Do not despair, but know that Chuck had the clear intention of departing when he did. He lived a long, strong life and it was his time to go. He left with a smile in his heart and he left with love in his heart for his son and for his wife, who he intends to join, and for all those people in his life that uniquely served him in discovering his own internal love. He was grateful for a long and fulfilling life.
Now, when someone makes the choice to leave, it is totally appropriate for us to mourn their loss, but it is also for us to be thankful for the gifts that they brought to us by their being in our life. Chuck was a very special man to you. He was firm in his convictions and yet gentle in his demeanor. He loved you and he was always happy that you and Chad had found one another and that you brought Erica into this world and that he could share the joys of these unions with you. He was sad that you and Chad parted ways but in his soul he understood that this was necessary for the advancement that the separation would bring you.
Let us talk for a minute about Chad. This will be a difficult time for him because he placed much of his faith in his father; faith that he wanted to have in himself he reflected to his father. So this will be a time for Chad to examine the value of faith and to see more and more that his faith in himself was always there, just not necessarily focused upon. You can support him in this by encouraging him to see his own strength and his love. It was good that you could share the day today. This was a blessing for Chad and for you. As twin souls, you operate on a high level of love and support, and it is beautiful that over time you have been able to put aside the dramas that were part of your earlier days, and focus on the sincerity of a friendship, a very special friendship that truly spans all time because as twin souls, you are united forever as mirror images of one another. You support each other’s growth.
Now is the time that you can cherish the growth that you’ve experienced independent of one another, and use it to truly support one another in ways that you may not have imagined earlier. Be open to what this may entail. It may entail a small favor in a moment; it may entail large-scale assistance when the time comes. It can be the commitment that you both feel to help one another on a daily basis in dealing with life’s little challenges. It can be in supporting your daughter. There are many, many ways that you can stay in the loving and supportive friendship that you’ve newly discovered, and this you will do because of your soul commitment to love one another regardless of the face of the challenges in your midst.
Erica gains immensely from this. She sees in you both the renewal of the vows that you made years ago, and yet the vows now are a bit different because there isn’t the physical union, but there is the soul and spirit union, and this is what affirms Erica’s hopes and wishes that her parents’ love, and her love, will be honored in her life. This is a great gift that you give to her, and you can all three be commended for the steps that you have taken to let each other know how much you appreciate being in each other’s lives.
Chuck is in a better place today although his energy hovers still above the place that he loved, the place where he and Chad and Millie shared the prime years of their time together. It is a beautiful area and it speaks to the heart of each of them. In Chad
So Chad will need your loving support in these days ahead, and as you give it, give it with the heart of non-interference. Chad
So today is a time to rejoice that Chuck has created a new life for himself in a new body. You will know him again. You will know the energy. Be aware as the days and years go on, and know that love is eternal and love is a gift that never dies. You will see Chuck in the eyes of a young man and you will sense the energy of knowing. You will see the spark and the lightness that is felt when two people recognize but maybe do not consciously understand. You may want to share this with Chad, as he will be wanting a token of that love that he misses. He will be happy to think that his connection with his father is not gone just because the physical body is gone. He will be happy to know that love never dies. His father loved him deeply, and Chad deeply respected his father and honored him many times during the last years. It was always a joy to Chuck to see his son.
Thank you for listening tonight. We send love and light to Chad and to Chuck and to you and Erica. You are a family, with Millie, and it was a productive and valuable family for all of you. Know that your time of sharing had many net gains. Your promises to each other on a soul level were fulfilled. All was done well. Feel the love and feel the light and continue to share it with one another. You are joined forever.
Good night.