These are feelings of love. What you feel and what you see in front of you are the faces, the many faces of love. When we love others, we feel love in bountiful return. As you give love it is returned, it is felt internally, and it is shared. Your friend JM has reminded you of this gift of magnetism and it is something that you are both exploring with a great deal of wonderment. It is a simple truth and yet it is a profound truth: what we give, we are rewarded with tenfold in return.
So now the question and the challenge is to decide what you want in return and to work backward from there to see what you may want to give to get there. Not many people will look at life in this seemingly-backward way, but it is a technique to use in trying to better understand where you want to move in life and how to achieve it.
Many people might say, for example, that they want to take a rich trip to
If this is so, then what are you doing on your daily end to promote these kinds of experiences in the lives of others? Are you making a special point to greet strangers and to welcome them into your world in life’s little moments? Are you singing the joys of each passing moment so that you give of your happiness to each and every person you encounter? Are you living your life and conducting yourself so that your behaviors show respect for your environment? Do you live in ways that sustain nature’s bounty and nature’s ability to reward you with her bounty?
You see, often we take take take, but when it is giving time, which is truly in each and every moment, we may be more reluctant, or less willing, to greet the moments with a freeness of giving.
When we give, we feel the joy of our own spirit because the natural state of the spirit is the state of giving. The spirit is ever about giving. Our spirit is always by our side metaphorically and truly within each and every cell of our body literally, and our spirit is always guiding us, always trying to show us the path of joy, the path of happiness and bountiful beauty.
And yet as our ego sees this freedom in giving, it is jealous because of its inability to be anything but selfish. The ego does not want the spirit to be free and so the ego will design every manner of deflecting energy to direct your attention onto the mundane and the downtrodden, so as to cast life in the image of oppression.
It is not a truthful picture, and it is not a helpful picture that the ego paints in any way except to show us what we do not want.
So as you see the many opportunities that you may have in the moments of your day to enrich someone else’s life and to share the joy and excitement and enthusiasm that you are feeling about your own life, do so with abandon to the degree that you can. In each instance of sharing, you will be rewarded with equal and surpassing joy and happiness.
This is magnetism and it creates the return of energy. There are many physical laws in existence that can be translated into the spirit world. Actually, the truth of this equation is that the laws that govern the spirit realm indeed filter to the physical world. Spirit is the primary energy of our universe. Spirit is the master Creator. The creative energy that infuses universal energy is the energy of spirit, and it is the energy that created us, and it is the energy that powers, empowers, all that is.
You see, you are energy. This is a critical concept for mankind to understand, especially at this juncture of being on Earth. There is much at stake for mankind in understanding that all that he is, he is within himself. The body is just a shell, a physical creation that expresses the soul and the spirit of man. You can see with your physical eyes and you can touch with your physical hands and you can hear and smell with your physical ears and nose, but! you also have these same senses, and others, that exist on soul and spirit levels into infinity. There is no limit to what you can experience and BE within yourself, within the finest elements of yourself, through your infinite senses.
Your senses are your spirit, and your spirit does sense. You spirit thinks. Your spirit Is. You are spirit. You are energy. You are all that is. You are a gift of energy from your Creator. You are a breath of your Creator. You are truly magnificent, and if you recognized your magnificence, truly recognized it and valued and appreciated it, do you think you would think and feel and sense and speak and BE in your daily life the same way that you are at this time? Do you think you would ever say an unkind word to anyone? Would you ever abuse yourself in any way with foul language or angry thoughts or untruths of any sort? If you recognized your greatness and the truth of your spirit energy, would you not assume the most gracious, loving, respectful, honoring, and equal behavior in each and every moment of living?
You see, to recognize who we are is to BE who we are, which is spirit in all its manifold glory. There is no separation between us and who we truly are, except the separation that we create through our perception of ourself and through our stoking of our fear beliefs. We have spoken a great deal about fears, but we must remind ourselves that fear has been the path that mankind has walked for aeons and aeons of time, and these fear beliefs have caused our destruction and the destruction of nature many, many times over.
Do we want to create this masterful destruction again? We have the power to destroy all that is around us, and we are on this path of destruction.
Why do we not see our beauty? Earth is here to remind us, as a mother ever reminds her beloved children, of the beauty of us. She shows us this beauty as we look upon her and see an image of our own beauty. We are a fractal pattern of the energy of Earth, and the beauty of this truth is that Earth is so aware of her own beauty that she would share that image with us in truly, truly infinite and magnificent ways. And yet we still do not see our own beauty, even as our Mother reminds us in every way in every moment of every day that we breathe and live. This is a sad thought for our Mother, as it is a sad thought for mankind to see the destruction and the hurt that we wreak.
And yet we may be hopeful that somehow through our angling and through our ongoing and increasing desperation as the family of man, we are awakening to a higher awareness.
So to give, to give plentifully, and to feel the freedom of service and kindness and compassion and all our ethical values, is to heal our own selves and to heal Earth and to create a life that rewards, that richly rewards. To take a trip to Spain, or to enjoy friendships, or to find peacefulness in life’s little moments maybe on a snowy night or a warm summer’s evening – any happy and loving feeling that we want to feel is truly a reward and a return for what we give in greater and greater amounts in sincerity and truth.
The truth of us as mankind is that we are spirit learning to be human. We are the energy of our Creator, who is the Master of Love and the Divine Being of Omniscience and Totality, the All That Is. We, too, are a part of the All That Is. To the degree that we recognize it and cultivate it in our daily lives, we find rich rewards in the many manners that you describe: through bountiful friendships, through loving relationships, through feeling abundance in the gifts of life. All are expressions of living our love.
So be thankful for these gifts in your life. As you seek to give of yourself, you find the rewards being returned in many ways. This is the definition of bounty: an abundance of the energy of love.
Live with bounty as your goal, and you will live with bounty as your reality of daily living. This does not mean that we will not continue our path of learning lessons. We are on Earth to learn lessons. We would not be here if we had learned all there is to learn. But as we live and love more and more, we learn with patience and kindness and truth and compassion. And so the dramas become object lessons in the positive values of being ethical.
So here today there is for each of us the opportunity to be ethical, and to give and share our ethical spirit with our fellow man. Pass it on. Love and truth and equality are ours to give and to live and to Be in life. What a gift this is, and what a lovely life this is, if we let it Be.
To life, in love!