Yes, we remember that moment. You asked why you were feeling the weakness. We said it was because of the ego. The ego does not want you to change. The ego has an investment in you holding onto your longing and your sadness, or what were your longing and your sadness. You have changed those elements and you’ve changed them quickly, and this is a testament to your commitment to change.
But you see, the ego recognizes your commitment, and so it will create many ruses to lure you back. It will tell you that you should mourn, that you should be sad for the loss – not that these are not normal reactions to losing a loved one – but with J it was indeed time to let go, for you, because you knew that you did not want to linger in that war zone. It is in fact a war zone if you let it be. It is a battle between the ego and the spirit – otherwise known as the ego-spirit tug of war. The spirit says hearten, love is abundant and you will feel it rise in your soul. The ego says nay, this is not a time for happiness; this is a time to hang onto the fear because the fear beliefs are a known quantity, and what is known is a comfort, however pained the comfort may truly be.
You said today in the car that you missed J. We said that J is there with you in spirit, that where there was once love, there is always love. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. You and J, in your sharing, tied into an energy stream of love together, and this stream is there for you to remember and to feel. It will never die; it can always be with you as a source of strength.
And were you not surprised to come home and find a postcard from him in the mailbox? You see, this is how energy works. You’ve seen this also with your friend, JM. You and JM are very akin. She is “reading” your mind in many ways and you are “reading” hers, although neither of you may be conscious of this but in fact you both are tying into energy streams of understanding, of discovery. What a delight to be able to share this with a friend. It is a blessing to see this.
J is with you in spirit.
I keep having the energy sense that this new partner in his life will be a light of beauty and love for him and that he will for the first time fall in love with her, and she will open his heart some more. This is the happy part but I also feel that she will break his heart, and from this he will learn more from the opposite image of his own previous behavior what it feels like. I don’t mean this vindictively. I see it as a learning karmic thing.
You may be right, this may happen. It is not for any of us really to know, although the energy arrangement could well be there, and this is indeed how the soul learns, by experiencing the opposite. J, as we have said, is an advanced soul and he is looking keenly at what makes love happen. He very much wants to know. What a grand experiment to find a beautiful person to help him learn this. You, too, helped him learn. It is all a progression. All of our lives are a progression. We take one baby step at a time, and sometimes we step backwards, and then forwards, and sideways. The legs are a perfect fractal pattern of the energy of how we learn as we walk forward and walk in many ways in life. They are a symbol. But symbols are fractal patterns on a more ethereal level.
So how am I doing with letting go of J?
You are doing well. You have a very fun weekend ahead with P, and it is very good that you have designed this into your life. P will show you some things that will surprise you. Be prepared for a good weekend, and enjoy yourself. Do not throw caution to the winds, but feel the freedom of the moment to be yourself, to be spontaneous, to let the rhythm of life carry you both where the Universe may want to take you. All is open and all can be experienced. There is much to learn from this man. He is a good man and can teach you. And you, too, can teach him. It can be an adventure in learning. Be happy and be proud of your creations. You are gaining monumentally in your life at this point and it is a momentum that you can carry for a good while. But again, do not go overboard. It is good to have fun, but be balanced. Get enough sleep. Do not overdo it.
Thank you angels. I think I’m going to go to bed now. Actually I am going to read over some of our work. And then I will fall asleep. Thank you for being with me. I am grateful!
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