Sat, Feb 2, 2008, 4:15 PM

Good afternoon angels. I am here to listen and to glean wisdom from you. Thanks.

Good afternoon, L. It is always nice to know that you are here with us and in your heart and mind caring to be one with loving things. We do try to share love and speak of love because it is love that we are all made of. So what better thing to be and share and discuss than Love?

Today you are sharing a loving occasion with a friend. You both have a trust and a joy that you feel with one another and tonight is the time that you will find out why. This is an adventure that you have both been looking forward to with excitement and perhaps a little trepidation because you are unsure of your motivations. And yet inside your minds you do understand that your motivation is to share healing thoughts and to help each other reach a higher plane of thinking.

This is a noble thing for any two people to do, and you are to be commended for your courage in doing it without knowing much of one another. Rather, you both had the sense that you are kindred spirits and you desire to explore what the basis is of being in that relationship to one another.

Whenever two people feel this sort of camaraderie, it is because the energy is known. You and P have known one another in former lives. It has been a union of pleasure and gain and purpose as you are both purposeful and progressive-thinking people who look at occasions for learning and for advancement. It is wonderful to share a purpose like this because there will always be gain when the intention is growth.

Now, P has come to visit because he is also seeking a partner and he feels that you may perhaps be that partner. You, too, have entertained similar notions. This is normal and there is no harm in getting together with that intention. Be aware though to not be seductive, that is, seduction is an energy of fear, and it comes under the vein of manipulation. So you want to keep your focus on being a friend if that is indeed your focus. Even if it is not, it is never appropriate to be seductive, as the energy of manipulation will be evident even if not on a conscious level, and it will magnetize like energy. It will “backfire,” as you say.

What is my intention? I am interested in him for many things. One may be a sexual interest but I am also interested in his mind and the way he thinks. I think we could have a special and unique relationship.

Think about what you want. It is someone to appreciate you? Is it someone you can help? Is it someone to admire you? Is it someone who may find benefit to the friendship? What are your intentions? If you write them down you will be clearer.

First and foremost I am looking for a possible sexual relationship. I have the sex-is-love belief still. I feel that if I can attract him, I will be the desirable person and this will fill my ego need. But also I want to feel a closer level of the warmth that I have felt toward and from him. I want to explore what that may hold. I also want to probe his thinking. I wonder how his mind works. I am interested in his life, what brought him to like and love the things that he does. I want to laugh with him, too. He tickles my funny bone. I like his humor. It is smart and witty and clever. This draws me to him. And I like the tender, nurturing part of him. I see that he loves his family and has loyalty to them, and this is appealing to me. I would like to share and exchange energy with him – those things in me that he may find interesting and intriguing. I also want to dance with him. I think it will be fun.

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