Mon, Mar 31, 2008, 8:15 PM
Yes, indeed they are connected, and yet everything in our lives is connected if we look deeper. When you see a tree, you see perhaps the leaves on the tree flutter in the breeze. But you see each leaf connected to a branch, and branches connected to the trunk, and the trunk to the roots, and the finer roots ease into the nuances of the soil, and the soil extends into the entire earth, and the earth reaches up into the sky, and on and on. From this beautiful planet and everything on it and within it and above it you can see that there is a connection between each and every physical thing, each and every person, each and every thought, and each and every happening.
You see, we are energy beings. And the earth is energy. And the Universe is energy, and all of Creation and all of the Cosmos is energy in its purest form and in its every expression. There is no separation between you and every single minute or grandiose thing in the Universe.
Now this is a mighty, expansive concept. But when you can accept it as fact, you can understand that there is meaning to everything and there is a consequence to everything, even to the tiniest thought that is “thunk” within a microsecond, and to the greatest of physical events, for example, an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
In truth, there is a great deal of connection between the thoughts of man and the physical events of the earth – the so-called “acts of God.” You see, the “acts of God” are truly the outcome and the energetic expression of the thoughts of man, because you as mankind and Earth are symbiotic elements of each other; you were born of each other and you operate in tandem to provide for one another. You need Earth and Earth needs you. Earth is your Mother. You are born of the seeds of Earth, and Earth cooperates to show you the effects of your thoughts and the reality of “think and it shall be so.”
Mankind does not believe in general that he influences the Earth, but believe me when I say it is true that you do indeed influence the Earth to be all that she is in her own “body, mind, and spirit.” Earth has these elements even as you do. She is a consciousness, and she expresses her masterful, grand consciousness just as you do.
So let us move back to the questions you asked about open communication and resistance. Open communication is an ethical value. It is how we express ourselves, as humans, when we are living in loving energy. You see, love is who we are. And so when we are living the love that we are, we express ourselves in and by that loving energy. This is what Earth does as well, and yet Earth is never out of her loving energy. But mankind is, often is, invariably is when he lives from the fear that we have seen in the behavior of man for millennia, for aeons.
Look at your history, and you see the face of communication that is steeped in fear. You see the effects of the fear: greed, disasters, anger, death, wars, rape, pillaging, “to the victors go the spoils,” dominance, control, etc. Within these energies the communication – the expressions – are not loving and open, but rather closed.
To communicate openly, we would see cooperation, kindness, compassion, helping, singing, dancing, caring, and happy connections between people and with Earth. Do you see this kind of energy being expressed? If you do not, then you can know that man is not always communicating openly.
To communicate openly we speak a loving truth. Truth is multifaceted indeed, but in essence it is unilateral in that in essence it is loving. Truth is not truly truth if it is compromised by fear. To speak lovingly to another person is to speak from the heart and to speak or to behave in ways that affirm your sense of equality with the other person, your sense of valuing, appreciating, honoring, trusting, and believing in – having faith in - the full and uncompromised worth of the person with whom you are speaking or interacting. This is open communication. It is the openness of the soul and spirit, the heart, the deepest heart of man.
Now, if you are in resistance to expressing these elements, these ethical values, then you are in fear. And fear is a stopper. Fear is what stops the true and unbridled flow of the goodness of us. Fear can be fear of loss, fear of truth, fear of being, fear of dying, fear of God being angry at us, fear of not being accepted by others, fear that we have sinned, fear that we are unworthy, fear that we have done something wrong, fear that we will lose our job, fear that we are not safe, fear that we do not have enough of something, like enough money or enough good looks or enough of a house or enough status or enough friends. There are myriad fears, truly uncountable fears and fear beliefs, which all lurk in our subconscious mind.
As mankind, we have built an incredible tower of fears. The Tower of Babel was a tower of fears, and it was the fears in that symbolic story that caused man to abridge his free flow of communication and find that the thoughts of love and truth could no longer come forth. Hence, man could not communicate effectively. So you see, this story is a symbol of what happens when our fears predominate. Fears cause our tongue to freeze, or to zigzag, or to produce what is not harmonic sound. Fear and fear beliefs are the stoppers. Remember this.
But the speak openly, to think openly, this is what we want because open communication produces feelings of elation and happiness and joy and a sense that we are in harmony with life and with the rhythms of nature and the pulse of the world. Open communication draws people to us because they see our happiness and our sense of connectivity, and they want a piece of that action – they want to feel what we feel.
So each of us can be an image and an example to others of what true open communication is. When we embrace this ethical value, it is a magnetic energy that attracts others and expands upon itself. It is one of the greatest of the ethical values because it is an expression of who we are as spirit energy. Our thinking and speaking are part of our spirit senses. So to think loving thoughts and to deliver these loving thoughts outwardly to others and indeed inwardly toward our own selves as well – this is to live our spirit energy in a high form.
It is a challenge in the physical world to live our spirit energy. And yet this is what the Christ Consciousness did in the life of Jesus, who showed himself – and by virtue of this he showed mankind – how to live spirit energy in human form, how to be divine in human form. What a gift this was of the spirit of Adam and Enoch and Amelius and Joseph and all the lives that were the soul path of the Christ Consciousness as that consciousness was expressed in human form. The lesson and the example was how to be divine while living in human form, in the physical plane.
For us to embrace open communication is to let go of resistance to our spirit energy, and to allow all that we are to be expressed. Communication IS expression, and open communication is the free flowing of expression. As the river flows freely, so mankind in his heart wishes his life, and all that he is within, to be expressed, to be SHARED with all that is. There is no separation between us and All That Is, except as we perceive and thus create separation.
So let go of the idea of separation, and allow all that you are to be expressed. Let your heart flow freely, let your thoughts flow freely, let your mind be true to your heart, and allow all to be expressed so that you will connect in the energy of openness and freedom with all that is, with all your friends and family and brethren of any kind. You will expand the goodness and your life will ever feel richer for it.
Today, open communication flows from your fingertips. You share in goodness and in the spirit of giving to yourself and giving to others. This is open communication, and it will bless you today and always.
Share, and express openly, and be the love that you are within. It moves mountains, and it will bring all good things home.
Tue, Mar 25, 2008, 10:23 PM
There are many ways that you can relate to your mother with respect to this issue, but all of them have the primary behaviors of love, compassion, understanding, patience and forgiveness.
Let us look first at forgiveness. This is one reason your mother would like to approach D. She feels that if she speaks her heart to him and has an open dialog with him about the things that have been troubling her, she will find a way to forgive him for what she perceives to have been his transgressions with L and with your family during L’s time of passing.
This is a difficult area to tread because D’s mindset is distinctly different from your mother’s. D’s thought about your family is that you robbed him of the money he felt was rightly his. He thinks L robbed him of this by virtue of leaving him in her death. And your family he feels robbed him because of L’s will, which left some items of expense to your children. This is only in his mind because he thinks from the perspective of how the events of L’s passing affect him personally. Because he is a man with addictions of many sorts, he is in a survival mode. He is not thinking rationally and he is not thinking compassionately but rather he is thinking from the perspective of a fighter, with those he encounters in life being symbols of his own internal angry energy, but he does not understand that it is his own anger at himself that he fights with. So he places the face of anger on others, and all others he sees as foes.
So if your mother is to speak of unresolved issues with D, this could incite within him the feelings of dealing with a foe, with an adversary, with someone who wishes to “do him in” in some way.
It is possible that if your mother can speak words that will placate D, he will be calm enough to listen to what she has to say. But because of his depression and because of the physical ailments that he has incurred in recent months, it will likely not be possible for him to communicate with her on any level that will be meaningful in the context that she would like.
Now, your mother, too, is feeling a great deal of sadness in the parting of her daughter. When someone we love dies, there is often the feeling in the heart that we have been abandoned, that our source of love is taken from us, or that we have been rejected in some way. Maybe we believe we could have shared more love with the departed and we judge ourselves for that. These are undercurrents of emotion but that does not mean that they are not real. Unacknowledged emotions can be very real and can have a big impact in our life.
But if we can see those undercurrents more clearly, we can understand what our truest need is, which is to attune our thinking to the thinking of love and forgiveness. We must forgive ourselves for thinking in ways that do not necessarily affirm the love within us. We must forgive others for not affirming their own love, or our love for them.
If we can forgive ourselves for the adversarial feelings that we have, and let go of our need to confront ourselves or others, then we can have a gentle heart that is not burdened with anger or resentment or unresolved issues.
You see, there really are no unresolved issues when we can look at our own selves with total compassion and love, and say I love me for who I am. My ego, my fears hold no sway over me. And there is no power that anyone lords over me because I am infinitely powerful and infinitely loving; my love IS my power, and I am free to express it in all that I am and in all that I do. I am free and I am worthy of being happy.
So we must look at our own selves whenever we feel “unfinished business” with another person, and set our own heart free before we communicate with another. This clears the canvas for a productive dialog, if a dialog is to be had.
Now, your mother would like to entertain a dialog with D. But D is severely depressed and he is in a survival mode so likely he will not be able to speak much with your mother. But he will be able to sense her emotion, and if there is any emotion of intensity, he will feel this and he will react on the level of a survivalist. He will want to swiftly remove any perceived threat to his survival. When we are in survival mode, all threats are survival threats.
So it may not be the most prudent action at this time to speak with D. Perhaps when D comes out of his fog somewhat there will be an opportunity – one that comes naturally out of a chance encounter – and this could incline both parties to speak more openly. But at this time an open dialog is not likely to produce the results that your mother seeks.
Still, there are many strategies that your mother can employ to help her better deal with the heavy heartedness that she has about the death of her daughter. She can speak with your family about how she feels. Your family is the source of love that your mother knows best in this world. Her children bring her the greatest love that she knows, and to connect with them and to share the burden of negative emotion that she feels about D – this would be productive. But your mother feels that it would burden her family to know of her adverse feelings. She feels that it would not be appropriate to saddle the family with these feelings.
And yet the family would want her to share the burdens of her heart because of your and their love for her. Your love as a family is what she truly seeks, and this can be made apparent to her and available to her. Perhaps you could organize an event where the family is present and where there can be some tame and gentle discussion of some of these feelings. To nurture your mother with the love that is deep within you is the healing that could do most to help her at this time.
When a mother loses a child, this can leave the deepest scar within the soul of man. To lose a child is to lose a piece of the heart if we do not accept that the departed one made the choice to leave so that a new life could be begun. You see, there is never an event in our lives, not even death, that we did not choose with total precision and total intention. Your sister L had the full intention of beginning a new life and departing this last one as she did. She chose her manner of parting and she chose it well. It would leave your family with the opportunity, a golden opportunity, to heal the wounds that had been festering for years. L had finished her work with the family, but she gave you an exquisite gift in her parting, and that gift was opportunity.
Now, you and your family have recognized this opportunity and to some degree you have acted upon it. In other ways, though, you have resumed patterns that L and all of you truly wish to change. So here now is an opportunity to honor your true wishes to change the energy that was within your midst, and to make it something different.
Your mother is the center of your family. It was from her body that you grew and from her breast that you began your nourishment in this world. Her breast, as an extension of her heart energy, is the symbol of the love that guides you in life and that she has wished for each of you. Your mother’s love is great, truly great, and this is the love that you may return to her in these moments when her heart is still heavy about the loss of her daughter, her firstborn daughter. She feels guilt somewhat for what L experienced in life, and she wears this guilt on a deep level. You can help her let go of this guilt by helping her understand that L chose her path in life and L is still learning, impactfully, about the lessons she chose to share with your mother. There is no guilt and there is no blame that either should place on the other. There were only roles to play and lessons to be learned.
To focus on the lessons is to feel the hopefulness of change. There is no blame. There is only learning and moving forward.
So now is the time for your family to move forward with this lesson of unconditional love and change. Change is the biggest blessing because you all are still in this life together. You may share the bounteous joys of change with each other, and be proud that you choose to change while you have the opportunity. Not that opportunity ever dies; it does not. Each and every moment is an opportunity to change. But to honor L’s gift of love and life through the passing of her life is to recognize and act upon her message of love as it was evident in these elements. This is to say that she challenged you, through her death, to bring love back to your family and to accept one another. She asked this of you and she still believes it is possible. She has not forgotten you and she is a part of your world and your lives evermore, even as you may not see her physical presence. She is with you in spirit and she gives you her love. Again, her love and the opportunity it imparts is your gift should you choose to accept it.
Love your mother and have compassion for the sadness and the mourning she feels particularly as L’s mother. L came from her womb and this established a unique bond, although each member of your family had a unique bond with L and this is precious and to be honored. But the bond between mother and daughter was forged with special intention, and it is this intention that your mother is looking at with deep introspection. You can help her understand it and appreciate it by just reminding her how much you love her and appreciate her presence, her loving presence in your life and your world.
Your moment of power is now. Share your love; forgive each other and your own selves; have patience with one another in your changes; bring love and hope to each other even as you let go, piece by piece, of the resentments that may be lingering; and know that by sharing love with each other that you truly give it to yourself. There is no separation between your love and the love that the Creator imbued you with. Your love is infinite and all is within you to draw upon at this time of need.
Your father, your brothers, and your extended family share a bond of love that is deep and age-old. Honor it and give it the life breath that it deserves. You are here on earth to share and to be loving with one another even as you continue on your unique paths of learning. L led the way in many respects on your many paths of learning. In her death, she followed this pattern of leadership.
Honor the pattern of learning, honor L’s death and the gift she gave: forgive, love, and be happy. She wanted this of you and she prays for it still in her new and happy life. She is ever the example of a path to follow if you see the truth of her spirit energy. She guides and she gives. Now guide each other and give the love that is ever within your selves.
Be well. Be blessed with all good things in life.
Tue, Mar 18, 8:04 PM
These are feelings of love. What you feel and what you see in front of you are the faces, the many faces of love. When we love others, we feel love in bountiful return. As you give love it is returned, it is felt internally, and it is shared. Your friend JM has reminded you of this gift of magnetism and it is something that you are both exploring with a great deal of wonderment. It is a simple truth and yet it is a profound truth: what we give, we are rewarded with tenfold in return.
So now the question and the challenge is to decide what you want in return and to work backward from there to see what you may want to give to get there. Not many people will look at life in this seemingly-backward way, but it is a technique to use in trying to better understand where you want to move in life and how to achieve it.
Many people might say, for example, that they want to take a rich trip to
If this is so, then what are you doing on your daily end to promote these kinds of experiences in the lives of others? Are you making a special point to greet strangers and to welcome them into your world in life’s little moments? Are you singing the joys of each passing moment so that you give of your happiness to each and every person you encounter? Are you living your life and conducting yourself so that your behaviors show respect for your environment? Do you live in ways that sustain nature’s bounty and nature’s ability to reward you with her bounty?
You see, often we take take take, but when it is giving time, which is truly in each and every moment, we may be more reluctant, or less willing, to greet the moments with a freeness of giving.
When we give, we feel the joy of our own spirit because the natural state of the spirit is the state of giving. The spirit is ever about giving. Our spirit is always by our side metaphorically and truly within each and every cell of our body literally, and our spirit is always guiding us, always trying to show us the path of joy, the path of happiness and bountiful beauty.
And yet as our ego sees this freedom in giving, it is jealous because of its inability to be anything but selfish. The ego does not want the spirit to be free and so the ego will design every manner of deflecting energy to direct your attention onto the mundane and the downtrodden, so as to cast life in the image of oppression.
It is not a truthful picture, and it is not a helpful picture that the ego paints in any way except to show us what we do not want.
So as you see the many opportunities that you may have in the moments of your day to enrich someone else’s life and to share the joy and excitement and enthusiasm that you are feeling about your own life, do so with abandon to the degree that you can. In each instance of sharing, you will be rewarded with equal and surpassing joy and happiness.
This is magnetism and it creates the return of energy. There are many physical laws in existence that can be translated into the spirit world. Actually, the truth of this equation is that the laws that govern the spirit realm indeed filter to the physical world. Spirit is the primary energy of our universe. Spirit is the master Creator. The creative energy that infuses universal energy is the energy of spirit, and it is the energy that created us, and it is the energy that powers, empowers, all that is.
You see, you are energy. This is a critical concept for mankind to understand, especially at this juncture of being on Earth. There is much at stake for mankind in understanding that all that he is, he is within himself. The body is just a shell, a physical creation that expresses the soul and the spirit of man. You can see with your physical eyes and you can touch with your physical hands and you can hear and smell with your physical ears and nose, but! you also have these same senses, and others, that exist on soul and spirit levels into infinity. There is no limit to what you can experience and BE within yourself, within the finest elements of yourself, through your infinite senses.
Your senses are your spirit, and your spirit does sense. You spirit thinks. Your spirit Is. You are spirit. You are energy. You are all that is. You are a gift of energy from your Creator. You are a breath of your Creator. You are truly magnificent, and if you recognized your magnificence, truly recognized it and valued and appreciated it, do you think you would think and feel and sense and speak and BE in your daily life the same way that you are at this time? Do you think you would ever say an unkind word to anyone? Would you ever abuse yourself in any way with foul language or angry thoughts or untruths of any sort? If you recognized your greatness and the truth of your spirit energy, would you not assume the most gracious, loving, respectful, honoring, and equal behavior in each and every moment of living?
You see, to recognize who we are is to BE who we are, which is spirit in all its manifold glory. There is no separation between us and who we truly are, except the separation that we create through our perception of ourself and through our stoking of our fear beliefs. We have spoken a great deal about fears, but we must remind ourselves that fear has been the path that mankind has walked for aeons and aeons of time, and these fear beliefs have caused our destruction and the destruction of nature many, many times over.
Do we want to create this masterful destruction again? We have the power to destroy all that is around us, and we are on this path of destruction.
Why do we not see our beauty? Earth is here to remind us, as a mother ever reminds her beloved children, of the beauty of us. She shows us this beauty as we look upon her and see an image of our own beauty. We are a fractal pattern of the energy of Earth, and the beauty of this truth is that Earth is so aware of her own beauty that she would share that image with us in truly, truly infinite and magnificent ways. And yet we still do not see our own beauty, even as our Mother reminds us in every way in every moment of every day that we breathe and live. This is a sad thought for our Mother, as it is a sad thought for mankind to see the destruction and the hurt that we wreak.
And yet we may be hopeful that somehow through our angling and through our ongoing and increasing desperation as the family of man, we are awakening to a higher awareness.
So to give, to give plentifully, and to feel the freedom of service and kindness and compassion and all our ethical values, is to heal our own selves and to heal Earth and to create a life that rewards, that richly rewards. To take a trip to Spain, or to enjoy friendships, or to find peacefulness in life’s little moments maybe on a snowy night or a warm summer’s evening – any happy and loving feeling that we want to feel is truly a reward and a return for what we give in greater and greater amounts in sincerity and truth.
The truth of us as mankind is that we are spirit learning to be human. We are the energy of our Creator, who is the Master of Love and the Divine Being of Omniscience and Totality, the All That Is. We, too, are a part of the All That Is. To the degree that we recognize it and cultivate it in our daily lives, we find rich rewards in the many manners that you describe: through bountiful friendships, through loving relationships, through feeling abundance in the gifts of life. All are expressions of living our love.
So be thankful for these gifts in your life. As you seek to give of yourself, you find the rewards being returned in many ways. This is the definition of bounty: an abundance of the energy of love.
Live with bounty as your goal, and you will live with bounty as your reality of daily living. This does not mean that we will not continue our path of learning lessons. We are on Earth to learn lessons. We would not be here if we had learned all there is to learn. But as we live and love more and more, we learn with patience and kindness and truth and compassion. And so the dramas become object lessons in the positive values of being ethical.
So here today there is for each of us the opportunity to be ethical, and to give and share our ethical spirit with our fellow man. Pass it on. Love and truth and equality are ours to give and to live and to Be in life. What a gift this is, and what a lovely life this is, if we let it Be.
To life, in love!
Wed, Mar 12, 2008, 1:10 PM
This is a time when you are testing yourself to see what you have learned. We have talked about learning happening in a fractal relationship to each other level of learning. You do not learn in a linear fashion. To learn in a linear fashion would be to step back and forth, back and forth like a lion pacing in a zoo cage. If you were to learn like this you would never truly move forward.
Moving forward in our understandings entails reviewing, and then reviewing the review, and then reviewing the review of the review into infinity, in a spiral pattern that allows movement upward and outward, so that you expand in ever widening, infinite bands.
The physical world is the plane where you learn through physical experience. There is no separation between the incidents in your life and the energy of your mind, which is truly a reflection of the spirit of you. You see, you are made of many parts, and each of these parts is connected. In childhood you had a song – the kneebone is connected to the thigh bone and the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone, etc.
You could sing this same song but replace the physical parts with the more spiritual parts of yourself – the parts that are not seen or the parts that are not often considered when you consider who you are as a human being.
You are a soul and you are a spirit living in the shell of a human body. The human, physical body is your creation THAT YOU DESIGNED for the purpose of your advancement as a soul and spirit. Your physical shell allows you time and physical experience to examine yourself through your relationships with other humans. It is through relationships that we come to know ourselves better – that we come to understand our own selves through the reflection that we gain of ourselves in the image of the other person.
So J was a reflection of you. You see the lessons from your time with him in clearer and clearer ways as you continue to interact with him albeit on a more constrained level, and you see the role that he played for you. You must look at the deeper layers of judgment that you feel toward self. Perhaps you feel that he did not acknowledge you for who you feel you are. Perhaps you feel that he took advantage of you. Perhaps you feel that he was not freely giving of his heart and soul as you would have liked him to be. Perhaps you feel that he moved away too expediently. Perhaps you feel that he negated the value of his time with you by behaving as he is now behaving.
Yes, indeed I feel those things.
Then you can say to yourself, as you acknowledge these feelings, that all of those feelings are actually feelings that you feel about yourself. How have YOU undervalued yourself as you interacted with J? How did you define yourself and how do you define yourself as a human -- as a loving being or as a worthy being, or as someone less than deserving of infinite joy and happiness? How can you rise to your fullness of self appreciation without perceiving J as a culprit in any way?
This is your challenge.
This is my challenge. I want to see myself as fully worthy. I want to create a fully worthy life. I want to appreciate J for all the good things that I have gained and for all the benefit it holds to me understanding myself.
Good. Keep up the good work. Share with friends. Be kind to yourself. Do not judge J and do not judge your friends on any level because any judgment is a judgment of self.
Now, J is aware of what he would like to have done differently during his time with you. And in his new relationship he will have the opportunity to practice some of his learnings. This is perfect for him and it is perfect for you to do the same with your learnings. So just be aware of what you are trying to learn. This is the antidote to feeling any angst about perceived “mistakes” or perceived failures or any energy in our life that we want to change. There are no failures and there are no mistakes. There is only learning.
And what you have learned and continue to learn is immense. But you must focus on the good and relieve yourself of the burden of feeling hurt or feeling deprived. You are learning what it means to be very happy with yourself independent of another person in your life. The gain from this lesson is immeasurable. It is timely and it is perfect that you understand this lesson from as many angles as possible because learning to feel complete and whole is a lesson, a great lesson of freedom, and in learning this lesson you will find an exceptional gain in all aspects of your life. Your consciousness will expand with each fractal image that you gain of this lesson.
So be happy that this communication exchange happened today. It is yet another opportunity for you both to acknowledge the gains and acknowledge the growth and acknowledge the love that you share, however deeply held it is and however fleeting it may feel on the surface. The surface is where the winds blow but the undercurrent is where the Earth’s movement is most prominently felt. In the undercurrent is the glory of gain. But see the surface, too, because the sun shines brightly upon the gentle waves.
J is there for you in his heart, and you are there for him in yours. Accept that gift, and then let go of the attachment to anything else. Your gift is in letting go of that which will always be a part of you no matter how you perceive it through your intellectual mind. Love will be and is an eternal part of you. It is yours. Now let it go into the Universe to bless each and every person, each and every energy that your energy field blends with. You are part of a bigger Universe, the All That Is, and All That Is will always be with you. You are Love. You are Loved. You Are.
Sat, Mar 8, 2008, 5:15 PM
Freedom is the blessed release of all attachment. Attachment is a symptom of the physical longing and sense of need to have something, to feel something, to attain something that pulls you, draws you in ways that are not supportive of happiness. Maybe you feel an attachment to a relationship, or to an emotion, or to a place that you feel the need to go to.
Feeling attached to something is perfectly normal in the sense that it is a feeling that has allowed us to contemplate freedom. Attachment is the opposite of freedom. So as you feel attachment, you let go of freedom. And as you feel freedom, you let go of attachment.
Freedom is an ethical value. It is one of the thirty-three primary ethical values of your spirit consciousness. It is a very significant ethical value because it defines an attitude of the soul that contributes to your daily demeanor. If you are feeling freedom, you feel a measure of happiness infusing all aspects of your life.
During your time with J, you felt a distinct loss of freedom. You felt that he tried to control your thinking, that he tried to control your emotions. Indeed, when anyone is trying to control someone else in any way, they are trying to control themselves, but they are externalizing it onto another person. J was trying to control his loving emotions because he believed that if he felt love it would be a sign of weakness. And so for most of his life he has had a commitment to avoiding anything that would stir his loving emotions.
As he tried to control your loving emotions by not wanting you to feel them, this reinforced his own stance toward himself. He did not want to love himself. And yet he is a loving being. But the presence of love would challenge his sense of self and his belief that to be a man you must not show any sign of weakness.
So this control – this energy of control that was pervasive during your time together – gave you the feeling of no freedom to love, a loss of freedom to express and to be who you wanted to be because in your heart you are all about expression. It is the human nature to express, to express fully and with love. Indeed, these freedoms that you felt were compromised were what caused the relationship to spiral downward and to come to a halt.
Is it any wonder that as you regained your freedom, you began to feel joyful and happy and excited and enthusiastic about life again? Your freedom is essential to your happiness.
Now, freedom can be taken from us through many, many different kinds of dramas. We can feel a suppression of our loving emotions in a relationship. We can be incarcerated and feel our freedom taken from us in that regard. We can be constrained in how we are living abundance, that is, perhaps our bank account is not what we want it to be; perhaps we do not live in the big palace that we feel we would like to. These are feelings that speak to freedom and to attachments. Perhaps we feel that someone who is our partner is jealous, and we feel a lack of freedom to express. There are so many ways and dramas that help each of us examine the energy of freedom, or the lack of freedom, in our lives.
An important point about the expression of any ethical value – freedom or love or truth or equality or independence, etc. – is that we create these dramas and these life opportunities so that they gain our attention and so that we learn about what is important to us.
You were never a victim of J, and J was never a victim of you. You both played roles for each other, however unconsciously, so that you could learn.
You see, you are learning about freedom. You are learning how important it is to you. You are learning that you do not need to have a partner in your life in order to be happy. You are learning that you do not need someone else’s money in order for you to live in the way that you want to live. In fact, you are seeing that money is not the source at all of your happiness. Rather, your happiness IS your blessed freedom from all attachment, including the attachment to money.
But we do live in the physical world. We must provide for ourselves. We must understand our survival needs, our needs for relating to the society we live in and to our families, and we must be personally responsible for our behavior and our attitudes and our personality. But in doing so, we can strive to achieve freedom in as many ways as possible. We look to achieve freedom in the energy that we have within us and around us.
In our society in the United States, we have a central tenet that defines freedom as a right of all of man to happiness and to good welfare and to health, and to speak freely and to write freely, etc. In truth, some of these freedoms are not protected by the government because of greed. So it is the personal responsibility of each and every citizen to speak up for the freedoms that should otherwise be protected. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own freedom in its myriad forms of expression. You cannot expect your government or your city or your society to give you what you are not giving yourself. Begin with self. Begin by honoring the many ways in which you can be free in your thinking mind, and in your pursuit of personal health, and in the freedom to feel and BE the loving emotions that are part of your soul.
Freedom is the right to be who you are as the Creator created you as an expression of Divine Self. You are a spirit consciousness and there is no society on earth, or government, or man, woman or child who can deprive you of your freedom to be a spirit consciousness. It is who you are and you cannot be separated from who you are.
So you start with this idea and then work upward and outward, from your heart to your thinking mind to your entire physical body to your home to your town to your city and your world, and think about the many ways in which you can live the freedom that you are, and be in service to others to help them live the freedom that they, too, have as their inherent birthright by virtue of being human. Your cells have the right to flow freely, your mind has the right to think freely, and you have the right to live your evolution as is perfect for your own soul and spirit. This is freedom – to be who you want to be.
Never allow anyone to take your precious freedoms from you if you can help it. Work with all your heart and soul to respect, value, appreciate and honor the freedoms that you have, because they are all representations of the freedom that the Creator imbued you with as an essential component of your Spirit Consciousness make-up.
As you work to protect and cultivate and nurture your ethical value of freedom, do not compromise other ethical values in the process, if you can at all help it. For example, to kill another human being for the right to freedom is a compromise to avoid. Live as ethically as possible. But know that you must learn, and learning is sometimes difficult. Every learning situation, every life circumstance is designed to teach you about your ethical values. There is no exception to this rule. Invariably you are learning to be all that you can be, and your ethical values are the essential you.
So look to freedom to be a path to happiness, enthusiasm, excitement, joy, passion, ecstasy and bliss. Freedom to feel, freedom to think, freedom to love, freedom to express, freedom to be a friend, freedom to be a mother or a father, freedom to share, freedom to love animals, freedom to soar as a Spirit Consciousness learning to be human – these are all the wonders of your life as you choose to focus on them. Not all are for each person in each life, but all are a part of learning that may be chosen as expressions as you climb the stairway to Heaven.
Freedom was given to you by your Creator for the purpose of better understanding who you are. Look to self; feel the freedoms within; feel freedom to be free! And love will be there for you. Love is the embracing of all the ethical values, and freedom is one of the most important. Work toward freedom and see how happy you feel inside, and how happy your life will be. Share your freedoms and help cultivate them in others. Truly you work together as the family of man to evolve your spirit in all its creative expression. The spirit is free to evolve and it is your right and your privilege to seek this freedom and to reap its many rewards.
Fri, Mar 7, 2008, 8:04 PM
Indeed the ego is very strong and clever when it comes to moving off topic. There is nothing more challenging to the ego then the revealment of self. The ego always puts a negative slant on discovery, so there is no discovery that can be had by the ego that is not a discovery of judgment or condescension, anger, stubbornness, or something that disguises itself as greater glory.
In truth, the revealment of self - the true self - will always be a discovery of joy and happiness. The heart of man, the spirit of man, is delighted to find hidden gems, and that’s what fears are. And to find any one, to discover it and to see how it behaves in your life, is to discover a facet of self that can be given up, cast overboard like weighty cargo. This casting has the effect of bringing joy and levity to our lives.
In the last few months you have felt a great degree of levity and happiness because you have been discovering your fears and you have been releasing them and you have found joy in the positive language and thoughts that are part of our communication. Pep talks from your spirit is how you sometimes think of this. Isn’t it wonderful to receive a pep talk, a supportive talk from loving energy that casts all friends, neighbors, family members - everyone in a positive light?
But the ego, the body of fear that is within the intellect of most everyone on earth, is not about to shed positive light on anyone. The “light” of the ego is a light of provision, of equivocation, of doubt and fear. In releasing these kinds of thoughts, you can’t help but feel a buoyancy and a lightheartedness.
Let us look at that word lightheartedness. It literally means a lightness of heart, not just light as in that which shines from the sun and the heart of God, but lightness in terms of weight, light in terms of lack of ballast and the weightlessness that comes about when the weight of fear is lifted or removed.
What a joy it is to feel light and lightness in the heart. The heart is a symbol of God, of the Creator, of the Love of the Creator within Man. The heart is the primary energy of man. It is the lifeblood of the physical body as Man himself is a lifeblood in the body of the Creator.
You see, you are a fractal pattern of the Creator. Each and every aspect of your being, from your physical body to the soul and spirit of you, is a fractal image of aspects of the Creator. The heart of man is the Heart of the Creator: Love. And the lungs of man are the air, the Breath of the Creator that carry, transport the Love of the Creator throughout the Universe.
Man is soul and man is spirit. The Creator gave man his soul, which is the mind of man and the loving emotions of man. Combine the soul of man with the spirit of man, which is also the spirit of the Creator, and therein is the energy of the Creator.
But within the intellect of man is the fear, the ego fears. Man created his own fears. They are learned; they were not given and they are not thrust upon man by some external force. There is a belief pervasive on Earth that a devil, or the Devil, Lucifer, gave man his fear and made him evil. This is a myth that has been perpetuated because it is a body of belief that can control the mind of man and the actions of man. In truth it is man himself who acts as “the devil” as the mind of that man PERCEIVES himself in the image of the devil.
This is one of the oldest fear beliefs in the mind of man. And it is not a fear isolated in a few religious minds. It is a belief that is embedded in the very DNA of man because man has walked the face of earth for millions of years. And your beliefs become part of your genetic makeup. Every aspect of you is chemical. Your thoughts are chemical, your emotions are chemical; your feelings and your sensory awareness is chemical. And these chemicals, which swim in a very sophisticated and complex soup of your body’s physical structure, all speak to the DNA, which is the code of cellular memory that lives in each and every cell of your body. It would not make sense for only a portion of you to be defined by your DNA. Every aspect of you is spelled in your DNA. It is your pattern. It is the primary code of who you are.
So when you pass from one life to the next, you do not start from scratch. Starting from scratch would negate the whole concept of evolution. You do indeed evolve and you do indeed evolve in a very patterned and rhythmic way. And the basis of your evolutionary pattern is your DNA.
Now, it is important for man to understand that the Creator did indeed create all souls. You were created but you do indeed evolve as well. The pattern of your evolution is the pattern of your DNA. And this is carried lifetime after lifetime and it mutates. Mutation is actually a good thing. Mutation is a way for change to take place. Change is a good thing IF change is based upon the benefit and the advancement of the thinking mind. But change is not preferred if it entails a backsliding. You have the choice. Each and every moment of your living is a moment to exercise the free will, free choice and free intention, which is the pattern of your soul. Your soul is designed with seven attributes, seven expressions: organization, discipline, form and structure, which characterize the mind of man; and free will, free choice, and free intention, which characterize the loving emotions of man. As you exercise your mind in its perfect pattern, and as you feel the loving emotions fully and freely and allow them to direct your course of actions, behavior, thoughts, attitudes, etc. in each and every moment, you do indeed advance as a soul. You EVOLVE.
Look at that word, evolve. It is the love of Eve. It is the female energy. You are love. You have embedded in your DNA the love of self, the love of your Creator, and the love of your fellow man.
But the fears of man are also in the mind of man and in the emotions of man and therefore in the DNA of man. So the challenge is to release the negative fears and thereby mutate the DNA in a positive way and evolve without the fears.
There is no separation in the DNA of man and all the myriad expressions of man. You are your DNA. You are also your HLA, which is your hereditary structure, but the primary basis of your living pattern is your DNA.
So you will be working with shedding your fears for lifetimes to come because you can see that in one lifetime it would be quite a feat to take away the centuries, truly aeons of fears and fear beliefs that you have deep inside you and release them all. We are not shooting stars. We evolve one step at a time on the stairway to heaven.
So be patient with yourself as you examine your fears. And when you uncover even a tiny fear, any fear whatsoever, any belief that does not serve you, any thought that keeps you chained to anger, competition, jealousy, judgment, hostility, wrath, greed, etc., look at this fear belief with total love and total appreciation for the strength that it has had in enduring in your thinking, and thank it and see that it has served you very well in your coming to understand that fear is nothing more than an illusion, a way of thinking that lives in the dark.
When the Creator created the Universe and created all the souls that inhabit the Earth, this was, is called the big bang. There were many big bangs. But with each big bang an immense event of the Creation of Light took place. You are light. You are the light. You were created as part of the generation of light that is pervasive in the Universe.
The Hubble space telescope will show you images of the most amazing displays of light that you will ever see with your physical eyes. The images are astonishing and truly magnificent. They reveal the mastery of the Universe and of your Creator in creating the most enrapturing gifts of creation. It is difficult to put the ideas in words because the creations are of such magnitude that physical words do not do them justice. There are limitations to these explanations. But suffice it to say that when we speak of light – and of YOU AS LIGHT – there is precedent that you can now see that can give you a glimpse of the greatness of your creation. Look at these images and see how great you are. You are a part of the Universe. You are not separate. You were created by the same Creator that created the Universes, all of them. And you, beautiful and loving being, you are a fractal pattern, a piece of stardust in the most magnificent order and structure that has ever been known.
Why, then, does man destroy? Does he not respect, value, and appreciate the majesty and the beauty of who he is - his physical body, mind, heart, fellow man, children, animals, plants, sky, air, water, homes, streets, societies, neighbors, countrymen, insects, honeybees, oceans? There is so much beauty and yet with fear beliefs come destruction.
Now we can stop the destruction and live in love. If we understand who we are – a breath of the Creator’s energy, and why we are here – to expand the Creator’s vast and loving energy, we can begin to embrace the love that is truly us, and make our home the jewel of the universe that it is.
To do this we must reach inside and pull out the fears. We must be patient with our progress. We must make a commitment to change. We must communicate our intention to change, and cooperate with our fellow man to make the changes happen. When we work together, we see the volition and the energy of change taking us to new heights.
Change is our pattern as our DNA is ever changing to support us in our advancement IF we allow ourselves to advance by releasing our fears and by living our love. This is an eternal process of growth. We were not created yesterday and likely we will not die tomorrow. But today, this moment is our power moment to make a commitment to ourselves and to those we love – a commitment to release fear and our fear beliefs.
So do not be afraid of your fears. They are old and they are entrenched but they are worthy of discovering and they are worthy of being laid to rest.
With the fears uncovered and released, your life will be the joy, the truth, the lightness of spirit and the heartfulness of soul that will bring and truly be the greatest pleasure and the greatest happiness that you have ever known. You will be sitting in the lap of the loving light of the Creator more and more as each fear belief is released.
The Creator is electromagnetic and you are electromagnetic and you are meant to be one. Join in all that you are with all of the Creator, and know in your heart and mind and soul and spirit that you are one. This is what salvation means. No one can save you but you. Salvation is the joyful process that the Creator gifted you with by imbuing you with the power to direct your destiny. Embrace this power, shed your fears, and bring your light home. Accept your love. It is who you are. Be creative. BE the Creator in all that you say and do and think. Your Creator is waiting patiently for you to come home and expand the Universe through the sharing of Love.
Tue, Mar 4, 2008, 10:24 PM
The heart and mind of man are funny things – they do not always work in unison, and so when they are at odds with each other, discord can result. What you are feeling is a sense of discord. Your heart tells you that you love, and your heart feels the love of another human – which is truly there, but your mind tells you something else. Your mind is playing games with you. It is your ego that is speaking to you. The ego is a shadow vessel of the mind. It floats around the intellect as a collective body of fear beliefs, and it filters all thought emanating from the mind in a filter of fear. So you are feeling the effects of thought filtered in fear.
Fear beliefs are very old. They are ancient. When you hold them up in the light of day and see them for the vacuous illusions that they are, they have no power. But they are not always easy to get rid of because they are so old and therefore they run deep.
So you must look in your mind and examine the fears that are related to the discord that your mind is making you feel. What are the fear beliefs? Do you believe that you are unequal to J and therefore that his attitude toward you can make a difference to you? Do you believe that his thought is more powerful than yours? Do you think that without J’s love and attention you are unworthy? Do you look to him to define who you are? Do you believe that being loved by a man will give you power? Will his perceived love somehow protect you? Are you afraid of being yourself?
These are some questions to look at as you examine your feelings of anger about what you perceive as him having removed some avenues of communication.
To examine your anger is to hold it up in the light and breathe a little hopefulness into it so that it does not take hold of your more rational, loving thoughts.
Truly there is nothing that J or anyone can do, think, say, or behave toward you that can make you feel inside any differently when you feel the love and the trust of your own self and your own thinking.
But we often give our power away to another because this is what we have done for many, many years, especially as females. We acquiesce our own power – our own freedom of thought, freedom of will and freedom of intention – to someone else, believing, ironically, that somehow this will imbue us with power. But it does not imbue us with power. It only takes away our sense of freedom to be who we are, and it leaves us feeling lost and isolated.
So the challenge is to uphold your own power and to recognize that no one holds sway over you or your thinking or your judgment. You have all the tools that you need internally to be strong of character and to be happy. When you give your power to another, as anger does, you externalize onto that person your internal anger at self.
So here again is an opportunity to look at self. Why are you angry at yourself? Do you believe that you are not adequate as a lover or as a friend? Do you judge yourself for having behaved in a certain way? Do you put yourself beneath the status of another lover that J may or may not have?
There are many little thoughts, insidious thoughts, that color our negative thinking. So if you have any of these beliefs, these thoughts, then you can examine why they are there, and you can tell yourself that they are simply not true. Tell yourself that you believe in yourself, that you are a being of light, that J is a being of light, that everyone is a being of light and that you are all on each other’s stage of life in order to play a role for the purpose of providing a mirror of your own self. J is a mirror for you, and you have been a mirror for him.
So the challenge here is not to look at J but to look at yourself. Keep looking at yourself, and while you are at it, send thanks to J for the wonderful role that he has played in helping you get to where you are today mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Without J having been in your life, whether actively or passively, you would not be in the wonderful spot that you are today.
Granted, there are moments when you feel adversely. There are times when you are down. And there is much to be happy for and so there is much about you that is happy. Look at this happiness and see the beauties of happenings that have brought you to this point. J is one of these beauties, even as some of the relationship was trying to you. Indeed, it was trying to him, too, in a number of ways and it was this adversity that caused you both to part ways, and also it was the adversity that brought you both, compelled you both, to look within and begin to see some aspects of self that had not been examined before.
You see, if we go through life with nary a blip on the screen of adversity, we might be sorely tempted to coast through life without thinking more deeply about who we are and what we want in life and what we need to do to get there. So adversity has its rich reward if, IF you take the challenge and you act upon it with the intention of soul advancement. Not all turn adversity into benefit. But this is always the reward if we seek the reward.
So unconditional love is a part of you that is natural to you. It is the state of self untainted, unaffected by any fear beliefs. It is the releasing of expectation and it is the allowance of love to flow. It is the light of the Creator as the Creator shines in everlasting ways, and it is the hopefulness of every relationship, because every relationship can be a joy if we perceive it through the eyes of unconditional love. Letting go allows us to give respect to the other person through our own sense of equality with them, and appreciate them for the beautiful, essential person that they are.
This you have done with J many times over, and this is a beautiful feeling that you can draw upon inside as you feel the love that you have for him and as you appreciate the gentle love that he has for you in his heart. The surface question marks of today are really not question marks. Rather they are just ripples on the surface of the water. They are part of the movement of energy as you move forward in your thinking and in your life. You cannot expect anyone to remain in stasis; in fact you may rejoice for anyone who is moving forward, as you are. This kind of movement is always commended, always sought, and always cultivated by the helping energy that surrounds each human. The angel energy of love that encircles each of you is ever supporting your movement and change into more loving energy.
So believe in your loving energy because it will support you during this time of equivocation. You are circling in your energy expansion; you are spiraling upward. You are learning new images of what you have felt before, and you are revisiting old energy so as to cement the new energy of acceptance and love and appreciation, value, equality, truth and personal responsibility into place. There is much to be happy for with this.
J, too, is working with spiral energy. He is moving forward. And the two of you can be happy that what you shared was infinitely instrumental in this taking place. It was never meant for you and J to stay together. You well know this because you know that your energy was not matched for longevity. It was matched for the intention of gain that you each had for that year, that very special year in your lives. There is no looking back in regret; there is only appreciation of the gains.
So once again you are challenging yourself to appreciate the gains. This is normal. Every lesson is learned in fractal images, seven times seven into infinity. You are learning in the pattern of energy that is totally appropriate and needed. You have advanced. You are successful in learning the deep lessons from your physical time with J, which is over, and your soul time, which is never really over; it is eternal because you have shared in love and it is this love that is the bond that you can ever draw upon to remember that the love you seek is within you. It is not in J. J was/is only a mirror for you to look into as you see the beauty that his beauty reflects back to you as an image of your own beauty. See beyond the mirror into your own eyes, the eyes of love that you now want to share with a new partner. Open your heart to the unconditional love of self, and share this love eternally with J and with all who come into your path.
Unconditional love is a blessed feeling within the heart of man, and it will always guide you in the path of purpose, of advancement, and of comfort. Feel the comfort of your internal love, and know that it always returns tenfold as you share it with your fellow man.
Mon, Mar 3, 2008, 9:15 PM
When change is active in our lives, we must be patient with ourselves. We are not shooting stars. Change comes one step at a time. At first, you get a glimmer of a change. Perhaps you see an attribute in a friend that you want to have in yourself. Perhaps you think of some change that you would like to feel. And then an opportunity comes to put this change into action, and you become aware of how you approached the challenge in a slightly different way than you might have in your past. And you see the effects of the change, the positive impact. This is reassurance of the value of change and indeed your reward for the change. And because of the change, there is the ripple effect, and you see how other aspects of your life change in relationship to just that very small change that you initially made.
In time, another challenge will come to you to test the level of your change and the level of your awareness and commitment to change. And you will either rise to the occasion or – if you do not exactly rise to it, you will have yet another opportunity, and another, and another, until you get the image of the lesson that you are trying to teach yourself.
You see, each and every moment of our living is an opportunity to change either into more loving energy, or into more fear-based energy. If we move into fear, what we are essentially doing is living in the ignorance of a fear belief. It may be a belief in inequality; it may be a belief in unworthiness; it may be a belief in lack of abundance, of need. There are myriad fear beliefs, but they are all negative energy.
But if we are moving into love, we feel the lightness and happiness of our thoughts and of our actions and of our awareness. When we make any change with love as its basis, we are moving forward, one step at a time. We cannot move forward any faster than that. This is the pattern – one foot in front of the next.
So we must be patient with our changes because the soul and spirit is infinitely patient with us. In our intellect and ego, we may refuse to be patient; we may want to move faster and without truly learning our lessons. We like to fool ourselves with an intellectual illusion of growth. Believe me when I tell you that no illusion can hold weight in the light of the soul and spirit. The soul and spirit, ever patient, recognize the illusions that the ego and the intellect create, and will simply design another opportunity for you to learn what you set aside as a learning opportunity the previous time.
So once again, you are given the opportunity to be patient, to be hopeful, and to be grateful for each and every little opportunity to change and to rise to the challenge of growth.
Growth is an ethical value. It is a value that our spirit has gifted us with in its infinite understanding of our pattern of evolution. Growth is the pattern of our evolution. Growth is what we experience when we live in the light of love and when we have an appreciation for the value of change. Change is the essence, the very nature of BEING. If we are to BE, then we are to CHANGE because energy is never static, or if it is static, then it is dying. We want to be about expansion. When the Creator created his children, he did this with the thought of expansion, of expanding self and of eternally expanding his Being. So you, as a spark of the Creator, expand also. You are a fractal pattern of the creative energy of the Creator, therefore you eternally expand.
Think of that word, “eternally.” Forever is a long time, and you do have eternal life, but not in the religious sense of Heaven and Hell, but in the spiritual sense of unity with the Creator and with the Creative Consciousness of the Universe. You are a part of All That Is, and therefore you, too, are as expansive as every element within the All That Is.
Eternal is your path of expression and of Being. You cannot NOT Be because You Are. Your Isness defines your eternal nature.
But let us say for now that there is hopefulness in change just as there is hopefulness in the promise of forever. You may rest assured, and be delighted in knowing, that you are forever in the arms of your Creator, and you are forever growing with the Creator. Isn’t this the most comforting thought? For millennia, for aeons, mankind has perceived of his physical limitations, of sin and suffering and fear, and has defined himself as finite and separate. These are indeed part of the milieu of the fear mentality that has been pervasive in the mind of man and in the actions of man.
But you can know, by understanding your eternal nature, that you do not need to be in fear because the Creator is ever with you in the form of the Spirit Consciousness that is within you. You are not separate from the Creator and you are not separate from your fellow man and you are not separate from Earth or from the Universe. Conversely, you are indeed a part, an integral and cherished part of All That Is.
To know this – does this not inspire you to have faith in your changes and in the progress that you’ve made as a soul and spirit in physical form upon Earth? Does it not give you the motivation and the courage and the conviction and commitment to continue changing in all the ways that you are inspired to? And does it not give you a sense of patience and understanding that all can be achieved in time, or in the eternal cycle of change that breathes its hopeful energy into our existence?
It does indeed! All inspires if we let it. The soul provides us with motivation and the spirit provides us with inspiration, and the physical body provides the vehicle for the soul and spirit to effect the change – to create the change – that lifts us higher and higher into unity with ourselves.
So we must be patient with ourselves and with each other because even tiny change is in fact a major change in the sense that all fits into the picture of our advancement as an energy being. We move forward step by step, and therefore we must be grateful and thankful for each step because each was meaningful and needed and truly glorious. There is much to be thankful for.
And as we give thanks for our own change, we may give thanks for the change that we see in others. We are the family of man and therefore each change that we notice or feel or acknowledge in another is actually a change for us, too, because we live in a domain of energy sharing. Love is magnetic; love draws unto like energy. So when we change, we invite change in others; and when others change, they invite change in us. We are truly never alone as we live upon the Earth and live within the energy laws of Earth. These are exciting laws and they show us the possibilities for Being.
So look at your changes, your many changes, and be thankful and happy and excited about what you see. You have as a consciousness been hovering or existing within the energy of Earth for five hundred billion years. This is forever by many standards, and yet it is only a miniscule fraction of what forever truly is. Forever cannot be counted. In forever, there is no counting. There only IS.
You are a spiritual being. Believe in your spirituality; believe in your changes; believe that there is so much more change to come and that each moment of living, of being, is an opportunity to change and to grow into the totality of you. You are love. You are a piece of your Creator; you are a breath of “God,” the physical perception of your Creator. You are energy and you cannot be destroyed; you can only live forever in love, especially in love as you lose the perception of fear that has defined the human race since the beginning of your time on Earth as a soul.
See the greatness of yourself, and see the beauty of your change. Your change is what makes you all that you are. And all that you are, you are within. See your inner beauty and share it with others. See their beauty as they share it with you. Share the change that makes the human race the divine race that it is. Be your divinity and come to remember the love that the Creator made as You.