Yes, there is much that you can do to help. First of all, it is wise to understand the value of non-interference. A and her mother have a unique relationship that speaks to the karma of both of them in understanding their own selves. Each of them has chosen to enter this world and their relationship of mother and daughter because of the lessons and the learnings that would be present.
For each of them – L and A, the lessons are somewhat different, and indeed they are manifold, as lessons are for each of us in this world. But for A and L, one of the main lessons is the lesson of acceptance.
You see, our paths as human beings are colorful and richly decorated with the lessons that are unique to us as a soul. No one can totally walk in our shoes; and no one should because we all have our own “walk with God” – a walk with the GOOD within us that we are trying to gain. We are each trying to gain, through the experiential learning of life, about the good within us.
So A and L are learning this with each other. Neither of them is fully prepared at this time, though, to accept the choices that the other has made. L is not accepting A for her choices in life, and A is not accepting her mother for the choices that L makes.
You see, there is the reflective mirror here for both of them. Behold in the face of a stranger or in the face of a loved one the image of self.
In you, in each of you, you have the power to behold the face of the stars, of the universe, of all that is. You have the power to see love. You have the power to see all good. But you must first see this in self. You must first look within and mine for all the gold and all the goodness that is inherent in you as a human being. You ARE all that is. You are a fractal pattern of the thinking of the Creator, therefore you ARE the creator, you are A creator in the mind and in the essence of energy that the Creator bestowed you with.
So you may exercise this power of creation in any way you please. A and her mother are in the midst of exercising their powers of creation. They are learning, through the experience of being in life together, what each of them wants and does not want.
This lesson that they are living at this time – the lesson of personal acceptance (and it is, truly, a matter of accepting self) is a profound one because it gets at the heart of understanding who we are as human beings. As human beings, we are spirit learning to be human. We are at our core a thoughtform of the Creator. We live in the energy of creation and creative power. We have the free choice, free will and free intention to choose whatever thinking we want and whatever life experiences we want.
So when we accept that all of life is our own choice – down to the minutiae of our experiences – then we begin to see that we can change our life and all that we feel deep inside, by changing our thinking.
The mind is our greatest ally if we partner the mind with the loving emotions of happiness, joy, passion for life and the ecstasy of joining our thought with the thought of the Creator. We have the power to do this. What is it that holds us back? It is fear. As we have lived life after life for countless millennia upon the face of the earth, we have brought unto ourselves myriad faces of fear – fear BELIEFS about the nature of reality.
We have looked at fears in many ways as we have studied ourselves and tried to understand who we are. But if we only look external to self – into the sky when we see the thunder and the rain, or into the eyes of another in anger – and feel fear, then we do not see what we have the right and the ability to see within us, internal to us: the face of love.
As we look within ourselves and understand that we are a creative thoughtform of the Creator, we begin to see that our fears are vapid. They are our own manufactured creations and as such they are powerless. And yet we give them power.
So for L and A, perhaps the greatest salve for the lack of acceptance that each is feeling for the other at this time is the salve of beginning to look within and seeing the beauty of self.
Now, for each of these people, there is much beauty to behold. For L there is the tremendous mind, there is the heart of caring for friends, there is the nurturing spirit that draws others to her as she expresses joy and good will into the lives of the people she encounters in her daily living. There is indeed a light that shines about L.
For A, there is the joie de vivre that is also a spark that draws others to her. She has a gaity and a kindness and an acceptance for others that is warm and joyful. Her playfulness and her quest for love and beauty is a joy to behold.
For both, though, L and A, there is the desire within each to accept the other, and in this we can see that each desires to accept self. To accept self is to accept that we ARE love. To accept our own love is to begin to heal the wounds that keep us in the perception that we do not love others, or that we must change how another thinks, or that we have the power to change another. Believe me when I tell you that none of us has the power to change another. It is a foolhardy belief to think that any of us – through murder, manipulation, control, anger, suffering or any method at all – can change another being. We simply cannot. We can only take their breath away as we inject fear. Or we can share the light of our heart; and as another is willing to see that light, this, in turn, is where any positive change begins. SEE THE LIGHT in the face of a stranger, or in the face of a loved one, and this indeed changes self and has the power to help the other see their own light and gain some momentum in changing self.
Now, for you in dealing with L and A, just be the loving person that you are in their presence. If a moment presents itself in which you might speak with either of them, you may wish to take advantage of that moment. But perhaps at this time it would be indelicate to ask to speak with L. L has her own path and her own personal goals, and these are unique to her and they will be satisfied in time. At her own time she will seek you out and she will come to a higher understanding. But for her, the lessons are for her to discover and for her to work through.
For A, you have more of an opportunity to share because you see her more often. You are in her presence and so your energy of acceptance of Erica is a guiding light to her. She feels your energy of love and acceptance and equality, and from this she feels more comfortable. She sees what she wants to have, and it brings her a sense of comfort and joy. And her father, too, brings this to her daily life. It is a gift for A to be in the energy of acceptance. It is an inspiration to her and helps her better understand what it is that she seeks in self and in her mother and in the world.
For you to wish to see the healing in these two people that you hold in your heart – this is in an of itself is a gift because it brings within you the energy of compassion and sharing and love. Continue to feel these emotions of caring because they are the essence of love; they are pieces of love, and as we feel them for someone else, we indeed feel them for our own self.
Ultimately, all healing that is done is the healing of self. There is no external healing, that is, we cannot heal another. We can only heal ourselves and help inspire the desire for healing in another human. To desire to share the love and the spirit energy of self with another – this is the essence of the reason why we are on Planet Earth with one another. We see in the face of others the face of self, and through this mirror we can find inspiration to be all that we are.
The Creator gave to each of us the power of love and the power of creation and the power to Be all that we are. So as each of us lives in the energy of love, we give rise to the energy of creativity, which is expressed in the essence of our being. We ARE all that is, and as we recognize this tremendous relationship that we have not only with each other as human beings, but with the Earth and the Universe and All That Is, we BECOME a greater expressive part of All That Is. And this is the truest healing that any of us can experience.
Become Yourself. Be All That Is. Be love and share love and hope for your own changes that bring you into the fold of love and expand you in the Universal flow of love. This is true healing and it is within your power to heal on this highest level of magnitude.
Send love and light to L and A and trust that they, too, are expanding in their own love and light, and through their unique relationship with each other they are, piece by piece, finding their way in discovering the divinity of self. This is a blessed experience and one to be respected and cherished.