Friendship is an amazing gift that we give ourselves. It rewards from the soul because friendship is a soul relationship. It is a relationship that two people who are in sync come to find together. Over time the relationship prospers if the two friends are open to growth, open to sharing, open to giving, open to seeing and open to communication always.
You and JM seem to have this kind of relationship. There is much openness and willingness to share and to be a helper. There is a soul commitment to helping the other reach a higher plane of awareness. And there is poetry in the midst. To share life through the perspective of poetry is an indication that the two souls are gifted with a love of words and an appreciation for symbolism. There is much growth that these two souls can experience just by virtue of appreciating symbolism because symbols are metaphysical. They go beyond the physical domain to touch the invisible realm, the realm of thought, the realm of ideas, the deeper levels of thinking that are appealing because they are hidden to some degree. There is a joy in seeking the inner levels of thought. Always enjoy friends who love poetry because in them you will find the heart of a poet and the love and tenderness that poets share.
Now, JM is an advanced soul, and very advanced soul who is seeking keenly for answers. She is thirsty to discover and apply and she is happy to have a friend accompany her in her quest for knowledge. When someone is this open and this intent on growing, you have the opportunity to share on many levels. Share the joy that she feels and be a good friend to her. Help when asked, provide assistance on any level, and accept the many gifts of the heart in return that she will want to share. She is a giving soul and will always look for ways in which she can lighten someone else’s load and be a friend to them. This energy is pervasive in her and it draws many to her because these others can see the beauty of her spirit. It shines, it is radiant and it is indeed magnetic and it draws many to her. They see her light and in many respects want to share it. This is the beauty of a radiant person. They cannot stop the light from shining and it is a beauty to behold.
You and JM share many traits and this is why the Universe has drawn you to each other. You are both passionate about dancing and about expressing the joys that you feel through the motion of the body. This is a wonderful thing to share with a friend because it opens the energy centers – the chakras – and allows for more energy to flow in and out of your physical bodies into the ethers as you share in conversation and other pastimes. The joy of motion enhances the friendship.
Also you share the quest for knowledge. This is a passion for you both and you can share this with each other as you study and as you may wish to share some of the things that you learn. You enhance one another’s knowledge base. You multiply the productivity that you are each experiencing by sharing it with each other.
Also there is the magnetism that you have to some members of the opposite sex. They may see the beauty that you both reflect outward and they wish to enjoy this sensory experience, of feeling the vibrations of happiness that you both feel, the sensitivity, the kindness, and the interest that you have in their lives. They see physical beauty but they also see the beauty within, and this increases their interest.
You also share a love of nature and a commitment to making the world a better place. This is an especially important attribute – it is a soul commitment and a soul knowing that you both have that speaks to the connection you feel to the Earth and to all its beings. There is a simple respect for life and for the lifestyles and ethnic and cultural persuasions of all peoples. This is very strong within you both and it is a guiding light as you each seek in varying degrees of passion to work with others to create change around you, for your own benefit and the benefit of others. There is an agape love within that reaches to all people.
So there are many attributes that you and JM share that bring you both a harmony and an interest in one another. You see that much can be accomplished as you nurture the friendship. You are guided by the actions of the other in pursuing some of your own actions. There is much inspiration that you share.
Respect this friendship. Do it right and be the best friend that you can be as you both grow together and grow independently in your quests for soul advancement. There is much to be gained and shared and enjoyed as you cultivate this relationship of true friendship.
Thank you so much. I am glad that she is my friend. And I am very glad to have LK as a friend, too. Each brings me a set of rich gifts and I appreciate them both. LK and I are now exploring a deeper friendship and it brings me joy. I feel accepted and I feel well liked and I feel that I can contribute to the friendships. They are fun!
LK too is a beautiful soul and spirit, with a warm heart and a beautiful smile. She is gentle and she is loving and she, too, is seeking her happiness in the relationships in her life that she is exploring. She is in a wonderland of sorts and yet she is practical, too. She wants to experience many joys and she sees in you and in JM, her dear friend of some time, the opportunity to bond and to talk about the events of her life, and she too wants to know of the events of your lives. It is enriching to her to share and she is joyful that the friendships are a part of her life. Treasure LK’s friendship as well as JM’s. Both reward many times over.
Thank you. I’m going to go to bed now.