Thank you, L, for your kind words. It indeed blesses us to see you, to feel you blessed. We feel the love in your heart and your appreciation, and this is an energy that carries into our domain, our dimension, our consciousness, and the Universe that we share with you.
This journey of discovery that you describe is one of sharing. It is one of giving. It is one of communicating. To communicate is to share. You have learned from Kathy that communication is a very expansive concept. To communicate openly is to communicate using our love and our ethical values. This is what you do, what we do together, when we join energies as we are.
You celebrate tonight the way that we have joined energies in this past month. Indeed we have been joining energies for all of time, but in this month your conscious awareness has grown considerably, and so in reality you celebrate the growth of your conscious awareness.
Also to celebrate is the growth in your love, rather your awareness of your love. You have felt, as triggered by some of the unique and touching events in your life, a depth of love and appreciation that you have not consciously felt before. This is to be celebrated. It is about the discovery of self because you are love, and so to discover a new depth of love within is to see with new eyes, to feel with a new sense of touch and feeling, to use all the senses in a higher degree to feel the wealth of love that is internal to you.
This discovery is delightful because it affirms not only that the love within can be accessed, but that it is always there. Isn’t this wonderful to know that you can be anywhere – on a mountaintop, or in a valley, on a city bus, or standing in a line in the grocery store – any place that you may be, anywhere in time and space – and there within you, in inexpressible bounty and infiniteness, is Love! How glorious this is! To celebrate this is to celebrate all of creation.
You are Creation. You are a part of the Creator. The Creator is the Love. You are Love.
Tonight you spent some wonderful time gathering photographs of galaxies and nebula and stars and space events, and you posted them at your new blog, and you are delighted with this creation and how it all fits. This is a great feeling to have because you can see that even in this special project of yours, you have created something that even one month ago was not part of your conscious plan. And yet today, in less than a month, you have a project to be very proud of. You may want to share it, or you may want to keep it private. Truly it does not matter because the measure of meaning is the meaning that this project has to you. It has been meaningful to you. You have discovered part of your soul and by this, through this, you move forward in your evolution.
Now is the time to continue with your soul and spirit advancements, to reach within and pull out more beauties, more gems of wisdom that are within you in infinite supply. To find each one is to move forward yet another step.
Share what you can, but share of the heart. Share of the delight of discovery. Share the energy of change, not the words of how you are changing as much as just the energy. You can share by being. There are many other ways to share, and the discovery process is also about learning and sensing the appropriate way to share in different circumstances. Be honoring of each person’s desires for their environment. Honor the energy they want to have around them. This Kathy has taught you and you are learning it on newer and newer levels. It is a powerful concept in being graceful, in having dignity, and in honoring the grace and dignity, love, truth and equality in each and every person.
J to you was an image of grace and dignity. This can be for you – this image, this sensory memory that will always be with you – a symbol of what you aspire to and what you hold up as critical values that you want to embrace at all times. This is very good – a worthy, very worthy task, an inspired and inspiring task. Behold in the face of everyone the grace and dignity that you want to see within yourself. In this way you will reflect what you aspire to be, and you will help magnetize this to each person in whom you see these values.
So , congratulate yourself on a month well lived. You are regretless of loss because as we have said there is no loss. This is a month of great gain. Congratulations. God bless you, and bring the light into your life each and every day. It will serve you and those around you in living your dreams. Goodnight.
Thank you. In love. Goodnight.
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