Hello, L. We are glad you are feeling better and are out of that environment. When you are surrounded by negative vibration – loud music and the intense focus of many people in a small space – this can take a toll on the entire being. But you left when it started to get bad, and that is good.
It is good that you have tuned in to listen. Tonight we would like to speak about you. You are a flower, a gentle flower. You have within you the seeds that you need to blossom. But you sometimes are not sure if you want to blossom, and so you kick back into old behaviors that may not serve you anymore. Being in a night club is one of those behaviors. The energy in a place like that can be very jarring and it can carry you, stay with you, for days. It is best to put yourself only in those environments where you are nurturing yourself, so that you are not in an abusive situation.
You read this morning in Love, Truth and Perception that an advanced soul living in the spirit dimension will not accept abuse of any sort. As you aspire to join this kind of energy and as you have made a commitment to work toward advancing your soul energy as you enter the Cycle of Understanding, it is imperative that you be cognizant of environments where you are subjected to abuse. The abuse may be beyond your control, so you must think ahead and plan your steps so that you can side step any potential or prospective abuse.
An example of this was Christmas dinner at your brother’s house. You knew when you were invited to this dinner that CM would have a plan of abuse. It is her way to abuse herself by abusing others. But as you knew this, it was appropriate when you were there to stay out of her way, because she would be looking, quietly, for a way to abuse. You would have had the choice to not attend, and you did indeed consider this option, but out of respect for your family, and in appreciation for the good intention that your brother, D, had, you accepted the invitation, and strove to enter the environment with dignity and composure, knowing that CM had her agenda. This was a difficult situation to put yourself in, but you managed well.
Still, this is the kind of situation that you may wish to avoid if you have the opportunity, because CM knows not what she does, so she will continue to operate in a manner of abuse.
This is for her to look at, when she is ready, but it is for you to avoid. Does this make sense?
Yes, it does. Thank you for discussing this with me. I was wondering about that evening.
J felt the energy, too, and yet it was kind and gentlemanly of him to take you there. He was protecting you. And his protection was from the love that he felt for you and from the gentlemanly way that is his. He was to be thanked for that.
Yes, I hope I thanked him sufficiently.
You did. So, the advanced soul has total respect for self, and so the advanced soul does not tolerate abuse. And abuse comes in many forms. It can be loud music. It can be negative energy of the people in the environment. It can be a polluted area. It can be an unhealthy environment, like a hospital or a doctor’s office. It can be in the home of someone who is struggling with negativity.
But if there is need to be in any of these environments – and there could be if you are helping someone – then you need to envelop yourself in white light. Imagine that we are there protecting you, shielding you. It is all energy. Energy entertwines. So be aware of the energy and add your special energy into the mix and protect yourself as best you can with good thought, safe conditions, and good intentions. Be alert. Be happy. And let go of any attachments to negativity. When you are holding on to any manner of negative energy, this serves as a magnet to other negative energy.
It is all quite scientific. Energy has polarities and the polarities are subjected to the physics and the natural laws of man and the Earth. Like energy attracts like energy. So be aware of the kind of energy that you are attracting. Again, “stick with the winners.” This is not about competition but it is about energy and the law of attraction. You want to draw unto yourself only the good, positive energies because those will magnify your own energy and create a larger area or shield or aura of positive energy around you.
This will help you in advancing your soul and spirit.
Your work environment is a very positive place. You feel comfortable there because you are nurtured with the good vibrations of good people. You are lucky with that, although lucky is a funny term. Maybe we should say fortunate. You have the good fortune to work with people who are very advanced as souls and spirits. You all nurture each other and it is good for all. There is much harmony.
Now, look ahead to your future, L, and make a commitment to put yourself in the right places at the right times. Think always ahead. You are impulsive – you were handed this card the other day at the retreat and it was no coincidence. You do tend toward impulsivity. The other cards were “outgoing” and “adventurous.” These latter two do serve you well, and impulsivity can, too, I suppose, but only when mixed with cognizance and alertness. You must be aware of all around you. Just keep the eyes open and on the road. Stop text messaging in your car. Be safe.
Thank you. I needed to hear that. I have been doing better lately after hearing you tell me the first day we talked that I should keep my eyes on the road. I’m doing better!
Yes you are. Good for you! Keep it up. It is a blessing to be aware and know what is around you.
Now, let us talk about taking advantage of a situation. Advantage means you position yourself for maximum mileage in any given situation. It means you are one step ahead instead of one step behind. The secret to being one step ahead is to prepare. In preparing, you THINK about what is coming up. You envision a plan of behavior. You are alert and you are forthright and you are determined. You are proactive. Learn what you need to learn, think about the other people. Get in their skin for a moment and see where they are coming from. Anticipate their needs, wants and desires, and their fears. What are they seeing that you may not be seeing that you may need to see so that you better understand them?
Understanding is a way of putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes for a short time so that we have a feel for them, for that person. Do not become the energy, that is, do not take on someone else’s energy. But use your senses to be aware of them fully.
And then behave as you need to as is appropriate. Use those ethical values – respect, value, appreciation, courage, honor, communication, truth, equality, independence, freedom, etc. All the ethical values are at your disposal instantaneously. Use them wisely, use them liberally. They are you, so you do not have to do more than just feel within that you want to use them. And they will be there for you.
So look at the people around you, “psyche them out” as it were - understand their psyche, and then do what you need to do to move smoothly through the situation. It is easy, but it takes forethought. So just think ahead.
Now, as you are at this turning point in your life, you want to be able to take advantage of situations so that you can capture the energy in a moment if you need to, to move forward with speed and efficiency. There will be people coming into your life who will be asking things of you. You must examine these offers closely and accept only those that are coming from the most ethical position. Do not go anywhere close to where the ethics are tainted or suspicious or just not there.
But you will feel this. Just ask yourself – pose the question: Are the ethics integrated here? And you will hear the answer, just like you heard an answer, a call today in the clothing shop about not buying that shirt. Is was not meant to be bought. Period. You knew it and you put it back. A very simple moment in time, but a nice and even powerful message about listening. You will always hear your soul and spirit speaking to you if you listen. Your soul and spirit are always speaking, and you are beginning to hear more and more. This is very good. Keep it up. Practice. It is not bad to practice on even trivial things. “Do I want to eat this?” “No, I don’t,” or “Yes, I do.” Now tonight you knew that it would be better to not eat the rugelach, but you disregarded because of your sugar addiction. But you have been doing better. We commend you. You are working to get rid of this addiction. It is time. Sugar, refined sugar is poison. You do not need it. It is a hormone disruptor and it causes all manner of disease as it whacks out your Ph levels and causes disease, that is, it creates a situation, condition, in the body that allows disease to attack. Steer clear of sugar and you will be doing mountains to keep disease at bay. This is very necessary in today’s world. You must keep up your defenses.
Perhaps it is time to end this. It is late and you have had a boisterous night. Blessings, L. Good night.
Good night. Thank you again for all.
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