Monday, December 31, 2012, 12:00 AM

Dear Angels: This is the last day of the year. I’ve been thinking about how I would like to establish some major goals for myself for the new year. There are changes I’d like to make and new ways of being that I’d like to BE. Could you give me some guidance and help me write my resolutions?

Yes, we can help you in these regards. Writing resolutions and goals for the new year is an excellent way to end one year and begin a new year because you are defining for yourself that which you want to BE – that which you want to DO – that which, in essence, you truly ARE but – have not fully recognized. So, writing goals and carrying them out is a way to recognize, acknowledge that which you ARE and that which you are BECOMING. Indeed, the two are one because in spirit there is no time. You are at all times all that you ever have been and ever will be. And yet, you are eternally expanding. This is the paradox of the HIGHER UNIVERSAL MANA – spirit consciousness – that you are. You are perpetually in a state of becoming, and you are perpetually always that which you will always be. Remember that as a soul and spirit, you are dual. You are light, you are dark. You are love and you are fear as you are living on your descending side. Now is the time of ascension. And this is where your goals come in. You have goals to ascend with. This is good, very very good. Let us address these goals.

First and foremost there is the goal of loving self. To love self is always the highest goal because to love self is to acknowledge the spirit consciousness that you truly are. You see, as humans you have not understood your direct connection to your Creator. Your Creator is the master spirit consciousness. The god consciousness is the creative energy within you and it is your guiding light. So – acknowledge the spirit that is you by understanding that it is love – pure, blessed, unadulterated, divine, total love. This is YOU. Do you realize how great you are? “How great thou art”? These words were uttered by man to a perceived external deity, but in fact the words acknowledge an understanding within the soul of man that it is his own dual soul and spirit that is great. You see, you ARE that which the Creator IS. So – to love self is to understand that you and the Creator are one. You were born of the Creator, and you create as the Creator did and does and evermore WILL. Be love. Seek love. Forevermore know that you are love.

Now, the second goal for the new year is to love your brother as yourself. This is the second commandment, no? These two commandments must always be first because they are the basis of all else that maps the way to elevating the consciousness. You see, when you acknowledge the greatness and love in your kindred beings, you acknowledge it in yourself. You see the unity of your beings. You feel the compassion for that which your brother experiences. You understand that you, too, have been in those shoes. You understand that you are basically one and the same. You are chips off the old block. You are apples fallen not far from the tree. You are family. You know the ropes. You swim in the same sea. You see eye to eye. You float each other’s boats. You dream together. You believe in each other. You are one, you and anyone else. You are all children of the same Creator, and together you inhabit this most magnificent of all worlds as you angle your way up the ladder of consciousness. Your destiny is illumination. Your light will always be the light of love, as it does indeed shine for each person, each Higher Universal Mana that seeks to see it. Seek the light, and see it in the eyes of your fellow man. Within him and within you are all the answers.

Now, as you come to better understand the beautiful path of love as it is shared, you may realize more fully the joys of living life. And so make a pact with yourself to experience joy, full joy, in all that you do. Life is truly meant to be joyful. And within you, you have the capacity to feel joy and to see joy in the world around you. Look for joy. Know that it has a life and energy of its own, and that it seeks expression in each and every human. It seeks a home in your heart because it knows its natural place. So embrace the joy that seeks to unite within you. Believe that it is yours. And in EACH AND EVERY MOMENT OF LIVING, seek nothing less than pure joy. Make this your third goal.

And the fourth – it is related, because it is to be grateful for that which you have. Imagine if you can that you are an earthworm, wiggling through the soil, a rich soil permeated with moisture and minerals and tiny things to eat that fill you with nourishment. You have life. You have the experience of the physicality. You have prospects for acquisition. You have sunlight. You have rain. You have the pleasure of existence! And what more could you ask for, as an earthworm? But then, you are a human, with vastly vastly enriched experiences. You have sexuality, you have sensuality, you have masterful sensory awareness, you have a dual soul that thinks and emotes. You have companions. You have loves. You can learn. You can read. You can see stars in the sky. You can touch the hand of the one you love. You can sing. You can make the most beautiful music. You can write. You can communicate. You can arch your back and stretch and feel your bones lifting excitedly and your organs beating and pulsing with a richness of life that is uncommon in the universe because the human body is so masterfully created and so rich with potential. Yes, yes, these are your gifts. These are what you have been given. And each day you may awake and feel them again and again and again. Yes, yes, there is so much to be grateful for. There is no dearth of gratitude that may be felt and expressed for the magnificent gift of simply being alive on this planet, with the potential to live another day.

And as you live each new day, you may seek to learn. Seek to expand the mind because it is through the expanding mind that the dual soul elevates itself to new levels. You see, as an emotional being you are complete. You have all the emotions you will ever need – the loving emotions. They are already within you and you may express them to the nines. But the mind – the mind seeks expansion. This is the part of you that is BECOMING. So, you seek knowledge to fill the mind so that the mind can grow in its comprehension of self. Who are you, who, who, who who? Who are you? Do you know who you are? Do you know from whence you came? Do you know why you are here, living this life? Do you know your purpose? Do you know what you are made of and how it all works in perfect harmony? You were created in perfect harmony. So – it is for you to explore the vast domain of knowledge about SELF. Your greatest creative task is to come to understand who you are. Seek knowledge. Seek knowledge. Ever commit to exploring your body, your mind, your emotions and your spirit. These comprise your quadrivium. They are who you are. Make your life’s goal the goal of understanding self, because when you understand yourself, you will truly understand all that is. A very worthy goal.

And as you gain this knowledge, know that you can put it to work. Therefore, you may make this your sixth goal: create magnificent creations. Believe in your power to create. Did you know that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that you cannot create? Did you know that you, like your “father in heaven,” can create universes? If you can create universes, then imagine what you can create in one life on the Earth. You have such great potential that you would be amazed, truly, truly amazed to know what you can create. So begin today! Begin each day. Believe in your power of creation and make it real. Make your goal the fulfillment of creative energy. What do you want to create? Make lists, more lists, more lists. Every day make a list of what you want to create and then go about creating it! Why, this is the most exciting goal because you ARE a creator and to create brings divine happiness and joy. Do you know that when the Creator created his children, the joy he felt was so great that it is what fuels the continuing expansion of the universe? Yes, you, you are bringing joy to the Creator, because you are part of the awesome awesome energy of God. You are of the Creator and you will ever expand with the Creator. So – waste no time in fulfilling your destiny. Each day, create create create. And love your creations as the Creator eternally loves his creations.

To create efficiently, one must make a commitment to finding the physical time. So you may make your seventh resolution one that organizes your day in such a way that you allow yourself time for your creations, time to create. Organization, you know, is an ethical value. It is a value that acknowledges that the universe is structured in perfection, and if you want to work within that perfection, then you organize your thoughts and actions accordingly. I will give you an example. Imagine for a moment that you are in a classroom. Within that classroom you have a teacher and you have desks and chairs and students and a chalkboard and books and cubbies and happy drawings on the walls. The room is clean and tidy because this is the structure that allows for learning and creativity. And the teacher asks the students to begin their work. And the students do this in a variety of ways. There is one student who leaves his pens and pencils strewn about, and he is not so diligent in setting into his task. There is another student who keeps his writing instruments in a single place, and his paper in a single place, and his dictionary in an accessible place. And when it is time to begin, this student makes good headway. He is organized and he is ready to perform the tasks. So for you, you can organize your time and your instruments of creation in such a way as to respect, value and appreciate the beauty of your task and of your imagination. The two will marry. This is what creativity is: it is the marriage of your inspiration with your commitment to fulfilling that which you imagine. Be organized as you go about your creative expression.

Now, your eighth goal? Your eighth goal is to feel freedom. Boxes are meant to control and contain. But for the human creative spirit, you do not want a box; you want a cannon. You want to feel the freedom to traject yourself in any direction at any point, without restraint. As a dual soul and spirit, you have no boundaries. There are no guard rails in your eternal life. You do have infinite freedom. Believe in this freedom and understand that it, too, is an ethical value – a primary ethical value in that it colors so much else in your life. When you wake up each day, ask yourself what freedom will bring you this day, and what can you bring to freedom? There is an equal exchange, that is, you allow freedom to enter your soul, and you understand that as you express freedom and live it as an energy in your actions, you in effect add to the Universe’s store of freedom. Isn’t this a marvelous concept? You add to the Universe just by living an energy. So – feel freedom. Ask for more. Help another person to feel it. Do not control. Allow free expression. There is a universe for you. You are not limited. Know that you are limitless. Think big. And think freely.

Now, we are winding down with the resolutions. Two remain. What shall we have as these resolutions? To honor friends? To be of service to humankind? To be kind to every man? To respect the human body? Yes, to respect the body is imperative. The body is the temple of the soul. The body is your vehicle. It is your transportation through life. It is your creative work. It is a masterpiece. How do you maintain this exquisite masterpiece? Do you ply it with sugar? Do you overuse it? Do you subject it to abuse, expecting it to rebound instantly? Do you treat it as a temple with reverence and outright appreciation? Do you honor it for the divine inspiration that gave it birth? Do you revere every breath that is taken? Do you put only the most blessed and balanced food into it? Do you breathe fully the spirit consciousness that is you? Do you sleep peacefully each night, knowing that you are restoring your little miracle for another day’s service? Do you sing its praises at every turn, appreciating the gift of life you have been given? Do you honor it with truth, speaking only truth as truth is the only energy that can restore it? What is the truth of the human body? It is YOU. You created your temple for your unique purposes in this life. As you honor your truth, you create a field of love around you. Be equal to this love and this truth, for it is you.

And now, what is your tenth resolution? This tenth resolution shall remain the one that you make each day when you awaken: make this day count! Make each day your very best day. Make this day the brightest jewel in your treasure box of life. This day – no matter if the sun shines or not, no matter if the clouds cover the sky – this day is YOURS. It is your gift to you. What will you make of it? Live your day with the gusto and the verve that makes you smile. Understand that others cannot dampen your spirit. They do not have this power. You make your day that which you wish. Believe in YOUR POWER. You have been given that power. Now is the time to live it.

So, these are your ten resolutions. They are wonderful! You will enjoy life to the fullest as you live these happy resolutions. From the angels to the humans to the cherubim to the gods to all the energies of life in the universe, we are all connected. We are ONE! Hear ye, hear ye: we are all one. Let us work together to expand the universe. This is our destiny. Let us fulfill it with joy.

Thank you for listening to our words. We are grateful. We are one. We are on the road of expansion. Go in joy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 10:08 PM

Dear Angels: I’ve been mulling over a relationship fluctuation or change that came about last week and I’m wondering whether I acted with my ethical values intact. What are some ethical values that I lived in that exchange? How could I have done better? Did I do the right thing in “breaking up”?

Always, always when a relationship change is being considered, the question one might most suitably ask oneself is—am I feeling joy in this exchange? Am I feeling joy in this relationship? Why am I here, truly? What am I gaining that enriches my soul? Am I judging or am I loving? Am I caring or am I in fear?

For most people, the answers are a mixed bag. You see, relationships are rarely simple things—that is, the relationships that vex us are rarely simple. But keep in mind that they are always, always, without exception images of our own self that we are showing ourself.

So you might also ask yourself, “What am I seeing in this other person that I do not like in myself?—if in fact you are wanting to leave the relationship out of discomfort.

For you in this case, it is true that you saw some attributes that you do not like in self. You saw the television viewing that you do not like to acknowledge in self. You saw the poverty consciousness that you do not like in self. You saw the playing-the-field persona that you do not like in self. Whatever you perceived that brought you discomfort, these are attributes in self that you rebel against.

Now, there is nothing to be ashamed of or offput about. To accept that we see self in the face of every other person is a big concept to embrace. This flies in the face of what we are taught and what we generally understand. Even to logically embrace the concept does not mean that it is easy to emotionally grasp. It is much easier to judge another person than it is to judge self.

And in truth, let us not judge at all. Let us not judge another man; let us not judge self. For in judging there is the schism of fear that is created. When we judge, we take ourselves away from the unity and brotherhood of man to the divided and conquered mentality, with winners, losers and all manner of loss thereof.

We are one as humans. We have all been where others are now. We will someday be where others are now that we aspire to be like. It is fine to see what we want and begin to embrace the qualities, but – we needn’t judge. Judging is an act of fear and it has no place in a spiritual environment.

So, angels, how do I rectify this? I did judge and I concluded and I perhaps lost a friend. And yet, I was forthright and I thought I was kind. It is hard to sort out these things…

To rectify, you work from your center of love. You surround your thoughts with love and kindness and you change your energy. Come back to a center of love and project this to your friend and have faith that the Universe will bring to you that which you convey. And when you speak with your friend, speak with a gentleness of spirit. Speak from the heart and from your understanding that the essence of your relationship is love, an agape love that sees the beauty of the other and acknowledges the perfection of the lesson you are both learning.

Now, when you are contacted by your friend, you do not need to explain in great detail the workings of your spiritual quest for understanding. But you might convey your sensitivity and your hope that the friendship can be not only preserved but protected and appreciated for the benefits that it incurs both of you. He will understand because he is working on similar challenges, and your words can be a comfort.


Thank you, Angels. This satisfies me. I will see him tomorrow night and I will envision a comfortable connection. I really do care for him. He has been a fellow traveler, winding in and out of my life for many years. I’m sure our souls are very familiar with each other. It’s a good feeling.

Yes, it is always a good feeling with the soul touches another soul who is known from soul history and for whom the promise of return is evident. You have a gentle pledge of friendship. This is always good to preserve.

Thanks again. I bid you goodnight.


Sunday, December 2, 2012, 9:11 PM

Dear Angels: I’d like to talk with you about the formula for change that I learned from Kathy Oddenino: commitment, communication, cooperation and compassion. These are beautiful ideas and I love it that there actually is a pattern that can help me and others make the changes that we want to make. Can you talk more about them? There are a few changes, well, lots of changes! that I’d like to make, starting with spending less time on frivolities and more time on projects that I want to get done—projects that will be good for my soul and spirit.

Yes, we can help you better understand the formula for change. It is indeed a beautiful pattern that anyone can use to help them make the kinds of changes they feel they need some assistance with making. Patterns are good for this--patterns that are fractals in that they magnify and expand to any degree and still maintain the integrity of the design. You can always use the formula for change in any situation. It matters not whether your intended change is small or big or in-between or “inconsequential” or extremely important to you. The formula for change applies to all.

So let us start at the very beginning. In the beginning when the Creator created All That Is, the Creator had an image of what he wanted to do. The Creator knew that he wanted companionship. The Creator knew that he wanted the companions to be images of self, but free so that the interest and the learning would always be present. And so the Creator made a commitment to that which he created. He made a commitment to self as well. And the Commitment was to always be present and to always be a part of that which was created, to love it and to cherish it for all eternity. This was the first commitment of all eternity. And it is still the greatest.

And for each of us, this pattern of commitment is the beginning of the formula for change because it was the beginning of the formula for change for the Creator. The formula is, then, a part of you, of each human. It is a formula that is woven into the very DNA that is the pattern of your life. So many patterns! And they are all connected.

So when you want to make a change in your life, you first make a commitment to that change. Think of the change as a part of you, like the Creator’s children are a part of the Creator. Your change is indeed a part of you because it is born of your thought and it will expand proportionally to the thought and ENERGY that you continue to give it. In your case, Linda, you may wish to make a commitment to spend some portion of each day in quiet meditation. You may wish to make a commitment to spend some portion of each day writing and reflecting and communicating with yourself, your Higher Self. You make a commitment and this commitment becomes an energy that flows from you because you are CREATING! You are creating change. You are expanding who you are. You are becoming something new. It is a very exciting thing to make a commitment because it is indeed a promise to be MORE than you were a moment earlier. You expand with your commitment.

Now, as part of the commitment there is the energy of communication. You see, communication is the next natural step after making a commitment: you communicate with yourself to reinforce the decision you made to change, your commitment to change. You communicate to yourself that this is a change that you want, that will serve you well, that will bring you things and events and feelings and emotions and tangible items that you want. You tell yourself that this change has value, great value, even if it is only a simple change. It is a change you want, a change you seek and therefore it is a very worthy change. Remember that you are a creator, a fractal pattern of The Creator. That which you create is a creation of the Creator too, because you are born of the Creator. That which you create stems from that which the Creator created. This is how eternity unfolds.

So, the Creator, too, communicated with his creations and with himself, herself—for indeed a creation is an act of male and female uniting energetically and dawning that which is new. The Creative Energy of All That Is is a female energy. The female is the Divine Creator. So the Creator communicated to the children that were born of the Commitment, and in doing so the Creator communicated with Self as well. And in these communications the Creator made it known that this commitment would be honored for all of eternity. There would be no equivocation. The commitment would be and IS, ALWAYS, steadfast. You are the commitment, and your communication abilities are in fact a fractal pattern of the Creator’s communication with self. See the connection? You are both, you are all, ALL THAT IS. In knowing that you are ALL THAT IS, know beyond a shadow of doubt that you have all that you need (just as the Creator did) to honor your commitment. To communicate about your commitment is to honor your decision.

Speak with self; write; talk with friends; make notes; make little surprises for yourself; tuck your commitment in your pillow or in your purse or tape it to a mirror; communicate ad infinitum about your change. Love it for the new you that it is a part of. Relish the change and believe in its worth. Believe in YOUR worth. You are, as a creation of the Creator, infinitely worthy. 

Now we move to another aspect in the formula for change: cooperation. Cooperation is an ethical value. It is a value that guides you in making decisions in the moment that will support you and others in working together. It is a value of harmony. It is a value of unity. It is a value of joy because when you are cooperating, you have ease and patience and trust and faith that all will be well.

So to cooperate with your change, you make sure that you create in your physical reality the energies that will support you in doing what you’ve made a commitment to do. If your commitment is to spend more time working on the projects that you want to accomplish, then you cooperate with that commitment by setting aside time to do the projects. You be sure to get out of bed when it is time so that you allow yourself time to do the work. You make sure that you prioritize your activities. You consciously write what the priorities are. Read the list again and again. You attend the meetings that are relevant. You set aside money if that is related. You cooperate by establishing support systems that will gird your commitment in the physical world and in your mind and in your heart.

When the Creator created the souls and all of creation, the Creator never stopped finding ways to make the system work better and better. The Creator experimented with the chemicals in myriad fashions, creating magnificent, exquisite realities that would allow the Creations—you!—to flourish more readily. The Creator cooperated with his commitment and there is no stopping of this cooperation. The Creator Creates ever still. This is why there is eternity. This is why infinity is a reality. Infinity is the infinite cooperation of the Creator. You are infinite by virtue of the Creator’s cooperation with his own Creation, his own commitment, his own Divine Commitment to you and to All That Is to forever provide Creation for you to live within, to thrive within.

You, as the Creation, can do the same because you are a fractal pattern of the Creator. You cooperate with your commitments by knowing that a commitment is a creation of total and unequivocal merit, no matter how small or how big the creation is. It is yours to savor on every level. Look at how the Universe grows. You are part of that growth. Honor this commitment. Speak of it to self and to others. Do what you can to protect it and expand it.

And as you do this, do it with compassion. Compassion is part of the formula for change. Compassion is the everlasting, infinite love that is unconditional. You cannot err; you can only grow. You cannot sin; you can only learn. You cannot die; you can only live. So — have compassion for yourself as you live as a fractal pattern of the Creator. You are infinite. You are enfinite. You are learning. Believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself. Trust that the Creator is part of you, AS YOU ARE PART OF THE CREATOR. In knowing this, you make it so in your relative mind. But know that it is always so in your Universal mind.

The Creator, too, had compassion for self. Compassion is an ethical value and it is part of who you are as a human. Your ethical values, 33 primary images of ethical values, are woven into your DNA. Compassion will always serve you as you are growing and expanding as a human. Know that you cannot fail; you cannot get “it” wrong. Have compassion for yourself. “Forgive” as needed. All is well.

For now, these are the aspects of the formula for change: commitment, communication, cooperation and compassion. As you weave these ethical values into your visions of change, you will find success. Change is imperative. You must change because change is evolution. Evolution is what the Creator envisioned for his creations. You expand and rightly the Universe expands with you. You have a dynamic relationship and, knowing this, you can feel always that you are in treasured company. You are always connected to All That Is.

So make your changes knowing that they will always, always serve you. Evolution is your trajectory. Enjoy the ride!

Thank you, Angels. I look forward to reading this and using the formula for change in making changes in my life. I feel more connected and excited about making changes!

Sunday, December 2, 2012, 12:05 A.M.

Dear Angels: I’ve been feeling a bit scattered these days, without much purpose – just kind of going day to day and frittering away precious extra time. Can you guide me – help me get back on a track of self reflection and optimism?

Tonight is a time when you are beginning to self reflect again. You see, you have been filling your time with very physical pursuits – pursuing those things that give your ego and your left brain domination. If you want to tune into self, this is done by having the purity of intention – the intention and the desire to know self, to understand the workings of the mind, and to be still and know that Spirit is afoot.

Spirit is indeed always afoot, and yet as the ego takes control, the spirit is asked to take a back seat. And so for you, Linda, you have asked your spirit to take a back seat. This is normal and common for the human at this stage in evolution. You see, you are part of the advancing souls that are struggling, well, grappling with balancing the ego with the spirit, and allowing the spirit to come to the fore.

To allow the spirit to come to the fore is an act of will, and this is the goal of each and every human that occupies the earthly sphere: you are in your greatest of intentions wanting to advance your being. But you can only do this through choice. There is no “God” or no divine being that will take you into that place. It must be your choice. Your God, your Creator, your Divine Guidance in Infinite Spirit has created you knowing that you must walk your own walk, as the Creator has walked his own walk. You are created in the image of the Creator; therefore, you must do as the Creator has done: evolve, expand and BE all that you are in total creativity.

If you examine the word "creativity," you begin to understand that the creative process is the essence of the Universe. There is eternal creativity. You are part of this creativity. You are part of the expansion of the Universe. And not in a small way. You, each of you as Humanity, is a potent stream in the Divine Expansion of the Universe. Understand yourself in this way and you will begin to have a glimpse of your greatness and of your connection to the Creator and to All That Is.

It is humbling to understand, to feel, the connections.

And so as you begin to feel these connections, you open up to new levels of consciousness, and your life gets better and better because you begin to see and feel and taste and touch your love.

What is love? Love is the glorious emotion with which the Creator created his children. It is with love that you were born. It is with love that YOU create. It is with love that you become all that the Creator designed you to be. It is with Love that you become a God. It is with Love that you become light. It is with Love that you touch another human being and together you become more than you were the moment before. In fact, it is with Love that you transcend time. It is with Love that all beginnings become endings and become beginnings again because it is with Love that eternity exists. It is with love that time descends and eternity rises. It is with love that the baby is born and grows and expands and becomes the love that swims within each cell. It is with love that you are writing these words.

Have faith that your life is unfolding as it should. With infinite creativity you are learning. With infinite creativity you will live and live and live because there is ultimately no death.

So do not fear what is ahead. Have joy and faith and glee that you can awaken each day and feel your heart beat. Your mother is near. Your daughter is near. Your beloved kitties are near. Your job is near and your friends are near and there is air to breathe and bounteous food to eat. You are blessed.

So – what lies ahead? What do you want to lie ahead? Write about your wishes. Cradle them. Nurture them. Don’t lose faith in them but give them that infinite creativity. Imagine what you want and then go about making it so.

Well, what is it that you want deeply?

I want a home for my kitties. I want a home where we can be together again in a space that feels safe and secure. I want the sun and I want to see the big sky and land, miles of land and nature. I want a cozy place where I can grow food and learn about nature and about the earth. I want to connect more with the earth and make my surroundings beautiful. I want to have friends join me. I want to have a life partner share my dream. I want to create and share what I have learned and continue to learn about spiritual philosophy. I want to open up my heart more and more and more. I want to live my ethical values to the hilt. I want to be Spiritual. I want to feel total love, truth and equality and faith and trust. I want to write write write each day and exercise in the fresh air doing things that bring me pleasure and learning. I want to use my body more heartily for living each day. I want to be strong and filled with vitality like Joel Salatin and always comfortable in my skin. I want to cherish my mom and my family and celebrate that we get to live life together. I want to see beauty in each and every human. I want all my thoughts to be thoughts of joy. I want color and shapes and sweet music and happy music to enfuse me. I want to always be aware of my spirit.

So, as you have written these wishes and these intentions, so they become all the more manifested in your life. You see, imagination is the builder. The mind is the builder, as you know. Think and – life happens. Watch these wishes manifest. You are a creator. You have the power, as do all, to make life happen as you want it to. Indeed, this is the only way that life happens. You just do not understand your wishes generally. What is a wish? It is a thought. Each thought attracts that which it is. You create by virtue of your thought. So think with love, think with care, think with compassion. Think with excitement. Think with encouragement. Think with Technicolor. Think with music. Create!

Now, do you have more faith that you are moving in the right direction? Are you more encouraged that life is unfolding beautifully for you? If you do, then you know that you can always come to this point of writing and thinking and moving to a higher level just with words and thoughts. And you can change the energy that you have experienced beforehand. You can be all that you want to be with – making a commitment, communicating your commitment, having compassion for self as you live your commitment, and – cooperate with yourself to make your wishes unfold. Believe and ye shall succeed. These are words that many wise souls have uttered. They are – TRUTH.

So we leave you this morning with the thought of Truth. Your truth is that you are love. And all good things come from this center point. Touch it. Feel it. Know it. Let it work for you. Life is to LIVE and you are LIVING IT. REJOICE!

Thank you, Angels. I feel GREAT!

Sunday, April 01, 2012, 10:56 PM

Dear Angels: Today was a beautiful day! I went for a long walk at Quiet Waters Park, simply enjoying the splendor of natural beauty and man-made beauty, too, in the structures and the gardens. It was so inspiring. I had time to think in the quietude. I was moved to tears, though, as I thought of my old home in Crownsville, where Erica grew up and where I felt love of my surroundings. Why did I sell the house? I have been having regret and have almost forgotten my reasons for moving on from there. Can you help me find my center of faith that all will be well and that I can create again, not the same home but a new one that is more to my liking?

Yes, we can help you remember what was in your mind at the time. At the time, you had some fear about your future. You had some sadness about the loss that you were feeling in Erica growing up and leaving the home. And you had a sense of loss about your relationship with Chad reaching the point where he no longer found pleasure in being in the home. In solidarity – in your mind – you felt it was time to let go of your attachment, too, so that you would not be the lone ranger holding down the fort.

In many respects, this was a good choice, a solid choice that would allow you to let go emotionally and to begin to create a future for yourself that would be yours, singularly, without strings attached. You would have a bright new future that would be new and fresh and not “tainted” by the emotions so connected to your home.

This was an important decision for you to make. It was the right decision. It was a decision based in practicality. You can commend yourself for having the strength to make this decision.

Now, you are feeling pangs of regret because you feel the loss. You see, there is always a sense of loss when we realize that which was is no longer when there is still emotion. Slowly, you can allow the emotion to dissipate, like waters in the summer on the Serengeti. There is a time to let the emotion fade, dry up. But – you can have the memories, and the memories are like the moisture in the clouds, where the precipitation will come in time, and the memories will flood, and you can feel the connection to that which was. There is no time in the mind because the mind retains all forever. There is never any loss, truly. There is only gain.

And you have gained from this experience. You have gained because you have learned a valuable lesson: the lesson of letting go. You see, letting go is an act of strength. It is an act that speaks to the emotions of courage and conviction. It is an act that understands that growth is needed and that growth will only be gained through the act of letting go.

So – you let go! This is good. In cycles, you will or you can or you may feel that you have not let go. But you see, letting go is all in the mind. It is a perception. And as you wish to perceive, so ye shall. Perceive and it shall be so.

Where do you want to place your thoughts now?

I want a new home – not new as in brand new but new as in new to me. I want a different home. I want a home that has my signature – me at this time, me as independent, me as farmer, me as joyful being in the sun, me as smaller footprint, me as abundant creator, me as lover, me as owner of cats, me as gracious host. I want my new home to accommodate friends who want to stay with me. I want the home to be open, to be accessible, to be a place where others can join me in living, on the property if not in the home. I want a barn to use for dancing. I want sun! And I want the home to be an interesting and unusual shape, the perfect feng shui. I am excited about this home in the sun – with some shade but – out of the woods.

Then – this is the home that you shall have. Believe in this home. See it. Envision it. You can create it. Think of all the possibilities. Think of the opportunities. You can have this home. It is yours in your emotional/mental escrow. Now – go about finding it. Look under every stone. You can have it.

How can I say goodbye to my old home? It brings me tears. It was a good home.

Your old home will always have you as part of it – as it will have the Thomases, who also loved it. The new owners, too, will love it. You see, the house itself was ready for new owners. It was time, Linda. It was time to let go and to allow the home to naturally unfold into the arms of new owners who would be able to flourish there. You were done flourishing there. This was a knowing within you. Your flourishing could be done – can be done now in a different environment.

So – to say goodbye to the home, just send it love. Send love to the fish, to the animals that made your home their home, too, in the woods – send them love. Send love to the neighborhood. Send love to the neighbors. Send love to the beams, the doors, the windows, the rooms, the paint on the walls, and to all the changes that you brought there by virtue of the love you had, and will always have. The home loved you. You loved the home. We are complete.

Now, turn to that which you want. Turn to the flourishing you will now have in your new home. Create this new home as a great act of creativity.

What about Erica? I want the new home to be hers, too. I want her to love it and to be a part of it because – this was the greatest part of my last home – the fact that it was hers too and that she loved it.

We cannot control the thoughts of another being, but – you can invite her to love the new home. Do what you can to encourage her to visit you and to appreciate what virtues the home will offer. She will respond, we are sure. She will treasure the home because it will be a home that you treasure. She will see it through your eyes. Your happiness is very important to her. Show her your happiness, and she will understand what draws you there, and toward that energy she will be drawn.

Same for Chad? Will he visit? Will he love?

Yes, Chad will visit, and Chad will love, for the same reasons that Erica will visit and love. For the two of them, your happiness is all they wish for.

Why, then, do I cry upon hearing those words?

You cry because you have compassion for yourself, knowing that you are loved as you are. You cry because you feel the beauty and the surrender to love. This is a blessed feeling that always opens the heart, and when the heart is opened, out pours our compassion. Tears are a sign of compassion. Be well. Be happy. Know that you are loved.

Thank you, Angels. This business of the home has been on my mind deeply for the past few weeks, particularly triggered by Ozma coming back home. I want a place for my cats to live, where they can be free to go outside and to be part of the landscape – where they can romp freely. I so want this for them and for me!

Then, this you shall have. Be patient. Be knowing. Be expecting. Be joyful. And be surprised at how quickly and perfectly the universe works. Your life, your eternal life, is unfolding. You are becoming. You are never still. Be joyful at this becoming. Know your humanity. Believe in your connection to All That Is. There is nothing between you and All That Is except perception. Believe in the unity, for it is real and it will serve you in all dimensions.

Today was a good day. Now – believe in your tomorrow. Make it a joyful tomorrow. Bring happiness to others. Be YOU!

God bless you, Linda, with thanks for listening to our words.

We are in spirit your spirit energy.