Our hearts are with you. Be cheered that you had a good weekend with P. This was a gift – a gift of sharing time, of sharing your lives for three days, of enjoying each other’s company and sharing in the pleasures of life – if only for a short time. Be happy you had the time, and then – recognize that the physical circumstances of your lives simply preclude anything much further than this.
But if two people care for each other, the physical circumstances can be overcome.
Yes, this is true. They can be overcome. But your life and his life at this point are such that you are not in a position to overcome them. And so P was being honest and sincere with you when he spoke of the future as being relegated to what it will be relegated to – the dances and the communication that you can fit in.
It is sad to him, too, that there cannot be more. He cares for you and he feels for you in his heart. He would not venture here and commit to the focused time with you if this were not the case.
But the realities are such that you must both move on in your minds, and in your hearts to bigger and better fields, more fertile fields where relationships can prosper.
Now, do not believe that your time with P has been for naught. He has found a great deal of meaning in the time and the energy that he has focused on you. For P, there is an exploration of the heart – of what makes inspiration in the love of another person. P is looking for inspiration because he has lived without a partner for some time. He would like to experience the greater fullness of a relationship. But perhaps his search is for someone with some attributes that you may not have. For a person to search for this, it speaks only to his unique set of images and ideas of a prospective partner. It does not negate the perfection of you in his heart.
And you see, this is the same for you. You have acknowledged that the attributes you seek are not fully encompassed in P. If you give these thoughts credence, you can think ahead and see that compatibility could ultimately be a challenge.
So you must think ahead. We have been saying this, but it does require a certain frame of mind and attention to details.
Now, you may think of your greater goals and see where P fits into these. P is truly a beautiful man, an advanced soul and a dear soul to you in your soul history. He has played a role for you – a pivotal role in your soul’s past, and today it is a pivotal role again because it shows you – perhaps once and for all – that there are attributes that you seek that are critical to you, and that you infinitely deserve, and that you want to embrace at this time. So to spend time with someone who does not meet these needs that you have identified as critical – this does in some ways set you back in your pursuit. And yet there never really is a set-back in the sense that all experience is for the learning. And with P you are learning. There is never a moment when you are not learning.
So thank P in your heart and in your mind and send him all the love that you have. It will be returned. Love is always returned. Perhaps you can have a frank and open discussion with him about these things so that all is explored in a shared way, so that neither of you feels that you have left the relationship without speaking the truth of the heart. To speak the truth of the heart is to set the heart free. This is always the goal in any loving situation because truly the heart is totally free, and if it does not feel free then it is fear, or a remnant of fear energy, that constrains it.
So set your heart free and you may relate to P that your heart loves but that your worlds are different and that for the sake of efficiently managing the feelings of the heart – not controlling, but simply managing – it can be best to let the relationship rest.
Remember that there is never a loss unless the loss is perceived in the mind. As souls and spirits we are ever connected. We are not separate. And two beings who have shared love will always be connected via the heart rays that radiate throughout time, without the restrictions of time and space. Love is eternal and it is ever radiant, and you and P will always have this.
But look ahead. See the image of the relationship that you want to create. You do not want to feel loss; you want to feel bounty and abundance. These are feelings and a state that you can create and that you are indeed creating through projecting your thoughts into the ethers that underlie, undergird your reality. You may not see the energy, but it is there and it is true and it indeed has life and force. So – make this lifeforce a credible entity in your mind because this will comfort you as you deal with your current sense of loss and your current sense of wonder about what is ahead. What do you WANT to be ahead? Believe and you shall succeed. This is what Matthew meant when it was recorded that he spoke of faith moving mountains. Indeed, your faith and your belief in your power of creation can and DOES move mountains.
So think of the mountains you want to create, and then go about creating them. You have the power of creation and it is an exciting and powerful power.
Now, P is thinking of you. You are in his heart and in his mind. Do not believe in endings but rather in openings. Your time of togetherness has brought him gifts, which in his heart he thanks you for. He is opening. He is seeing the world and his own possibilities in new ways. He is thankful for the happiness that he is feeling. Spring is springing in his heart and you are a part of it, albeit as an energy that is present and yet distant as well. But you are there with him ethereally and in the memory of a precious weekend that you both shared.
So remember the joys of this weekend – the laughter, the gaiety, the friendship, the sensory feelings, the beauty of connecting, the motion of sharing on the dance floor, the music, the food, the tastes, the sounds, the feelings within of pleasure and comfort and caring. These will not disappear although they may fade, and then at times again come to the fore as a more vivid memory. This is due to the changing nature of life and to the direction of the mind. But your memories are no less real, and truly they become embedded in your DNA. You and your memories are one, and so you and P are ever tied not only physically through the experiences that you shared, but as those experiences are recorded in the body and in the mind and in the heart and in the soul.
Take those memories and know that they are a gift of love that you can make real as you relate and share love with all who come into your path.
Love is to share, whether it is active or whether it is resting for a moment in time. To bring love to the surface, to see it grow, to see it move – move mountains – this is the power of love that the Creator made yours to know. This is the greatest gift of all, and it is a gift that you and P have shared. Be blessed in knowing that it was and will continue to be a gift marked with specialness and it will endure.
Be the love that you have shared, and all will be well.