Thu, Jan 31, 2008, 10:35 PM

Good evening angels. It is the last night of January, one of the most amazing months ever in my life. January 1 was itself a significant day – the day I left J’s home knowing that I would likely never go there again. I knew I was embarking on a new journey. I had no conscious idea of what would come, but I’m amazed and filled with joy and wonder at what I’ve discovered in this month. I feel that this is my Year of Discovery. Thank you for your guidance, your presence, and your love. I feel blessed and so rewarded.

Thank you, L, for your kind words. It indeed blesses us to see you, to feel you blessed. We feel the love in your heart and your appreciation, and this is an energy that carries into our domain, our dimension, our consciousness, and the Universe that we share with you.

This journey of discovery that you describe is one of sharing. It is one of giving. It is one of communicating. To communicate is to share. You have learned from Kathy that communication is a very expansive concept. To communicate openly is to communicate using our love and our ethical values. This is what you do, what we do together, when we join energies as we are.

You celebrate tonight the way that we have joined energies in this past month. Indeed we have been joining energies for all of time, but in this month your conscious awareness has grown considerably, and so in reality you celebrate the growth of your conscious awareness.

Also to celebrate is the growth in your love, rather your awareness of your love. You have felt, as triggered by some of the unique and touching events in your life, a depth of love and appreciation that you have not consciously felt before. This is to be celebrated. It is about the discovery of self because you are love, and so to discover a new depth of love within is to see with new eyes, to feel with a new sense of touch and feeling, to use all the senses in a higher degree to feel the wealth of love that is internal to you.

This discovery is delightful because it affirms not only that the love within can be accessed, but that it is always there. Isn’t this wonderful to know that you can be anywhere – on a mountaintop, or in a valley, on a city bus, or standing in a line in the grocery store – any place that you may be, anywhere in time and space – and there within you, in inexpressible bounty and infiniteness, is Love! How glorious this is! To celebrate this is to celebrate all of creation.

You are Creation. You are a part of the Creator. The Creator is the Love. You are Love.

Tonight you spent some wonderful time gathering photographs of galaxies and nebula and stars and space events, and you posted them at your new blog, and you are delighted with this creation and how it all fits. This is a great feeling to have because you can see that even in this special project of yours, you have created something that even one month ago was not part of your conscious plan. And yet today, in less than a month, you have a project to be very proud of. You may want to share it, or you may want to keep it private. Truly it does not matter because the measure of meaning is the meaning that this project has to you. It has been meaningful to you. You have discovered part of your soul and by this, through this, you move forward in your evolution.

Now is the time to continue with your soul and spirit advancements, to reach within and pull out more beauties, more gems of wisdom that are within you in infinite supply. To find each one is to move forward yet another step.

Share what you can, but share of the heart. Share of the delight of discovery. Share the energy of change, not the words of how you are changing as much as just the energy. You can share by being. There are many other ways to share, and the discovery process is also about learning and sensing the appropriate way to share in different circumstances. Be honoring of each person’s desires for their environment. Honor the energy they want to have around them. This Kathy has taught you and you are learning it on newer and newer levels. It is a powerful concept in being graceful, in having dignity, and in honoring the grace and dignity, love, truth and equality in each and every person.

J to you was an image of grace and dignity. This can be for you – this image, this sensory memory that will always be with you – a symbol of what you aspire to and what you hold up as critical values that you want to embrace at all times. This is very good – a worthy, very worthy task, an inspired and inspiring task. Behold in the face of everyone the grace and dignity that you want to see within yourself. In this way you will reflect what you aspire to be, and you will help magnetize this to each person in whom you see these values.

So L, congratulate yourself on a month well lived. You are regretless of loss because as we have said there is no loss. This is a month of great gain. Congratulations. God bless you, and bring the light into your life each and every day. It will serve you and those around you in living your dreams. Goodnight.

Thank you. In love. Goodnight.

Wed, Jan 30, 2008, 5:56 PM

Hello angels. I am here to listen tonight and to come back to a center of being aware of you.

Thank you, L. We are here with you always. We are never away from you. We are an integrated energy and yet as you in your human consciousness – your physical consciousness that is part of the human mind – come into your workaday world and into the many physical things that consume your thought, then you may lose sight of the angel thoughts or those higher thoughts that you seek.

You must trust that we are always with you, as we are with every single human who walks the face of the earth. Infants too. All humans. We are here to guide. We are guides. If you hear a soft little voice in your mind, it is likely that we are there gently guiding. But it is not that we are disembodied beings that take over the mind. Not at all. We are all streams of consciousness that merge, just like rivers and streams merge with bigger rivers and streams that merge with bigger rivers and streams. The rivers and streams of your physical world are fractal patterns of the behavior of consciousness. Everything in your physical world is a fractal pattern of something higher that exists in the Universe. You see, all is connected.

This is where the mind of the poet becomes fertile – when symbols of one aspect of our reality begin to depict something else. We begin to see the connections between things, and these connections sometimes defy a more logical explanation. And so the poet finds a way, through creative verse or through the juxtapositioning of thoughts and logos – words, that these connections can be made more apparent to others. Poetry is a way of conveying deeper thoughts that in some ways cannot be communicated by more narrative descriptions. Well, let us not say “cannot,” but let us say it is the choice of the poets to relate their thinking through the bright dance of poetry.

You are a poet in many ways, not only in the words but in the formation of steps that you take on the dance floor. Dance is a form of poetry. It is a way of expressing the spirit through a manner, a creative manner, of rhythm and movement but not of words in this case but of the physical body. But again, the movement of the body is a fractal pattern of the mind of man. It is a way of expressing the thoughts and feelings of the being who exudes the expression. And the interpretation from an onlooker – one who experiences the gift of the performance or simply of the expression (whether or not it is “performed” per se as entertainment) – is always subjective to that onlooker, because we each define and interpret according to our level of consciousness. All that we behold is relative to our own thinking mind.

So you can see from these examples that expression is myriad. And just think – there is an entire universe of expression. Each flower, each plant, each rock, each molecule, each seed, each thought, each body, oh my goodness, each and every tiny and grand thing within the universe, seen or unseen, tactile or not, physical or not, is an expression. And it is all, all an expression of the Creator, the master Creator who created All That Is. Just imagine how truly vast this is. It is hard to imagine, isn’t it? And yet, you can imagine that there truly is no limit.

And so if you are part of the body of the Creator, then just imagine what you can create! If you can see and you can feel so many expressions of your own and of others, then you can imagine that there is no limit. And if you can imagine, then you can create!

Isn’t this exciting? The trick is to be excited about our creations because the emotions – the loving emotions – provide an electromagnetic pulse that brings and breathes life into our creations. If you passionately seek something, then this passion is what triggers the reality to unfold for you.

Let us look at that word “trigger.” Trigger can be associated with a gun, although this image is not exactly a good one because it implies violence. But think of the movement of something that is triggered. It is filled with movement. It is exhumed – it is brought into the light with movement, very defined and intentional movement. Triggered implies also a connection between objects or things. If something triggers something, there is a relationship between the two. So we can always see from this that to trigger is to cause an effect to be created in something else.

So – YOU are the trigger – you create. And within you is a trigger – your loving emotions and your mind intention and you put the two of these together and you find ACTION! Pow! In a good way, though. :-) See the interaction and see the action that comes when you put your mind to something. It can be something small. It can be something big. Anything that you create is consequential.

Remember in the Land of Oz there is the Great Book – the book that knows all? There is such a book. It is called the Book of God. I believe Edgar Cayce spoke of this book. Other prophets and seers have known of it. It is also called the Akashic Records. This is an ethereal plane in which there is a register, a record, of All That Is. We speak of this now because it is important for you to know that there is nothing that does not matter. All that takes place is meaningful in the Universe. We do not mean this in judgment. In the spirit realm there is no judgment. There is no right and wrong, good and bad, evil and sin and so forth. These truly do not exist when we are in the mind of the spirit. So this is to say that the Book of God, or the Akashic Records record learnings, advancements, developments, actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, all of movement.

Obviously this is not a physical book. Perhaps it could be seen as a parallel universe in which all that is done leaves a mark. The Akashic Records are a marking of what is. And if you forget what is or if you want to know what is, then you consult the Akashic Records. Simple enough, eh?

Tune in and see the majesty of creation. Think, open the mind, and see the vast empire of All That Is. Believe that you can see and know, and this will be your heritage. It IS in fact your heritage. You can bring it closer or keep it at bay or any manner of relationship in-between. But the point is that you do have access to all the knowledge, all the knowing, and all the creation that exists.

This is truly the vastness of you. And so this is what expression is all about. From a tiny thought, to the creation of the Universe, of the Cosmos, you are about expression. All is expression.

So you love to dance, you love poetry, you love to write and sing and share in storytelling and the sharing of thoughts and feelings. You love the art on the walls and in the halls of museums. You love to see the dance in someone’s eyes. You love to see the pulse of someone’s heart beating happily. These are expressions of love and light and they shine on you that you would be drawn to them. This is energy that reflects the light side of man, the expanding side of man.

Take your expressions and make them sing! Believe in your creations. They are, after all, a gift of the Creator as well as a gift that YOU give your fellow humans and all of creation. You are great, you are not small – you and all humans. Believe in your greatness!

Thank you so very much. I am so glad to be with you this evening.


Tue, Jan 29, 2008, 4:14 PM

Good afternoon angels. I have been home with a sore throat today but it has been a wonderful day of rest and restoration. I slept, I nurtured my body with some good food. And now I hope to tune into my higher thoughts and your energy stream to glean wisdom and inspiration.

Thank you, L, for joining us this afternoon. It is a beautiful day when we tune in and think about who we are as a soul and spirit consciousness on Earth. There is much to discover through the thinking process. This year is about discovery for you and we are glad to be a part of it. Do you have a question about J?

Yes, I was wanting to further explore what drew me to the relationship. I think we talked about this in the car but I want to write it down.

There are many things that drew you into a relationship with J. First and foremost, it was the love that you have known before. You and J have been in many lives together and so therefore there is a familiarity, a comfort, with one another’s energy. There was faith and trust that your shared experiences from the past would provide you with a fertile bed for ongoing discoveries. Neither of you proved this false this time around. It was a good thing, a blessing that you rediscovered each other.

Also there was a commitment to learn further lessons. J is working on many lessons, as you are. And so there was a knowing that you could share in discovering answers to some of your many questions. For each of you the lessons and the discoveries would be different because you are different people inasmuch as you know one another and share a soul heritage. But you must not judge each other’s lessons because they are unique to each of you. You both did very well in this regard. There was and is much gain.

With J there is a special energy of joy and lightness that drew you to him. He has a joie de vivre that excited you and touched a piece of energy within you that has that same element, the joy of life and the lightness of being. This was expressed in the dancing that you both love to do. For J it was also in his game of golf. With golf J could feel a freedom within him, in his heart, as he would be in the elements of nature, with no responsibilities or hardship. There was a removal of worry and care that he feels when he can be focused on his game of golf.

This power within him, the strength, the physical strength, was also appealing to you. Strength is an ethical value. To have strength in the physical body is a fractal pattern of the strength of spirit that each of us seeks. So you saw within J the energy of strength that you, too, are working on, although your focus is more as the ethical value. But this is an appropriate distinction in the male and female because the female internalizes energy and focuses on her heart-mind connection, whereas the male is focused on the physical energy and the mind connection. You both have elements of both, though. This is good to remember because the male and female work in conjunction to embrace the energies of the other. So you both shared in learning these different perspectives of strength.

Also with J there was the physical beauty that drew you to him. J is indeed a beautiful man, inside and out, and you saw his beauty and it reflected your own and therefore it was an affirming energy for both of you to see beauty in the other because this affirmed your own sense of beauty within self. It was beautiful for us to behold the beauty within you both that you appreciated. Trust this, L. J appreciates your beauty, your inner beauty and the beauty of your body.

You have felt rejected by him because you see yourself as a sexual object and you forget that your beauty is internal. So you projected your own sense of rejection of your inner beauty onto his thoughts. Believe me when I tell you that J was ever cognizant of the many levels of beauty that you have. And likewise, L, we know that you, too, recognized the many levels of beauty within J. But as all relationships are truly about our discovery of self, you must realize that your challenge with J and with your feelings subsequent to your breaking apart from one another is a challenge of looking within and discovering and BELIEVING that you are a being of great beauty.

There is not a soul in the world that is not a being of great beauty. We are all the beauty of the Creator, a beauty that far surpasses all other beauty – and there is much, much beauty to discover in every minutiae of our existence. But within the Creator, and therefore within us, is a treasure trove of beauty.

When you and J first started seeing each other, you wrote a message to him saying that you hoped you would have the opportunity to discover the treasure trove that was him. These were your words. You knew at that time what a gift you had been given, and what an opportunity you might or would have to use J – and we mean this in the most spiritual terms – to discover your own beauty within the beauty of him. This you have accomplished. And this J accomplished.

You have also said subsequent to your parting that you believe that everything was done right, that you have no regrets, and that it was all a beautiful experience. This is true in many respects although within you still lingers a sadness that you could not have more.

This feeling of wanting more is truly a feeling that the ego leaves with you because the ego does not want you to recognize the gain, the immense gain. You do know in your heart that the net gain was 100 percent, and that there is no loss.

Yes, I do know this. It is my feeling. And yet I still cry.

You may mourn his loss, but in truth there is no loss. And for the most part you are entirely joyful to have created what you did and to have dealt with the parting in such a fine way. Look at the gains, look at what you accomplished, look at the beauty that is J and the beauty that is you, and see that there is truly no loss. J will be in your heart forever and you will be in his, and there will never be a replacement for the special element that he has brought to your world. This is to say that J gave you a unique gift, and you may treasure it for the special beauty that it holds WITHOUT feeling that it is compromised by any loss. There is no loss. There is only gain. And this is not the case with everything. With some things in life we step back a few steps when we miss the lesson. You have missed no lessons with J. You have examined this from many angles and you made the necessary changes and you have found tremendous inspiration from the gain. Again, we commend you for how you have handled this.

Same for J. He is to be commended. He is a great soul and he did well to find you and to be in your world and to share his world with you for a year. Know that you will continue to share with each other on a soul and spirit level. When J said a few days ago that he is happy to know that your spirits will forever be intertwined, he spoke the truth of his heart, and he is happy for you and for the gains, the many gains, that he felt from his time with you.

Now is the time that patience and strength of character will serve you. Let us let the thoughts of J slip into the ethers – for now, so that you may move forward in your thinking and in your discoveries. There may be a time that you can come back to J – and this may just be on a soul and spirit level – in fact, you will always be there on a soul and spirit level. But in your conscious thinking you may come back. But it is good to let those thoughts of him drift into the spaces beyond your aura and your ethers, as you have done so well, and move into the progressive thinking of what is next, what the Universe holds for you.

What do you want for yourself? What is life about for you? What do you want to accomplish and gain now? What are you willing to do to get there? These are very creative questions that you have been asking yourself and we commend you for being there in your thinking. This is how we create our lives. It is conscious creation. It is the conscious development of our reality so that it conforms to our truest, inner wishes, our hopes, our dreams, our needs as they may be.

You are thinking consciously about these things. Keep making your lists. Keep writing things down. Dream. Dream big! Think big! You are a creator. You are a very good creator. You have created much in your life and you have a grand opportunity at this time to create much more. So think carefully about what you want to create.

And then develop a plan for creating it. Again, write things down. Dream big! And go for it. Do not let anything stand in your way. Nothing can stand in the way of a mind determined to create. Determination is in many respects an ethical value when it is coupled with love, equality and truth. So infuse your determinations with those other ethical values and then see the miracles that unfold. You will, you WILL be very surprised and delighted.

Look around you. What do you see that you would like to change? This goal is like cleaning your house – which you love to do because you love to see the beauty that you have created. So look around the world and see what you would like to “fix up.” And then develop a plan for working toward that. Pull together your energy reserves and know that you have what it takes to create all that you want.

Believe in yourself. Believe that you can do what it is that you want to do. There is nothing that will stand in your way.

Thank you. Can you give me some tips on banishing my ego? I love writing but working hard and thinking ahead are things I’m not always putting energy into.

As you wrote those words you realized that you are indeed a hard worker when you put your mind to something. You are a very hard worker. The key here is to believe in yourself and to believe in Love. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It has moved mountains, as your Book of God states. This is no myth. It is true. Love has moved far more than mountains. Love created the Universe, the Cosmos. Believe that it can create micro-universes like the one that your life symbolizes.

So work with love. The ego is fear – the opposite of love. So to banish the ego you need only to work in love.

Now, there is the ongoing process of dealing with your fears. Your fears, your fear beliefs, have built up over millennia of you as a consciousness and of the mass consciousness of humankind. So continue to explore your fear beliefs and let them go one by one. Each of them has served a purpose but they no longer serve you and so it is time to let them go.

Then, look out for all the things that you can create. You are a master planner, so you will have no trouble conceptualizing some plans of action for your creations. Just make lists. Focus on your intentions. Focus on releasing your fears. And as always, align yourself with those other beings that you feel are of a synchronous energy. You want to stay with the people that inspire you and help you on the path of enlightenment and discovery and positive and impactful creation. There are many, many people in this category. So there should be no concept of limitation. Believe in bounty, believe in abundance, and believe in who you are. You are, after all, all that is. What is it that you cannot create as all that is? There is nothing that you cannot create. Stated in the positive, you can create anything you want. Go for it. Believe in your dreams, and believe that you are a creator.

Me: Thank you again as always. I look forward to creating!

Mon, Jan 28, 2008, 9:29 PM

Hello angels. I’ve been excited to talk with you tonight. I so appreciate what you shared with me in the car this afternoon. I didn’t write it down at the time so I wanted to try to get the information again because it was simple and quick and pointed and it really helped me deal with a moment of “weakness.” It was about J again. I was missing him and wanting strength.

Yes, we remember that moment. You asked why you were feeling the weakness. We said it was because of the ego. The ego does not want you to change. The ego has an investment in you holding onto your longing and your sadness, or what were your longing and your sadness. You have changed those elements and you’ve changed them quickly, and this is a testament to your commitment to change.

But you see, the ego recognizes your commitment, and so it will create many ruses to lure you back. It will tell you that you should mourn, that you should be sad for the loss – not that these are not normal reactions to losing a loved one – but with J it was indeed time to let go, for you, because you knew that you did not want to linger in that war zone. It is in fact a war zone if you let it be. It is a battle between the ego and the spirit – otherwise known as the ego-spirit tug of war. The spirit says hearten, love is abundant and you will feel it rise in your soul. The ego says nay, this is not a time for happiness; this is a time to hang onto the fear because the fear beliefs are a known quantity, and what is known is a comfort, however pained the comfort may truly be.

You said today in the car that you missed J. We said that J is there with you in spirit, that where there was once love, there is always love. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. You and J, in your sharing, tied into an energy stream of love together, and this stream is there for you to remember and to feel. It will never die; it can always be with you as a source of strength.

And were you not surprised to come home and find a postcard from him in the mailbox? You see, this is how energy works. You’ve seen this also with your friend, JM. You and JM are very akin. She is “reading” your mind in many ways and you are “reading” hers, although neither of you may be conscious of this but in fact you both are tying into energy streams of understanding, of discovery. What a delight to be able to share this with a friend. It is a blessing to see this.

J is with you in spirit.

I keep having the energy sense that this new partner in his life will be a light of beauty and love for him and that he will for the first time fall in love with her, and she will open his heart some more. This is the happy part but I also feel that she will break his heart, and from this he will learn more from the opposite image of his own previous behavior what it feels like. I don’t mean this vindictively. I see it as a learning karmic thing.

You may be right, this may happen. It is not for any of us really to know, although the energy arrangement could well be there, and this is indeed how the soul learns, by experiencing the opposite. J, as we have said, is an advanced soul and he is looking keenly at what makes love happen. He very much wants to know. What a grand experiment to find a beautiful person to help him learn this. You, too, helped him learn. It is all a progression. All of our lives are a progression. We take one baby step at a time, and sometimes we step backwards, and then forwards, and sideways. The legs are a perfect fractal pattern of the energy of how we learn as we walk forward and walk in many ways in life. They are a symbol. But symbols are fractal patterns on a more ethereal level.

So how am I doing with letting go of J?

You are doing well. You have a very fun weekend ahead with P, and it is very good that you have designed this into your life. P will show you some things that will surprise you. Be prepared for a good weekend, and enjoy yourself. Do not throw caution to the winds, but feel the freedom of the moment to be yourself, to be spontaneous, to let the rhythm of life carry you both where the Universe may want to take you. All is open and all can be experienced. There is much to learn from this man. He is a good man and can teach you. And you, too, can teach him. It can be an adventure in learning. Be happy and be proud of your creations. You are gaining monumentally in your life at this point and it is a momentum that you can carry for a good while. But again, do not go overboard. It is good to have fun, but be balanced. Get enough sleep. Do not overdo it.

Thank you angels. I think I’m going to go to bed now. Actually I am going to read over some of our work. And then I will fall asleep. Thank you for being with me. I am grateful!


Sun, Jan 27, 2008, 10:25 AM

Hello angels! It is a beautiful Sunday morning. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to ask you about this morning until a few minutes ago, when I realized that there’s an issue that’s been building in me and I would really like your advice and guidance. I have been feeling left out of a few social events lately, related to the social network that JM and LK are part of, and that I too feel part of but only marginally. There are two parties recently of people I know only peripherally, but I would like to have been invited and I am feeling left out because I wasn’t invited. JM was so nice to tell me about them and to encourage me to come, but I am not sure. On one hand I want to go but it would be uninvited; on the other hand I am feeling a bit victimized. Can you help me understand better what I am trying to learn here?

Yes, L, and good morning. We are here to help in your understandings. This is a very good situation to examine because it gets at the heart of our perceptions of ourselves. As we accept ourselves for the beauty that we are, we exude an energy of acceptance and appreciation. You can see where this is going…but do not judge yourself here because this is a very common situation and there is no one who has not felt the sting of a perceived rejection or the off-putting feeling of not having been invited.

The important thing here is to feel that you are worthy. A party invitation does not define your worth. A party invitation is simply the thought of one person or maybe a few thoughts of what that person is thinking at a moment in time, or several moments in time, but it is so transitory that it hasn’t much meaning – to you, that is. It has much meaning to them, or perhaps very little meaning, but it is their meaning and it is absolutely no statement about you whatsoever, any more than ANYTHING that takes place in the life of another person is a statement about you.

So if you would like to go out of the joy of sharing time with these people, then you might call and ask if it would be okay for you to attend. Very likely, of course, you would unequivocally be extended an invitation at that time to attend, gladly. But if you are not certain if you’d like to go, or if you would only like to be there so as to be seen as being in the in-crowd, then it would be pointless to go because this would be going with fear, fear beliefs on your mentality and exuding in your energy.

So examine what your thinking is about the social event and the people who are there. Do you enjoy them? Are they people who excite you and fill you with inspiration? Is it a happy group of people? Do you connect with them on a soul and spirit level?

I hear that your answer to this is yes when it comes to JM and LK. And this is beautiful. You do indeed have a very spiritual connection to the two of them.

But the others? Think carefully. And then see that your motivation in going could be to proselytize your newfound spiritual knowledge. This is indeed not a valid reason to go. But a valid reason to go anywhere is the joy of sharing, and you will always share who you are by virtue of being who you are. You will share invariably.

You may wish to work on strengthening your sense of self, your sense of worthiness, before you take on a challenging situation like this because – while you would enter the home in happiness, you might also be wondering about your energy.

The truth is that your energy can always be what you want it to be. You have free choice, free will and free intention in any given moment to be whatever you want to be on the inside. But as you are working on your self esteem, it is always good (and this task is open ended for each and every person because we are all working to love ourselves and forever it is an eternal quest for expansion) to be at ease and to be confident.

You are having a lovely day at home. If you wish to attend the party, then you could go happily, and you could do some inner work beforehand to gain your composure and your inner strength. But if you are enjoying the peacefulness of your home and the quietude and comfort that it brings you today and always, then rejoice that you have this beautiful gift at hand. Relish it and respect it for the bountiful return that it yields.

Thank you so very much. This is just what I wanted, needed. I really do not wish to go to the party, and I am having a lovely morning. I’m so happy to be here in my home.

You can thank JM for her kindness. She is a true friend. Believe in her friendship. It is good and rewarding and she means the very best.

Thanks. In my heart I believe that. I really do want to work on this self-worth challenge. Why do I feel unworthy?

You feel unworthy for the same reason that most the human race feels unworthy: religion. Religion has poisoned our minds for centuries, millennia. Religion says you are a sinner and that the only path to God is to admit that you are a sinner and that someone else will save you because you are unworthy of saving yourself. This is the greatest hogwash that has ever been perpetrated on mankind. Do not believe it.

You are “a child of God, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.” This is Max what’s his name again. ;-) It is very true and profound. You not only have a right to be here, but you were designed to be here and this is your home. So in the same way that you are very happy in your physical home, you can be very, very happy with your Earthly home. It is the planet of healing and cleansing and it is the perfect, absolutely most perfect place for you to learn that you ARE worthy.

What is worth? Worth is the sense that you belong, that you are rightly where you are, that you are equal, that you have spirit within, that you are good and that you reflect all things good. It is a sense of knowing the truth of self and the value of self, the love of self. It is a respect for self.

All of these ethical values are entertwined. The energies intermix even though each is subtly and also profoundly different, but they, too, are all elements of one energy – the Creative energy of the Creator. The Creator is All That Is, as we have said, and so within the All That Is are particles, but first essentially not physical particles but spiritual and energetic particles. The particles are elements, essential elements. You see, everything can be broken down into finer bits, and everything can be built up into monumental and eternal elements, or coagulations. This is what fractal patterns, or fractal elements, are about. All is in relationship to something else. Things may be perceived as separate or component parts, but they are also pieces of the whole, so depending upon where you “stand” perceptually or even physically, you may see the macrocosm, the mesocosm, or the microcosm. If you are an ameba, the cell would look mighty big. If you are the cell, the organ would look quite big. If you are the organ, the human race would look big. If you are the human race, the universe looks big. If you are the universe, the Cosmos looks big. If you are the cosmos, then you see that the black hole or even the ameba is humongous because where does life start? It starts in a microscopic, atomic chemical, maybe hydrogen. So a tiny atomic chemical that has the power to advance all of the cosmos is actually profoundly large because it has potential.

You can see from this example that there really is no beginning and no end. All is related, all grows in and out of something else. The image of the eternal Moebius strip defines this relationship, the sideways 8 where the bands are eternally fused and dancing over all of Creation.

Now, let us look at fear. Fear is a part of this master universe, but it is truly a black hole. It swallows energy. It diverts energy. It takes energy and chews it up and spits it out as something crooked, or mangled as the case may be. But it does have purpose. The purpose is to show mankind and those who are evolving into higher universal mana that we are a composite of male and female energy, and the male energy is intellect, ego, physical matter and its stepchild of fear. This is not to denigrate stepchildren by any means. This is just to say that fear did not come from the body of the Creator; it came from the mind of man. It was manufactured through the fear thinking, the fear direction of the consciousness, the interception of thought that was not right with the mind of the Creator.

But while it has purpose, its time is ended, should be ended. It is time for fear to end. It is time for mankind, and for you, L, to discard the fear beliefs. You wrote a nice piece the other night in which you examined fear as symbolized by a rock. You threw the rock into the river of life and allowed it to be swept away, smoothly. This is a beautiful reflection of what happens energetically as we discard our fear beliefs and surrender them in total freedom, ironically, to the Universe.

Freedom is blessed. It is the giving up of all that is for the acquisition of all that is. Unconditional love, as Kathy says, is the total blessed freedom from needing anyone – from perceiving that we need anyone. In truth of course we do not “need” someone and yet everyone who is in our life serves a purpose, whether their presence is an active presence or a passive one or an energy one that is off our radar screen entirely. You can see that all of the human race is part of your spirit family, and so you are energetically entertwined. But you do not know everyone personally, but this does not mean that they do not serve a purpose in your life or have a very important role to play. They do indeed have both.

Fear is the black hole and so as you identify your fear beliefs – and feeling unworthy is a very good one to examine – you begin to see that they are illusive even as they have been powerful. So you may give them up. But this takes intense scrutiny and courage to look within and see.

Perhaps we can stop here for today. We feel it is helpful and we appreciate you listening.

Thank you angels. As always it is enlightening. I am grateful. I send light.

And we send light to you. Thank you.

Sat, Jan 26, 2008, 10:18 PM

Hello angels and Michael’s Light. I’m glad to be here at my desk speaking with you. I was out dancing tonight in a night club. It was very loud. My head is thumping still, although I feel a little better. I could really feel the intensity of the vibration there.

Hello, L. We are glad you are feeling better and are out of that environment. When you are surrounded by negative vibration – loud music and the intense focus of many people in a small space – this can take a toll on the entire being. But you left when it started to get bad, and that is good.

It is good that you have tuned in to listen. Tonight we would like to speak about you. You are a flower, a gentle flower. You have within you the seeds that you need to blossom. But you sometimes are not sure if you want to blossom, and so you kick back into old behaviors that may not serve you anymore. Being in a night club is one of those behaviors. The energy in a place like that can be very jarring and it can carry you, stay with you, for days. It is best to put yourself only in those environments where you are nurturing yourself, so that you are not in an abusive situation.

You read this morning in Love, Truth and Perception that an advanced soul living in the spirit dimension will not accept abuse of any sort. As you aspire to join this kind of energy and as you have made a commitment to work toward advancing your soul energy as you enter the Cycle of Understanding, it is imperative that you be cognizant of environments where you are subjected to abuse. The abuse may be beyond your control, so you must think ahead and plan your steps so that you can side step any potential or prospective abuse.

An example of this was Christmas dinner at your brother’s house. You knew when you were invited to this dinner that CM would have a plan of abuse. It is her way to abuse herself by abusing others. But as you knew this, it was appropriate when you were there to stay out of her way, because she would be looking, quietly, for a way to abuse. You would have had the choice to not attend, and you did indeed consider this option, but out of respect for your family, and in appreciation for the good intention that your brother, D, had, you accepted the invitation, and strove to enter the environment with dignity and composure, knowing that CM had her agenda. This was a difficult situation to put yourself in, but you managed well.

Still, this is the kind of situation that you may wish to avoid if you have the opportunity, because CM knows not what she does, so she will continue to operate in a manner of abuse.

This is for her to look at, when she is ready, but it is for you to avoid. Does this make sense?

Yes, it does. Thank you for discussing this with me. I was wondering about that evening.

J felt the energy, too, and yet it was kind and gentlemanly of him to take you there. He was protecting you. And his protection was from the love that he felt for you and from the gentlemanly way that is his. He was to be thanked for that.

Yes, I hope I thanked him sufficiently.

You did. So, the advanced soul has total respect for self, and so the advanced soul does not tolerate abuse. And abuse comes in many forms. It can be loud music. It can be negative energy of the people in the environment. It can be a polluted area. It can be an unhealthy environment, like a hospital or a doctor’s office. It can be in the home of someone who is struggling with negativity.

But if there is need to be in any of these environments – and there could be if you are helping someone – then you need to envelop yourself in white light. Imagine that we are there protecting you, shielding you. It is all energy. Energy entertwines. So be aware of the energy and add your special energy into the mix and protect yourself as best you can with good thought, safe conditions, and good intentions. Be alert. Be happy. And let go of any attachments to negativity. When you are holding on to any manner of negative energy, this serves as a magnet to other negative energy.

It is all quite scientific. Energy has polarities and the polarities are subjected to the physics and the natural laws of man and the Earth. Like energy attracts like energy. So be aware of the kind of energy that you are attracting. Again, “stick with the winners.” This is not about competition but it is about energy and the law of attraction. You want to draw unto yourself only the good, positive energies because those will magnify your own energy and create a larger area or shield or aura of positive energy around you.

This will help you in advancing your soul and spirit.

Your work environment is a very positive place. You feel comfortable there because you are nurtured with the good vibrations of good people. You are lucky with that, although lucky is a funny term. Maybe we should say fortunate. You have the good fortune to work with people who are very advanced as souls and spirits. You all nurture each other and it is good for all. There is much harmony.

Now, look ahead to your future, L, and make a commitment to put yourself in the right places at the right times. Think always ahead. You are impulsive – you were handed this card the other day at the retreat and it was no coincidence. You do tend toward impulsivity. The other cards were “outgoing” and “adventurous.” These latter two do serve you well, and impulsivity can, too, I suppose, but only when mixed with cognizance and alertness. You must be aware of all around you. Just keep the eyes open and on the road. Stop text messaging in your car. Be safe.

Thank you. I needed to hear that. I have been doing better lately after hearing you tell me the first day we talked that I should keep my eyes on the road. I’m doing better!

Yes you are. Good for you! Keep it up. It is a blessing to be aware and know what is around you.

Now, let us talk about taking advantage of a situation. Advantage means you position yourself for maximum mileage in any given situation. It means you are one step ahead instead of one step behind. The secret to being one step ahead is to prepare. In preparing, you THINK about what is coming up. You envision a plan of behavior. You are alert and you are forthright and you are determined. You are proactive. Learn what you need to learn, think about the other people. Get in their skin for a moment and see where they are coming from. Anticipate their needs, wants and desires, and their fears. What are they seeing that you may not be seeing that you may need to see so that you better understand them?

Understanding is a way of putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes for a short time so that we have a feel for them, for that person. Do not become the energy, that is, do not take on someone else’s energy. But use your senses to be aware of them fully.

And then behave as you need to as is appropriate. Use those ethical values – respect, value, appreciation, courage, honor, communication, truth, equality, independence, freedom, etc. All the ethical values are at your disposal instantaneously. Use them wisely, use them liberally. They are you, so you do not have to do more than just feel within that you want to use them. And they will be there for you.

So look at the people around you, “psyche them out” as it were - understand their psyche, and then do what you need to do to move smoothly through the situation. It is easy, but it takes forethought. So just think ahead.

Now, as you are at this turning point in your life, you want to be able to take advantage of situations so that you can capture the energy in a moment if you need to, to move forward with speed and efficiency. There will be people coming into your life who will be asking things of you. You must examine these offers closely and accept only those that are coming from the most ethical position. Do not go anywhere close to where the ethics are tainted or suspicious or just not there.

But you will feel this. Just ask yourself – pose the question: Are the ethics integrated here? And you will hear the answer, just like you heard an answer, a call today in the clothing shop about not buying that shirt. Is was not meant to be bought. Period. You knew it and you put it back. A very simple moment in time, but a nice and even powerful message about listening. You will always hear your soul and spirit speaking to you if you listen. Your soul and spirit are always speaking, and you are beginning to hear more and more. This is very good. Keep it up. Practice. It is not bad to practice on even trivial things. “Do I want to eat this?” “No, I don’t,” or “Yes, I do.” Now tonight you knew that it would be better to not eat the rugelach, but you disregarded because of your sugar addiction. But you have been doing better. We commend you. You are working to get rid of this addiction. It is time. Sugar, refined sugar is poison. You do not need it. It is a hormone disruptor and it causes all manner of disease as it whacks out your Ph levels and causes disease, that is, it creates a situation, condition, in the body that allows disease to attack. Steer clear of sugar and you will be doing mountains to keep disease at bay. This is very necessary in today’s world. You must keep up your defenses.

Perhaps it is time to end this. It is late and you have had a boisterous night. Blessings, L. Good night.

Good night. Thank you again for all.

Fri, Jan 25, 2008, 10:50 PM

Good evening, angels. I was excited to talk with you this evening. I had a great day of writing. I feel very inspired by the writing about organic foods that I posted at my blog. I feel the inspiration of change and the motivation to be a change agent. And I’m feeling a lot of love, unconditional love. I’ve been getting along better with my mom – not bickering, and I’ve been in a cheerful mood. Well, this is just a report on my life. These communications are making a difference in my life, a big difference.

We are pleased to know this, Linda. Thank you for telling us and thank you for being committed to making changes in your life. When we live from the love within us, life can be very smooth. It sounds like you are feeling a lot of smoothness.

Yes, that is the case.

Smooth is a functioning of the spirit. The spirit is alive and well in each of us, but she is subdued oftentimes by our focus on the physical events of our lives. So we tune out the spirit and don’t even feel her in operation. But she is like a river, running smoothly underneath it all. There is a river within us that leads from the heart of man to the mind of man to the deepest depths of the spirit senses that infuse every cell of our body. Each of these cells is a body of the Creator. Each cell pulses with the gift of life and the gift of love and creativity. The Creator is the master planner but the cells are the executors. The cells give the spirit a place to express itself in physical form. So it is important for all to operate in a smooth and flowing way. When the cells flow smoothly, the consciousness of man flows smoothly and all of life becomes a gentle and yet glorious existence.

Within you is all that you could possibly want to be happy. You are discovering some of these things at this time and it is exciting you because of the nuanced nature of the discoveries. You are probing the finer points of yourself. These finer points are not evident unless one takes the time to look within with eyes and all senses alert and sensitive to all that is. Most people want to be hit over the head with sensory stimuli because they are desensitized and therefore are not aware of the finest points of who we are, the more subtle aspects of ourselves. They may watch horror movies or action thrillers or they may read about violence and become aroused in the pulse of their blood. This reaction is sought by many because we have been lulled by our fears into a depressed state – a state where we cannot feel unless we are pummeled by something, whether it be auditory or visual or something that will profoundly get our attention.

Is it any wonder, then, that there are so many dramas in your world? Are these dramas designed by the unconscious mind of man to exact a toll that will get man’s attention? The answer is yes. These dramas – and they are intense in your world at this time – are intense because of the impact that they may have.

For you, you experienced a microcosm of this energy when you and J parted ways. This parting was for you profoundly impactful. You could not ignore it. You could not pretend that it did not hurt or that it did not have meaning. You were forced by the impact to examine what happened.

And this you did. And this is very good. You honored what your soul and spirit were asking you to do, which was to look within and see the gentle flower of truth and hope and good things that were flowing – smoothly – underneath the events that on the surface were bubbling over as a pot bubbles over when it boils. There was drama on the surface but underneath – within the heart and within the soul – there was understanding, deep understanding to be had.

To look at the drama and to see the lessons of learning about self that were inherent in the experience, this is to rise above the drama, to learn from it, and to move on to bigger and better learnings. This is what it means to be successful: to see the lessons, to learn from them, to feel that nothing is for naught, and to move on in joy and happiness and appreciation for the gift that the experience just provided.

This is part of the miracle of life. The miracle of life is contained in the experiential learning that each and every man, woman and child on the face of the earth experiences by virtue of being human. The earthly experience is about having earthly experiences, all of which are designed for learning. To learn a lesson is a jewel, a feather in one’s cap.

You have learned many lessons this last year. They are all jewels that you may hold in pride because they have served you very well. You have catapulted yourself to a new level.

And it was time. You have spent some years wondering what your purpose is here in this world, and now you know. It is to serve mankind and to be a beacon of love and light. It is to share the love and light because it was by sharing that you found the love and light. Sharing is how we learn. If we lived on a desert island (your teacher has often said) it would be very difficult to learn the lessons that we have set about to learn. It is by sharing, interacting, studying others and our face in the mirror of others – that we come to see within.

But we must have the courage to look within. To see within is to see beauty, if we see through the glass lightly. If we see through the glass darkly, as we have been doing for millennia, we just perpetuate our fear and our misperceptions, and we sink more deeply into despair.

This last year you have seen a contrast between despair and joy. This is precisely the meaning of the poem that you sent to J and the poem that JM sent to you. What an amazing serendipity it was that JM found the poem, and what an amazing synchronicity is was that you both would feel the poem so deeply in the shared way you did. This is a beautiful experience for us as angels to behold because it illuminates the true gift of sharing, and it demonstrates what giving means. You gave to J. J gave back to you. JM gave to you. You gave to P. JM gave to B. And on and on. All learned. All experienced. All felt the sharing and it helped each and every participant to see themselves in new ways.

This is how energy works. It flows like a river. It flows as the spirit flows within us, around us, between us, and on and on into infinity is flows. There is no stopping. With the spirit there are no floodgates to close because the spirit is always opening, always expanding, always SEEKING its own expansion.

Consciousness is always expanding. You have a level of consciousness that is awakening, truly awakening at this time. Preserve that. Expand it. See it opening as the sun opens the day with its glorious rays, warming, caressing the planet in love and commitment. Each day the sun shines without fail. This is the human destiny: to rise each day and fulfill the glorious promise of the Creator, to BE love, truth and perfection. This is the destiny of all mankind.

And this is what you are here to help with. As you help yourself, you help each other person that you come in contact with. If you ARE the love, then you SHARE the love by virtue of just BEING who you are.

This is why it is important with each person to focus on love. See the love in that person. See their beauty. See their need for love if you feel they need it. See your own love shining from them. See the reflection of your beauty and transpose it onto them. They will feel this love and they will return the love because love is an energy that cannot be stopped or thwarted, all things considered. It is magnetic.

Fear beliefs? Yes, fear beliefs are like brakes. They put a stop on the flow of things, but fear will never restrain the spirit because the spirit is truly all that is, so it cannot be restrained because it IS. IS means movement, forward motion, energy, dynamism, creative spirit and spark. IS means that I AM. There is no stopping when we know that WE ARE because all that is, is, and all that will be, IS.

Does this make sense?

Yes, I am following. I slow down – hahaha – I guess because of fear beliefs. I am trying to absorb what you are saying but that last part is getting a bit abstract. Still I was fascinated and wondering what would come out of my fingers. I want to know more about IS.

In many ways it is simple. It is like a Dr. Seuss poem or story. We can break down concepts into caricatures. There are the funny aspects of ourselves, and there are the serious aspects of ourselves, and there are the light and the dark aspects of ourselves like the children and the grinch. Dr. Seuss was a very advanced soul, you know, and he wrote from a very high level of consciousness. He made his stories speak to children but they spoke to people of all ages and they helped us to see many parts of ourselves that we love, and parts of ourselves that we are not so willing to accept on a conscious level. If you study his books you will see archetypes that help us understand fundamental metaphysical concepts, about the nature of reality, the gift of life, the love of living, the respect for nature, the emotions, and the IS-ness of all. IS-ness is like a fairy tale. We must suspend our disbelief for a moment – our logical train of thought – and just ask ourselves what is it that makes me ME? Is it the breath that I take, is it the heart that beats, is it my thinking, is it the motion in my legs? Is it my emotion? What IS it about me that is quintessentially me?

If we look at this question very deeply, we can arrive at a level of thought that tells us that be virtue of being, we are. And by virtue of being alive, we ARE all that is because we are a fractal pattern of the Universe. And so the IS of us is just the fact of us. We are. This is the wisdom of “I think, therefore I am.” A corollary is I think, therefore I IS. ;-) This is just to show you how IS fits in a concept that we are more aware of. I realize the grammar is not perfect, but the grammar IS! So just accept that all IS. IS is a very powerful concept. Think more about it. Think of language. Think of meanings. Think of words and the power of thought because each word is a thought and each thought is a breath of God, a breath of the Creator. And the Creator, well, the Creator IS. The Creator IS All That Is and therefore we are. We are All That Is.

We must reclaim our heritage if we want to be happy. It is for each of us to exercise our power of free will, free choice and free intention to be all that we have the potential to be. And believe me when I tell you that your potential is truly, truly unlimited. U N L I M I T E D.

This will end our discussion for tonight. Be in peace, and contemplate your unlimitedness.

Thank you for listening. Good night.

Goodnight angels. My love is with you.

Our love is with you too. God bless.

Thu, Jan 24, 2008, 12:40 PM

Hello angels. I’ve been reading in Love Truth and Perception about our personal guides and guardian angels. Could you tell me more about how you fit into my life and what the difference is between angels, guides, guardian angels, etc.?

Yes. Hello L. It is nice to be with you at this time. There is really not much difference in these elements of you. They are all the same in that they are elements of your consciousness. You may receive an energy connection from one or the other, and that energy connection will be coming from a higher or perhaps lower aspect or energy consciousness point within you. But the important thing to remember is that it is you. You do not receive word from external beings, well, let me clarify. We do indeed hear and receive telepathic communication from others. But what we hear when we are listening to that little voice in our head is an aspect of our self.

That said, I should also point out that – as we have said we are all one – this includes “other people” as well. So when you receive telepathic communication from someone else, this is tying into who you are and what the mind is able to hear.

It gets quite complicated because again, humans perceive separation. They see that they have a physical body and that others have physical bodies and that therefore everything that comes from within the physical body – e.g., thought – is separate. In reality, there is no separation. All thought is creative, loving thought, although AS WE PERCEIVE IT through our fearful intellect and ego, the Creative Thought of the Universe is altered, “bastardized” if you will, or tainted with fear and fear beliefs. This is the human way. This is how we begin and continue, evermore, the process of understanding ourselves and realizing, slowly over millennia of millennia, that we are NOT fear and that it is not truly a part of us.

But back to the angels and the levels of thought and thinking and consciousness. All beings are one. And yet we have differences in our levels of consciousness and in our EXPRESSIONS of consciousness. So you see, if you express yourself within the human domain as a higher universal mana, this is the consciousness level of your expression. It is the characterization of who you are. You have full freedom of expression to express yourself in any other form. It is only your fear and your fear beliefs that keep you from expressing yourself in any form.

Consciousness is always expanding. You learned this from Kathy. It is true. Consciousness is always expanding. A dog’s consciousness expands. A rock’s consciousness expands. A star’s consciousness expands. An angel’s consciousness expands. The universe is ever expanding. Would you be surprised to know that there is more than one universe? There are indeed many universes. There is one Cosmos. Or maybe more. I do not know.

Is this me entering my thought?

Yes it is you entering your thought, but you are good to enter your thought because we are joining thought and coming to new understandings together. Keep the mind open. Allow it to flow like the river flows.

When the Creator created the seed of consciousness thought that became human - the Higher Universal Mana – he imbued that consciousness with the power of creation. He also gave that humanity a soul along with the Creative spirit that would have the power, the ability, the desire to think and to speak. You have this gift. A dog does not have the ability to speak, and the thinking is at a different level. I use this as an example to explain a difference in consciousness.

We are all about consciousness. This is the essence of everything. A cell has a consciousness. Everything that exists does. Even a thought has consciousness because the thought was created by something with consciousness. You as humans were and truly are originally THOUGHT, seeds of thought of the Creator. And yet you expanded. You grew. You multiplied dimensionally, exponentially, considerably, to be who you are today as a mass consciousness, just as a cell divides, or as an ameba divides.

As above, so below. This is what fractal patterns are all about. Fractals define our relationship to all that is. Truly everything is a fractal pattern of something else because again, everything is part of All That Is.

Except on some levels fear and things wrought with fear. Fear is a part of us, but it is not a spiritual part of us. Therefore in this regard it is untrue. It is a real untruth, literally. It is real but it is untrue because it does not reflect the spiritual truth of the Creator. It is an aberration, like cancer is an aberration. It is created through the chaos of thinking, not through the ethical stream of creation, which would include organization, discipline, structure and form, just like the soul. Actually there are some of these elements in fear, but in the negative.

So let us say for our discussion purposes that fear and anything tainted with fear is not spiritual. Fear is the opposite of the true value of the spirit, which is love.

So back to consciousness and who we are: The Creator created a vast Universe, an entire Cosmos of consciousness. And this consciousness is expressed in myriad ways. The angel kingdom is just one of myriad expressions. You have angel energy within you. You have human energy within you. And truly – you do not have to look far around you to see that you have animal energy within you, and I mean “you” in the collective form – humans. You see, when you were creating your bodies, you experimented with animal energy. This was a way to better understand what you wanted to use as your unique human body. Experimentation is truly the way of the human. Everything you do is an experiment. So would it not stand to reason that the creation of your bodies would also be an experiment – on the grandest scale, of course! And over much, much time.

When we open our minds to logic, much thought can flow. You see, we have been taught many limiting thoughts. It is amazing to us, as angels, to see how limiting the mind – the INTELLECT – of Man can be. But let us say – because this is very important – that indeed your soul and spirit minds are entirely infinite. There is nothing and we mean NOTHING that cannot be known and understood by the mind of man. Nothing. You are a creation, a seed of God, and there is nothing except your fear beliefs that keep you from the allness of who you are.

So this again shows us that angels, man, animals, rocks, minerals, sky, water, space, time – it is all one. All are expressions of consciousness. But we are different expressions. This is the key idea. We are different, but we are one, and we grow out of each other, and we grow into each other. We learn from each other. We bend and fold and dance and sing because of one another. We inspire. We trigger. We move. We pulse with each other’s energy in our midst. We are meant to be together, all of creation, all of the Universe, all of the Cosmos.

You are a cell in the body of the Creator. This Kathy has said. These are beautiful words because they help all of us to understand our relationship to all that is. There is no separation other than the separation we perceive. And our perceptions, while growing into truth, are not always reflective of absolute truth, although we do perceive with relative truth. “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” There words are so very true. All is in the mind of the beholder. And if you see beauty, this is truly your own beauty that you behold, for the veil of fear beliefs that separates you from the truth will, as you see beauty, be thin and transparent in many ways. But as you see the hardness of life, or the coldness of life, or as you see darkness and fear in its myriad expressions, this is a reflection of the darkness and hardness that you see within yourself – you are seeing in this example the mirror, the cold, grey mirror that sits upon the veil, always peering back at the ego as if to challenge it by saying, “Is THIS what you truly WANT to see?”

We can each see what we want to see. You have been learning this with greater and greater clarity in the last few weeks, and in the last 20 years with Kathy, and truly your whole life in this life, and truly all of your lives on Earth and as a consciousness hovering above or within all expressions of you. Our goal, our destiny as a spirit is to understand that WE have the power of creation, we have the power of thought, we have the power to be the Creative energy of all that is.

It is our choice. And this is a beautiful thing. What greater gift could the Creator give to his children, to his seeds, than the power of creation and the choice to change the creation?

In your world, there is a company called Monsanto. This company is the embodiment of fear. This company has taken what the Creator gave to his children, and has systematically and ever so ignorantly and greedily changed that gift, to the degree that it has the power to on Earth, in an effort to deny a creative seed. Why would anyone want to change the miracle of a seed – and take the miracle out of the seed? This is what they do. They strip the seed – the energy of creative force – from the seeds of your planet.

This is a very dangerous practice and one that must be stopped.

As the consciousness of your people is raised, and as more knowledge is gained about the power of a seed, then these practices can be stopped and a different direction can be moved in, so that there can be preservation of the miracle that the Creator bestowed upon his children.

And believe me when I tell you that the Earth itself is a child of God. You are children of the Earth as the Earth is a child of God, a child of the Creator. You must respect, value, appreciate and honor this gift of life and creation.

We see that there is great potential for this aberration of energy to be healed. Many, many souls are calling upon us to help. We are here to help. We will help in any way that we can. We speak to the masses.

You, too, can speak to the masses about the miracle of life that is Earth, and the miracle of consciousness that is you. There is no separation between these miracles; they work hand in hand. They help one another as we do. We are one.

Now it is time for you to get back to work. Thank you for listening to our words today. Be in love and peace and have faith that what you do can make a difference. God bless.

Thank you angels.

Tue, Jan 22, 2008, 9:40 PM

I’ve been reading over my conversations with Michael’s Light. It is such a good feeling to me to read words of love and inspiration and just positive thought. I feel bathed in positive thought. But I’ve been guided to look more closely at my fear beliefs. And I’m very motivated to do this. I feel it will help me understand myself better and release the ballast that holds me captive in the lower atmosphere of consciousness. I want freedom – freedom of thought, freedom of emotion, freedom to be myself in all my potential happiness and joy.

I’ve been wondering – what is my greatest fear belief? I think my greatest fear belief is that I am unworthy, that I am a sinner, that I do not deserve to have abundance, that I am lowly, less than and undeserving. These are all subconscious fear beliefs. They are like sprites – tiptoeing behind me, hiding in the corners of the dark cobbled streets, speaking in hushed tones, whispering, sometimes laughing mockingly. They never support. They never help. They dog, they pinch, they bite if they’re fed, and they howl sometimes when they join the wolves of the night – the darkest fears of all that take me down.

This is my soul heritage. But it is not me. It is not light. It is not the beauty of the morning sky with rays transcendent and bright. But fear has been my path as I seek the light as an eternal soul walking on earth, walking through time and space and all of consciousness in the quest to discover me.

I am a spirit. I am a soul. I am a mind and I am loving emotions all woven into the silkiest fabric of a human body that can walk, talk, sing, dance, shout to the Universe, “Look at ME! I am ALIVE! I am a living consciousness! I AM! I am me! I am All That Is! I am one with all that is!” This is what my heart wants to sing.

But in my fear, dogged by fear beliefs, I do not sing to the world. I cry inside because while I see that I am more than I am allowing myself to be, I still feel separate from my Creator. I feel that we are one and yet I perceive separation, and so I feel sadness about my perception of being separate.

I want to be more. I want to touch the sun. I want to dance on Saturn’s rings. I want to skip through the sky like a stone skips across water lightly, happily, energetically. This is what I want, and in my heart I know that this is what I can have.

So what holds me captive? What keeps me standing on the shore like a rock held within the grips of sticky mud?

It is fear. It is all the fear beliefs that I have accumulated over time, over the millennia of my existence as a soul and spirit on the face of the earth – a soul and spirit traveling through all that is to become All That Is -- this is my goal, my destiny. I must believe it. There is no reason to not believe in my destiny.

What does it mean to not believe? It means to deny. It means to separate. It means to hold myself down and accept a prejudgment of inertia. It means prison. It means lack of flight. It means no color. It means darkness. It means stop.

I do not want to stop. I want to go, to be alive, to touch, sense, see, feel, hear, know, speak in tones that ring out like the music of the spheres, the sound of Heaven, the joy of the Creator as joy manifests in all expression, recognized or not.

But with my fears I am like a sludge-gripped rock. I could be light across the water, or I can be stuck in the mud. I can bop on someone’s head, or I can be placed smoothly in someone’s hand. I can explode in shatters if I am trampled, or I can slowly meld into the earth as the elements of Nature join me in glee as we share our Earthly path.

It's my choice. What do I want to do with my fear beliefs?

I want to let them pass away one by one. They have served me. They have served me well. They've shown me my shadow side. They've shown me my past. They've shown me what I don’t want. They've given me a gift.

But it is a gift that I can give up now because I believe in abundance and I can see that there is so much more for me to hold and to be if I release the rock in my hand, the fear beliefs in my mind, and know that I have the power to do it.

So I walk to the river of life. I open my hand and I ask it take this rock of fear from me. Bring it into the liquid light, and make it love, make it whole, make it breathe, make it sing the beautiful music that is in my heart to sing. I transmute it, I transmute my fears, and I give them to All That Is.

I see the rock moving into the Universe. It is a beautiful rock with rugged edges, big, very big, but very small too. It flies into space seeking a place to call home for awhile, to be the rock that it is. It will serve someone well. Someone will welcome it and it will be home.

But it is no longer my rock. I’m glad that I have released my fears. I’m glad to know that I have the power to release them whenever I want. They have been a part of me only because I’ve given them that power. Now I claim the power of love.

Into the rocky void I’ve been, into the light I now go. I am one with Nature, one with my brethren humanity, one with the Universe, and one with myself. I, too, am All That Is, and it feels good, very good.

Goodbye rock. Hello Light. I am home.

Sun, Jan 20, 2008, 8:40 PM

Good evening, Michael’s Light. My day has been filled with many thoughts of you. I made a title page for a booklet of our writings. I am so pleased and inspired by your communications. It is so filling me up and making me feel good. I am learning so much. I want to be all that I can be, and your words are helping. I was wondering why it is your words that are helping so much because Kathy’s words have been such an inspiration to me over the years, but I was resistant to change. I guess that hearing the words within me make me listen more?

Yes, that is true. You hear them from within and so you take ownership of sorts. You feel the internal inspiration and motivation to connect, so your intention of growing and changing is different. Kathy has been a tremendous inspiration.

I am afraid to listen because I am afraid that somehow I will diminish with my words stuck over yours the significance of Kathy’s work in my life.

L, Kathy understands how you have appreciated her work, as the angels do. We see the energy and we see the truth of the connection that you have to her. You are of the same ilk. You must not feel less than her. She has always said that what she does you can do. She is motivated and inspired and truly committed to helping you change. This gift to you has been of a level of a mountain, the biggest mountain you can imagine. She is aware of your appreciation, and she returns it because in teaching she too has had great gifts in learning. All is exchanged. All is appreciated.

Thank you, angels. I am grateful to be here today. I see in many of my words, thoughts, and deeds the stamp of Kathy, the imprint of Kathy, her words and her energy infuse me. I am so eternally grateful to what she’s given me in total love. I feel that I could never repay the gift.

Just by being here in her life, you give the gift in bountiful return. You accept her gift and she accepts yours. It is equal and all is well. Now let us turn to the events of this evening. You wrote a message to J and you are pleased. We are glad. This was yet another gift. So many gifts, yes?

Yes! So many gifts. It makes me overcome with emotion. I am blown away by all the gifts.

Yes, there are so many. The Universe’s natural order is the order of abundance. Gifts are part of the energy of abundance. So as you feel abundance within, you create gifts of greater and greater magnitude. You can see from this past week how many gifts can be packed into just one week. Physical gifts like your Macintosh at work, and spiritual gifts like the new understandings that are coming to you. And soul gifts – love and appreciation from your friends, those people who play a role in your daily world. All come together in a swirling vortex of appreciation and togetherness. You are meant to be sharing at this time.

Energy is meant to change. Friends will come and friends will go. Some will stay. On a soul level some stay forever.

Only some on a soul level?

On a soul level there is change, there is no permanence per se. There is relative truth in the soul. Spirit has absolute truth. Relative truth is about change and movement; absolute truth does grow as well but there is integrity and cohesion on a much greater level.

Am I disrupting the flow with this dialogue?

No, we are exchanging energy and it is enjoyable and productive to you to be exploring the many ways in which we can communicate. This is all an exploration. We appreciated that you integrated this idea in one of your titles. You have been changing the titles of this tome and that too is good because you are exploring what it means to you. You may yet change it again, and this is all good.

May I now ask about P? A message arrived from him at a perfect point tonight. I needed an infusion of energy of appreciation, and I received it from him. It was perfect timing and once again he served what you had told me was his purpose in my life, which is to help me get over the rocks with J. Can you tell me more about P and how I might best look at my relationship with him for my own growth and expansion?

Yes. P is a very advanced soul who came into your life with total intention to be a helper. He too has issues with love that he is experiencing, as all do. He is looking at himself and asking questions that are similar to those that J was asking, about the love in his heart and why he has not found that perfect partner. It is something that many people wonder, even those who are in relationships, because many people are not satisfied with the relationships they have. They, too, are looking for the love within, but are looking for it externally and therefore are not finding the bold answers they seek.

P is there for you as a friend, but as a lover this may not be the kind of relationship that would best serve you at this time. You are in a preparatory state to create a relationship that you can bring to maximum fruition. You have a list of attributes that you are looking for, and perhaps P may not have some of those attributes. You do have freedom of choice to select any partner that you want. And the lessons and learnings will be present regardless of who you choose.

But the level of harmony and synchronous energy will be different. So the challenge here is to choose a partner that is most in sync with you, that will bring you the greatest smoothness of functioning in the relationship.

You have had many rocks to get over in the past. Now is the time that you want the river to run smoothly. This is a gift that you can give yourself, that you can create with your power of creation. But you must think it through and decide that that is indeed what you want to create. If you create by default, you may not create quite the perfection that you would otherwise create if you think precisely about what you want – and then welcome the Universe to add its special energy to the mix. There are great gifts awaiting you in this vein, Linda. So if you are patient and if you continue to nurture your soul and spirit advancement, as you are doing at this time, you will find in time that a greater, more precious gem than you have ever known will appear in your life, and will bring you the totality of the love that you are seeking in a partner.

Wow! This is exciting to me. The totality of love? Is that possible?

When we say totality, this is measured in terms of your definition of what you want. You see, you have the power of creation. So whatever you decide you want, this indeed becomes your reality. Now, the trick is to be aware of all level of thought, because your thought operates on multiple levels. Much of our thought is hidden. Much of our thought is buried in our subconscious fears. So you must examine your fears here because this is an important step in creating in full consciousness. Be aware of hidden thought. Bring it into the light. See it for the shadow intention it may be imbued with, or see it for the full spectrum of love that it invites.

You are the creator of your life. Your totality is your totality. It is relative to your wishes.

Thank you for this explanation. I continue to be amazed at the way your words help me and say more than I thought I knew.

Our communications are for the purpose of advancing your thought. As you listen openly, we share what we can to help you move forward in your thinking and being. Much awaits. There is a vast world of learning and it is exciting to us that you are as excited as you are, and committed as you are, to learning and absorbing. Thank you, Linda, for this openness. It is rewarding.

I feel rewarded.

Do you have any other questions tonight?

I want to study my fears more. I am hearing from you that this is the next big step for me.

Yes, this is good. Do look at your fears. You can take some time on your own to do this, and we will be there with you, guiding you as needed and as you seek us to guide you. The discoveries will reward you.

Thanks. Then I will do this. Goodnight.

Goodnight Linda.

Sun, Jan 20, 2008, 8:00 AM

Good morning angels. How are you today?

We are fine this morning. It is a beautiful, cold day in your area and it is a beautiful day for us. Do you have a question?

Yes. My question is about my work ahead. I guess I have two questions: 1 - Should I spend some time now writing a book or should I be looking at the motion images approach? Well, let’s just ask that first.

You can do both. There is no reason not to do both. But the main need is for the motion movie because this is the type of media that is so widely accepted and sought. As we had said in the car, it can be short. It can be taken with your own camera. It can be posted on YouTube or easily distributed. But to capture the video is to share motion which is a movement of energy in and of itself.

Thanks. I will think more about this. It will be fun. I eventually want to get another camera that has better video and still image capacity. And a tripod I can get soon. Thanks for your advice. What about writing and a book about marriage relationships? I feel inspired to share my story. But I am all the more motivated because I feel that I would be better equipped to write it if I am listening to you and receiving your guidance on it.

Yes, the book is a good idea, too. It can “write itself” in many ways because you have so much inspiration on this front. We will help you. We will help you write it. There is much to be shared that can help people use their relationships of love and sexuality to better understand themselves and raise their consciousness. You see, we use relationships as a barometer of our self growth. This is not how we understand it, though, that is, we do not typically look at our relationships and say, “Ah yes, this is showing me what I want to learn about me.” But in essence, this is what relationships are for and they do have that effect on us as a soul and spirit. We learn about ourselves through relationships. They show us who we are in our body, mind, and spirit. When we are down in a relationship, for example, this can help us understand how we are truly feeling about ourselves. We can use relationships to look inside ourselves because ultimately, every man, woman and child that we encounter is only an actor on our stage. We cooperate with each other soul to be an actor on their stage, too, if we are in their life in any manner, either actively or passively or just in the breath of a moment. All energy exchanged is an exchange of intention and of healing, whether or not we look at it that way.

So you see, if we look at relationships in that light, there is so much to be gained, because our purpose for being here on earth is to examine ourselves and to grow and heal ourselves of our fears and of our misperceptions and of our not loving ourselves. We must learn to love ourselves.

When we enter a relationship, we often walk in thinking, “I hope I gain love here. I hope that this relationship showers me with love.” But often we aren’t thinking, “I hope that I can use this relationship to gain a better understanding of myself. I hope I can use this relationship to shower this other person with all the love in my heart, all my patience, understanding, hope, and best wishes.”

Let us pause here for a moment and pick up on that last phrase. In your world, when people close a letter, they often close with this phrase, “Best wishes.” It is a beautiful phrase to close with. When J wrote his birthday card to you, he closed with this closing. But for you, it was an insult of sorts because you were looking for him to shower you with love. And so when you wrote him back a thank you note for something else, you closed with the same thing, “Best wishes.” But you said it a bit sarcastically, as if to say, “See, I can be cold, too. I can detach.”

We do not criticize here. There is no criticism. This is only to examine the nature of the energy so that we understand better our intentions.

I am fine about this. I appreciate the spotlight. I want to learn.

Good. It is only a microscope, and as we study ourselves, we must put ourselves under a microscope in order to see the truth of our behavior, or we should say simply the deeper levels of meaning, because truth can be perceived on many levels. As you know from your studies with Kathy, truth can be untruth, it can be relative truth, and it can be absolute truth. But we are interested here in looking at the layers, peeling off the onion-skin layers of misunderstandings and then understandings to discover the center of the lotus, to mix metaphors, and see the true flower within.

So let us go back to our Best Wishes. And let us look at the deeper level of meaning in what you and J shared in that little diad of exchanges. Perhaps on a physical level of the intellect and ego, you each were saying, “I am detaching here, but I want you to know that I still care and that I will always wish you well.” It is not an inappropriate message to share, although it can produce a bit of an ego reaction because it has a bit of a dousing effect.

But on a spiritual level, those words, “Best wishes,” are actually quite profound. They signify the intention of the spirit to share only the goodness of thought, only the best thought. So you see, you and J are operating on a number of levels, and as you see these levels, you can understand better how the soul and spirit are different levels and how the intellect and ego are different levels, and how we, as an integrated energy of all of them, mix and match them to serve our many levels of intention as a very sophisticated being.

The goal here of course is to see deeper and deeper inside ourselves so that we get to the heart, the very heart of who we are. And at our heart we are spirit. Spirit is the master love of the Creator. It is our essence and it is the jewel of the Universe, as is the earth. No mystery on why you are here on the jewel of the universe. It reminds you each and every day of the jewel within that you seek, whether or not you are aware of the jewel that is deep within you, or the jewel that is all around you.

We feel within you, L, the deep appreciation that you have for the jewel of your world and of your heart. You are a deeply caring soul and it is a beauty for us to see the love that you have, for earth, for Erica, for your family, your friends, and for your teacher and your fellow students. There is much love around us, and it has blessed you significantly in your life. Take heart that this love will carry you over the rocks, like, as Kathy says, like the river over the rocks, ever seeking the smoothness of the watery way.

I needed to stop for a moment. I wasn’t sure if I was still in the purity of thought.

You are indeed L in the purity of thought. Thank you for listening and for learning.

It is immensely exciting and rewarding. I’m amazed that I can’t wait to write. Typically I procrastinate to write because it is an effort, even though it is satisfying.

This does show that when we open our minds, thought can flow. We have floodgates, the floodgates of fear. Perhaps this is another fractal pattern that is reflected by the storms that you are having on earth. The storms show you that the dramas of your lives can be understood from many angles. Nature is indeed a reflection of the energy of man. Man does not understand how he affects the weather, the earth, even the Universe and the stars.

That was a tough one for me to grasp; at least it was a surprise when I first heard Kathy mention it. It makes so much sense now though. We are connected. We are an energy of the earth just like everything else on earth. How could we not influence each other?

Precisely. You are combined and yet only because you as humans have physical eyes you see separation. Nature does not see separation although nature feels a connection. Nature feels all that is there because Nature is exquisitely sensitive and AWARE of its sensitivity. You as humans are sensitive, but you are not very aware of your sensitivity. Does this make sense?

Yes, total sense.

So as you live on the earth, you cooperate with Nature, just like you cooperate with other souls in your relationships, to learn. Nature is one of your dominant relationships, but because you don’t have sex or give physical birth to Nature – you know what we mean – you don’t perceive it in the roles that you typically think of when thinking of relationships – then you think it is not a relationship. You think you and Nature are just passive tenants on Planet Earth – maybe subject to the whims of a capricious or vengeful God – but not related.

But believe me, you are so related, you are like Siamese twins. You are inextricably interwoven in terms of energy. You are energy. Nature is energy. The earth is energy. Your energies entertwine.

Yes, we do intend that word, “entertwine,” to be spelled in that way. Entertwine refers to the eternal meshing of energies. When you are entertwined with something, this signifies a master plan of learning, of engaging, of being in harmony or discord even over eternity for the learning and the measurable gain that comes from the relationship.

Look at who you are with Nature. There is much discovery afoot and trust that all is working as it needs to. There is no separation. This is our motto: Michael’s Light: no separation.” It means many things on many levels and these are words that you will hear over and over in our communication. We did start with this thought, didn’t we? – that we are one. That we are all connected. There is no separation. There is only unity in the perceived great divide. We are one. See our unity.

Thank you, Michael’s Light, angels. This has been very illuminating to me. I can see that connection better with nature. I want to honor all the teachings that you are sharing. I want to grow. I feel that I am. Thank you so very much for what you are sharing. It is amazing to me and wonderful and gives me a sense, each and every time, that I am no longer alone. I realize I never was alone, but now I don’t feel alone. I feel more and more connected and more and more inspired to live my truth and be committed to a path of advancement. I want to help heal the earth. I so deeply want to help heal the earth. It is frustrating though, because I have fears about all the bad things going on with the government and people’s greed.

Look to self, L. Always look to self to see the lesson and the answers for next steps. There are lessons to be learned in looking externally, true, but looking within will show you the greatest truth and the greatest light when you need to see light. Know now from our exchanges that you can look within and see beauty. There is great beauty within you and within every person on the face of the earth. Actually of course everything in the universe has beauty, although darkness is out there but there is beauty even in the darkness. The Creator’s light is truly the only light and the only thing that is ultimately. All is light. All is ALL THAT IS. This is a powerful concept and is really too expansive to fully understand within the human consciousness for the most part. There are limits to understanding, and yet there are no limits. Just keep expanding. Keep being all that you can be. Be committed. Be diligent. Keep writing. Keep photographing. Get those videos made. Be inspired. Follow your inspiration. Be the light, the truth and the way in whatever way you feel is suitable for the moment and the occasion. Follow the light you see. “Stick with the winners.” We have many platitudes in Heaven but they all boil down to BE THE LIGHT.

Thanks again. I am going to have a wonderful day. I hope you do, too.

Thank you L. Be in peace and joy.