Yes, it is true that love is the most important of the ethical values. It is the one, the one value that is the center of all ethical values, in the same way that the Creator is the one, the one value that is the center of all creation.
You see, when you were created, you were created as a spirit consciousness in the image of the Creator, who created you. The Creator is the consciousness of spirit, the all encompassing consciousness of the Universe. All that is known and all “unknown” is part of the creative consciousness of the Creator, save that which is fear, which is not a creation of the creative consciousness. Fear is the antithesis of creative energy, and therefore it is not of the Creator but of the mind of that which is in fear.
So you are an offshoot of the Creator, a seed of consciousness of the Creator, germinating within the Universe. And all that the Creator is, you are as well. The Creator is Love in all manner of expression, so you, too, are love. Love is the breath of the creative energies that enfuse the universe. Enfuse is to infuse eternally. Love is the greatest gift of all gifts. A gift is a movement of energy benevolently into the Universe for the purpose of enhancing the growth of that which receives the gift. For a flower or a plant, water is a gift of the Universe; fertile soil is a gift. For a planet, an energy of ionization can be a gift that enhances the gravitational field of symbiotic bodies. For humans, the forms of gifts are myriad. But truly the greatest of all gifts is the gift of love that the Creator gave to all thoughtforms when the thoughtforms - YOU - were created.
Within each and every cell of your body there is love. Love is an energy. It is not a thing seen, although it may be manifested as a physical object, but in its essence it is not physical except as it is perceived to be so by and within the eyes, heart and mind and senses of the receiver and the giver.
In your heart lies the essence of the ethical value of love. This is to say that the heart is the vital organ that symbolizes the energy of love. As the heart pumps the blood, the vital lifeblood of the body, so does love pump the vital pulse of connecting energy throughout the universe. All that moves does so as a result of the love that enfuses all energy.
As an energy, love pulses and love lives and love floods all manner of physical dimension, soul dimension, spirit dimension, all things seen and unseen, and all knowledge, all wisdom, all ingenuity, all Divine Thought, truly all that is.
For you as a human to feel love, this is to return in the heart to a state of balancing all that you are. You see, for you to feel love – this is a comfort of unparalleled sensation because it is the affirmation not only that YOU ARE, but that YOU ARE a spirit consciousness that was created by God as you look at yourself externally, and by the Creator as you perceive yourself from the internal perspective of your unity with the Creator and with the Creative Forces of the Universe.
To feel love is to know that you are connected to all that is. This is why all expressions of love, every tiny expression of love, every magnificent expression of love, allows the one who feels it to know that you are more than just the physical being that your eyes see in the mirror in the morning, or even that you dream yourself to be in the quiet moments of the night. Truly, love is the expansiveness of yourself that breathes into the furthest reaches of consciousness and into the depths of all that is.
Now, each of the ethical values has an opposite when the cycle of expression you are living within is marked with the presence of fear. This is to say that as humans, you are living through expressions of fear as you grow in your eternal expansion to understand yourself better and better. So as you live in fear, this is the opposite of love. Fear is the expression of the mind of man that slows man’s integration of AWARENESS that he is love. Do you understand? Do you see that you ARE all that is and that all that is, is love, but that you live in fear at this time, that is, with fear beliefs, and it is these fear beliefs that keep you from realizing your vast potential, your vast being, which is Love? You ARE love but you keep love at bay because of your fear beliefs. As you shed the fear beliefs one at a time – one level at a time – over aeons and aeons and countless aeons of time – you BECOME all that you truly are. This is an eternal process. It had no beginning and it has no end.
So you can see that there is much to this business of existing. You do not live with no purpose. You live with infinite purpose, and this purpose is to BECOME all that you are.
So let us say this word LOVE. Love. We are Love and we EVOLVE into love. Do you see the word Love within the word Evolve? They are infinitely tied and they are anagrams that are poignant and spirit-based and have existed as symbols – roadmaps – to the human consciousness since the dawn of time. Symbols are merely expressions of the energy that they manifest. You are as a human a symbol of the spirit consciousness that you are formed with. You represent the spirit consciousness of the Creator. As you walk through the time-space continuum, your symbology changes and expands as your expression of love and self expand. It is an amazing and stunning process that was conceived with such LOVE and such wisdom and ingenuity and a totality of focus and awareness, that it is impossible to fathom the expansiveness of this at this time in your evolution.
And yet, this knowing – a fractal pattern of this knowing – is within the mind of man. In your mind you do understand that you are a piece of all that is and that you are expanding into all that is by virtue of the love within you, and by virtue of the other ethical values that are being discovered through your experiential learning as a soul.
So your challenge as a human is to live the love that you are and to become aware that you are expanding into the love that you are through living the experiences of life on Earth. To become the totality of the HUMAN that you are, you must expand into BEING love in each and every thought, each and every action, each and every behavior, and each and every breath that you take. Only when you reach that totality of being HUMAN will you fully understand the meaning of love. And at that time you will be one with the Creator, one with the Creative Consciousness that gave you life.
This path, this destiny of mankind is an awesome journey of discovery. In each moment of living, as we relate to others in relationships aplenty, we come to understand ourselves better. Each and every person is for each of us a mirror of our own energy. And so to see ourselves in love, we begin to see the love in those that we see before us, those that we perceive, those that we encounter in any way.
Your challenge, our challenge, is to BE love, to focus on this expansion of our mind so that we perceive ourselves more and more as love. When we can look at a fellow human and see the beauty that they are, see that they are living perfectly in the energy that is perfect for them at this time on their path, this is being love within ourselves and recognizing the love that encompasses the essence of the other person. This is truly spiritual behavior.
Do not be fooled with what comprises spiritual behavior. To be spiritual, we must be living our love in our thoughts, words and actions. To be any less is not spiritual, although it is normal. It is part of our evolution. It is part of the process of discovery. But it is not spiritual until we live with the understanding and the thoughts, words and deeds of LOVE.
So to explore this ethical value of love – this is the greatest path of discovery that you can engage in. Truly, it is the path of each and every human on Earth. It is the path of each and every consciousness within the Universe. And believe me that the expressions of consciousness within the Universe are uncountable. They are enfinite, eternally infinite. They are ubiquitous. They are in all that is. Consciousness reigns. But consciousness expands. Consciousness is more than sentience. Consciousness is the unity of love within the thoughts, emotions and senses. It is the integration of those elements of self.
So your path is to discover your consciousness – to discover the love that you are, to BE the love that you are, to SHARE the love that you are, to uphold the love that you are, to understand the love that you are, to enfuse the love that you are with the energy of expansion, which, as a spiral of interactive intention, gives your heart and your being the impetus to join the Creative Consciousness of the Creator.
This is simple, and yet it is the most expansive concept of all. To BE all that you are is to understand that Love Reigns. Love is all there is. Who last said this? Look to the words of the poets and the writers and the minstrels and the advocates of peace who speak of love because they are leaders on the path of discovery and change. Their role is to inspire the legions of others, sentient beings, who by virtue of their sentience are destined too for expansion, to discover what expansion is all about. Look to love within your heart, and to the leaders of love in your world, and to all of the Creator's expressions of love in the Universe, to inspire you on your path of growth.
To grow and change with love as the abiding and guiding force – this is the hallmark of a good day, a blessed moment, and one that you have the right and the power to live in each and every way.
Be blessed in love. Share love. Be love.