Thank you, L, for joining us this afternoon. It is a beautiful day when we tune in and think about who we are as a soul and spirit consciousness on Earth. There is much to discover through the thinking process. This year is about discovery for you and we are glad to be a part of it. Do you have a question about J?
Yes, I was wanting to further explore what drew me to the relationship. I think we talked about this in the car but I want to write it down.
There are many things that drew you into a relationship with J. First and foremost, it was the love that you have known before. You and J have been in many lives together and so therefore there is a familiarity, a comfort, with one another’s energy. There was faith and trust that your shared experiences from the past would provide you with a fertile bed for ongoing discoveries. Neither of you proved this false this time around. It was a good thing, a blessing that you rediscovered each other.
Also there was a commitment to learn further lessons. J is working on many lessons, as you are. And so there was a knowing that you could share in discovering answers to some of your many questions. For each of you the lessons and the discoveries would be different because you are different people inasmuch as you know one another and share a soul heritage. But you must not judge each other’s lessons because they are unique to each of you. You both did very well in this regard. There was and is much gain.
With J there is a special energy of joy and lightness that drew you to him. He has a joie de vivre that excited you and touched a piece of energy within you that has that same element, the joy of life and the lightness of being. This was expressed in the dancing that you both love to do. For J it was also in his game of golf. With golf J could feel a freedom within him, in his heart, as he would be in the elements of nature, with no responsibilities or hardship. There was a removal of worry and care that he feels when he can be focused on his game of golf.
This power within him, the strength, the physical strength, was also appealing to you. Strength is an ethical value. To have strength in the physical body is a fractal pattern of the strength of spirit that each of us seeks. So you saw within J the energy of strength that you, too, are working on, although your focus is more as the ethical value. But this is an appropriate distinction in the male and female because the female internalizes energy and focuses on her heart-mind connection, whereas the male is focused on the physical energy and the mind connection. You both have elements of both, though. This is good to remember because the male and female work in conjunction to embrace the energies of the other. So you both shared in learning these different perspectives of strength.
Also with J there was the physical beauty that drew you to him. J is indeed a beautiful man, inside and out, and you saw his beauty and it reflected your own and therefore it was an affirming energy for both of you to see beauty in the other because this affirmed your own sense of beauty within self. It was beautiful for us to behold the beauty within you both that you appreciated. Trust this, L. J appreciates your beauty, your inner beauty and the beauty of your body.
You have felt rejected by him because you see yourself as a sexual object and you forget that your beauty is internal. So you projected your own sense of rejection of your inner beauty onto his thoughts. Believe me when I tell you that J was ever cognizant of the many levels of beauty that you have. And likewise, , we know that you, too, recognized the many levels of beauty within J. But as all relationships are truly about our discovery of self, you must realize that your challenge with J and with your feelings subsequent to your breaking apart from one another is a challenge of looking within and discovering and BELIEVING that you are a being of great beauty.
There is not a soul in the world that is not a being of great beauty. We are all the beauty of the Creator, a beauty that far surpasses all other beauty – and there is much, much beauty to discover in every minutiae of our existence. But within the Creator, and therefore within us, is a treasure trove of beauty.
When you and J first started seeing each other, you wrote a message to him saying that you hoped you would have the opportunity to discover the treasure trove that was him. These were your words. You knew at that time what a gift you had been given, and what an opportunity you might or would have to use J – and we mean this in the most spiritual terms – to discover your own beauty within the beauty of him. This you have accomplished. And this J accomplished.
You have also said subsequent to your parting that you believe that everything was done right, that you have no regrets, and that it was all a beautiful experience. This is true in many respects although within you still lingers a sadness that you could not have more.
This feeling of wanting more is truly a feeling that the ego leaves with you because the ego does not want you to recognize the gain, the immense gain. You do know in your heart that the net gain was 100 percent, and that there is no loss.
Yes, I do know this. It is my feeling. And yet I still cry.
You may mourn his loss, but in truth there is no loss. And for the most part you are entirely joyful to have created what you did and to have dealt with the parting in such a fine way. Look at the gains, look at what you accomplished, look at the beauty that is J and the beauty that is you, and see that there is truly no loss. J will be in your heart forever and you will be in his, and there will never be a replacement for the special element that he has brought to your world. This is to say that J gave you a unique gift, and you may treasure it for the special beauty that it holds WITHOUT feeling that it is compromised by any loss. There is no loss. There is only gain. And this is not the case with everything. With some things in life we step back a few steps when we miss the lesson. You have missed no lessons with J. You have examined this from many angles and you made the necessary changes and you have found tremendous inspiration from the gain. Again, we commend you for how you have handled this.
Same for J. He is to be commended. He is a great soul and he did well to find you and to be in your world and to share his world with you for a year. Know that you will continue to share with each other on a soul and spirit level. When J said a few days ago that he is happy to know that your spirits will forever be intertwined, he spoke the truth of his heart, and he is happy for you and for the gains, the many gains, that he felt from his time with you.
Now is the time that patience and strength of character will serve you. Let us let the thoughts of J slip into the ethers – for now, so that you may move forward in your thinking and in your discoveries. There may be a time that you can come back to J – and this may just be on a soul and spirit level – in fact, you will always be there on a soul and spirit level. But in your conscious thinking you may come back. But it is good to let those thoughts of him drift into the spaces beyond your aura and your ethers, as you have done so well, and move into the progressive thinking of what is next, what the Universe holds for you.
What do you want for yourself? What is life about for you? What do you want to accomplish and gain now? What are you willing to do to get there? These are very creative questions that you have been asking yourself and we commend you for being there in your thinking. This is how we create our lives. It is conscious creation. It is the conscious development of our reality so that it conforms to our truest, inner wishes, our hopes, our dreams, our needs as they may be.
You are thinking consciously about these things. Keep making your lists. Keep writing things down. Dream. Dream big! Think big! You are a creator. You are a very good creator. You have created much in your life and you have a grand opportunity at this time to create much more. So think carefully about what you want to create.
And then develop a plan for creating it. Again, write things down. Dream big! And go for it. Do not let anything stand in your way. Nothing can stand in the way of a mind determined to create. Determination is in many respects an ethical value when it is coupled with love, equality and truth. So infuse your determinations with those other ethical values and then see the miracles that unfold. You will, you WILL be very surprised and delighted.
Look around you. What do you see that you would like to change? This goal is like cleaning your house – which you love to do because you love to see the beauty that you have created. So look around the world and see what you would like to “fix up.” And then develop a plan for working toward that. Pull together your energy reserves and know that you have what it takes to create all that you want.
Believe in yourself. Believe that you can do what it is that you want to do. There is nothing that will stand in your way.
Thank you. Can you give me some tips on banishing my ego? I love writing but working hard and thinking ahead are things I’m not always putting energy into.
As you wrote those words you realized that you are indeed a hard worker when you put your mind to something. You are a very hard worker. The key here is to believe in yourself and to believe in Love. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It has moved mountains, as your Book of God states. This is no myth. It is true. Love has moved far more than mountains. Love created the Universe, the Cosmos. Believe that it can create micro-universes like the one that your life symbolizes.
So work with love. The ego is fear – the opposite of love. So to banish the ego you need only to work in love.
Now, there is the ongoing process of dealing with your fears. Your fears, your fear beliefs, have built up over millennia of you as a consciousness and of the mass consciousness of humankind. So continue to explore your fear beliefs and let them go one by one. Each of them has served a purpose but they no longer serve you and so it is time to let them go.
Then, look out for all the things that you can create. You are a master planner, so you will have no trouble conceptualizing some plans of action for your creations. Just make lists. Focus on your intentions. Focus on releasing your fears. And as always, align yourself with those other beings that you feel are of a synchronous energy. You want to stay with the people that inspire you and help you on the path of enlightenment and discovery and positive and impactful creation. There are many, many people in this category. So there should be no concept of limitation. Believe in bounty, believe in abundance, and believe in who you are. You are, after all, all that is. What is it that you cannot create as all that is? There is nothing that you cannot create. Stated in the positive, you can create anything you want. Go for it. Believe in your dreams, and believe that you are a creator.
Me: Thank you again as always. I look forward to creating!
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