Fri, Feb 29, 2008, 10:45 PM
Yes, let us talk about your purpose. Each and every soul on Earth has a purpose, a Divine purpose that you share. The Divine purpose is the intention that each and every soul has to unite with the thought of the Creator, to Be all that you can be: a soul and spirit living consciously, lovingly, ethically in the human form as the Higher Universal Mana that you designed yourselves to be when you were created with the Divine Consciousness of your Creator. This is a lot to understand, but to simplify, we will say that the Creator created you, but you, with your power of creation and your free will, free choice and free intention have chosen the destiny of reuniting with the Creator.
Why is reuniting the chosen destiny? All souls chose the path of Earthly lessons to better understand all aspects of self. Through living on Earth in the human form, you are learning your lessons - lessons of love, equality, faith, understanding, compassion, good will, service, hope, peace, truth, freedom, independence, and so on. These are all aspects of spirit that you are trying to understand.
But all of these ethical values are Truly You. They are You in your Spirit Essence. So you are learning to remember what you have forgotten. You descended through Earth life into fear; and now is the time for mankind to emerge from millennia – truly aeons – of fear back into the light of Spirit, from whence you came and to where you return.
The path back to the Creator is through the mind. It is through the shedding of fears and through the embracing of the ethical values – through the living of the purity of loving self in all of your being – that you return to Spirit Consciousness.
So this is the shared purpose of each and every soul on the Earth.
Now, each and every soul on the Earth also has an individual purpose – a purpose unique and singular to your own being. This is a purpose that you, as a soul and spirit, chose and accepted when you designed your life plan before you entered this “life” that you are now living. We say “life” in quotations because it is only on Earth, in the physical plane, that you see the separation of lives. In the spirit realm, there is no separation. There is one, eternal life that you live. There truly is no time, no space, no physical dimension, and yet there is. But in spirit, you are forever and you exist regardless of any incident in the physical realm.
So you wonder about your purpose. It is interesting to wonder about such an important question: What is my purpose? It is interesting because the fact that you wonder shows that you have forgotten. You chose your purpose but you forgot, as most do consciously because once we get caught up in the physical world, we begin to think with only a physical focus, and we forget to think with a spiritual focus. To think with a spiritual focus is to remember all that we have forgotten, to know all that we have known, and to be all that we are. We ARE our purpose, but we are not aware. So now you wish to be aware, fully aware, of WHO YOU ARE and what you are here for.
Look at your life and you will know. Look at your family and see where the lessons are. Look at your relationship with your mother and father and know what the lessons are and what the gifts are. Look at your relationships with your co-workers, and see what the lessons are and the gifts that you give and that you accept. Within all these relationships are the lessons and the images, the multi-faceted images of your purpose.
Your purpose is to learn to love yourself, to let go of your fear, and to unite and help others unite with the spirit essence within. You have studied many years with your spiritual teacher, Kathy Oddenino. She is your master teacher. She has shown you the way, the truth and the light. It is from her heart and from her mind and its expansiveness and limitlessness that she teaches and shares with you. And it has inspired you and it moves you and it absorbs you. Your special purpose is to be a beacon of the words and the ideas that Kathy has taught you and to share these in your being and in your writing and in your words as you speak them and think them. Just by being love, you teach love.
There are many ways that you can bring this special purpose into the realm of reality in the space/time continuum. You may write and you may publish. You may make movies. You may create images. You may speak words. You may work with others to speak the words.
The world is in a difficult position now, and it needs the united help of all souls who feel for the Earth and for its people. A united effort is needed because Earth will need to purge herself of the negativity that has been building for the last 150 years. Earth must protect herself and she must show man, when man needs the images of truth, that love is sought for the benefit and the advancement of all. It is time. All must unite in an effort to remember our shared purpose as humankind, and to remember our shared purpose with Earth and to remember our shared purpose with the Universe. We are one and we must work together to BE the one that we ARE.
As you listen to the silence each day, listen for the words of guidance about the many ways in which you can fulfill your unique, singular path of truth and your special purpose. You will know in the moments where you are to go and what you may accomplish in those moments. Listen to the voice within. All have the voice within. You are no different. You open your mind to listen but all have this capability. You may help others open their minds to listen – this is always good because in the spirit world we are waiting and working with each and every soul on Earth to advance the thinking and direct thought toward change. Change is imperative. The world’s people must change so that your home can be protected from further destruction.
Destruction is not the way of the Creator. Destruction and creativity are polar opposites. To create, as the Creator does, is to build, to make, to expand, to Be expansive. To destroy, this is negative energy and it is part of the chaos within the Universe. Believe me, Earth is not the only planet with destructive energy. But at this time it is one of the most destructive planets in the known universe, and it is of grave concern to the spirits and souls and creative energies that have an investment in protecting the dynamic and symbiotic energy of this universe. It is time for negative energy to be changed so that it supports expansion and the balance of all energies. Energy is vast, vast. You cannot comprehend the vastness of energy that exists around you and within you. But because of its vastness, it has the ability – the potential – to severely destroy.
So let us now not focus on those elements of destruction but rather what can be done to create the unity, the balance, the love, and the interwoven balance of energies that is needed. What must be done, and can be done, is for all souls to ask, “What is my special purpose?” As each of us asks this question, each of us has the opportunity to listen for the answers, and then to accept the inspiration that invariably follows this discovery – and put it to good use in fulfilling the unique and singular missions, and our shared missions, that we have come here to fulfill. Each life that we live is imbued with purpose. There is no life if there is no purpose. You do indeed have a special purpose and so to discover it is to discover yourself. To discover your purpose is to know WHO YOU ARE.
You are a divine soul and spirit. You were created by the Creator. This is the shared origin. All souls are created, were created by the Creator.
So be inspired to fulfill your destiny. Move into the light of creation, of love, of fulfilling potential, of expressing the infinite love of the Creator. This Love is so expansive that it truly fills all space and time and all things known and unknown, all matter, All That Is. The Creator’s love is All That Is. But if our perception is otherwise, then that perception becomes SO for us. So you see, perception is the name of the game. Perception is the basis of how we create the minutiae of our reality.
Now – this very moment and each and every moment of your life – is your power moment to create Your Reality. And in each and every moment you have the choice: do I create from Love, or do I create from Fear? Heretofore, for aeons, you have been creating in fear. The fear builds. Now is the time to build in love. The Creator asks his children to be the love that you were created as.
As you begin to fall asleep tonight, think of the beauty of the world you live in. Think of all the creatures, the beings, the majestic nature of your surroundings as if they were in the most pure and viable form possible, and then envision this purity breathing and Being all that it is. This is what each of you is working toward.
See the jewel that you are and the jewel that you live within. It is your jewel to protect, honor, respect, value and appreciate. There is no separation between the jewel of you – your heart and your mind and your physical body and all the sensory awareness that is within and without – and the jewel of the Universe.
Make your Earth the jewel that it is. Believe in the jewel of self. And then make the commitment to work with all your might to BE love, truth and equality. Share this with each and every being you encounter. And BE the healing that is so needed upon the Earth.
You have a great destiny, as does each and every soul. Remember your promise to yourself that you made when you designed your life. Remember your shared purpose, and remember your unique purpose. They are always intertwined, and they will always call to you to remind you of what your soul and spirit decided. Heal, heal, heal yourself, Be the Love, and be the healing needed in your world.
And know that your path of advancement is a path of joy and great promise. Love awaits. Love is within. Love is awakening in this moment. Rejoice. And be about the Creator’s business because your path and the Creator’s path are one and the same: expand Love, and BE Love.
Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 6:41
We are fine. All is well. We seek love, we seek light and we seek to share and join thought and be in the comfort of our Creator’s energy. Do you have a question?
I do have a question about E but for starters I’d just like to listen and get back into a feel with you. I feel that I’ve been slipping in my commitment to listen and be productive. I’ve been having a lot of fun, though, dancing and sharing with my friends.
Sharing and dancing is wonderful! These are the energies of joy that you share with your friends JM and LK, and they, too, have felt the excitement and the joy of sharing as a threesome. Three is a power number. It is the number of the sacred trinity, the love, truth and equality that comprise the essential ethical values. The sacred trinity is also the male, female and spirit. Together, these aspects of you define you as a unique individual and yet they also define your relationship with all that is and with all the people that you interact with.
Today you feel an elation in being in the friendship with JM and LK. This elation and the motivation to share that accompanies it are feelings to cultivate and to protect and to nurture because they are the elements of self that allow self to expand – and expansion is our goal. We want to expand the mind. But it is the emotions that fuel the mind to expand beyond the limits that the ego would want to maintain as status quo. Do not accept status quo because it is nothing more than the doldrums of the sea – the dead zone of lifelessness, of depletion of energy. You want to rise up, expand, be filled with the energy of enthusiasm and happiness and excitement and all the loving emotions that inject energy into the mind and hence life into the creations that all begin in the mind.
The mind is the builder. We have used this phrase before and it is ever worth being reminded of. To think is to create. There is no separation between our thoughts and that which we create. So the challenge is to direct the thoughts – to think with the loving, gentle energy of happiness, and with the belief that all things are possible to he who believes, or she as the case may be. Use your mind as a creator to create with love and with the belief that what you create is worthy and not only that but necessary for your own growth and advancement.
Now, there are stumbling blocks that can get in the way of creations, and these are fear beliefs. You are working to release your fear beliefs. Keep thinking about them and be aware of them and let them go. Each morning, envision your mind and your body filling up with the whitest light, or gold light, or pink light. See the light of the Creator filling all that you are and wiping away – transforming the fears and the errant cells that have become contaminated on any level, and reforming them as love.
Love is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves. And so each day when you awaken, and each night before you fall asleep, nurture yourself with the light of love and happiness, and feel the changes that this brings into you. You are a being of light and therefore the light that you envision is the food that your soul and spirit wants to drink, to eat, to bask in, to breathe. These are the elements of being that truly nurture the essence of you.
So believe in the healing that you can accomplish on your own. Remember the story of Jesus and the man who touched the hem of his garment. It was the man’s belief that healed him, although he externalized his belief onto the cloth that Jesus wore, but in fact it was his own mind that healed him. This story is true for each and every one of us. Believe and ye shall succeed. As each of us creates with the belief that we shall succeed, so shall we succeed. It is the believing – the forceful direction of our thinking mind - that creates each and every moment of our life, of our living. And this IS the miracle of creation, although we do not recognize this, but that does not change what IS. What is IS our power of creation. We have within us, within each and every one of us, the power, whether default-driven or actively sought, to create our very reality.
So you are happy with your friends, and this is a healing for each of you of great magnitude. The laughter, the learning, the sharing, the discoveries, the rhythms, the dance, the thoughts, the play, the delight, the JOY of sharing are all components of what you and your friends JM and LK share. And this is truly a blessing.
So cherish it and know that all things are possible as you combine your energies to bring others into the light of your love. Your love and your shared appreciation for one another extend into the energy around you and beyond you. It may not be seen and in fact it is likely not seen with the physical eyes but it is indeed felt by those who come into your contact, whether consciously or otherwise, and it will be known.
And likewise, you, too, as a group share in the benefits of the energy and light from some of your other companions. This sharing is what you do to rise, rise, rise above the present moment into a new moment that is higher than the last. This is how consciousness expands. It is shared; it expands; it is shared; and it expands. It is a never-ending cycle of growth, and it all begins with a thought, and it moves forward into expression as the intention and the will to expand becomes more and more known.
Thank your friends often for their friendship. You do not need to say the words, but show in your actions how much you appreciate what you learn from them and what you gain. To gain is never to acquire material possessions; it is to grow and expand the mind and to feel the heart of love beating ever firmly, ever happily, within. This is the true gift of friendship, and it is a gift that you and JM and LK can always share.
You bless one another with your gifts of ready sharing. Take heart that this gift is part of your life.
Good night.
Thu, Feb 21, 2008, 10:01 PM
We are glad that you feel happiness. Sometimes happiness fades when fear beliefs and fear energy enters our consciousness, but you have a gift for looking at what you are feeling and addressing it. Keep looking inside. Examine the feelings. Understand that everything that happens “to” you is really your creation, your soul and spirit creation to help you learn.
There is much learning taking place in your life and it is understandable that as you look keenly and deeply you are going to uncover some things that you wonder about. But the things that make you sad or remove the happiness – these are invariably going to be fears, and fears are really gems. As you dig in the dirt – the beautiful rich soil of the soul – you will find many fears but as you bring them into the light you begin to see that they are minerals, fine fine grains of Earth’s precious minerals that feed the Earth, feed the plants, feed the beings that feed upon the plants and ultimately nourish.
There is not one fear in your life or in anyone’s life that has not served a purpose in helping you to understand that you are indeed more than your fears. In fact, you are NOT your fears. And yet unconsciously mankind defines himself by his fears. We do this because we have not been taught to understand what our fear beliefs are. It takes an inquiring mind – and the will of society and all its people – to begin to look within and say, “I want to be different. I want to be happy. What is it that will make me happy? Ah yes, it is love! It is joy! It is respecting, valuing and appreciating myself. It is loving myself and all my brethren. It is loving life and being the best friend that I can be to all mankind.”
And in coming to these points in our conscious mind, we begin to see that happiness is actually a do-able goal. How about that – we can be happy!
So many people live long lives and never truly get a sense that happiness as a holistic state of being is a possibility. And yet to have even a glimmer of this possibility is to have hope that it can take place and the wherewithal to work toward it.
Now, this word “work” is a bit of a misnomer. When we “work” toward happiness, what we are really doing is setting our mind in the frame of reference of productivity. Productivity is one of the essences of the human state of being. To be human is to be productive. This is what the body, the mind – the soul and the spirit WANTS to do – it wants to create, to achieve, to feel and to be alive in every cell and to use that spirit of life to make the human body sing as vividly as possible. The human body is a vibrant energy. Every cell is the machination of the brain’s master plan. The cells want to pulse with life. They want to be healthy, to reproduce themselves without hindrance. Cancer is a hindrance. Cells want the opposite of that. They want to be alive with the freedom to express themselves according to their design. As they are supported by the will of the person to be allowed to live healthily, each cell – each and every individual cell – will support its human with all its might.
This is a blessed relationship! And yet it is one that we truly are not very aware of. We abuse ourselves with fear thinking, with unhealthy behaviors, and with ignorance. Why do we do this? Are we living the spiritual selves that we truly are?
Yes, in some ways we are living as our true spirit because we cannot remove our spirit from who we are. But in other ways – many ways – we are not because we are not respecting, valuing, appreciating and honoring who we are.
So we must uncover our fear beliefs within the soil of the soul, and bring them up into the light of day and let them go so that we can live more productively, more happily, more joyfully, and more helpfully with our fellow man. This – this will bring us immense satisfaction and a sense of purpose and a sense of accomplishment. It is human to want this. It is inhuman, counter-human, to hang onto fear at this point in our evolution. It is time to let it go. It is time to wash it off the planet so the Earth herself can be freed from the energy of negativity that causes her to shed tears. She is here living her commitment to mankind, and yet mankind has berated her in essence for doing what she in love is here to do: to be our Mother and to nurture us and provide us with sustenance so that we may raise our spirits and expand our minds and enrich our soul experiences – to ultimately become the Divine Beings that we were created AS. We ARE Divine Beings but we have forgotten.
Now is the time to remember. Remove the veil of fear. Release the fear beliefs. Love your brothers and sisters. Be good to yourself. Love yourself and each and every being that you encounter. See in everyone the face of love, and you will be seeing the Love that is you. On any day in which you do this, the day will bless you and you will be one step higher on your stairway to Heaven. The stairs are laden with the petals of love. The petals are for you as rewards for sharing the Love that is you.
Have a blessed trip and remember to thank each person that you encounter for sharing their light and love with you. You will bless them and you will bless yourself.
Tue, Feb 19, 2008, 10:40 PM
Friendship is an amazing gift that we give ourselves. It rewards from the soul because friendship is a soul relationship. It is a relationship that two people who are in sync come to find together. Over time the relationship prospers if the two friends are open to growth, open to sharing, open to giving, open to seeing and open to communication always.
You and JM seem to have this kind of relationship. There is much openness and willingness to share and to be a helper. There is a soul commitment to helping the other reach a higher plane of awareness. And there is poetry in the midst. To share life through the perspective of poetry is an indication that the two souls are gifted with a love of words and an appreciation for symbolism. There is much growth that these two souls can experience just by virtue of appreciating symbolism because symbols are metaphysical. They go beyond the physical domain to touch the invisible realm, the realm of thought, the realm of ideas, the deeper levels of thinking that are appealing because they are hidden to some degree. There is a joy in seeking the inner levels of thought. Always enjoy friends who love poetry because in them you will find the heart of a poet and the love and tenderness that poets share.
Now, JM is an advanced soul, and very advanced soul who is seeking keenly for answers. She is thirsty to discover and apply and she is happy to have a friend accompany her in her quest for knowledge. When someone is this open and this intent on growing, you have the opportunity to share on many levels. Share the joy that she feels and be a good friend to her. Help when asked, provide assistance on any level, and accept the many gifts of the heart in return that she will want to share. She is a giving soul and will always look for ways in which she can lighten someone else’s load and be a friend to them. This energy is pervasive in her and it draws many to her because these others can see the beauty of her spirit. It shines, it is radiant and it is indeed magnetic and it draws many to her. They see her light and in many respects want to share it. This is the beauty of a radiant person. They cannot stop the light from shining and it is a beauty to behold.
You and JM share many traits and this is why the Universe has drawn you to each other. You are both passionate about dancing and about expressing the joys that you feel through the motion of the body. This is a wonderful thing to share with a friend because it opens the energy centers – the chakras – and allows for more energy to flow in and out of your physical bodies into the ethers as you share in conversation and other pastimes. The joy of motion enhances the friendship.
Also you share the quest for knowledge. This is a passion for you both and you can share this with each other as you study and as you may wish to share some of the things that you learn. You enhance one another’s knowledge base. You multiply the productivity that you are each experiencing by sharing it with each other.
Also there is the magnetism that you have to some members of the opposite sex. They may see the beauty that you both reflect outward and they wish to enjoy this sensory experience, of feeling the vibrations of happiness that you both feel, the sensitivity, the kindness, and the interest that you have in their lives. They see physical beauty but they also see the beauty within, and this increases their interest.
You also share a love of nature and a commitment to making the world a better place. This is an especially important attribute – it is a soul commitment and a soul knowing that you both have that speaks to the connection you feel to the Earth and to all its beings. There is a simple respect for life and for the lifestyles and ethnic and cultural persuasions of all peoples. This is very strong within you both and it is a guiding light as you each seek in varying degrees of passion to work with others to create change around you, for your own benefit and the benefit of others. There is an agape love within that reaches to all people.
So there are many attributes that you and JM share that bring you both a harmony and an interest in one another. You see that much can be accomplished as you nurture the friendship. You are guided by the actions of the other in pursuing some of your own actions. There is much inspiration that you share.
Respect this friendship. Do it right and be the best friend that you can be as you both grow together and grow independently in your quests for soul advancement. There is much to be gained and shared and enjoyed as you cultivate this relationship of true friendship.
Thank you so much. I am glad that she is my friend. And I am very glad to have LK as a friend, too. Each brings me a set of rich gifts and I appreciate them both. LK and I are now exploring a deeper friendship and it brings me joy. I feel accepted and I feel well liked and I feel that I can contribute to the friendships. They are fun!
LK too is a beautiful soul and spirit, with a warm heart and a beautiful smile. She is gentle and she is loving and she, too, is seeking her happiness in the relationships in her life that she is exploring. She is in a wonderland of sorts and yet she is practical, too. She wants to experience many joys and she sees in you and in JM, her dear friend of some time, the opportunity to bond and to talk about the events of her life, and she too wants to know of the events of your lives. It is enriching to her to share and she is joyful that the friendships are a part of her life. Treasure LK’s friendship as well as JM’s. Both reward many times over.
Thank you. I’m going to go to bed now.
Mon, Feb 18, 2008, 6:47 PM
Sadness can come from many feelings. When we feel a sense of loss we are feeling a sense of separation from the Creative Energy that created us.
But it is normal to feel loss. This sense can open the heart to many beautiful feelings of love and appreciation and joy in remembering what was. We can appreciate the beauty of what we experienced because in each and every moment we do have unity with what was and all that will be.
On Earth there is the concept of time. But in the spirit world there is no time. So there is no loss truly because all that you were and all that you will ever be IS who you are right now. You are truly not separate from those that you love, nor are they separate from you. Only in the physical world do we see separation.
But if you could see with the eyes of spirit – that is, if you were seeing with the eyes of spirit as everyone can – you would see that your connections are not at all broken with anyone. The bonds are ever present. And as you see these bonds with your “third eye” – your spirit eye and all your senses in their expansiveness – you will see the bonds and see the silver threads that connect you to everyone and every thing that is a part of you – a part of your world in every manner and a part of your universe.
Energy is chemical in nature, but it comes from thought. “As you think you travel; as you love you attract.” Again these words come into play because they define how your energy connects you to others. As you love you send your loving energy like beams of light in the direction of the ones you love. And as you think in fear, you send waves of negative energy into the Universe. It is best to let go of the fears and to mitigate the fear energy as best you can when you feel it because it never serves and it adds to the negative energy of the Universe. We are working to add light and love, and this is your mission, too.
So as you add your light to the Universe, think of the good that you are doing and the benefits of sharing something bright from your heart. You help another person; you create a lightness in their day; you allow them to share what you have shared with them with someone else – and this all impacts self in good ways. So the good energy, the loving energy moves. And as it moves it always carries with it a message of hope and goodness. It is a healing, and everyone and everything can use healing. Healing just means that we become more what we truly are – a Spirit Consciousness in physical form on the Earth.
You are looking at loss because it is an energy that is human. It is an energy that is shared. It is an energy that touches the human heart and brings it into an opening of faith and love. Those who lose someone they love, or perceive loss within a death experience – there is a light about them because there is a humility and a gentleness that speaks through the heart in those moments. This is actually one of the gifts in death: it opens the hearts of those who love.
Death is also an avenue of rebirth. When it is time to move out of one life, it is time to move into another life. There is always transition, and it is this transition that is a beacon of hope for all who are part of the transition – meaning the person who dies or who otherwise leaves a situation as well as those who actively and passively experience the loss.
Death is an energy of transition. So even as you have a parting of ways in a romantic situation, or in a friendship, there is a death of sorts but really it is a transition. And the transition is always, without exception, known and agreed upon by the parties involved. There is no denial of perfection save the denial that an ego will forever purport.
So in your sadness, there may also be a part of your ego that is not accepting of the choices of your soul. This is not to say that tears and sadness are inappropriate responses to loss – they are a soul’s way to express a feeling, in love and compassion. But it is good to see at times where the ego may be quietly sitting or perhaps watching and waiting for a moment to seek self pity or resign or even bitterness. These feelings can be recognized by the hurt that accompanies them. When we are bitter or when we “give up” in resign, we are not seeing the perfection of the lessons we are trying to learn.
So try to see the beauty in the situations that are part of your life. You do see this and it is beautiful to behold. But always there is more beauty to see. You can mine for gold many times in the minutiae of life because in even the smallest moments there are gems to be found.
The biggest gem that you have found in the losses of late is the love within you. This is a priceless find. People may hunt for years, lifetimes, millennia with little love being found because fear is so encompassing and fear beliefs are so entrenched. You are learning about these fears and you have systematically identified and discarded many. But keep looking. The biggest ones are the ones that are the oldest. Sex is love, and sex is a sin, are two of the biggest and they infiltrate much thinking. The one life to live belief is another, and inequality – wanting to be saved. These are major belief systems that are shared by the human race and are insidiously woven into the fabric of moment-by-moment living.
So keep working to show yourself the many ways in which these beliefs still affect your life. And then match them to the moments in which you may feel sad, or lonely, or unequal to someone. Keep looking within the behaviors, the attitudes, the personality – yours – for evidence of these beliefs.
And then without judgment release them by saying “I give my fears permission to leave. Thank you for having served me. I no longer need you.”
It is a very freeing moment to say this even once each day. Many go for lifetimes without these revelations. But they can come much more often if you have the intention to uncover them. And you do have this intention. This is precisely why you are exploring your heart and your mind the way you are. Keep up with this pursuit. It is a worthy task, a very worthy task.
In each of life’s moments you can see the beauty of yourself and the beauty of those who have come into your life. Know that there is infinite purpose in each and every moment of life. You are cooperating with myriad souls and spirits to create change on the Earth. Change begins within. So to assist in this major task of creating change, you must be diligent and you must not fear the revealment of the fears. Fears are only powerful when they are hidden. In the light of awareness and understanding, they change to emit only a fine glow, like a seashell that has been washed over many times and now lies quietly in the sand as the sun shines down. Each fear truly is a grain of sand, and as countless as those grains are, they are far less numerous than the points of light of love that make you every ounce of the being that you are. You are truly a being of light, and the fears are miniscule in comparison.
So see the light that is you. And respect it for the travel that you have taken to discover it. You have traveled through time and space in soul and spirit and physical form to be where you are now, which is, for all humans, the highest point they have reached. Today, this moment, is your point of power. And as you use that power to diminish your fear beliefs and kindle the light of love that is ever you, you give yourself the urging and the delight of Being Spirit. As the fears are lost, we become our Divine Self. This is our quest.
Within the quest, there is no loss. Believe in forever. Believe in the love that is you. Believe that all bonds of love are honored, respected, valued and appreciated forever. This is because of Spirit, which created you. Spirit is in all. You are Spirit. There is no loss. Expand and know that your journey of expansion brings comfort and love forever.
Sun, Feb 17, 2008, 7:36 PM
Yes, we are you, and you are us, and everybody is part of the whole. We are separate but we are one. We have been saying this but as you perceive us to be outside of yourself, you will perceive us as separate from yourself. We are not separate in truth. We are one. You hear our words and you hear your words and this shows you the unity of our energy. Do you have a question?
Yes, I would like to know more about why it is or how it is that some songs have coincidentally come onto my iPod that seem to be perfect for me to hear. They are played at a perfect time without my conscious awareness of seeking them.
In all the universe there is a stream of energy that connects all consciousness with the direction of thought from that consciousness. Tonight a friend wrote to you about some artwork that shows the energy emanations from humans. In looking at these energy emanations you see that your energy is far more refined and web-like and expansive in its reach than what you see with your physical eyes.
So the thought energy that is part of you is also part of your energy emanations. Your thought extends vastly into the universe. You do not see the energy with your “naked” eyes, but this does not mean that the energy does not exist or that it is static and confined to only internal to your physical body. In fact, your energy extends far, far beyond your physical body. And depending upon the intention of your thoughts, your thought can and will extend ever farther. Thought can travel at light speed to distant points.
So when little moments happen in life or big moments as the case may be, and they make you wonder about the synchronicities with your own thought energy, these moments can be explained by understanding that you did indeed create those moments from your own thoughts extending into the Universe, with the Universe then providing the experiences to bring you what would be perfect for you – for your perception within, however unacknowledged.
Now let us examine what the Universe is. The Universe is a
So there is no separation between what you think and what is created for you, with you and by you by virtue of the physical laws of Earth and the Spiritual Laws of the Creator. All laws are observed and lived in each and every moment.
You create from your thought. Your thoughts – each and every one – are prayers. What we think, we create. It is as simple as that.
Many people do not believe that we create much with our thought, but we do. We are master creators, each and every one of us. And so to Be is to Create.
Now, think about some of the most amazing things that you have created. You created an exquisite human life, you and
So as you think, you create. It is really not important to know the mechanics of Creation, at least if you are wondering how these little moments happen, other than to know that they happen for a reason, and the reason is that you as a consciousness sought the experience for the gain that would take place.
Now, there are many souls and spirits that are cooperating with you and with everyone on different levels. You have been exploring this as you are looking at your relationships with J and P and A and members of your family and your friends and acquaintances. It is good to examine all these relationships and to contemplate the meanings within the exchanges. As souls and spirits, each person in your life whether boldly or benignly works with you on a soul and spirit level to create events, happenings, thoughts, experiences, knowings and feelings that are going to teach lessons.
And the lessons are always about love, truth and equality and all the ethical values of the spirit that make you and all of the human race the unique Spirit Consciousness that you are. You are a breath of the Creative Spirit of the Creator. And as such, you do create the minutiae of your life and you do it for the purpose of gaining knowledge, gaining wisdom, and gaining a higher level of consciousness so that you can reunite incrementally in all facets of your being with the Creator, who gave the Breath of Life to each of you, that the Creator could have companionship in the eternal spiral of Being, and so that the Creator could expand self as, and into, the vast sea of thought that is the Cosmos.
It is always good to ask questions, so “do not worry about how” may not be ideal to say. But rather the point is that sometimes we can get distracted with details and we may miss the bigger points that we seek. So it is good to not let the ego get distracted with the details of creation, but rather to understand that Creation is what we do as a human consciousness, and we may have Faith in our own creations as we understand that all is for the elevation of our consciousness and for the discovery of Who We Are.
Socrates said that the life unexamined is not worth living. In fact, a life unexamined is not really lived, because to live truly is to examine. Our very senses, which include thinking and speaking, are the gift from our Creator to allow us to examine. We examine by living! Imagine a day in which you do not smell anything. We sometimes take our sense of smell for granted, but think of all that you experience and discover just by smelling. The toast is done, the cookies are baked, the pollution is affecting me, it is raining, the car needs a tune-up, the baby needs to be changed, etc. etc. These are all discoveries and in fact they are often discoveries that even in their simplicity allow us to contemplate who we are. As we change the baby’s diaper, for example, we think of our role as a parent and how we are giving our love to help the child grow. As we smell the pollution in the air we come to better understand how we may be contributing to it, and how we might work to change it.
Here is to creation and to discovering why you are the miracle of creation that you are. The secret is look within. Within you are all the answers.
Good night.
Fri, Feb 15, 2008, 8:16 PM
Yes. Whenever we are confused it is because our mind is not thinking from the center of our consciousness where the knowings are focused in love. In other words, you have some fear going on. Perhaps you fear loss, romantic loss. Perhaps you are feeling jealousy and resentment. Perhaps there is loneliness. Do these sound familiar?
Yes, indeed they do.
These are by no means uncommon emotions to feel, but they are indeed fear emotions because they focus on illusions of the mind – things that are not real but are created in our minds because of what we believe to be fact. You believe, for example, that your relationship with P could have unfolded differently. You fear what he may be thinking about you or not about you as the case may be. You are afraid that A will come into your territory again and disrupt the flow that you are feeling. You are afraid perhaps that
This time that you have to yourself is quite valuable because it gives you the opportunity to reflect without the distractions that may otherwise be present. It gives you time to think more clearly. There is no day in life that “things” do not happen to us. We are living life because life presents us with opportunities in each and every moment to examine who we are, and to be present in the world and to think more clearly each and every day as we begin to unpeel the onion-skin layers that may hide our inner selves from our conscious minds.
So the events of our lives allow us to look within, if at times for just brief moments. As you journal about these events, you are beginning to uncover wonderful little gems that are good to bring into the light. And you have been looking at these gems and finding a great deal of excitement about uncovering what you are uncovering and following what you feel is valuable guidance.
This is good. This is very good! The discovery process is all about opening the mind and allowing the thought to pour out what it needs to pour out, and to let in what will be useful to let in. In all cases, what we perceive to be “letting in” is really simply letting the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind infiltrate the conscious mind – the intellect. This is to say that the deeper parts of our mind are much more aware than our limited conscious mind. So to allow thought to move and flow more freely between these aspects of our mind is to allow growth to happen within us. We are expanding our mind and we are joining thought and we are becoming greater in our entire consciousness by virtue of expanding our mind.
To look within, we must not be afraid. Inside we will discover some fears, many fears perhaps, and we can begin to let them go. They are like balloons in that when they are touched by the pin of awareness, they loose their force and they deflate. But maybe piercing is not the best analogy. Let us just say we allow the air to leave gently, and we allow the fears to leave gently as they lose their potency.
So you have been uncovering some of your fears. This is good! You are bringing them into the open and into the light so that you can examine them and see what they hold – see them for the power that they have wielded and see them for the weightless illusions that they truly are once they are released.
Now, let us look at A for a moment. A is a special soul friend that you have traveled through time with. You have both shared dramas and traumas over your lives because it is through these experiences that we come to look within and touch our loving emotions even as our passions are inflamed. So there is nothing between you both that has not been shared.
The challenge for the both of you is to learn the lessons. The lessons can be learned with communication although communication doesn’t always need to be speaking. It can be conducted in many ways. In truth, you have been communicating, just not physically that much. But this has been valuable. It has allowed each of you a good deal of time to reflect upon the incidents that caused harm to the relationship, and the reflections have been good.
Is now the time that you want to reinstate a more active friendship? It is up to you both. You both have free will and free choice and free intention to create what you want to create. You do not need to follow anyone’s prescription for what is “right” in this situation. It is what you feel. You will learn from whatever you feel.
There is no rush because this situation can be healed on many levels. Do not feel pressure. It is your choice. The learnings are present. Trust this and trust your inner guidance to show you the next steps. In each moment you will feel the inspiration. You can check your thoughts and see if they feel right. And then proceed as is comfortable. Your comfort is paramount in this situation, as it is for A, and you can both find that comfort zone.
With respect to P, there is still much discovery afoot within him. You may want to allow him some time to digest some of the things that you have said. Trust that he, too, is a soul mate, and he is there for you in his heart. His heart is warming in a number of ways in his life. But his solitude and his lifestyle allow him a good deal of reflection time. This is important for him in this lifetime because in his last life he did not have much time to sit and think about anything. He was go, go, go. So now he has a chance to catch his wind, and pause and relax a little in life, to enjoy life’s small moments all on his own.
You probably see many similarities between him and J. This is no accident for you. It is perfect that you are taking yet another look at the energy of restraint. It is an energy that in some ways you aspire to hold more of, as you are given to more spontaneity that does not always serve you. Restraint is the better part of valor as the saying goes, but let us just say that restraint can be a valuable approach in life, as it gives us time to contemplate our actions and then act when we have more fully assessed the implications of potential action. There is a maturity in this approach to life, and it is this maturity in both J and P that appeals to you. You see the demeanor of knowing, of good judgment, awareness and self control, almost fatherly in its calm center of being.
Look at this and know that they are each playing a role for you, as you are playing a role for them in showing values and approaches that they find appealing and interesting and warm. You are sharing with each of them even as your time of closeness passes. Remember that the planets circle the sun. And the sun moves in the sky as does the galaxy and as does our universe. Nothing stays still; all revolves. So these energies and these lives that you share with others – they, too, revolve and evolve, and will come back to a point of connection when the times are right, as the cycles hold their truth.
Have total trust L in the way the Universe works. There is total purpose and intention in each and every movement. There is never loss; there is only change. And change is the miracle of our existence. So you can rejoice that there are changes in your life – changes that make you happy, changes that challenge your happiness, and changes that show you that happiness is truly yours to live in this life. Your happiness is a vibrancy about you and it is a big part of the beauty that you share.
So welcome change, welcome happiness, and welcome these friends into your life or out of your physical contact - it is your choice, but know that all serve rich purposes and all have a soul commitment to you, as you do to them, to share and learn and grow and love.
Your love and theirs is eternal, and therein is the miracle of all relationships.
Have fun tonight. Good night.
Wed, Feb 13, 2008, 8:24 PM
Do not despair, but know that Chuck had the clear intention of departing when he did. He lived a long, strong life and it was his time to go. He left with a smile in his heart and he left with love in his heart for his son and for his wife, who he intends to join, and for all those people in his life that uniquely served him in discovering his own internal love. He was grateful for a long and fulfilling life.
Now, when someone makes the choice to leave, it is totally appropriate for us to mourn their loss, but it is also for us to be thankful for the gifts that they brought to us by their being in our life. Chuck was a very special man to you. He was firm in his convictions and yet gentle in his demeanor. He loved you and he was always happy that you and Chad had found one another and that you brought Erica into this world and that he could share the joys of these unions with you. He was sad that you and Chad parted ways but in his soul he understood that this was necessary for the advancement that the separation would bring you.
Let us talk for a minute about Chad. This will be a difficult time for him because he placed much of his faith in his father; faith that he wanted to have in himself he reflected to his father. So this will be a time for Chad to examine the value of faith and to see more and more that his faith in himself was always there, just not necessarily focused upon. You can support him in this by encouraging him to see his own strength and his love. It was good that you could share the day today. This was a blessing for Chad and for you. As twin souls, you operate on a high level of love and support, and it is beautiful that over time you have been able to put aside the dramas that were part of your earlier days, and focus on the sincerity of a friendship, a very special friendship that truly spans all time because as twin souls, you are united forever as mirror images of one another. You support each other’s growth.
Now is the time that you can cherish the growth that you’ve experienced independent of one another, and use it to truly support one another in ways that you may not have imagined earlier. Be open to what this may entail. It may entail a small favor in a moment; it may entail large-scale assistance when the time comes. It can be the commitment that you both feel to help one another on a daily basis in dealing with life’s little challenges. It can be in supporting your daughter. There are many, many ways that you can stay in the loving and supportive friendship that you’ve newly discovered, and this you will do because of your soul commitment to love one another regardless of the face of the challenges in your midst.
Erica gains immensely from this. She sees in you both the renewal of the vows that you made years ago, and yet the vows now are a bit different because there isn’t the physical union, but there is the soul and spirit union, and this is what affirms Erica’s hopes and wishes that her parents’ love, and her love, will be honored in her life. This is a great gift that you give to her, and you can all three be commended for the steps that you have taken to let each other know how much you appreciate being in each other’s lives.
Chuck is in a better place today although his energy hovers still above the place that he loved, the place where he and Chad and Millie shared the prime years of their time together. It is a beautiful area and it speaks to the heart of each of them. In Chad
So Chad will need your loving support in these days ahead, and as you give it, give it with the heart of non-interference. Chad
So today is a time to rejoice that Chuck has created a new life for himself in a new body. You will know him again. You will know the energy. Be aware as the days and years go on, and know that love is eternal and love is a gift that never dies. You will see Chuck in the eyes of a young man and you will sense the energy of knowing. You will see the spark and the lightness that is felt when two people recognize but maybe do not consciously understand. You may want to share this with Chad, as he will be wanting a token of that love that he misses. He will be happy to think that his connection with his father is not gone just because the physical body is gone. He will be happy to know that love never dies. His father loved him deeply, and Chad deeply respected his father and honored him many times during the last years. It was always a joy to Chuck to see his son.
Thank you for listening tonight. We send love and light to Chad and to Chuck and to you and Erica. You are a family, with Millie, and it was a productive and valuable family for all of you. Know that your time of sharing had many net gains. Your promises to each other on a soul level were fulfilled. All was done well. Feel the love and feel the light and continue to share it with one another. You are joined forever.
Good night.
Tue, Feb 12, 2008, 7:30 PM
Yes, these are some of the many benefits of shedding fear beliefs. And the more you shed them, the more open you will feel and the more excited you will feel about all the changes. The changes are coming at a rapid pace for you because you have been diligent and sincere in looking intently within, with the expressed purpose of growing. As we have said, nothing can deny a soul and spirit purpose. Your intention directs your reality and your reality is becoming more and more evidently created by you. You are seeing the connections between your thoughts and the events of your life and feelings within you. They are indeed tied one on one. The mind is the builder, as Edgar Cayce said and as many other prophets and sage minds have acknowledged. This is one of the greatest pieces of wisdom that any human can hold: the wisdom that within our very hands -- hands being the physical symbol of the doing mind -- is the power of creation.
It is interesting that this knowledge has been hidden from man by man. But that, too, is understandable as we consider the path that man has chosen for himself, which is the path of learning. We are learning to be all that we are. And so we must search for knowledge to fill the mind and expand the mind, because it is the very act of expanding the mind that man grows to fulfill the promise that he made to himself: I shall grow, I shall learn, I shall expand, and I will become that which I am.
And the Creator, too, had a hand in this promise. It was the thought of the Creator that gave spirit consciousness to man, and this spirit consciousness is the essence of man. So in that man promised himself to find and live in his spirit consciousness, the Creator gave mankind free will, free choice and free intention as a trinity of aspects within the soul of Man to find and to discover himself as he chooses to.
This quest is symbolized in the search for the Holy Grail. But that quest was a physical one. The true quest, the deepest quest we shall say, is the internal quest. All that we are, we are within. These are the words of your teacher and they are profound.
Now, your quest has emerged recently from a bit of a hiatus to the status of “engaged” – fully engaged. And you are so excited about this that your excitement itself is charging your discoveries to unfold. You are creating your reality! Do you see how this works? It is like a locomotive engine. The engine is your powerful mind. You fill the engine with the combustion that it needs – emotion – and this brings sparks and life to your creations. The thoughts and the emotions are your soul. Your physical body is the jurisdiction of your soul and spirit. All work in tandem to create the most amazing, stunning, beautiful and awe-inspiring reality of YOU!
In the spirit world it is known how expansive the mind of man is and how exquisite the design is. But man has forgotten. But man is remembering. So this is the good news and all is part of the design, the pattern of growth. Each day creates another opportunity to create, and each day man moves forward in his discoveries.
As you open your mind and become more and more aware, the creations can become more and more exquisite and refined. You are getting a taste of this these days and it is thrilling you. If ever anything should thrill, it is the discovery of our power of creation. This is the secret that is worthy of bringing into the light and sharing with all. Once we understand that we create our very reality, from inception and conception to death and to life again, eternally, we begin to have respect for the majesty of creation and for the expansiveness of our being.
We are truly expansive beings. So to cultivate this expansion it is good, in fact it is necessary to eat only foods of nature, to breathe the freshest air, and to drink the purest water. These are the elements of the Earth that are in harmony with the body of man and will support man in his change from the baseness of chemical contamination to the refinement of spiritual truth – which is not airy fairy at all. Spiritual truth is what we live when we live simply and grandly in the blessings of love, truth, equality and all the ethical values that our spirit consciousness imbues us with. We are here on Earth to learn that we are creators, appreciating that our creations can be of the Creator, or they can be merely creations. We create by merely living, but we Create by Loving.
So as we live our love, we become more and more what we are designed to be.
Now, as you have considered the manner in which fear and fear beliefs permeate your thinking, you may also be encouraged to know that letting go of fear is one of the most exciting and interesting paths and projects you can engage in. Letting go of fear is a wonderful thing to do. Write down your fears whenever you think of them! I am afraid of being all I can be. I am afraid of being judged. I believe in sin. I believe that God is watching me in judgment. I am afraid that God does not love me. I am afraid to be responsible. Somebody take care of me. I am unworthy. The devil made me do it. I have only one life to live. Oh dear, Hell is waiting for me. I am ostracized. I am not loved.
And on and on into infinity man has defined his fears in myriad ways. There is no numbering of the fear beliefs that man has held as there is no numbering of the stars in the sky.
And yet! – all of these fears and fear beliefs are only illusions! Isn’t that the most amazing thing to know? Just imagine if you can help mankind understand that fear beliefs are nothing but illusions, then you give mankind a tool – a piece of hope from the bottom of Pandora’s box of fears, and you allow man to find freedom! There is freedom, infinite freedom, in releasing each fear belief.
So to release the fears, just continue to acknowledge them as you see them, and then thank them for having served you on your path of discovery. And then you make a conscious effort to think the opposite of that fear. For example, if you fear that God is judging you, then you tell yourself that God loves you. Even better, tell yourself that you ARE love and that the spirit of “God” – which is the good in you, the spirit consciousness of you, the eternal Creative Energy of you, the Creative Spirit within you – IS you and that you are free of fear. Do this with each little or big fear that you notice.
Growth is all about awareness and knowledge and inspiration and integration. Integrate your mind and your loving emotions (happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, etc.) and your spirit energy.
And know that you live eternally, and that truly the Creator loves all of Creation. You are part of the Creator’s creation and therefore you are love.
So be happy that you have made all the progress that you have. You have moved mountains with your love and with your self discoveries. You have all that it takes to create many miracles, as do all people. Believe in your miracles and make them so.
Good night.
Mon, Feb 11, 2008, 9:10 PM
Good evening L. Yes, these friends are treasures. They treasure you as you treasure them and the relationships that you share are enriching on very high levels. You trust one another and you have learned this trust over time – earned it as well. All are growing and it delights you all to feel this growth.
Now, growth is of the soul and growth is of the spirit. And growth is of the mind and growth is of the physical body. Growth is the natural order of Being. Did you know this? Growth is the natural state of Isness and Being because energy is never static, or if it is static then it is dying, that is, shrinking in its magnitude. But at that point it transmutes into something else. So it does not disappear but it changes form.
This same principle holds for you and your friends. Your energy intermingles as you come into more Being with each friend and acknowledge and honor the isness of your friendship -- the natural state of growth and expansion that is part of energy that is alive.
This growth and expansion defines the quality of your friendships. So always work to see that expansion.
Now, there are times in some friendships that it is appropriate to let the energy fade, or to let the energy REST – this is a better word because it indicates that there is a respect for the gains but also an appreciation for honoring self. Sometimes we cannot grow in a relationship with a friend because the energies are very different and at this time it is appropriate to allow the energy to sit and reflect upon itself without the interference of consternation or stress or drama, which usually accompanies a relationship that is moving into the rest stage. Rest is ironically what follows chaos. Chaos and rest are two energies that co-exist, or exist in an equal and opposite relationship to one another. They are extremes and you will see this in the Universe and you will see it in the galaxy and you will see it in a solar system and on individual planets and in the lives of the people who inhabit the planets. We are fractal patterns of one another and we follow order, structure, discipline, form. These are the patterns of the Universal system, and they extend on every level, seven relative to seven into infinity, as they are expressed in every form – physical, geometrical, metaphysical, spiritual, etc.
So with your friends there is this energy of chaos at times, but as you each learn and raise your awarenesses of your inner beings, your love and your spirit lights, you are satisfied to let the ego cravings of the past become residents of the past rather than tenants of the present. This is very good. You come to appreciate the finer elements of civilized relationships, without bickering, without jealousy, without backbiting, but rather with a calm center of the intention to work cooperatively toward common goals – the goals of advancing the teaching and the goals of advancing the personal awareness and knowledge; the goals of sharing camaraderie and joy; the goals of being in a oneness of community with a shared purpose, which always brings not only satisfaction but the magnetism of new energy. With these shared focuses, you draw unto yourselves like energy, and this like energy allows you to expand the energy that you deem – and that truly is – important to your work.
Now, be aware that all thought is alive. So to the degree that you can bring your productive thoughts into more life – more charged electromagnetism, your work and your efforts will be more appreciated by others and yourself and will bear more fruit. So think: what can I do so that I can bring the energy to a higher level? To await another’s work is not the best use of creative energy; in fact, this is not creative but rather it is leaching. The creative being creates out of the desire to see the creation grow. An ameba even appreciates its own growth. Would not a human feel many times greater than that?
So ask yourself: What can I create with all my gifts and how can I use these gifts to fulfill my own unique purpose in being on Earth? What is my purpose? Why am I here with this phenomenal group of creators if it is not to create something more phenomenal? Phenomenon means it is something that is beyond what we thought we knew or sensed – it is in the hyper-perceived category. So we must elevate our thinking and our emotions so that the creations, and the will to create, are hyper-charged with excitement, enthusiasm, passion, joy, ecstacy – and Wow! Look out! Just imagine how big that creation can be.
So the challenge is to think big. When you were young, as a child, your thoughts were always big and expansive. You would look at a cloud and you would think of yourself walking on the cloud or walking through the sky like a giant with winged feet. Or you would eat something and you would imagine the seed of that fruit growing large, large, large like a tree extending into the sky. Or you would imagine fairies and elves and wonderful dancing creatures in the woods that you could play with and travel with and sing with and enjoy. There were all the wonder thoughts, the big thoughts, the unrestrained thoughts of the imaginative child that did not know or did not have a concept that thought “should” be limited. You see, society and our religious beliefs have taught us that thinking big is a sin. Think small – think unworthy – think limited. This is what we have been taught as facts have been thrust down our gullets and our imaginations have been taxed with the chaos of fear and all manner of fear manifestations.
So we need to undress those fears and bring the body free of trappings into a sunny spot and see the precious, sparkling skin of imagination alive. See and feel your imagination in all its power and all its potential, and know that you have no limits to what you think and what you can truly create!
It is immense. Our creations can be immense if we allow them all the free range that we have been designed to give them.
In fact, our very world is a product of our imagination. As we think, we create; as we love, we attract. These are famous words and they are true. Think big; create big; love large; love All!
Now, once you have the imagination in gear, then you can also apply the planning skills. Planning is a very satisfying and rewarding task – although let us not say task per se because that may frighten the mind timid of work. But let us say planning is a joyful noise unto the soul because the soul is the very embodiment of planning in the body of the spirit. The soul does the spirit’s work and so it must be about the task of planning. The soul is endeared to planning and so as you plan, you delight your soul. It is happiest to be about the work of its mother, its spirit parent.
So think carefully about the many ways in which you can execute the plans to bring more life to what you have imagined. Write them down. Dream of them. Talk about them with friends. BE them. BE your plans. BE your energy in action.
And it is important to share your thoughts. Blog, speak, write articles, share in whatever way you can. A word can be most powerful. A tiny moment with a stranger can be powerful. Pay it forward, pass it on, share.
And keep your commitment to living your dream, your imagined reality. Your promise to yourself to stick with your goals is very important. Your commitment is your intention, and your intention is your contract with yourself. It is an insurance policy that your soul and spirit will always happily sign.
And remember to go easy on yourself if you get frustrated with the way the physical world moves and works. There are lessons in every moment, and these lessons are unique to each person. They are perfect and they are designed by you to get your attention. We must be flexible in recognizing always that the soul and spirit are inseparable and will guide us regardless of where we may otherwise think, if we are using any ego energy, that we should be going.
So these are some thoughts about the recipe for bringing into focus an idea and acting upon it and seeing it through to fruition.
You read in the paper today that personal achievements are the antidote to depression. This is so. Your achievements are the greatest uplifting element of your life. If you believe in yourself, then you will believe in your power to achieve. We are on earth to achieve great things, although we limit ourselves because we do not believe that we are great or that we have the potential to be great. We sometimes think that great means just those faces carved into the mountain or sitting on the pages in the history books. Believe me, great is far deeper than this and far more profound in its expression. You ARE great, and you ARE a creator. Believe in your creativity because this is the expression of the Creator.
So be all that you can be. Love your self and love others with all your heart and let your loving creations come to the fore to be expressed for your unique satisfaction and for the rewards that are part of your soul heritage. Whether or not others recognize you is irrelevant. Your greatness shines as you believe it, in humility, to Be.
Here is to your greatness, human. You are Love. You are Light. You are a piece of All That Is. You are more than great. You Are. And THAT is the greatest!
Sat, Feb 9, 2008, 11:41 AM
The richness of this journey of transformation cannot be overestimated or overstated. It is profound in its depth, its impact, and its importance.
It is no small task. And yet, it can be done in the blink of an eye, because when the mind of man makes the decision to shed the veil – the veil of fear beliefs – this is the moment that the man, the human, begins the passage through the eye of the needle. And time and space and all of All That Is does swallow the man and changes him, through his own intention, into a being of light.
Now we must understand that we are truly light anyway. There is no moment in which we are separate from our light and therefore there is no moment that we become the light, save for the moment in which we begin to perceive the truth of who we are. So the challenge is truly one of perception. To believe in the light is to become the light that we are. There is no separation other than the separation that we believe, however falsely, that exists.
Your dear friends are here to support you in this change, as you are part of their lives to support them. Believe in these connections, too, because they are the bridges that allow you to feel comfort and courage and strength in pursuing your changes. Friendship is the gift of helping, of supporting, of coming to understand on greater and greater levels the meaning of love. Each friend is a gift that reflects back to you your own internal love and the manner in which you share your love.
So as you interact with these friends, show them the love that you see within them, and share your internal love. They are beings of light and they seek the light and you share the pursuit of becoming all that you are. This is a blessing and a blessed event, to share love with the intention of becoming all that you are.
Now, know that time on earth is slow. The physical plane is the plane on which energy has slowed to the pace of molasses. Things do not go quickly necessarily. Have patience and believe that in your soul and spirit energy all is working as it should, and all will come to you in time. All will be expressed.
Believe that those who are not with you in person are with you in spirit. Laurie, P, J, your brother D, CM, your father, all those people who have profoundly impacted you that you may not see and may not feel their physical presence – they too are there supporting you in your and their soul and spirit energy. There is no separation. Love is eternal and it cannot be hidden and it cannot be lost. It is. That is the nature of Love.
So take heart that you too are present in the lives of these people, and that you are moving their souls as they are moving yours. Your mother, your daughter, your friends JM and LK and LKe and CH – all those who have been sharing this beautiful journey with you in present form at this time – your twin soul Chad – are with you always and wish you well, and they feel your love. It is a joy that you are sharing from the love within you. It enriches on multiple levels.
So have a grand voyage. See love emanating from everyone, every being, every place that your eyes may light. Be the love that you are; see the love that others are. And then watch the miracles unfold.
You are promised many miracles. Believe in them and they are yours.
Peace, love, all good things to you and Earth on this fine and rich day. Goodbye.
Fri, Feb 8, 2008, 8:42 PM
Good evening. It is good to be with you tonight. It is peaceful night. The cats are quiet and you have ahead a beautiful day of travel to a place that your heart cherishes – the learning center of Kathy and your friends. It will be a good weekend to refresh the mind, the body, the spirit and the senses.
Let us continue where we left off yesterday. We were talking about nourishing your body so that your mind could be in a better position to listen to our words. You see, listening is an act of awareness. And awareness is an aspect of your growth as a consciousness. As a consciousness, you are about expansion. So to expand your consciousnesses and thereby grow to greater and greater heights as a human being, you must start with the human body. The body is the home, the cave, the shell of the soul.
As you advance in thought, the home becomes more and more sophisticated. Your words become richer; your thoughts become more probing, more free to reflect, more daring to look in places where it has not looked. The awakened mind feels free to roam, to soar, to look freely because it seeks knowledge to feed it.
So to prepare the mind to seek and interpret the knowledge that it feels, it is imperative that the physical body be in a position to support the mind. The mind is part of the physical body. They work from the interaction of chemicals – chemicals in myriad relationships and proportions to one another. These chemical interactions are what you call living life! It is in the living of life that our chemical equations within our body become pristine in importance.
So as we consider the importance of the chemistry within our physical body, we must consider the importance of the air, the water and the food that we consume. Let us look first at food. Food, as we were saying yesterday, is the element of the earth that nourishes the human body. To take food, to appreciate its flavor, to masticate, to absorb, to give back and to gain again, this is almost a miracle of being one with the earth. And yet this is an act that we have in many ways lost appreciation for. We eat to sustain, but we typically do not eat to appreciate our relationship with the very earth that sustains us. This is the same with drinking water and breathing air. How fine it is to draw in each breath, and with each deep breath of fresh air to say This is the life! I am breathing! I am a human creation that can draw into this miracle of a body the sweetest proportion of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and the other fine gasses that are part of the air we breathe. And this air is also what nourishes our human body. It allows us to BE in spirit form on the face of the earth, learning our lessons and BEING who we are. It is a precious doing, this breathing and eating.
And needless to say, drinking water is also a fine act that brings us into our exquisite relationship with the earth. Within the water, within the pure water, are the minerals that we need to sustain us, to balance us, to give our hormonal system the correct electromagnetism that it needs to speak correctly and in tune with all the elements of our bodily systems that it needs to.
You see, each part of us operates within a system that is so finely developed, so richly sophisticated in its expression and in its rhythm and purpose, that our conscious awareness is challenged to appreciate it fully.
And yet all we need to do is simple BE who we are in order to FEEL, sense, taste, know, who we are because all that we are is for us to experience fully.
Just imagine how you would feel if you could truly feel the pulse of each cell, the flow of each drop of blood, the twinkling of each neuron, the jet propulsion of each hormonal cell, the slow but steady rhythms of the internal organs as they work so well together day in and day out, always working, never stopping to support you in your work as a spirit consciousness learning how to be human.
How can we not appreciate the majesty of this divine system?
And yet we do, in our ignorance and in our fear and in our forgetfulness and in our ego distractions with all the duties and worldly bignesses that seem to so supercede the finery of the simple workings of the human body.
Believe me when I say that there is nothing simple about the human body. It is the most exquisite creation in all the universe. You are the jewel of the universe.
So take a deep breath. Feel that beautiful breath as it fills and refills all the cells of your body. Take a deep, slow drink of the water that sustains your body’s balance. And eat just a small piece of bread, or take a bite of a vegetable or fruit – something fresh and WHOLE, and then savor it! Think of how this food is a part of you and how it brings you the opportunity to live the fullness of each new day.
And then tell me, tell me how you would like to change your consumption patterns. You will be inspired, as you contemplate and feel the wholeness of that which truly nourishes you, to change what you need to change in order to respect, honor, appreciate and value all that you are and all that the Earth brings to you as a gift to your expanding consciousness.
You and the Earth are one. You work together. You came from the Earth and the Earth came from you. Your paths are inextricably woven for the advancement of your shared thought and your shared hearts and your shared consciousness. The Creative Spirit is within the Earth as it is within you, and as you work together and truly appreciate the gifts that you give one another, you will be moving light years ahead in your development into the Higher Universal Mana that you were designed to Be.
Earth has not forgotten her promise to Man. But Man has forgotten his promise to Earth. Now is the time to remember this promise, this legacy, this rich and rewarding union.
Become who you truly are, and Earth will be rewarded, and you will be rewarded.
Eat of Earth. She is there to provide for you. Do not harm Earth because she is a being of great magnitude, great order. She too like you is a fractal pattern of Universal energy. And because she knows who she is, she will not allow the abuse of her being to continue. She must respect, value, appreciate and honor herself as well as your intention to learn.
It is time for you to learn what Earth already knows: that you need one another, and that the time to come into that fertile bed of learning is now.
Discard your fears. Stop the abuse of self and the world. Become Love. Let the creative forces work with you to heal what needs to be healed. See Earth as the Mother of Man. Earth is a symbol of the Creative energy of your Creator. Earth is a beautiful symbol of life and love and living in love. She nurtures and cares for man as a mother does for her child. All the beasts, all the plants on Earth have mothers who do this in one way or another. Earth is the Master Mother.
So let us all be the reflection of our Earthly Mother, taking our minds, using our minds and hearts and our physical bodies and all of our senses, as they are spiritual, and let us work diligently to clean the Earth and ourselves of our negative energies, and become the positive energy that as males and females working together we in essence are.
Eat right, respect Earth, let go of fear, and BE the Love that you are.
Blessings tonight and always. Thank you for listening to our words. Be in Peace.