When change is active in our lives, we must be patient with ourselves. We are not shooting stars. Change comes one step at a time. At first, you get a glimmer of a change. Perhaps you see an attribute in a friend that you want to have in yourself. Perhaps you think of some change that you would like to feel. And then an opportunity comes to put this change into action, and you become aware of how you approached the challenge in a slightly different way than you might have in your past. And you see the effects of the change, the positive impact. This is reassurance of the value of change and indeed your reward for the change. And because of the change, there is the ripple effect, and you see how other aspects of your life change in relationship to just that very small change that you initially made.
In time, another challenge will come to you to test the level of your change and the level of your awareness and commitment to change. And you will either rise to the occasion or – if you do not exactly rise to it, you will have yet another opportunity, and another, and another, until you get the image of the lesson that you are trying to teach yourself.
You see, each and every moment of our living is an opportunity to change either into more loving energy, or into more fear-based energy. If we move into fear, what we are essentially doing is living in the ignorance of a fear belief. It may be a belief in inequality; it may be a belief in unworthiness; it may be a belief in lack of abundance, of need. There are myriad fear beliefs, but they are all negative energy.
But if we are moving into love, we feel the lightness and happiness of our thoughts and of our actions and of our awareness. When we make any change with love as its basis, we are moving forward, one step at a time. We cannot move forward any faster than that. This is the pattern – one foot in front of the next.
So we must be patient with our changes because the soul and spirit is infinitely patient with us. In our intellect and ego, we may refuse to be patient; we may want to move faster and without truly learning our lessons. We like to fool ourselves with an intellectual illusion of growth. Believe me when I tell you that no illusion can hold weight in the light of the soul and spirit. The soul and spirit, ever patient, recognize the illusions that the ego and the intellect create, and will simply design another opportunity for you to learn what you set aside as a learning opportunity the previous time.
So once again, you are given the opportunity to be patient, to be hopeful, and to be grateful for each and every little opportunity to change and to rise to the challenge of growth.
Growth is an ethical value. It is a value that our spirit has gifted us with in its infinite understanding of our pattern of evolution. Growth is the pattern of our evolution. Growth is what we experience when we live in the light of love and when we have an appreciation for the value of change. Change is the essence, the very nature of BEING. If we are to BE, then we are to CHANGE because energy is never static, or if it is static, then it is dying. We want to be about expansion. When the Creator created his children, he did this with the thought of expansion, of expanding self and of eternally expanding his Being. So you, as a spark of the Creator, expand also. You are a fractal pattern of the creative energy of the Creator, therefore you eternally expand.
Think of that word, “eternally.” Forever is a long time, and you do have eternal life, but not in the religious sense of Heaven and Hell, but in the spiritual sense of unity with the Creator and with the Creative Consciousness of the Universe. You are a part of All That Is, and therefore you, too, are as expansive as every element within the All That Is.
Eternal is your path of expression and of Being. You cannot NOT Be because You Are. Your Isness defines your eternal nature.
But let us say for now that there is hopefulness in change just as there is hopefulness in the promise of forever. You may rest assured, and be delighted in knowing, that you are forever in the arms of your Creator, and you are forever growing with the Creator. Isn’t this the most comforting thought? For millennia, for aeons, mankind has perceived of his physical limitations, of sin and suffering and fear, and has defined himself as finite and separate. These are indeed part of the milieu of the fear mentality that has been pervasive in the mind of man and in the actions of man.
But you can know, by understanding your eternal nature, that you do not need to be in fear because the Creator is ever with you in the form of the Spirit Consciousness that is within you. You are not separate from the Creator and you are not separate from your fellow man and you are not separate from Earth or from the Universe. Conversely, you are indeed a part, an integral and cherished part of All That Is.
To know this – does this not inspire you to have faith in your changes and in the progress that you’ve made as a soul and spirit in physical form upon Earth? Does it not give you the motivation and the courage and the conviction and commitment to continue changing in all the ways that you are inspired to? And does it not give you a sense of patience and understanding that all can be achieved in time, or in the eternal cycle of change that breathes its hopeful energy into our existence?
It does indeed! All inspires if we let it. The soul provides us with motivation and the spirit provides us with inspiration, and the physical body provides the vehicle for the soul and spirit to effect the change – to create the change – that lifts us higher and higher into unity with ourselves.
So we must be patient with ourselves and with each other because even tiny change is in fact a major change in the sense that all fits into the picture of our advancement as an energy being. We move forward step by step, and therefore we must be grateful and thankful for each step because each was meaningful and needed and truly glorious. There is much to be thankful for.
And as we give thanks for our own change, we may give thanks for the change that we see in others. We are the family of man and therefore each change that we notice or feel or acknowledge in another is actually a change for us, too, because we live in a domain of energy sharing. Love is magnetic; love draws unto like energy. So when we change, we invite change in others; and when others change, they invite change in us. We are truly never alone as we live upon the Earth and live within the energy laws of Earth. These are exciting laws and they show us the possibilities for Being.
So look at your changes, your many changes, and be thankful and happy and excited about what you see. You have as a consciousness been hovering or existing within the energy of Earth for five hundred billion years. This is forever by many standards, and yet it is only a miniscule fraction of what forever truly is. Forever cannot be counted. In forever, there is no counting. There only IS.
You are a spiritual being. Believe in your spirituality; believe in your changes; believe that there is so much more change to come and that each moment of living, of being, is an opportunity to change and to grow into the totality of you. You are love. You are a piece of your Creator; you are a breath of “God,” the physical perception of your Creator. You are energy and you cannot be destroyed; you can only live forever in love, especially in love as you lose the perception of fear that has defined the human race since the beginning of your time on Earth as a soul.
See the greatness of yourself, and see the beauty of your change. Your change is what makes you all that you are. And all that you are, you are within. See your inner beauty and share it with others. See their beauty as they share it with you. Share the change that makes the human race the divine race that it is. Be your divinity and come to remember the love that the Creator made as You.