Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 9:16 PM

Dear Angels: Last night – listening, writing – was so helpful to me. My day today was perfect in so many ways. Hugs, laughter, productivity, communication, connections, and now – peace in my home. Thank you for being with me and for helping me. So – tonight I seek guidance on what plan I might propose to the institution that would help the instructional design team and help me and be of benefit to all of us – and most readily foster our enjoyment of our jobs?
These are good questions to ask. To enjoy one’s job, one must have a purpose. And the purposes can be many for different individuals. For some it is to “be the boss.” For others it is to bring productivity to the day without it being strenuous. For some it is the challenge of tackling new tasks. What is the primary purpose of each person you work with? If you can ascertain these purposes, then you can more easily determine what structure might suit you best, as a group.
The difficulty can come when intentions are at cross purposes. What you want may be the opposite of what a co-worker wants. And in those instances, one must resort to grace in the face of perceived fire.
Truly, though, the workplace is a place of learning about harmony and learning how to get along with one another. It is truly not about the tasks at hand – although we do the tasks and we are paid to accomplish the tasks. But on a soul level, which is the level of the physical body’s connection to the Universe–the bridge!--the harmony and the learning of lessons is what is important.
So you might ask what the personal values are of each individual, and find where the commonalities are. You might ask each individual what they hope to gain in a day in their heart and in their mind, and then find where you can best support that with a structure that speaks to the intentions.
This is an area that many people know and understand intuitively, but it is not an area that many people consciously recognize. So a challenge here can be to foster this harmony without scaring off those who do not speak in terms of the soul and spirit.
And yet – the terms of the soul and spirit are indeed terms that the soul and spirit of each individual understands.
So you may wish to go gently into this territory, and suggest only that the pursuit of harmony in the workplace is perhaps the most essential element – along with productivity. The clincher can be that with harmony, productivity will be secured. But without harmony, true productivity is not assured – in fact, without harmony, true productivity is undermined.
Now, you work with two men who see the world through the eyes of domination. Indeed, what has brought them together as souls working side by side is their soul lesson of understanding the freedom within their own souls. Through seeing – examining their actions of control of others, they begin to see their own control of self. It is a good lesson to learn because in their hearts they wish for freedom and for expression and for cultivating their own spirit to break out of the box. But they are at times stymied.
So you have an opportunity here to challenge the control that is being exacted. You, too, are learning the lesson of freedom and control. Your fear controls you. Have you thought of that? Your fear dominates you when you feel your controlling ego assume the power of directing your thoughts. This is very common; it is not to be judged. But it is to be understood. You as a group are a triad of energy, but as the female you have a great connection to your spirit energy. The female always leads. The female guides. The female creates. The male lords. The male controls. The male assumes the physical position of power. But power truly stems from the mind. Physical power will never trump mental, emotional or spiritual power.
So, here you have an opportunity to be a guide, a proponent of change, and to propose a new structure that may aid the instructional design team. This structure might work handily if it has a leader. Now, a leader can be moved around. You needn’t have only one leader. You can have a revolving leader. The revolving leader can be the contact for a time, and then the baton is passed and another individual can be the leader. This can be facile and it can be productive and it can make everyone happy who is in the group, because there is a sharing. Sharing is an ethical value. Sharing allows the energy of love to be exchanged between those who share. When we share energy, we experience a freedom in our hearts, and this freedom elevates the soul to a level higher than it was. We grow and expand in the freedom of sharing.
So – you can endorse this revolving leader. It has already been explored, but it is not being done with commitment or with the understanding of what sharing means. With understanding, the revolving leader idea can be potent.
Also, you can propose that special responsibilities and special tasks be equally distributed so that each employee is valued and so that each employee is challenged. It is not fair if only one person is challenged. This creates a tremendous sense of injustice and unfairness and inequality. These are killer modes. They will never foster productivity and harmony. But they will foster resentment, mistrust, and ill feelings. No workplace can afford this.
Your workplace is at a crossroads where productivity is being superseded by fear, and where secrets and hushed agreements are becoming de rigueur. Alert. This is a recipe for failure. All employees must be honored.
Now is the time when each person who is affected by the changing energy of the group should speak his or her truth, quietly, clearly, without shame or fear. Truth must be spoken. Truth is the impetus for change to take place.
Another idea is for those who feel the constrictions of recent times to speak to others about these feelings, and ask for advice. "What is it that can help me feel less constricted and more free to be the respected employee that I want to be?" These questions, simply posed to those in authority, can help the authority figures gain an investment in contributing to the changes that are afoot. "How can we ALL work toward change?"
Change is never effective when a leader comes in and forces the change. The most effective changes take place when leaders lead by virtue of freely receiving the respect of those whom they lead. I.e., a leader cannot “command” respect, but a leader can beckon respect and magnetize respect through the actions of respecting others. Respect all around is needed.
So begin your tasks ahead by saying a prayer first to the spirit within you – to guide you in each and every moment of your encounters with those in a position to help bring change. Respect yourself, respect them, speak quietly and clearly, and then see the energy shift. The energy must shift because all challenges are challenges of energy. There is no challenge, no dynamic, no interaction that does not take place fundamentally on the level of energy. We are energy beings and by virtue of our being energy, we create with energy.
So create with your energy. Believe in this power to change the energy. But do not become enamored of it; do not become attached. Simply be the best you can be, and respect the others for who they wish to be.
Ahead is an exciting time. You are creating here. You are creating not with technology first, not with artifice, but with the reality of your energy. This is the ultimate creative challenge: to be consciously aware of your energy, and to begin to build with it – consciously.
Life is full of changes. Perhaps it is not for us to know what the Universe will bring, but only to be completely, 100% satisfied with the moment that we are living. To feel this satisfaction is the greatest gift of all that the Creator has given to us. Trust that each moment is the perfection of design. You are exactly where your soul and spirit have brought you. There is no mistake. This is your life; you designed it; you live it. You DO have freedom.
So – use your freedom with joy and with vigor and with the certainty that all will be well. The Earthly sphere is only an illusion that you have communally bought into. See beyond the illusion and know that your truth, as a human, is the truth of the Creator, the truth of love, the truth of light, the truth of BEING All That Is. You are a jewel. Now BE the jewel that you are.
Good night.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Angels: I am at a major point of transition. I am not happy in my job; I am moving out of my house; I am reaching out to the world to help guide me in new directions. Can you give me advice on parting ways amicably at work and better understanding the dynamics there? It has been tough.

Yes, we can guide you in finding a more harmonious point with your co-workers in your job. The main tactic, if you will, is to come at your work from a center of love. You see, there is a lot of fear going on there. There is a lot of misunderstanding. There is a lot of tension. There is a lot of mistrust. Fear actually is rampant there, in you and in your co-workers, and this includes your superiors and this includes those with whom you interact on a daily basis. There is much tension in the world and you are a microcosm of this world – this universe – of Planet Earth and all the sub-worlds that you create as essential to your life. Your place of employment is for you a sub-world because it is indeed a reflection of the larger world but still a large world in and of itself. There are smaller worlds – more sub-worlds within this sub-world. And as you examine all these sub-worlds, you will see there is much tension – the kind of tension that exists when you pull a rope to its maximum point of integrity, and then there is a snap, and the rope breaks and those who are holding onto the rope fall in a heap. Some will laugh and dust themselves off; some will cry and lament that they lost stability; some will be perplexed that the rope was stretched when they did not see it coming…. The reactions are manifold but – who is resilient? Who can get up and walk away and understand that this was just one experience – one trial – one GAME on the master stage of life? For this is all that it is. It is only one game. And the world is full of games. It is how you react to the game that matters – not the game.

So – do not blame your bosses, and do not blame your co-workers, and do not blame yourself. There is no blame to be had because – who can be blamed when simply playing a game that the soul wished to play? You are learning. You are all learning.

But the challenge is to learn in peace, without consternation, without angst, without agony, without lamentation.

Can you do this? Yes, you can. You can and you will. Perhaps you need a little rest from the intensity that has been afoot. We believe that a break can be very instrumental in providing you with a new vision, a new vantage point that will allow you to appreciate what you have and allow you to accomplish those things – those challenges – those tasks that you wish to perform.

But you cannot perform them in anger or while you are feeling resentment. So you must lay your resentments down – allow them to fade – in order to be the productive and contributing employee that you are.

Now, you may wish to speak with your bosses about this break, about this opportunity to take some time off, to regain composure and to collect yourself. This time can be very fruitful. You can write. You can imagine your future. You can hoist a creative volley up into the universal energy stream and see where it lands, see what adventures await you. You are lucky. You are feeling more and more freedom. And this freedom is an ethical value that will be rewarded by the universe. The freedom that you feel is the freedom that the universe recognizes as an ethical value – and so you will be thanked and rewarded with more freedom. It is the law of attraction. It is the beautiful “mystery” of how the actions of your mind and heart and body come to create your individual reality.

So – have faith in your future. Have faith in the happiness you feel tonight as you have connected with an old friend that you care about. Have faith in the loving energy that is around you and is there to support you. Have faith in your own soul to draw you into opportunities to learn. Have faith in your friends to help you when you most need it. Have faith in your family to hold your hand, with love, because they know that your heart is indeed with them, too. Have faith in the Universe to guide you into offerings of new adventures and new learnings, new knowledge, new KNOWING. Have faith that your cats are wise. Have faith that your home nurtures. Have faith that Erica is a guiding spirit who will always, always be at your side in her heart, mind and soul. Have faith that all is right in the world and that you are here for a very express purpose.

Let us examine this purpose. For each of us, the purpose of life is to be happy. This is simple, no? But – happiness seems elusive as the pursuits of survival and daily living supersede. And yet, happiness can be drawn into the daily life, and SHOULD be drawn into the daily life, so as to complement the soul and spirit. We are meant to be happy.

So what would make you the happiest? To swing on a swing all day? To eat cake all day? To swim in a big pile of money? To circle the world in a carefree jaunt with no responsibilities?

No, none of these would truly make you happy, because – life is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for the lazy or the unmotivated. That is to say – life is for all, but to make life sing, SING! – then one must take on life with a gusto! One must say to the world, “I am here, COME TAKE ME!” And then with arms wide open, you allow the world to penetrate your very core, so that you and the exquisite world become one. You allow life to happen in its abundance and you reap the many rewards – of challenges, of trials, of opportunities, of understandings. You make sense of each and every day.

So – we live in the physical world and we can thrive in the physical world if we give our love, all our love to living life. This means respecting, valuing and appreciating WHO WE ARE and who others are, and knowing that each and every being is here for a purpose.

Angels, I have a question. How can I ever aright what seems to have gone wrong at work? There is so much damage.

This is a good question. What is the secret of damage control? The secret of damage control is loving and respecting self. In each and every moment of your time in the office, you must give yourself complete and total respect. Understand your worth. Believe in yourself. Take those things that you do well and do them better. Challenge yourself. Be the best model you can be. Do not equivocate. Do not deviate. Stay the course. Be strong, be loving, be kind, be gentle, be good to yourself and others and never, never give in to fear. Fear is the curse that keeps on giving. It will chew you up and swallow you if you let it. Do not go there. Resist. Be strong. BE QUIET. Be the YOU that you are in spirit. Believe in yourself. In time, others will forget the fear they felt in your presence because they will feel only your love, and this will magnetize them.

So – for my meeting in HR, what is my best strategy?

Your best strategy is truth. Truth will always be spoken kindly, gently, but with conviction and certainty and authority. Speak with authority and do your homework. Be prepared. Be confident. Be GENTLE. Be calm. Never raise your voice. Speak softly. Know that you have reasons that are worthy of exploration. Know that the soul in each person present will hear your words of truth and know within themselves that credence should be given.

In terms of apologizing?

Is it necessary to apologize? No, it is not necessary. Would you gain points? Maybe, but maybe not. The point is not to apologize or not apologize but to come to an understanding of what the problem is. This could be your entrĂ©e to discussion: a desire to understand what is causing the problems. Invariably, it is a combination of factors. It is never just one. Even if the sky is full of rain, the rain is not the only factor. There are pressure systems, there are human thoughts, human behavior; there is heat; there is warmth; there are bodies of water that evaporate. Yea, there is a circle of connected factors that all play into a situation. So – what are these factors? If you come prepared to discuss some of them, your words may fall on deaf ears but more than likely your words will be received in an open way. There have not been many discussions of this sort in your office. Is it time? We would say yes, it is time. You have served a role. You will serve a role. You have work to do there and we would like to see it be fruitful but – you do need a canvas that is primed for good vibrations. You must be happy in your job. Otherwise, it would indeed be best to leave and to look for happiness elsewhere. You can indeed find happiness wherever you look. There is no place on Earth where happiness cannot reside. Even the most barren dessert can provide fertile ground for happiness, because happiness is an internal emotion. Happiness does not depend upon anyone or anything external to yourself. Happiness comes from within.

Now, today was an important day for you. You made headway because you began to think of what would make you happy! Keep it up! Keep up the focus on where you want to be, not where you don’t want to be. This, too, is the secret of happiness AND the secret of positive creation. Think of the good, and you are transported to the good. This again is the Law of Attraction. It is a worthy law to understand.

So, do not despair of your circumstances. You are lucky to be in an environment where there is some promise of good outcomes. You work with reasonable people. Your job has merits. You are challenged – perhaps not to the max but – you can create more challenges.

Still, you have the opportunity to leave if this is what you desire. You have freedom. You always have freedom. Keep this in mind because your freedom is your ticket to happiness. Knowing that you have freedom to choose your path, your destiny, is indeed a point of power. Hang onto that power as best you can because it is worth more than gold and silver. It is a passport to happiness and to joy.

So we wish you the very best in your pursuits. Believe in yourself. Believe in your family and friends and co-workers and bosses and cats and home and all those aspects of your life that are swimming in your consciousness at this time. They are all there – each and every one – as symbols of the pieces of you that you are here on earth to understand. As you better understand yourself – by virtue of understanding these symbols – you gain immensely on the stairway to heaven.

Here is to your stairway to heaven. May it unfold gracefully before you, and may your steps be filled with joy.

Good night.