Sadness can come from many feelings. When we feel a sense of loss we are feeling a sense of separation from the Creative Energy that created us.
But it is normal to feel loss. This sense can open the heart to many beautiful feelings of love and appreciation and joy in remembering what was. We can appreciate the beauty of what we experienced because in each and every moment we do have unity with what was and all that will be.
On Earth there is the concept of time. But in the spirit world there is no time. So there is no loss truly because all that you were and all that you will ever be IS who you are right now. You are truly not separate from those that you love, nor are they separate from you. Only in the physical world do we see separation.
But if you could see with the eyes of spirit – that is, if you were seeing with the eyes of spirit as everyone can – you would see that your connections are not at all broken with anyone. The bonds are ever present. And as you see these bonds with your “third eye” – your spirit eye and all your senses in their expansiveness – you will see the bonds and see the silver threads that connect you to everyone and every thing that is a part of you – a part of your world in every manner and a part of your universe.
Energy is chemical in nature, but it comes from thought. “As you think you travel; as you love you attract.” Again these words come into play because they define how your energy connects you to others. As you love you send your loving energy like beams of light in the direction of the ones you love. And as you think in fear, you send waves of negative energy into the Universe. It is best to let go of the fears and to mitigate the fear energy as best you can when you feel it because it never serves and it adds to the negative energy of the Universe. We are working to add light and love, and this is your mission, too.
So as you add your light to the Universe, think of the good that you are doing and the benefits of sharing something bright from your heart. You help another person; you create a lightness in their day; you allow them to share what you have shared with them with someone else – and this all impacts self in good ways. So the good energy, the loving energy moves. And as it moves it always carries with it a message of hope and goodness. It is a healing, and everyone and everything can use healing. Healing just means that we become more what we truly are – a Spirit Consciousness in physical form on the Earth.
You are looking at loss because it is an energy that is human. It is an energy that is shared. It is an energy that touches the human heart and brings it into an opening of faith and love. Those who lose someone they love, or perceive loss within a death experience – there is a light about them because there is a humility and a gentleness that speaks through the heart in those moments. This is actually one of the gifts in death: it opens the hearts of those who love.
Death is also an avenue of rebirth. When it is time to move out of one life, it is time to move into another life. There is always transition, and it is this transition that is a beacon of hope for all who are part of the transition – meaning the person who dies or who otherwise leaves a situation as well as those who actively and passively experience the loss.
Death is an energy of transition. So even as you have a parting of ways in a romantic situation, or in a friendship, there is a death of sorts but really it is a transition. And the transition is always, without exception, known and agreed upon by the parties involved. There is no denial of perfection save the denial that an ego will forever purport.
So in your sadness, there may also be a part of your ego that is not accepting of the choices of your soul. This is not to say that tears and sadness are inappropriate responses to loss – they are a soul’s way to express a feeling, in love and compassion. But it is good to see at times where the ego may be quietly sitting or perhaps watching and waiting for a moment to seek self pity or resign or even bitterness. These feelings can be recognized by the hurt that accompanies them. When we are bitter or when we “give up” in resign, we are not seeing the perfection of the lessons we are trying to learn.
So try to see the beauty in the situations that are part of your life. You do see this and it is beautiful to behold. But always there is more beauty to see. You can mine for gold many times in the minutiae of life because in even the smallest moments there are gems to be found.
The biggest gem that you have found in the losses of late is the love within you. This is a priceless find. People may hunt for years, lifetimes, millennia with little love being found because fear is so encompassing and fear beliefs are so entrenched. You are learning about these fears and you have systematically identified and discarded many. But keep looking. The biggest ones are the ones that are the oldest. Sex is love, and sex is a sin, are two of the biggest and they infiltrate much thinking. The one life to live belief is another, and inequality – wanting to be saved. These are major belief systems that are shared by the human race and are insidiously woven into the fabric of moment-by-moment living.
So keep working to show yourself the many ways in which these beliefs still affect your life. And then match them to the moments in which you may feel sad, or lonely, or unequal to someone. Keep looking within the behaviors, the attitudes, the personality – yours – for evidence of these beliefs.
And then without judgment release them by saying “I give my fears permission to leave. Thank you for having served me. I no longer need you.”
It is a very freeing moment to say this even once each day. Many go for lifetimes without these revelations. But they can come much more often if you have the intention to uncover them. And you do have this intention. This is precisely why you are exploring your heart and your mind the way you are. Keep up with this pursuit. It is a worthy task, a very worthy task.
In each of life’s moments you can see the beauty of yourself and the beauty of those who have come into your life. Know that there is infinite purpose in each and every moment of life. You are cooperating with myriad souls and spirits to create change on the Earth. Change begins within. So to assist in this major task of creating change, you must be diligent and you must not fear the revealment of the fears. Fears are only powerful when they are hidden. In the light of awareness and understanding, they change to emit only a fine glow, like a seashell that has been washed over many times and now lies quietly in the sand as the sun shines down. Each fear truly is a grain of sand, and as countless as those grains are, they are far less numerous than the points of light of love that make you every ounce of the being that you are. You are truly a being of light, and the fears are miniscule in comparison.
So see the light that is you. And respect it for the travel that you have taken to discover it. You have traveled through time and space in soul and spirit and physical form to be where you are now, which is, for all humans, the highest point they have reached. Today, this moment, is your point of power. And as you use that power to diminish your fear beliefs and kindle the light of love that is ever you, you give yourself the urging and the delight of Being Spirit. As the fears are lost, we become our Divine Self. This is our quest.
Within the quest, there is no loss. Believe in forever. Believe in the love that is you. Believe that all bonds of love are honored, respected, valued and appreciated forever. This is because of Spirit, which created you. Spirit is in all. You are Spirit. There is no loss. Expand and know that your journey of expansion brings comfort and love forever.