Good evening L. Did you enjoy the qigong and the meditation session?
Yes I did! It was a little hard to slow down that much but once I was able to do it, it was an interesting practice. I enjoyed it.
Good. This is always good to discipline the body and the mind in the practices of tuning in and becoming aware of the subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle energies that pervade our physical bodies, our minds, and our soul and spirit. All are connected and so whatever you do to one, you do to all the others, although the spirit is the highest element and order of self so it takes focus and Being to reach the inner core. Focus is a practice, truly a practice that is worthy of all humans. Most often we do not focus, and often we do not focus internally, where the gems of discovery can be most readily found.
Tonight there is a subject that we would like to discuss with you. This is the subject of leaving the physical thoughts behind and allowing our thought to come into your thinking. You are trying diligently to accommodate this new way of thinking and you are doing an excellent job. It is exciting you a great deal because this kind of thinking is not something that you are used to doing. It is bringing you new discoveries and it is affirming your sense of what you are able to do. It is full of surprises. And it is carrying you to new levels of being.
All of this is very good and we commend you for the diligence with which you are working.
Now, to discipline yourself to do this with focus and with further diligence it may behoove you to make a few needed changes in your life. We say needed, but truly it is your choice about what you wish to do with your mind and with your time and with your physical body. We can guide but you do have free choice, free will and free intention to do as you please. So you may make the ultimate decisions, as is totally appropriate.
That said, we would like to make a few recommendations. The first recommendation is about the food that you eat. The food that you eat as you know is the fuel for the body. But the fuel can be low grade fuel or it can be high grade fuel. It is your choice. But processed foods are invariably going to be lower grade fuel. There are organic lower-grade fuels but they are still lower grade because they have been worked over and charged with electromagnetism and other elements – additives – that are not necessarily supportive of your optimal functioning. So it is ideal to avoid the processed foods to the degree that you can.
The other thing that you can be aware of is the need for protein. Proteins are the building blocks of the body. You need to get enough protein but not too much. 35 grams a day is good. Balance the protein throughout the day. Do not resort to simple carbohydrates in order to get your energy. Your body will supply you with the energy that you need if you supply the proper nutrients.
And the water that you drink – this is good. You are drinking the mineral water. Try to get it not in a plastic bottle. But if you must drink from a plastic bottle it is better to make sure the minerals are present. It is critical to get the minerals.
Then mostly you should have fresh greens and cooked greens. Experiment. P shared some recipes with you the other day. He is onto good things with his cooking. Take note.
Me: I got sidetracked mentally when you mentioned P . I’m still trying to sort out our weekend and figure out where I stand with him and in my own mind toward him. Could you share more thought with me on this?
Yes, we did do this some and we can go further. P is a fine man and if you want to put your energies into this relationship, it could bear some fruit. Do keep in mind that emotionally you are of two different persuasions. P tends toward more stoicism. You tend toward gregarious. These are not inharmonious but they are indeed not the same. To the degree that you may find comfort in this schism of approaches, you could find comfort in the relationship.
But do keep in mind the kinds of attributes that you are seeking. Make a list and then determine where P falls on the list. Make a list of what you want and what you don’t want. And compare. P is thinking of you and he is interested in you but he, too, sees that your temperaments are somewhat different, and he also sees that the distance could be an obstacle. This is not to say that there isn’t benefit to exploring things further. It could be a joyful union in some ways but perhaps not on the full scale that you are looking for.
So just decide where you want to put your time. Keep in mind your greater goals. Do not lose sight of the greater goals for the smaller goals. You do have the sex is love beliefs hidden in your thinking still, and this is just to say – there is no judgment here but every experience will yield learning about your beliefs. So there is nothing wrong with looking wherever you may want to look to learn more about what is inside of you. P can help teach you and you can help teach him. But you want to be aware of what you are doing. Just be alert to the ego ploys and to your greater intentions, and find where the two may collide. This takes some thinking and some honesty and some reflection. You can do it easily if you take the time and if you open your mind.
It is also important to be aware of the fears that come into your mind as you plan your next steps. Are you lonely? Do you seek a friend to kill time with? Do you seek a lover to flatter you and gratify you? Are you looking to fulfill an image, to perpetuate an ego image? Are you seeking to save your partner from what you perceive as his loneliness? Do you think that by being sexually attractive that this will bring you love? Do you equate love and sex? Are you hoping they are the same so that you can seduce your partner to play the role of true love? There are so many ego ploys that oftentimes are hidden but not so deeply that you cannot see them. Look carefully and be honest about your intentions.
Do not feel rejected if P makes the decision to move onto more fertile ground. It says nothing about you. You are who you are and you are a beautiful being, as he is. You can only see your beauty yourself. You cannot expect another to acknowledge this for you. So if you look to another to acknowledge your beauty then you will never be satisfied with the perception that you gain from that because there can be no gain from buying into what we think another person is thinking. In other words, do not place your perception of self into the hands of another person. Only you are responsible for what you think. P is responsible for what he thinks. He is free to choose, as you are.
So think again of the beauty of you and the beauty of him. Send him love and light and then let go and let God, as the saying goes. This just means you let the Universe step in and help aright any energy that may be errant or confused or maybe zigzagging a little as you both contemplate the possibilities.
Now, I understand that you are judging yourself for what you perceive to be inappropriate behavior, or just that you did not feel comfortable at points and you wish you had acted differently. Rest assured that P is not judging you for this. P sincerely enjoyed your company, as he said. This was the truth. He did have a wonderful time and was thinking a great deal about the wonder of the weekend. But he is a practical man and he has his hands full with his team. His mind is on his professional appearance and his stamina on the court and the image that he is conveying to the people in his community. This is very important to him and so if you consider this and put it in perspective, you will see that at this time P is thinking of some critical things that may preclude what he may think of as more frivolous behavior. This is not to demean his time with you by any means, but with everyone there is a ranking of priorities, and a relationship with a woman is not a priority for him at this time.
So be patient and see how P responds. You are prepared for any response and that is good. This relationship is not a critical one for you. It is a little mortar inside the foundation that you are building to support you when the big one comes to you. This big one is exciting you and you are spending time working to create a creation of great proportion. This is worthy of being excited about. We spoke about this today and you are working on your design. Congratulations! You are a master creator and you should believe in your creations. This will be a beauty, one to truly treasure and one that will indeed be worth waiting for.
In the meantime, stay active with all your pursuits. Keep your eyes on the prize, which is the love within you. Stay focused on your big goals, which are to create global change. Keep dreaming and thinking concretely. Think big. And then keep at it. Keep busy but not busy like a bee but busy like a creator working diligently to create. Stay with your commitment. It will serve you well and it will serve Planet Earth and it will serve your family.
Be cheered in your creations. They are very worthy.
Goodnight for now.