, for it is a commitment. You see, there is more to commitment than signing a piece of paper in blood. Commitment is an ethical value of the spirit and as such it transcends the physical limitations of your world. You will never know what physical limitations are until your soul and spirit view your life from the vantage of “freedom forever.” This is to say that you are as a human a free soul and spirit. You are not bound by the restrictions of the physical world. You are not bound by physicalities. You are connected, all, to All That Is, and as such you do have freedom of choice, freedom of will and freedom of intention. These are essential aspects of your being. 

So how do you express these aspects of your being? Do you choose to see your world in the light of love? Do you have the will to honor this choice by living a life of love? Do you honor your choice by having the intention of creating for yourself the life you have imagined?

If so, then you can see in the light ahead what is possible with J. You can see that you can create what you have imagined with him. What is it that you imagine?

I would like for us to have the sweetness of knowing that we love. 

You do already have this. And yet, do you resist it?

Yes, I do. It has been easier to be angry and frustrated than to acknowledge the greater truth.

Yes, it is easy to follow established patterns. But you can change these patterns if you exercise your will. Use loving words when you speak. Use thoughts that make you feel good. Reach for the better-feeling thoughts. Reach for that which feels good. And honor your progress. Congratulate yourself with the good feeling of knowing that you are one step higher on the ladder of life. 

In truth, life is not a ladder but a series of spirals, spiraling into infinity. You have known each other before; you will know each other again. Have faith in All That Is.

Thank you, Angels. I want to write the letter. I will be thinking positive thoughts and keeping in mind that I have the option to be whatever I want to be.
Know, L, that J cares for you deeply. He is who he is and you are who you are. There is no need for anger at this. There is only appreciation, that is, if you understand that you are connected always. Release the beliefs of antiquity that spell out the behaviors of revenge and competition and punishment and expectation. Allow the Universe to give you what it has in abundance—the only thing that it has at all, really: Love. All else is a conjecture of fear. Let in the Universal light and know that you and J are spirit energies that intertwine for the purpose of growth. There is nothing left to resent and there is a great deal to appreciate—a Universe to appreciate and to allow into your frame of reference. All will be well if you see the ubiquitous wellness of life. It is your choice to allow it its full range of expression.

We are with you in our thoughts as we know we are with you in your thoughts. See our harmony and feel the expansiveness of your world. All is well. 

Thank you very much for being with me.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 9:54 PM

Dear Angels: It is a quiet night at home. I’ve been thinking for days, weeks about E and how I might best help her get through this tough time of depression and anxiety and confusion about her directions in life. Can you give me guidance on how to be all that I can be to her as well as to myself?

As always, we are here to help. We are here to guide you and to give you a glimpse of what non-physical reality perceives of physical reality. You see, your physical reality is so different from our non-physical “world.” In your physical world, you have bodies that concern you; you have physical responsibilities and chores and jobs and “things to do,” places to be, money to make, etc.

For us in the non-physical world, there is no rush, there is no time, there is to urgency, there is no fear or hate or mistrust or “must-dos.” There is love here, there is hope, faith, trust, patience, goodness. We are peaceful beings. But we are beings. We do have consciousness. We do have purpose. We do have intention. And so you see, we are much like you, and yet we prune out the fuss and muss. We do not need bodies for learning.

But for you, the body is not only the temple of the soul, it is the vehicle for your learning. So you must respect, honor, value and appreciate what you have come to learn. For you and E, the lessons are different, but there are junctures of connection, and in this instance regarding what you seek guidance with, you are joining each other in learning certain lessons.

For you, L, this is a time when the compassion of a mother comes to the fore. You cannot see your child hurting inside and not feel some sense of shared pain. And yet, you must try, because to see the healing and the essential being that she is in her perfection is to give energy to that which truly is rather than to give energy to that which truly is not.

In our highest self, we are the perfection of self that we were created to be. E is a being of perfection, as you are, as all humans are, as all beings are. We were created in the image of perfection of our Creator.

So – see E in this light. See the perfection. See the trajectory. See the essence. To focus on less is to give energy to that which is an illusion of the physical mind.

This is not to say that the suffering of anyone is not real to them. It is, and this is what makes for suffering. But the physical dimension is a conjecture, a shared conjecture established over an uncountable period of time. 500 billion years ago you began in the big bang. You evolved as a consciousness. You created physical matter. Your thought created dimensionality. You agree as a mass consciousness on this reality. But – this does not mean that it is the reality of all dimensions.

So see the dimension of health and well-being in you both. Be joyful for the whole being that you are and that E is. Be ecstatic for the promise of healing and the energy of healing as it may sweep over you and her in waves, in blessings, in reality. You are both whole beings. See it and believe it and it shall be so.

For E, this is a time of coming to understand more about the nature of chemicals and how we as humans are chemical beings. We thrive when the chemicals of us and of our world—which we are a cell within the body of—are harmonious. E is learning about the chemical nature of the human body and it is an exciting phase of learning because she is understanding more her power. Within each of us is the power to heal. What has evolved can devolve. What has been created can be uncreated. What has been given birth to can pass away. There is no stasis is health; there must be change. So E is seeing change, and change is by its very nature infinitely exciting. To see change and to feel change is to know that the powers of the universe are in good working order, and that life is moving, AS IT SHOULD.

Now, a challenge for you both is to stay out of judgment. E’s path is E’s path and truly it is a beautiful path that she has asked you to join her in walking in this life. But still, it is her path of choosing, and so therefore be gentle and kind and resort not to pressure or control, for these energies will not produce the outcomes that you truly seek.

Another challenge for you both is to be joyful. Appreciate the lessons that you have chosen to embrace, and see them as gifts from your soul. Look at the marvelous lessons you are learning.

But how do I encourage her to be responsible and to assume more responsibility?

This lesson can be learned more passively than actively at this time. She has this time of low pressure in her life and she is absorbing the energy of enthusiasm and exuberance that she sees within you for your job. She is learning from what she sees. Be patient and know that each day for her is a time of gain. She is making progress.

Thank you—I do see that, and I see the marvelous care that her caregivers are giving her. I am grateful and delighted, but I guess impatient at what seems a lackadaisical attitude.

Perhaps the attitude seems that way now, but as the fog lifts, so will the spirits. Be patient and be there for her if she needs you. But the best way to deal with this is to live your life as you wish, to find your own joy, and know that your joy will always carry into the world for others to feel. And their joy is for you to feel. It is reciprocal. So just be a joy-hunter. Look under every rock and in every crevice for joy. Find it in other people. Find it in your pets. Find it in books and in your media. Find it in music and in poetry. Find it in your clothing. Find it in the song you sing. Find it in your mind and on your breath when you awaken and when you go to sleep. Let the seeking of joy be your sole purpose in life. And you will be amazed the joy that comes to you. You will be astonished at the absolute potency and perfection of the Law of Attraction. You will be delighted beyond measure because you will know with absolute certainty that life is for living with joy and anything less we must examine in the context of “what have I created, and why.” YOU are responsible for your joy. Wait not for it to come to you as a result of your plaintive prayers being answered. Rather, seek it out with verve and vigor, and stop not for a moment until you feel it in your soul. And then, THEN you will understand that joy only comes when you seek it out.

Life is for learning. This has always been true. The philosophers of the ages have spoken of this forever. So understand that if life is for learning, then your guiding spirit must present you with opportunities to learn. You can support E in this great opportunity she has to learn, trusting that her inner guidance is taking her in perfect directions. Trust that your guidance is doing the same. There is nothing “wrong” with learning. Illness, in and of itself, is a perfect vehicle for learning.

You see, you are feeling the joy as E begins to feel more joy. Life is working for her as it is for you. You see the happiness that she feels tonight because life is changing and she feels the thrust of change. Change is the healing energy of spirit consciousness. We must change to learn, and we must learn to change. Change is the blessing of evolution. We are thankful for all that changes.

Now, sleep well tonight knowing that all is proceeding as it should and that you and E are united in the joy of change. She is part of your joy and you are part of hers. Trust in your unity and know that all is as it should be at this time.

Thank you so much. I see the truth of what you say and I do feel the joy of change within me and within E. It is a great joy to see happiness within her and to see her eyes sparkle. So very happy to see the sparkle. Good night and thanks again.

Thursday, February 21, 2013, 10:04 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: I know I’ve broached the issue of getting a new house and my sense of need to do it asap to protect my cats – and I hear in my head the importance of being patient and being excited and focusing on what I do want, etc. etc. But I’m feeling the urgency again as Ozma was attacked and the cats are just vulnerable. I try to think differently for the sake of focusing on what I do want. Can you guide me in keeping my thoughts focused in the directions that will most readily create the changes I seek? 

Yes, we can help guide you in these directions. We are here to guide because we are coming from a place of understanding more objectively the laws that govern the manifestations of reality in your physical domains. Manifestational realities are what your lives are about as humans: you think, and therefore you ARE. Do you understand this phrase? On one level, it simply means that because you can think you can be aware that you exist. But on a higher level it refers to the greatest law in the Universe: the Law of Attraction, which states that that which is like unto itself is drawn. You see, “as you think, so you create, and as you create, that is what you ARE,” meaning that is what you manifest.

So the challenge for us, you, all, is to be AWARE, to be cognizant of the thoughts of the thinking mind. To be cognizant of what you are thinking, use your emotions as your guide. What are you feeling? Are you feeling fear? Are you feeling fear that your pets are in danger, and that you NEED refuge, and that further attacking is imminent, and that disaster forebodes, and that you must act OR ELSE? You see, these are all fears, and you can know that they are within you because as you are motivated by what has gone “wrong,” you create from a place of lack. You draw that which is like itself unto itself.

So truly your challenge, as ever, is to banish fear. Meditate each day. Calm the mind. Draw unto the mind the wonderful, comforting thoughts that are at the surface waiting to be thought, waiting to be tapped, waiting to be lived.

You can live them. Make a point in each and every moment to think of that which you want in joy. What do you want in joy?

I want a beautiful, cozy new home for me and the cats and Erica when she wants and where friends can visit and where I can have a garden and a safe place for my kitties to roam and be kitties. I want to smell fresh air and dig my hands in the dirt and be active and feel safe and sound and be near my job and near my family and friends, with my artwork around me and the beautiful colors of those things, things that I treasure, couch, bed, kitchen, boxes—my things that I like and love. I want to be surrounded by them and nature and I can feel it inside and it does feel good. I know it is there for me. I know it is there for me.

Yes, indeed, it is there. Keep up the encouragement. Keep up the faith. Keep up the supportive thoughts and send love to Lars because he feels left out. He wants to be a part of the group but he has not learned how to make friends. He reacts from instinct and he just doesn’t know much better. So you can help teach him by sending to him the visualizations of peace and harmony. He will see these images and the more you send them with faith and trust, the more readily you will see him relaxing and absorbing the energy that he does not yet trust – the energy of other animals that are “trespassing” in his perceived domain. He is doing what animals oft do: protect, ensure survival, attack as needed with no further thought, and let life be life.

Thank you very much for these thoughts. I hadn’t been thinking of how Lars might be feeling.

Lars does trust you and this is your ace in the hole.

Now, let us talk for a moment about the peace of the soul. Within you you have peace and trust. These are elements of who you inherently are. But you must, like Lars, allow them to come to the fore. As you are living your fears, Lars, too, is living his, as are the other cats, and your mom. 

You are together in this little dance of learning the impact of fear.

Now, the animals have natural fears, but they are instinctive. For the human, the fears have served their purpose in advancing the expanding mind, but they can be done with at this time in your evolution. You may – release them into the ethers. Imagine them as grains of sand in the ocean. Imagine them so plentiful that they are more numerous than the stars in all the skies of this Universe. Imagine that these fears are born of man’s ignorance. Imagine that they are beautiful. Imagine the grains of sand as fears being washed over by the waters of salt and sea. The sands of fear slowly erode. Over millennia they wear down because they become soft and porous and gentle to the skin, and they dissipate. They are gone.

And so it is in the mind of man where the fears have lived: the fears lose their potency and then they wash away as though they never existed. This is your story. This is the story of fear and the story of how it comes to an end.

So you may make a wish to see the sands of fear subside and then wash away. Make this wish each day. Make it each moment. Wish for love, and wish for peace. Wish for harmony. Wish for all goodness to wash over you and wish for joy to be replete in your heart.

You will find the home you seek with glee, a home for your kitties. You will join friends here. You will plant a garden. You will commune with nature. You will be proximate to those you love. You will thrive.

Let go of the fear of time passing you by. You are timeless. Your world is timeless. There is no time that will impact you in your spirit self. You are eternal and as such you never die.

So have faith and trust in your now, in your past and in your future. All points converge in this moment, your point of power. Believe in your now for it is truly all you have. 

And it lasts forever.


Thank you so much! I am joyful and always delighted with what you share. Good night!

Good night, sleep tight.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 11:18 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: Happy new year. Well, it is February already and – I have some questions on the burner. I have been thinking a lot about C and also about J and I am wanting to reach a quiet place of resolution about the roles they’ve played in my life and about my own ability to gently release attachment. I feel so motivated to move forward in my evolution and I feel that these two men have served these purposes well, but I would like to let go. Can you give me guidance on the best ways, the most effective ways, to send them from my thoughts of consternation, with love and kindness and appreciation?

Yes, we can help you. We can help you understand that you do indeed have the power within you to create any change you wish in your life. This change can be a mental change, it can be a physical change, it can be an emotional change, and it can be a spiritual/sensory change. It can be all of these changes at once. In truth, all change takes place in multiple dimensions, but – you are wishing to be consciously aware of the changes to reap maximum reward.

So let us, then, talk about how to be conscious of the changes. To release an attachment, and do it consciously, simply consciously want to release the attachment. As you want to release the attachment, you begin to shore up your desire with conscious action in your heart and mind. Believe that the change is possible and have a positive emotional connection to releasing the desire. Proceed happily in the direction of that which you want.

So what is it that you do want? What are you wishing for?

I am wishing for a heart filled with love at every turn. I am wishing to be filled with optimism and hope and good cheer and never a thought of resentment or bitterness.

Then focus on what you want. Focus on the change that you aim for. Think, feel the wonderful feelings of what you’ve described. Think of how you feel when you touch a baby’s hand, or when you are dancing happily, or when you are looking in your daughter’s eyes, or when you are laughing with your mother, or when you are in the company of your family members that you cherish. Think of being in the warm sun on a beach with the vast ocean kissing your feet. Think of the clear night sky on a summer’s evening, when the warm air swirls around you and makes your mind tingle with appreciation. Think of the best meals you’ve ever had, prepared with loving hands and shared with those who have assembled for the privilege and joy of sharing company and repast. Think of climbing a mountain in Austria with your loved ones, seeing the magnificent vista of greenery and preserved nature and a cold cold beer awaiting you inside the kitchen. Think of all that has ever brought you joy and pleasure and a sense of connection with All That Is. And then resurrect these feelings—the sensory memories, the knowings, the comforts, the peace, the sense of all being right, all being perfect. And this, this will draw unto you all that you wish for, all that you strive for, all that you believe is yours to have in your mind of certainty.

Now, let us talk for a moment about certainty. When you made the choices to come into relationships with C and J, you knew in certainty in your soul and spirit that these relationships would serve you immensely well in your path to growth. The soul does not take on that which will not serve because the soul’s agenda is advancement—even if the advancement is a devolution, which it can indeed be. But for you in these relationships, the learning was, has been, profound. And therefore there is no loss; there is only gain. Once again, only gain.

So be proud, feel grateful and thankful for the gifts of growth that you have engaged in with C and J.

And as you give appreciation for the gains, you will see that there is no need to “let go” or banish or make anything go away. In fact, to wish away is to ask that which is wished away to draw nigh, for it is the Law of Attraction that takes the objects of your attention and brings them closer to be seen.

So your challenge, your goal in this endeavor is to simply look at what you do want, not at what you do not want. Look at the night sky and want it. Look at all the beauties that surround you, and Want Them. Want them with gusto and certainty. And then sit back and enjoy the ride, for there is nothing further to wish for once the wish has been wished. The Universe has heard you. Now your job is to relish your moments, each moment, and believe in your destiny.

And for what it’s worth, you can rest assured that C and J will always hold you very dear, very dear indeed. They are your soul mates, and as for C, he is your twin soul. You are one. Trust in your innate being.

Thank you, Angels. This is very helpful. I want to be an uplifter. I want to be comfortable in my own skin. I want to be happy at all times. I want to know myself and be an ethical, spiritual being. I want to be all that I can be in body, mind, heart and spirit. Thank you forever more for guiding me and sharing your wisdom with me. I am grateful and very happy that you are a part of me.

We are indeed a part of you and we come to Man and to Earth and to each soul who is open to us to share what we have learned. We are in symbiosis as you on Earth give us the pleasure of sharing in expanding our Universe. We, too, are grateful. Good night.

Good night. Thanks again.