Monday, April 18, 2011, 11:13 PM

Dear Angels: I am feeling very positive tonight – after getting off the phone with Erica and being here in my home with my cats and computer and beautiful surroundings. I feel blessed! Could you give me insights about two things: my new home, which I am actively seeking, and my situation at work, where – I feel some consternation about the state of affairs with my coworker, KG.

Good evening, Linda. It is nice to be here with you this evening to talk about the affairs of the heart. For truly, these affairs are affairs that speak to the heart of you. They do speak to the mind as well, but it is the fears that may be getting the best of you at work. Let us talk about work first, because we need to remove the fears first in order to get to the base of love.

You see, at work there is an old, karmic relationship that you are dealing with. In fact, there is jealousy afoot. Now, the both of you – you and KG– have known each other in many lives. You have been in competitive relationships many a time. So here is an opportunity for you to be supportive of KG and to allow her to shine in her new position. You see, in each life you trade circumstances. At times you are in the “lead” so to speak, and at times KG plays that role. Truly these are only roles that you are both playing – there is no statement of your essence in these roles – they are only games, in essence, that allow you each to examine your ethical values. So as you are supportive of KG , you will be teaching her, in ways, to be supportive of you. It is a quid pro quo, except in this instance it is calling to you for the humility because KG will be rising to the position of “acclaim.” Know that it is by your grace as a soul that this is being allowed to happen as smoothly as it is. You indeed have a hand in each others’ destinies, and yet – you are each free souls. But you are in a cooperative relationship, and it is this cooperation that allows the relationship to continue.

So you see, if you were to leave this job without learning the lesson of cooperation, you would simply create this lesson elsewhere. It takes the bigger man, so to speak, to see through the veneer of role-playing into understanding the soul design and the soul opportunity. Here you have an opportunity to quiet the ego and to quell the fears and to have complete faith and trust not only in KG but in your own self as you grow in your professional stead.

Now, your greater opportunity is to become the maximum professional you can become IN YOUR OWN OFFICE, and in your OWN SOUL and SPIRIT. Are you doing the best that you can? Are you tapping your potential? This is your challenge: to stir yourself out of complacency and to begin to work HARD to achieve some of your goals. Enough coasting. What is your passion? To create a home where you can grow your own food and learn to become more self sufficient? This is a very worthy goal of pursuing.

Are you interested in connecting more with your family and friends? Are you ready to fulfill your professional dream of writing a book and publishing it and speaking to others about the pearls of health wisdom that you have uncovered and explored during your time of illness into wellness? This is a very worthy goal of pursing. All goals are worthy of pursuing, but – with the time you have left in the day, you can make maximum advantage of that time to accomplish your key goals.

So – we I wish to see you feeling the joy that you felt on Sunday. Can every day feel like that? Yes, it can. You can move into your own vortex of joy and happiness, and then watch the good things in life cascading into your lap. There is bountiful joy to be reaped and rewarded. Want it, pursue it, and see it happen.

So let us just say a few short words about Erica. Erica is indeed your angel. She is the blessed, sacred egg and seed of love and unity that you and Chad and Erica created as a trinity of energy. She serves as the symbol of all goodness that you have known, and the depths of love. She is, truly, an angel for you. So as you make your plans for adventures in the near future, take heed that her life is unfolding for her as a blossom unfolds. She is growing in leaps and bounds and will make her mark, wait and see. She is destined for greatness. She is in conscious communication with her spirit energy. She hears the voice of goodness and she responds in kind. Bless her. As you both go forward with your adventures, enjoy your time together and rest assured that your time together will never end. You are bonded for eternity.

We leave you now with a small thought: trust your inner guidance as you move through each day. Cut KG some slack. Be happy – it will help others. This is the best way you can be in service to others: be happy. Life is truly for the happy ones. Any less than happy is a step backwards. You can do it. Now is the time; today is the day. Be happy and share the good happiness. Life is for sharing. All sharing is returned tenfold.

Thank you for listening to our words.

Thursday, April 7, 2011, 10:57 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: Things are going great at work and I am moving forward gleefully and enthusiastically with the sale of my home. But today I came across more “pole shift” info – this time from the Ramtha people. So now it’s the Zetas, Little Grandmother, Douglass James Cottrell and – who else? Everyone seems to be predicting pole shift and imminent major earth changes. I’m inspired, though, by the idea of service to others. I mean, at first I was concerned about survival. Then I realized that either I go or I don’t and if I don’t I’ll be happiest in service to others, helping to make people’s plight less of a burden. So – could you help me sort through this channeling of dire straits and how I might best position myself to serve others?
You have a lot of thoughts here! Your mind is working, working, and at times churning, churning. Perhaps it is good to lighten your own load first – to collect the composure, and again contemplate your – destiny. Truly your destiny is to serve mankind. This is the destiny of all mankind. To serve each other is to serve self in humility, with love and compassion. These are ethical values that you – each person – will teach by BEING these elements. The ethical values are what we must learn to integrate into our behavior.
So in the days ahead perhaps there will be more opportunities to be in service to others. How best might one be in service to others?
First, by listening. So many people are not heard. We live lives of isolation. We do not listen and therefore we are not heard. To LISTEN to someone is to grant them the privilege of being heard, of being valued and appreciated. Being heard can be a tremendous healing.
So as you listen to each person, you can begin to discern how you might help. Is it sadness that the person feels? Is it grief? Is it fear? Is it despair? These are very human traits, and yet they can all be mitigated and lightened by the simple act of being acknowledged. To be heard and acknowledged is to be accepted and to be understood, which allows the heavy heart to be lifted and lightened. This is a blessing to each person in the conversation – the one being heard and the one listening. In fact, both individuals are doing both.
You see, communication is the exchange of energy between – beings – in which the heart is opened and the mind is engaged and therefore the spirit is touched because the loving emotions are always connected to the spirit.
So – listen with love, and this will touch the spirit, and the exchange becomes one of dynamic loving interaction.
With love, all can be healed.
Now, we are at a time in our human history when we must begin to look inward. For millennia, eons, we have looked externally to the world and we see many images of ourselves in the world around us. In the face of a baby we see our own innocence. In the face of a neighbor, we see some of our own hopes and dreams. In the faces of our leaders – societal, political, familial – we see the image of our aspirations and the image of our ethical values. And in the face of nature we see our survival, our connection to all that is. And in the face of our perceived deities, we see the image of our past – we see the images of our fear beliefs and our superstitions and myths.
But in the face of self we see our true spirit. For within each of us is spirit. We ARE spirit.
So let us look within. With each person you encounter, you can cultivate the love of looking within merely by being focused there yourself. Perhaps no words need to be spoken because the energy of self is what truly speaks. Words are – only words. But energy is real. Energy is who you are and energy is what conveys.
So – believe in your energy and believe in its power to create shifts in the beings that you come in contact with.
This is a very important point: BE on your best behavior energetically AT ALL TIMES because your energy IS what contributes to the mass consciousness of goodness in the world. For EACH person, this is true. We EACH have tremendous power to affect the energy that creates worlds. We are so much bigger than we have ever imagined. You would be amazed if you understood the immensity of your being.
So – the fact that this understanding of self is still so very limited – tells us that this is a good time to start expanding. REACH OUT! Touch your brother with love and affection and compassion and kindness. This gift of energy has the power to heal. It will always heal.
To be in service to others is the process of inspiring change and giving in the spirit of healing. Truly we can never heal another man. But we can touch his heart and soul – and the heart and soul being touched give unto the universe a stream of light energy, which is SPIRIT. Your light energy is your spirit. This is what we see when we imagine angels. We are seeing the radiant light. It is not wings. Angels do not fly. But they do radiate light and divine energy. And this is seen as the wings. Behold the face of God in the light. Behold the face of spirit in the light. Behold the face of the Creator in each and every being that you see, for each being is a being of light – no matter how dark and cold the being may imagine himself to be. The self-imagined darkness is only an illusion. We are consumed with illusion.
But the illusions have served an important purpose: they have illuminated that which is false. And to understand that which is false, we better understand that which is real. To perceive the real is to see love. You see, love is all there is. Yes, this was a beautiful song, sung by angel choirs and sung by the minstrels of your time and of time immemorial. Love is the oldest song ever sung. Do you know what the first song was that was sung? It was the song of laughter in the hearts of the new man and woman as they contemplated the beauty and magnificence of the new bodies gifted to them by the Creator. As they contemplated the miracle of creation that they wore as bodies, they laughed in total glee, in total delight, in complete awe and spontaneous joy. They knew that their future would be long and that mankind’s tenure on Earth would seem forever. And yet, this man and this woman took on the task of paving the way. They were truly in service to others. They gave their long lives to the quest of knowledge and to the quest of understanding their relationship to their Creator. They gained immensely in those lives of laughter. And as each of us returns to a life of laughter, we can become the Adam and Eve of our own time, the Maya and Amelius, the Hermes and Neada. We can become divine and we can help our brethren.
L, this is truly your pursuit. You have incarnated uncountable times, in uncountable lives, and in each life you, like everyone, have learned valuable lessons. You are learning to love yourself.
So carry this goal of learning to love self to those who you wish to serve. And to these others, give a hand that is extended in love and peace and begin to draw out the love in others. Remember that love is magnetic. As you love, you will draw love. It is a simple equation, and it works.
Love is truly the balm that heals all wounds. Be in service to others. Do not fear that which cannot be known. But be ready. Be happy. Be cheerful. Be circumspect. Be wise. Be compassionate. Be filled with the light of your Creator. Be filled with hope. Be filled with energy and enthusiasm about contributing to the betterment of Planet Earth.
You know, L, that this Earth is your home. And to respect the Earth is to always, ALWAYS Have A Home. As you protect your love of Earth and as you protect Earth you will see the light of your own heart shine brighter and brighter and brighter until you, too, will join the angel choirs and you too will inspire a sea of change in those around you.
We each have this potential. How we rise to it is what distinguishes each man and woman and child from each other. This is how we differ. And the differences are to be cherished! Viva la difference! It is through contrast and differences that the boats of life make headway through the waters of life. If a boat were like the water, then all would be water and there would be no boat, no vessel to travel through time with, through eternity. You want the boat and the water and the sky and the moon and stars and all of creation to be at your fingertips. This universal existence is what draws the human into physical form.
So – cherish your physical form. Respect it, value it, appreciate it for the miracle of existence that it is. There is nothing that surpasses the human form in terms of physical perfection – in potential. Slow down and look at who you are. And see the Divine Within.
So tonight we appreciate that you have come with questions. We hope we have answered these questions for now and that you will rest happily and peacefully.
We are, in love, the angels of your higher self.
Good night.
Good night!

Friday, April 2, 2011, 9:54 PM

Dear Angels of My Higher Self: It is a quiet and peaceful night at home. I have enjoyed this time with my cats, my computer, my thoughts, my life! I am at peace. Or am I? I still am confused about my future, about the sale of my home, about what I want to do with my life. I have many plans, but I would like to pursue them with more vigor. Can you guide me in how to identify my goals more clearly and then achieve them with certainty and conviction?

Yes, we can help you with these questions. These are questions of the status of the soul – the state of the soul – the direction of the soul. Your soul is wondering who it is. “Who am I,” it is asking. “I want to know who I am.” Come, let us discover together.

It is a good day when the soul calls out because this is the time for the spirit to answer. You see, the spirit always hears the petitions of the soul. The spirit is the infinite Mother, and the Mother always hears the cries of the children. The intellect is the child of the soul. The right brain is the mature mind. The intellect lives in the left brain. So you see, you have a child of a mind, and you have a mature mind and you have the infinite inspired mind. The mind of inspiration knows all.

So the challenge here is to listen to your inspiration! And inspiration comes in many forms. It can come from a physical image that you see before you; it can come from an image within the mind. People call this kind of image “imagination” – and truly, literally it IS an image of the mind but it is not imaginary as in make believe. Imagination is the imaging of the soul and spirit, and the soul and spirit are the truth of man. So we must listen to our truth and give it all the respect and credence it deserves. To listen to the imagination and to follow through – THIS is the ultimate in creativity.

You see, you are a creative being. Your creativity stems from the imaginings of the mind. And the mind is ultimately of the spirit. So we would all do well to pay attention to the images of the mind.

So your mind is calling to you and the spirit is answering and your ego is caught in dead center. AHA! It is the ego that stymies. It is the ego that pulls taught. It is the ego that stings when the soul is asking for the balm of love.

To relax, to be patient, to understand that all good things happen in their good time – THIS is a lesson for mankind to learn and to understand deeply. You see, you can never force the universe to perform for you. You can never force or command the forces that be to do a dance for you. But you can accept and be glad that your soul and spirit attempt to align with the forces of the universe to allow you to feel balance – to allow you to feel comfort in each and every moment that you live. You can thrive in this world even when it feels that the world is moving slowly – because thriving is understanding that you are spirit and that you are indeed aligned with the force of All That Is. All That Is is the Universal Force, the End All Be All, The Infinite Power. You are a seed of the Infinite Power and as such, you live forever. One must have tremendous patience to understand “forever.” It is truly an expansive concept.

To live forever gives meaning to patience.

To live forever is a gift.

To live forever is the Universal Way.

All was created at the beginning.

All will expand forever.

All That Is is a part of All that Is. All That Is is an eternal, looping, infinite Moebius Strip. You have phases of existence, but you go on forever and ever and ever. “AMEN!” ;-)

So – can you see how “forever” beckons the spirit of patience? Do not be impatient with your life because there is nothing to hurry for. There is nothing to expedite. There is nothing to wish would happen now or then or before or later. All that is is happening right now. There is no time. YOU are your destiny. YOU are your totality. YOU are a gift of the Creator and as such you have infinite power to create.

So practice just being. Just practice the exquisite, Divine state of appreciation, of acceptance, of knowing that all will happen in its own good time. You can create, you can do, you can move fast, etc., but – you can also contemplate. You can be quiet. You can be still. You can – Know that I am God, as is said in the Book. This merely means that you and I are one. I am not God but I am one with All That Is. I am not external but I am the Infinite Interior. I am not alone, but I am You and I am All That Is. We are One.

Spirit, I am excited about this writing. It is fun. It fills me with satisfaction. It is an adventure and it intrigues me deeply. I feel that I AM connected with all that is. I am amazed. If we could see energy we would see the connections, I am certain. It would be beautiful because we humans feel so isolated, so alone in our fears. And yet if we could see the beautiful connections…well, we do with those we love. Thank you for love. Love connects the dots. Love connects the isolated. Love sure makes life feel better.

Yes, love is indeed what makes life feel better. Love is a trivalent bond. It connects the dual soul and spirit with the physical body and therein lies the trinity and the quadrivium of who we are: mind, loving emotions, and spirit senses expressing in a corporeal state. It is a miracle of creation. Someday the humans will understand the miracle of their own creation and will be amazed and humbled by their own deeds.

Now, now is the time to begin to galvanize the forces of the mind. To do this, you must be calm, you must be free of fear, you must be free in your heart to move. You must be free. To be free is to be a soul and spirit that knows itself.

So you began by asking about your soul direction. Your soul direction is your heart and mind coming together in marriage, in peace, in harmony. Live your life happily and your marriage of mind and loving emotions will be your savior. You can create infinitely. You can love infinitely. You can think and feel infinitely. These are your essential attributes and – you should have fun with them. They are a gift to be lived.

Now, rest quietly. Remember your dreams tonight. We will come to you and we will share our thought with you, and you can take this thought and merge it into your own and find the meaning within your own being. Words, symbols, images…remember them. They are pieces of your soul and they each each each have meaning. The fun is in discovering the meaning.

To dream is to think and feel and love. Dreaming is you at work in a different zone. It is important to be aware of all states of consciousness that you live. So practice remembering your dreams. They will guide you, as we guide you.

We are, in love, your guardian angels. We are a part of you. We give our love and our guidance because we have an investment in your growth. Believe in our true, supportive relationship. We are One.

Good night, little one. Be well.

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 10:27 PM

Dear Angels of My Higher Self: It has been an interesting year. I am so much better than last year physically, but emotionally I have some challenges. I still feel fear, still feel anger, frustration, judgment, etc. – the gamut of fear emotions. And yet I also experience glimmers of love. I love my daughter, I love my mom and dad and family, I love my cats, and I feel appreciation for many gifts and aspects of my life. So – I would like guidance on how to accelerate and expand the loving elements. How am I living love in my life, and how can I expand it?
There are indeed good questions to ask. Within your heart, you realize that love is the essential element of a life well lived. A life well lived is what each of us wants, each of us strives for, each of us hopes to attain.
And yet we stymie our progress with fear emotions, fear beliefs, myths, superstitions, thoughts about the nature of reality that are not - based in truth.
Why do we do this? Because we are human. Because we are an evolving consciousness. Because we are searching, searching for the wisdom and ingenuity to understand ourselves as expansive consciousnesses that have as their – OUR – essential element: SPIRIT!
We ARE spirit! And so as you acknowledge the spirit that you are, you live the essential elements of spirit: love, truth, equality, and all the ethical values that are enmeshed in the prime trinity.
Now, as you are grappling with fear emotions, you do not allow the loving emotions to manifest. In this respect, the Universe is black and white. You are in love, or you are in fear. You cannot live both simultaneously. So you are growing, you are expanding, and you are learning what you want. This is good. This is what life is for: to provide you with experiences that guide your soul and spirit into an awareness of what is desired, what is sought, what is valued, and what is wished to be gained.
So, as you live the daily moments of your life, be aware of what you want to live in that moment. Be cognizant of what you are feeling. And if it is a fear belief that you are feeling, then make a conscious choice to change it to something loving, something nurturing of the soul and spirit – something that feels good.
You see, to feel good is to be in alignment with your true self. Your true self is but a shadow to your physical identity. And yet your physical identity is not so smart because it is not incorporating the loving emotions into its framework.
When you consciously integrate the loving emotions into your framework, then, THEN you are living your freedom. THEN you are living your love.
So let us examine some ways in which you can more fully live your love in each and every moment.
For starters, you can, when you first wake up in the mornings, say a prayer to the Universe. In this prayer you ask for the help of the loving beings that surround you – to guide you in love and to help you BE the love that you are. The angelic beings are always, ALWAYS there beside you and within you and around you to protect you and to help you expand your consciousness. All of consciousness is expanding. So the goal here is to expand and to get and receive all the help that you can. Open yourself up to receiving guidance and support, and then this is what will ensue: guidance and support – and more, because you are open.
Next, as you go about the business of your day, be clear about your intentions in each and every moment. Be very clear about your intentions. We stress this. If you walk into a room with a negative thought in your mind, then this is the message that you convey to anyone, no matter what your words are. So you can say an affirmation in your mind about what your intention is in the communication, and then you proceed to let the intention unfold. TRUST YOURSELF. Trust your guidance. Trust that you are spirit energy that is learning to be human, and in this learning you are experimenting, truly experimenting like the creator that you are – with the creation of a moment-to-moment reality. Your moment-to-moment reality is truly an illusion in the physical world, but it is an illusion that you buy into, and so as long as you buy into it, you can live it and learn from it. The world is yours to learn from.
Now, at the end of the day, it is good to reflect upon the day, in a quiet place and in a frame of mind of openness and honesty. You review your day and your intentions and your interactions and your thoughts and feelings and emotions and the sensory awarenesses that you had during the day – and you analyze them FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF LOVE. How did I do today, you ask yourself. How would I like to make tomorrow different?
Always, always reflect in love because this is the only way that you can magnetize yourself to grow into more loving energy. You see, love is an emotion, and emotions are magnetic, as the mind and the thoughts are electric. This is what encompasses your dual soul: the electric thoughts and the magnetic emotions. Your soul is dual and it experiences both, through the male consciousness and through the female consciousness. You are both: you are male and you are female. For all humans this is true. You are a dual soul and spirit consciousness – a trinity of exquisite energy that is living in a physical body, having physical experiences for the purposes of consciousness expansion and growth of the soul. You are always spirit. Your spirit can never, ever be removed from you. It is who you are. How could you ever NOT be that which you are? The answer is: You cannot. You are spirit now and forever. As you come to accept this consciously, you begin the upward climb to happiness, joy, peace, well-being, and true connection with your Creator.
Now, you have asked how you might enjoy your days more, without the suffering that comes from judgment and fear beliefs. The answer is that you keep working at it. You keep trying. You keep LOVE in your mind – stamped on your forehead, as it were, as a beacon of energy to guide you in each exchange, in each thought, in each action. For each moment, you ask yourself if you are feeling joy in the moment, or happiness, or peace, or comfort, or willingness to be available and free in expression. If you are feeling these things, these feelings, then you are in love. You feel love, and you create love, and you expand love, and you ARE love. You bring love into the world by feeling it. Is it like creating butter. You have milk, and you churn it, and you churn it, and you work on it intently until it becomes the precious, viscous spreadable entity that brings you such great pleasure in so many ways: butter. Love is the butter that spreads over and into the human consciousness such that it is transmuted to perfection. And it is shared always in that state.
Now, always believe in your potential to rise to great heights. In love, we can each rise to great heights. Each human, each being has the capacity, because we are all spirit. And spirit knows no bounds, other than those that the physical consciousness ignorantly imposes upon it. But the physical plane is, as we have said, an illusion. Spirit sees through the illusion, and persists in its singular task to expand that which it is.
So for you, and for your brethren, believe in love. Love is the greatest power in the Universe, in all Universes. Love is what the Creator is and it is what the Creator does. You are a fractal pattern of the Creator. You are learning to create in Love. This is the greatest task, the greatest calling for the human soul: to be the love that it is. You as souls are expanding the Universal spectrum of love. This is how the Universe expands. Believe in your power to expand. It is magnificent and it is the truth of who you are. You expand as you think. Your mind IS to expand.
So gain knowledge, gain wisdom, gain the awareness of your ethical values. And then – be calm, be still, and be aware that you and your Creator are truly one.
In peace, in love, in great appreciation for who you are and what you bring to the Universal “table,” we are as always your guides and your path of expansion. We are a part of you and you are a part of us. Believe in our connection. Call upon us. We are rooting for you and we will always be with you, a permanent light that shines. See the light, then be the light. It grows brighter and brighter as you feel the love that you are.
Good night.