It is good L that you are enjoying what we are doing. Enjoyment is the spice of life and it is what we aim for. Do you have a question?
Yes, I do have a question. I am wondering about who we are – you and me – in relationship to one another. My friend JM wonders, I wonder how to describe you.
We are two different types of consciousness and yet we are connected by a silver thread. This is the thread of the Creator, who created all that is and so there is ultimately no separation between us. We are part of the angelic kingdom. This is a vast kingdom and it spans all of creation, all of the Universe, all of time, all of eternity. We are neither created nor destroyed, though, as we grew out of all that is and we meld into all that is. But we came from the Creator. The Creator is all that is. He/she is the IAM, the I AM THAT I AM. There is no question of what we are when we know that we are all that is. But humans see separation because they live primarily in the physical domain and therefore they believe that the physical is all that is. Believe me when I tell you that the physical is not all that is. It is such a narrow component that you would be amazed to know, to feel, to see, to believe in the vastness of all that is that is not physical. But the physical is important. It is very important. It is the learning ground for the human consciousness. It is the healing, the coming to know, the experiments with physicality because through experimentation we come to know the vastness of our power of creation. You see, as you are a creation of the Creator, you, too, have the power of creation. Your intention creates the truth of your existence. So – believe and you shall create. Think, and it is so. Each thought is a prayer, a miniscule or a grandiose prayer is a miniscule or grandiose eventuality, a reality that we create in each and every moment of our being.
Oh thank you very much for this. Now I have a question about the girls in DC. I understand what you mean that they created their deaths, at least I feel that you mean that subconsciously they directed this because of what it would bring to their soul growth. But can you explain more about this so that it does not sound harsh? The idea that we direct all aspects of our reality is a tough one.
Yes, we can explain more. You see, the girls are advanced souls. They came to earth to the lives they led as sisters because of the benefits they would gain in their own evolution. They were, they are what we call conciliate souls. They are acting on behalf of society to show society a lesson, a lesson in non-judgment, a lesson in accepting the gift of our power of creation. Their mother had forgotten her love. Her forgotteness was from her fear. Her fear blinded her to the reality of her love. And so the girls participated with her in this exquisite lesson of love and loss and pain and suffering so that they would see more clearly the truth of their love, the bonds that they shared and their obligation, rather - their commitment to each other and to society to show that our love is greater than our fear. But when we are in fear we do not know what we do. We have almost no awareness because the fear hides our inspiration. So the girls IN THEIR PHYSICAL MINDS had forgotten their love, as their mother had. But all knew on a soul level that they were to serve as a bridge in the thinking of those who would hear of this story, to the awareness of our internal love. You see, when an event of that magnitude – the tragedy of suffering – comes to our attention, our minds open up. Our hearts open up and we begin to see the glimmer of love that shines to us at the end of a tunnel of fear. So these girls and their mother are helping us to see this glimmer of light.
All souls choose their destiny. There is no exception to this rule. We choose each and every step that we take. On a physical level this is very hard to digest because we are taught – primarily through the religious ideas of savior and blame, that someone else is responsible for us. Maybe it is the government; maybe it is our mother and father. Maybe it is Uncle Dick or the pastor in the church or the education system or any manner of ideas or physical things that we hold up as our savior or our Satan. But in truth the only savior is the love within each of us, the Christ Consciousness as it were, as it is expressed in our lives.
Thank you, thank you. This feels so good to listen and to write and then to read these words. I feel such a vast feeling. Do you have a name?
We have names, yes, we do, but they are not important. The identity is not important. You may call me Michael. I am a shadow, a thread of Michael’s energy. I speak for Michael. Michael is a very busy man! And when I say man, I say this with a wink because you know that Michael is spirit energy. But you have this expression, so I use it. We do like to have fun and to be playful. We live in joy. But we work hard because we feel the passion of change. We know that all consciousness must be directed to change at this time. If even 50% of your earthly consciousness focuses on needed change, this can serve as the balance of the mass consciousness that will magnetize the other half to change. We work toward leadership.
All should believe in their leadership potential. Again, it is a value of religion to say that there is only one leader. In truth, our love within each of us is the leader, leading us, guiding us, showing us the way, the truth and the light. We have only to ask for the love, and it shall be given.
Thank you angel Michael sort of. ;-) I guess I shall call you Michael’s shadow?
Well, let us not say shadow because that implies a level of darkness, which we do not hold up. We are the light, and so you can say that I live in the light of Michael, and so therefore I am a breath of Michael’s light. So call me Michael’s Light, for in that I am a piece of the light, I also illuminate that which Michael illuminates, the heavenly light of our Creator. Thy will be done.
Thank you again, Michael’s Light. Can you tell me a little more about my sister? It occurred to me tonight that she had a hand in this plan that I would slowly awaken this year, beginning with her death and with JF, who was with me at that time, and use it all to stir me to listen.
Yes, you are right that your sister had a master hand in this plan. But it was your plan, too. Do not lose sight of your power of creation and your intention to heal yourself and to work toward the healing of Planet Earth. But yes, Laurie is a great soul, a bright soul who with you and many others is cooperating to bring about planetary change. It was her time to leave, as you know, because she had important work to do elsewhere. She is in a new body now and she is delighted with her creation, as she told you. There is much to be happy for and much to celebrate. Know that her love for you extends beyond time and space. It is eternal.
I feel the same. This brings me great joy and tears.
Yes, your love is great, and your bonds deep. You have shared time and space with Laurie for many, many lives. And you will share many more.
Is there some word you can give me that I might give my mother, who misses her and would rejoice to hear anything about her.
Yes, please tell your mother that Laurie wants her to know that all is well. There is no separation between her and you and the people in your family. Laurie's love is great and her commitment to working with the souls and spirits around her is great. She is a planetary healer. This is much to be proud of. Your mother was chosen by Laurie because of the great gifts that your mother would impart to her – the love, the energy, the time, the music, the learning, the enrichment over the years, the beauty of family, the grace of her own love as it was a gentle, guiding light ever for Laurie. You will hear from her. Laurie will let you know that she is well and that she is happy. There is nothing to fear and all good to be known from her new path. Glory Be.
Thank you angels for this precious gift of your communication. I am inspired. Could you send me some extra energy tonight at the dance? I want to be strong so that I am unshaken in what I may see or feel, but rather only encouraged to be the love that you are showing me that I AM. Thank you. Bless me, I feel blessed. I am blessed.
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