Thursday, September 23, 2010, 9:33 PM

Dear Angels: Could you give me guidance about how things are going at work – with this latest issue of the instructional designer revolt and the leadership issues we feel affect us so deeply?
Yes, we can help you understand the issues that seem to be swimming at work. What you have in your work environment is a conflict of egos. The egos are coming together in the center of the battlefield, as it were, and they are beginning to do their business on the battlefield.
Now, you can choose to enter this battlefield, or you can choose to stand on the sidelines, or you can walk the other way and stay in your own vortex of peaceful, reconciling energy. It is your choice.
But for now, you have chosen to engage. You have thrown down the gauntlet. Voila! Who will fight me today? Look at me! King of the hill. I dare you to come forward.
These are some of the battle cries of those who wish to do battle.
Do you want to do battle? You do not have to. You do not have to engage in fear and in power struggles. You can choose to soothe, choose to revere the peaceful heart of the adventurer and find only the gems that are beneath the surface – those gems that are freely given by the Universe to those who choose to be patient and to understand that their own vortex of loving energy is truly THE ONLY energy that matters. No other energy matters. No one can affect you unless you, in your energy domain, give them that power.
So perhaps there is some healing to be done at work. Perhaps you can muster the wherewithal to encourage this and to see the best in the others.
This is not to say that their behavior is acceptable, or that they do not have nefarious or selfish ends that they are trying to meet. Indeed, there is plenty of selfishness afoot. When we are in fear for our livelihoods, fear is the first and last emotion we feel. We are charged up with the vigor of a warrior in pursuit of a conquest, whether that conquest be a victory at the board table or a victory in the bedroom or a victory in a verbal battle or a victory of unseen proportion. Victory knows no bounds and it also knows no restraint in the making.
All victories are victories of battle because victory implies a winner and a loser. When you have winners and losers, you ultimately have all losers. To simply BE – in patience, in love, in courage, in quietude – THIS is the ultimate - not victory, but gain. GAIN. To gain is to set aside competition and to cooperate so that all who participate in the sequence come away with a sense of belonging, with a sense of peace, and with the knowing that all is right in the world.
Now, you have some work ahead to pave this way in your office. You see, you, too, have engaged in battle. You, too, have sought power and have sought to win and to take your victor spoils. This is – human, albeit not necessarily ultimately human, except as we learn from it. We are learning to be kind and patient and compassionate.
So with your supervisors, some patience and compassion may be in order so that they realize that your intention is to cooperate and not stand in the way of progress.
Granted, “progress” is relative to the mind of he or she who perceives the incidents at hand.
But you can gain more footing and more good will by cooperating rather than competing. This is ALWAYS a good thing.
Tomorrow, perhaps you can speak with SK and explain your position and your feelings. Speak from the heart, and his heart will hear. Speak from the wisdom that you have, and speak with the certainty that your job is to support the efforts of the group as a whole. This will be known for indeed it is the truth.
And your speaking of the truth can indeed be a trigger for the others to speak their truth as well. To speak truth is to open the heart and to become a greater being.
Remember, you can stay in your own vortex of loving energy, and no harm can truly befall you. You see, you are always, at all times, a being of love and a being of ALL ethical values that are wrapped in the gentle cocoon of your spirit. Your spirit IS you, and therefore to express the spirit and to express the good will of the soul is a blessing of great magnitude. You will always GAIN when you speak the words of truth – and consciously live them in your actions. Love is the living truth, and peace is the acceptance of All That Is.
So – you can set an example, and you can be all that you want to be in your office and elsewhere. This world is your playground of learning. Have fun with the learning, and never fear that your time of learning will be for naught. It cannot. All learning is a GAIN. All learning is a blessing. ALL learning is MEANT TO BE.
So, go in peace and know that this is an experience of learning for you – learning to cooperate, learning to speak truth – not fear but TRUTH – which is imbued with love, and learning to be the loving being that you are as you CHOOSE to BE that loving being in thought, word and deed.
Life is an exquisite playground. Now it is for you to have fun and to enjoy the learning in this experience.
God bless you, and be good to yourself. Reward your own self with words of good cheer. Make someone else’s day better with your smile and your love.
Good night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 9:56 PM

Dear Angels: I am concerned about the impending Earth changes and about what the implications are for me personally. On one hand I’m excited about the prospect of Earth arighting herself – in fact joyful and relieved that big change can take place and that the plight of the animals and plants and so forth on earth may come to an end – that we can all get back on track. But on the other hand, I’m fearful for my safety and daunted by the task ahead to save food and water and in a nutshell – provide for myself when all my life I have lived the life O’Reilly. Can you give me some advice to help put this all in perspective, and help me plan for the days ahead?

Linda, this is indeed a time to hunker down and take stock of those elements in your life that you need to most closely focus upon. This is a time when all of humanity and all of Planet Earth is sensing the vibrational change, like the wind is changing – and big changes are in store.

What are these big changes? It is not for us to predict the future, but only to assess the level of consciousness that mankind is living at this time – and to look and what the impact of that level is upon man’s world.

You see, this world – this planet – this precious globe that you call Planet Earth, is indeed a creation of the Christ Consciousness and the God Consciousness within each and every soul and spirit that walks the face of the Earth – a creation so majestic and so immense in its breadth and scope that truly it is difficult to comprehend. You see, you and the Earth are united. You are one. You are separate, and yet you are one because you indeed created one another for the immense gift of learning that the Earth could and can provide you with.

Now, this is the time when a reconciling of your history – your tenure – on Earth is coming to pass. You have, as a collective consciousness, been attempting to transition to the light side of your mind, to the side that allows those thoughts and those actions of Man to be ones of peace, of kindness, of comfort, of good will, of growth!

But you have been hindered, stymied, by fear. You see, fear is the element of existence that puts a roadblock in one’s way. Fear is the roadblock of the mind that does not allow the light of love to penetrate.

So you are reconciling the fear and the lack of love that has existed in the heart of the collective consciousness for millennia upon millennia. Countless years, hours, lives, eons of time – this is your history and this has been the path of fear.

Now is the time to put that fear aside and to see the glory that is evident in your future. You see, there is truly nothing to fear because all of love, all of life in its potential awaits you.

Potential is a powerful word because it speaks to what you truly want but what you believe you do not yet have. You see, there is no time. There is only an eternal sea of consciousness, and you are part of that consciousness.

There is no fear truly either. Fear is a manifestation of an ILLUSION of the mind. Truly, all that has been created has been created by God; and all that has not been created by God does not exist. Fear truly does not exist. It is an illusion and AS SUCH you have the power, the full range of power, to banish fear as the illusion that it is.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

There is no death.

There is no time.

There is no fighting and there is no war unless this is the image – the illusion THAT YOU WISH TO LIVE in your earthly, carnal life.

For a moment, you glimpsed the truth of this statement. That is good. You are growing.

Believe in forever and believe in your divinity because both are true and real, and indeed, truth is your salvation.

Look for the truth in man’s path on earth. What is man trying to learn? Is he trying to learn to appreciate himself? Is he trying to learn to love, respect and value himself? Is he trying to see himself through the veil of fear so that he can ultimately appreciate the truth of love?

Yes. Man is looking for love. And – you shall find it, indeed.

Have compassion for your fellow man.

Be kind. Be good. Be willing to help.

And know that help is on the way.

Oh angels, I am very glad to hear that help is on the way. Do you mean for me personally, or for all of my brethren, all of us here?

We mean that help is coming from the Universal forces of good, which understand you and take compassion upon the steep uphill climb that you have at this time. We are never alone. We always exist within a sea of love, and this sea of love is coming to Earth to guide those souls who are willing to listen and to feel. The help is in the form of consciousness gifts. Be open and aware and you, too, will feel and experience these gifts of consciousness. You may share them with others. All can learn.

So what is next for me? Do I move? Do I sell my house? Do I continue working? What’s next?

What is next is totally up to you, but you can rest assured that you will be assisted and guided at every turn. Do not be afraid, but begin your preparations. Be open and aware. Know that this path is one that must be walked and must be attended to. There will be no ignoring in the days ahead. All attention will turn to that which is imminent. Come upon the feet of Christ and know that in your hearts all will be well. You are “forever beings.” There is no death. Do not be afraid. Your love, your internal love will save you.