Erica truly is your angel of light. She brings light to your daily world because this is the arrangement that you and she made by virtue of your living life together and by virtue of the promise of soul growth that you made to each other when she entered your world in this life.
Now, you may understand that you and Erica have traveled through time together, as so many people in your life have. Understand that there are hardly any new relationships in life for anyone because you have been through soul evolution for millennia, aeons; and you come back with one another and you attract one another, magnetize one another over and over because it is easier to learn lessons when the soul energy is known, when there is a comfort and a familiarity between souls. The ground for learning becomes more expediently arranged.
So you and Erica have been together for many, many lifetimes. And the lifetimes that you have shared by and large have been ones where the two of you know tremendous, truly tremendous love. In fact, it is a beauty to behold the love that you share because it is a gift of inspiration on a daily basis. It is a fine light.
Now, as parent and child you have a bond of supportive energy. It is important of course as a parent that you serve the role of supporting Erica in all that she does. For Erica this is a great gift but for you it is a great gift, too, because it has the effect of reaching in your heart on a daily basis and drawing into the forefront of your mind and your heart the love that you have for her. To be able to feel love in each and every moment, this is a great sensation. To feel love, to give love, to hope for love, to look forward to love, to sense love as a mother does for her child, this is precious and this is the gift that she gives you and that you give yourself because you ultimately decide what you feel and what you sense and think. No one can make you sense or feel anything if your soul choice is different.
So for you both, there is the gift of love.
Also for you both there is the gift of planning, which honors the organization, discipline, structure and form that are part of your soul design. You see, to have a child and to accept the role of responsibility to provide for your child, you must have a plan for how to carry out the responsibility. This plan allows you to more highly and thoroughly cultivate the discipline and structure that are part of your soul, and the organization and form. You must think ahead, you must think in an organized fashion, you must have an idea of how the plans will be executed, and you must understand how to advance the plans through the years. While these approaches may sound simple, they are indeed not necessarily so. And because they speak to part of the essence of your soul design, the gift is that they allow you to more thoroughly evolve your soul and spirit into its essential being. You are a being of light, and to discover this being through the events of your life, THIS is the purpose of living. And with your child you discover in each moment how great life is when it is lived with love.
Erica is truly an advanced soul, and it is perfect that she chose you and
Do not be afraid of her chosen path. She intends to live a long and supportive life. But she will make an impression on those around her because she does not follow the path of commonality; she does not seek to conform. She does indeed march to her own drummer, and it is no coincidence that she is keen on rhythms and the sounds of the heartbeat of life. She is very sensitive to what makes man tick and what propels him to do and to live as he does. In fact she studies these patterns that mankind lives; they are curious mannerisms to her and yet she understands that they have as their basis the effect of advancing man on his soul path. She understands that each of us must live our own life and make our own soul choices in order to grow.
Erica is very excited about the weeks and months ahead. For you and Erica this is a time of tremendous transition because you have lived your seventeen years of life together, in each day finding gain in the energy of togetherness. So as you part ways and as she ventures into her new life, you will both need to find ways to emulate and acquire the same or similar inspirations without the physical presence of each other. This will require some creativity and some discipline because you are both used to, in good ways, the daily energy fix that you receive from one another. So in what ways will you find inspiration when Erica is not physically bringing this to you? There are many techniques that you can use. You can sing more often. You can play guitar more often. You can write poetry. You can write your angel dialogues. You can connect with your family more. You can speak with
Now, Erica feels trepidation about leaving home. For her, this is the biggest transition she will know. You can share with her some of the lessons that were and are relevant to you. You see, leaving home is something we do on a daily basis as well as in more singularly-framed ways. In leaving home each day for our daily pursuits, we learn and see in new ways that we are part of a wider world. Our homes are our sanctuaries if we have set them up nurturingly, but as we leave the home each day we acknowledge that our life on earth is about stepping out of known elements into broader terrains in the mission of serving earth and each other and expanding our consciousness. So to leave the home each day, this is a fractal pattern of, a symbol of what we do on a larger scale as we make major life changes and, through all, we evolve as a consciousness: we expose our self to new energy and we expand into it.
So Erica, in leaving for college and embarking on this wonderful adventure of college, will have a new image of what the world holds for her and what she holds for the world. She will be coming to new and significant understandings of her life’s role and her purpose for being here. For each of us there are many purposes, but for all of us there is a “greatest goal,” and Erica will be discovering many facets of these goals, soon, on a much larger scale.
Be happy for her expanded mission, and be proud of the job that you and
Also you are together seeing the value and the power of love. You see, families show each other, demonstrate to each other what love is. Truly there is no one element of love; it has many faces -- polyfaces, and each is a beauty. And in Erica’s beautiful face there is the reflection of the many facets of love that she has seen and continues to uncover in some of the dustier recesses of the world. Part of her mission is to explore the unexplored, and to bring into the light that which has remained hidden – the beauties of this world and the glories of seeing through eyes inspired by love. There is much love in her heart, and this is shown as she shares it with you and
So be cheered that Erica’s life is unfolding according to her plan for this life. She entered this life with very specific intentions, as all people do, and she is following rather intently, as the soul of all of mankind guides each person to do. She hears the quiet voices of loving energy guiding her, and this is a testament to the spiritual energy that you and
Ahead, all good things. Know that soul love never dies; it is ever about us and ever guiding us. For you and
As a family, you and
Blessings to your family. We are, in love, with each of you. Goodnight.