For the time being open your mind to our communication, keep practicing in the car or wherever you want, and continue to prepare your body for this, avoiding sugars, eating fresh foods, and avoiding chemical contaminants of all kinds. Your body in the temple of learning for the soul, and therefore to keep the body in the highest level of health is imperative for the temple to be used effectively.
Today there is an incident that we’d like to talk about. It involves the death of some children in DC. This kind of death is related to the mind of man closing to the inspiration that is within him. Within each of us is a connection to the divine. We can all connect, no one is different. But many are in denial because of fear. So when we close our mind to the inspiration and listen only to our fear, we diminish our capacity to be aware. The children that perished in DC were closing their minds to the inspiration they heard. It was their choice to die as they did, and there is benefit to the deaths because this is also having the dual effect of awakening the hearts of the people who are learning of the events. We must open our hearts in order to get rid of our fears. Fears obscure the loving emotions and fear is the bane of human existence at this time.
Listen. Be aware. Be thoughtful. Allow the thoughts to flow. Allow the loving emotions to flow. Be at peace and know that all is for the greater good, except that by living in fear at this time we are postponing the glory that can be had. You read in the handout of Kathy’s that you humans have been given an extension of the time you have been allotted to come to a higher level of thinking. It is imperative that the thinking be raised. You, L, and many other souls like you, have been given – and have accepted the task, of helping to change the consciousness of mankind. Thank you for your service to the greater good of the Universe. It is needed. Please continue to inspire and work with the souls that come into your life. Be a pillar of the good you speak of. Learn as much as you can about all that is so that you speak knowledgeably and articulately about what you know, and about what you feel inside. Those feelings are the heart of the message you share.
Please tell me more about the message that I will share.
The messages can be simple but profound: We are one. We are one as a people you may say. We are one as the brotherhood of man. We are connected always in
So Linda your task, should you choose to accept it, is to be a beacon of love to all mankind, as the spirit of Jesus-Adam-Amelius was, and Michael, to illuminate love, to BE love, to BE ALL THAT IS in your body, mind, soul and spirit, and to share this message of love and hope with each and every man, woman and child that you encounter – not in words necessarily but in your being. This is no different than the Task that the Master has charged each and every person with. We are to BE ONE WITH THE FATHER, one with EACH OTHER, and moreover, most importantly, ONE WITH OURSELVES ULTIMATELY as we have now lost the awareness of ourselves as whole beings. We are trying to reunite with our spirit. We must remember that we are spirits learning to be human and not vice versa. We ARE ALL THAT IS but we have forgotten that we are ALL THAT IS. BE all that is and know in your very fiber that you are a spirit.
So it is time now for you to get ready for work. Be at peace in your heart and thank you for listening to our message this morning.
Thank you angels for speaking to me. This blesses my day and brings me great comfort.
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