Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 11:02 PM
Yes, let us talk about love. We will continue the conversation that we last had. Love is the value, the emotion, of the spirit of you. You are essentially love. It is natural and it is spiritual to feel love for every human on the face of the earth. It is natural to feel love for the animals, and for the trees, and for the flowers, even the rocks, the air, and all that exists around you and within you. You see, you ARE love and so it is an aberration to NOT feel love.
So your love of your sister was and is the right thing to feel. It is natural. It is essential. It is an affirmation of the spirit of life that you shared. It is a part of your unity, your union, your togetherness as sisters and as souls and spirits traveling through time and through the earthly plane with each other.
You do know that you and Laurie are joined forever. There is no separation between you and the soul and spirit you called Laurie in her last life, because you and Laurie are spirits that shared and will always continue to share a deep, abiding love. It is a beautiful thing always to know in one’s heart that love is shared and that your shared love guides you into rich fields of learning and understanding.
Now, you and Laurie did indeed share many kinds of learning together. You learned first and foremost that love is an emotion that you could feel on a daily basis. Because of the love that you had and have for each other as you were growing up as siblings, you could see this love in evidence each and every day. Not that every day was a love fest, but the continuity of love in your relationship was evident. You had stirrings of love in your daily world. This is the value of family: family gives us the opportunity to see in each day the face of love and the value of love.
Now, you and Laurie were also learning some potent lessons with one another. There was and continues to be the lesson of acceptance. This is a powerful lesson because it gives each person the challenge of looking at self before looking at the other. You see, in Laurie’s face you saw energy of yourself, and yet as you judged Laurie’s energy at times, you were indeed judging yourself. This was not always evident to you, but believe me when I tell you that you were indeed judging yourself. So when this energy is present – and it is the most common of all energies of expansion and growth (it is truly a great lesson to be gifted with) – it is always a benefit to the soul because it challenges reflection. Laurie, too, could look at you and experience the same challenge. You both were learning high levels of love and personal acceptance.
To accept self is to understand that we ARE love. And so as you and Laurie looked at each other and saw your own images in the face of the other, you were indeed learning about love. Look and see the beauty of love in the face of sisters. This is a gift that you each gave each other. And it is a gift that you feel ever more strongly today as you remember the good things that you and Laurie shared.
Now, another challenge – another lesson that you are learning now in Laurie’s physical absence – is the gift of letting go. You may interpret love to mean that there is a promise of forever. And indeed there is this promise, but the promises of the physical world are different than the promises of the soul and spirit. For you and Laurie, there is a promise of spiritual togetherness, but Laurie, in love, made a commitment to a new set of parents, to join them in a new life and to continue her path of soul and spirit advancement by joining them. To make this commitment, it was necessary to leave her physical life with you.
You can feel the joy of Laurie’s joy in being set free from a body that was ravaged with cancer. She created an exit and she learned deeply from the lessons that her chosen exit provided her with. She learned about caring for her physical body. She learned about the love and loyalty that accompany the trials of disease – as your family and her friends rallied around her to support her. Her disease and her death opened the hearts of many. And this is as it should be, as Laurie was a touchstone of spiritual awakening in those who loved her.
But you, Linda, you and Laurie shared a deep bond of acceptance and of faith in the understanding that life is more than appears on the surface. You shared in an understanding of spiritual laws that – by virtue of some of your shared experiences – you could interpret as profound. You knew from what you shared in activities that life is more than the three-dimensional world. This acceptance and these experiences allowed you to grow together.
Laurie is indeed in a better place today, and in a perfect place, as each moment of our lives, for each of us, is perfect. The soul and spirit of each of us chooses a place and a set of circumstances that are perfect and bright and wise choices. The ego chooses fear but the soul and spirit are infinitely wise. So Laurie’s choices for living and learning are wise and perfect.
Have faith, have trust in Laurie’s choices. She is a great soul. She sends her love. She is aware of your hurt and your sadness and she too feels the loss of your physical presence, but she knows that you know that all is well and that all is right and that time and space do not divide the love that is eternally a part of who you are as sisters in soul and spirit. This bond of sisterhood extends far into the soul and spirit realms, much to the credit of you both as you have made the commitment – and have honored the commitment – of helping one another in your soul and spirit advancement.
So be at peace with Laurie’s choices, and with your own choice to help her and yourself learn. Together you are advancing. And this advancement is much needed at this time on Earth. Keep looking forward, and keep your heart steady. Your love brings you eternal peace and joy, and Laurie shares this emotion of spirit. You are forever sisters. Celebrate this love and be the energy of sisterhood. It will serve you both eternally.
Fri, Apr 18, 2008, 8:16 PM
Yes, it is true that love is the most important of the ethical values. It is the one, the one value that is the center of all ethical values, in the same way that the Creator is the one, the one value that is the center of all creation.
You see, when you were created, you were created as a spirit consciousness in the image of the Creator, who created you. The Creator is the consciousness of spirit, the all encompassing consciousness of the Universe. All that is known and all “unknown” is part of the creative consciousness of the Creator, save that which is fear, which is not a creation of the creative consciousness. Fear is the antithesis of creative energy, and therefore it is not of the Creator but of the mind of that which is in fear.
So you are an offshoot of the Creator, a seed of consciousness of the Creator, germinating within the Universe. And all that the Creator is, you are as well. The Creator is Love in all manner of expression, so you, too, are love. Love is the breath of the creative energies that enfuse the universe. Enfuse is to infuse eternally. Love is the greatest gift of all gifts. A gift is a movement of energy benevolently into the Universe for the purpose of enhancing the growth of that which receives the gift. For a flower or a plant, water is a gift of the Universe; fertile soil is a gift. For a planet, an energy of ionization can be a gift that enhances the gravitational field of symbiotic bodies. For humans, the forms of gifts are myriad. But truly the greatest of all gifts is the gift of love that the Creator gave to all thoughtforms when the thoughtforms - YOU - were created.
Within each and every cell of your body there is love. Love is an energy. It is not a thing seen, although it may be manifested as a physical object, but in its essence it is not physical except as it is perceived to be so by and within the eyes, heart and mind and senses of the receiver and the giver.
In your heart lies the essence of the ethical value of love. This is to say that the heart is the vital organ that symbolizes the energy of love. As the heart pumps the blood, the vital lifeblood of the body, so does love pump the vital pulse of connecting energy throughout the universe. All that moves does so as a result of the love that enfuses all energy.
As an energy, love pulses and love lives and love floods all manner of physical dimension, soul dimension, spirit dimension, all things seen and unseen, and all knowledge, all wisdom, all ingenuity, all Divine Thought, truly all that is.
For you as a human to feel love, this is to return in the heart to a state of balancing all that you are. You see, for you to feel love – this is a comfort of unparalleled sensation because it is the affirmation not only that YOU ARE, but that YOU ARE a spirit consciousness that was created by God as you look at yourself externally, and by the Creator as you perceive yourself from the internal perspective of your unity with the Creator and with the Creative Forces of the Universe.
To feel love is to know that you are connected to all that is. This is why all expressions of love, every tiny expression of love, every magnificent expression of love, allows the one who feels it to know that you are more than just the physical being that your eyes see in the mirror in the morning, or even that you dream yourself to be in the quiet moments of the night. Truly, love is the expansiveness of yourself that breathes into the furthest reaches of consciousness and into the depths of all that is.
Now, each of the ethical values has an opposite when the cycle of expression you are living within is marked with the presence of fear. This is to say that as humans, you are living through expressions of fear as you grow in your eternal expansion to understand yourself better and better. So as you live in fear, this is the opposite of love. Fear is the expression of the mind of man that slows man’s integration of AWARENESS that he is love. Do you understand? Do you see that you ARE all that is and that all that is, is love, but that you live in fear at this time, that is, with fear beliefs, and it is these fear beliefs that keep you from realizing your vast potential, your vast being, which is Love? You ARE love but you keep love at bay because of your fear beliefs. As you shed the fear beliefs one at a time – one level at a time – over aeons and aeons and countless aeons of time – you BECOME all that you truly are. This is an eternal process. It had no beginning and it has no end.
So you can see that there is much to this business of existing. You do not live with no purpose. You live with infinite purpose, and this purpose is to BECOME all that you are.
So let us say this word LOVE. Love. We are Love and we EVOLVE into love. Do you see the word Love within the word Evolve? They are infinitely tied and they are anagrams that are poignant and spirit-based and have existed as symbols – roadmaps – to the human consciousness since the dawn of time. Symbols are merely expressions of the energy that they manifest. You are as a human a symbol of the spirit consciousness that you are formed with. You represent the spirit consciousness of the Creator. As you walk through the time-space continuum, your symbology changes and expands as your expression of love and self expand. It is an amazing and stunning process that was conceived with such LOVE and such wisdom and ingenuity and a totality of focus and awareness, that it is impossible to fathom the expansiveness of this at this time in your evolution.
And yet, this knowing – a fractal pattern of this knowing – is within the mind of man. In your mind you do understand that you are a piece of all that is and that you are expanding into all that is by virtue of the love within you, and by virtue of the other ethical values that are being discovered through your experiential learning as a soul.
So your challenge as a human is to live the love that you are and to become aware that you are expanding into the love that you are through living the experiences of life on Earth. To become the totality of the HUMAN that you are, you must expand into BEING love in each and every thought, each and every action, each and every behavior, and each and every breath that you take. Only when you reach that totality of being HUMAN will you fully understand the meaning of love. And at that time you will be one with the Creator, one with the Creative Consciousness that gave you life.
This path, this destiny of mankind is an awesome journey of discovery. In each moment of living, as we relate to others in relationships aplenty, we come to understand ourselves better. Each and every person is for each of us a mirror of our own energy. And so to see ourselves in love, we begin to see the love in those that we see before us, those that we perceive, those that we encounter in any way.
Your challenge, our challenge, is to BE love, to focus on this expansion of our mind so that we perceive ourselves more and more as love. When we can look at a fellow human and see the beauty that they are, see that they are living perfectly in the energy that is perfect for them at this time on their path, this is being love within ourselves and recognizing the love that encompasses the essence of the other person. This is truly spiritual behavior.
Do not be fooled with what comprises spiritual behavior. To be spiritual, we must be living our love in our thoughts, words and actions. To be any less is not spiritual, although it is normal. It is part of our evolution. It is part of the process of discovery. But it is not spiritual until we live with the understanding and the thoughts, words and deeds of LOVE.
So to explore this ethical value of love – this is the greatest path of discovery that you can engage in. Truly, it is the path of each and every human on Earth. It is the path of each and every consciousness within the Universe. And believe me that the expressions of consciousness within the Universe are uncountable. They are enfinite, eternally infinite. They are ubiquitous. They are in all that is. Consciousness reigns. But consciousness expands. Consciousness is more than sentience. Consciousness is the unity of love within the thoughts, emotions and senses. It is the integration of those elements of self.
So your path is to discover your consciousness – to discover the love that you are, to BE the love that you are, to SHARE the love that you are, to uphold the love that you are, to understand the love that you are, to enfuse the love that you are with the energy of expansion, which, as a spiral of interactive intention, gives your heart and your being the impetus to join the Creative Consciousness of the Creator.
This is simple, and yet it is the most expansive concept of all. To BE all that you are is to understand that Love Reigns. Love is all there is. Who last said this? Look to the words of the poets and the writers and the minstrels and the advocates of peace who speak of love because they are leaders on the path of discovery and change. Their role is to inspire the legions of others, sentient beings, who by virtue of their sentience are destined too for expansion, to discover what expansion is all about. Look to love within your heart, and to the leaders of love in your world, and to all of the Creator's expressions of love in the Universe, to inspire you on your path of growth.
To grow and change with love as the abiding and guiding force – this is the hallmark of a good day, a blessed moment, and one that you have the right and the power to live in each and every way.
Be blessed in love. Share love. Be love.
Mon, Apr 14, 2008, 5:56 PM
Our hearts are with you. Be cheered that you had a good weekend with P. This was a gift – a gift of sharing time, of sharing your lives for three days, of enjoying each other’s company and sharing in the pleasures of life – if only for a short time. Be happy you had the time, and then – recognize that the physical circumstances of your lives simply preclude anything much further than this.
But if two people care for each other, the physical circumstances can be overcome.
Yes, this is true. They can be overcome. But your life and his life at this point are such that you are not in a position to overcome them. And so P was being honest and sincere with you when he spoke of the future as being relegated to what it will be relegated to – the dances and the communication that you can fit in.
It is sad to him, too, that there cannot be more. He cares for you and he feels for you in his heart. He would not venture here and commit to the focused time with you if this were not the case.
But the realities are such that you must both move on in your minds, and in your hearts to bigger and better fields, more fertile fields where relationships can prosper.
Now, do not believe that your time with P has been for naught. He has found a great deal of meaning in the time and the energy that he has focused on you. For P, there is an exploration of the heart – of what makes inspiration in the love of another person. P is looking for inspiration because he has lived without a partner for some time. He would like to experience the greater fullness of a relationship. But perhaps his search is for someone with some attributes that you may not have. For a person to search for this, it speaks only to his unique set of images and ideas of a prospective partner. It does not negate the perfection of you in his heart.
And you see, this is the same for you. You have acknowledged that the attributes you seek are not fully encompassed in P. If you give these thoughts credence, you can think ahead and see that compatibility could ultimately be a challenge.
So you must think ahead. We have been saying this, but it does require a certain frame of mind and attention to details.
Now, you may think of your greater goals and see where P fits into these. P is truly a beautiful man, an advanced soul and a dear soul to you in your soul history. He has played a role for you – a pivotal role in your soul’s past, and today it is a pivotal role again because it shows you – perhaps once and for all – that there are attributes that you seek that are critical to you, and that you infinitely deserve, and that you want to embrace at this time. So to spend time with someone who does not meet these needs that you have identified as critical – this does in some ways set you back in your pursuit. And yet there never really is a set-back in the sense that all experience is for the learning. And with P you are learning. There is never a moment when you are not learning.
So thank P in your heart and in your mind and send him all the love that you have. It will be returned. Love is always returned. Perhaps you can have a frank and open discussion with him about these things so that all is explored in a shared way, so that neither of you feels that you have left the relationship without speaking the truth of the heart. To speak the truth of the heart is to set the heart free. This is always the goal in any loving situation because truly the heart is totally free, and if it does not feel free then it is fear, or a remnant of fear energy, that constrains it.
So set your heart free and you may relate to P that your heart loves but that your worlds are different and that for the sake of efficiently managing the feelings of the heart – not controlling, but simply managing – it can be best to let the relationship rest.
Remember that there is never a loss unless the loss is perceived in the mind. As souls and spirits we are ever connected. We are not separate. And two beings who have shared love will always be connected via the heart rays that radiate throughout time, without the restrictions of time and space. Love is eternal and it is ever radiant, and you and P will always have this.
But look ahead. See the image of the relationship that you want to create. You do not want to feel loss; you want to feel bounty and abundance. These are feelings and a state that you can create and that you are indeed creating through projecting your thoughts into the ethers that underlie, undergird your reality. You may not see the energy, but it is there and it is true and it indeed has life and force. So – make this lifeforce a credible entity in your mind because this will comfort you as you deal with your current sense of loss and your current sense of wonder about what is ahead. What do you WANT to be ahead? Believe and you shall succeed. This is what Matthew meant when it was recorded that he spoke of faith moving mountains. Indeed, your faith and your belief in your power of creation can and DOES move mountains.
So think of the mountains you want to create, and then go about creating them. You have the power of creation and it is an exciting and powerful power.
Now, P is thinking of you. You are in his heart and in his mind. Do not believe in endings but rather in openings. Your time of togetherness has brought him gifts, which in his heart he thanks you for. He is opening. He is seeing the world and his own possibilities in new ways. He is thankful for the happiness that he is feeling. Spring is springing in his heart and you are a part of it, albeit as an energy that is present and yet distant as well. But you are there with him ethereally and in the memory of a precious weekend that you both shared.
So remember the joys of this weekend – the laughter, the gaiety, the friendship, the sensory feelings, the beauty of connecting, the motion of sharing on the dance floor, the music, the food, the tastes, the sounds, the feelings within of pleasure and comfort and caring. These will not disappear although they may fade, and then at times again come to the fore as a more vivid memory. This is due to the changing nature of life and to the direction of the mind. But your memories are no less real, and truly they become embedded in your DNA. You and your memories are one, and so you and P are ever tied not only physically through the experiences that you shared, but as those experiences are recorded in the body and in the mind and in the heart and in the soul.
Take those memories and know that they are a gift of love that you can make real as you relate and share love with all who come into your path.
Love is to share, whether it is active or whether it is resting for a moment in time. To bring love to the surface, to see it grow, to see it move – move mountains – this is the power of love that the Creator made yours to know. This is the greatest gift of all, and it is a gift that you and P have shared. Be blessed in knowing that it was and will continue to be a gift marked with specialness and it will endure.
Be the love that you have shared, and all will be well.
Fri, Apr 4, 2008, 6:01 PM
When we perceive how we are relating to another person and how they relate to us, it is an image of how we are relating to our own self. If we have an interest in our own self that is keen and respectful and filled with love, we do not concern ourselves with how the other person is relating to us unless their energy is damaging to us. Mostly it does not matter what they feel about you. To love unconditionally is to allow a person to be all that they want to be without expecting more, without expecting less, without asking for more. There is only the need to accept and be glad that the person has added their energy of enrichment to your life.
But there can of course be open communication. To approach with the positive intention of sharing in understanding, this can always be good.
With your friend P, you can understand that he has his own agenda, whatever it may be, and it may not concern you unless he wishes to share it with you, at which point you may wish to comment and share from the heart in any way that esteems the being that he is and the needs for communication that he may have at that time.
P is a very interesting man. He has many thoughts of you and he is wondering what is an appropriate course of action with you. He is a practical man, though, and naturally, since your geographic locations are disparate, there is the practical part of him that says this cannot work; I am not moving and she is not moving and therefore why proceed. And yet there is a romantic part of him and a genuine caring within him that says I care about her, she is dear to me and I do not want to lose her presence in my life, but I do not want to lead her on, but I do not want to part ways either.
So you are both asking the same questions.
Then why does he not call me to discuss these things?
He may be wondering why you do not call him.
I feel it is not my place to call. I feel that I have extended my fair share of communicating my interest. For me to reach more - he may perceive it as too much. I do not want to be too much to him.
Then you can explain this. Saying the words would help resolve some of the questions that you both have.
I am afraid to speak openly about this – that is, I am afraid to initiate this discussion. I would rather he initiate it.
Then you are both in fear, and the fear is what causes the hesitations. If you want to get beyond the hesitation, then it is appropriate to let go of your fear of rejection by speaking from the heart and explaining your concerns.
My concerns are really more internal. I am not sure that I want to pursue this. I am attracted to him and I genuinely care for him, but I feel that he is not matched to me in enough ways for a fuller relationship to unfold. And so it just seems easier to let it fade as it might on its own. And yet I feel emotionally attached. I feel emotion inside me as I write these words. I don’t want to lose him in my life. Why is this? Why do I feel attached?
You feel attached because you jumped from an attachment to J to an attachment to P. It is truly like jumping ship except instead of landing in the water you landed on another ship with just a different presentation but essentially the same ship, if not a smaller ship because the prospects of something extending into the future with P are minimal. He is far away. He wants you. He cares for you. He is thinking of you. But he does not want to endure relationship hardships.
Darn. I had hoped we might at least discover some interesting things together. I wanted to share something more than we have. I feel that the well is not dry.
No, the well is not dry. But how much energy do you want to put into lowering your bucket into the deep? It can be a lot of work and emotional energy, and then for what?
This is truly a mind game that you are playing with yourself. Not a game really, but a challenge. It is a mental challenge. Think ahead and see what you are dealing with. Then make a decision.
I want to see this in a more spiritual light.
Are you dancing around the basics? Are you looking at the realities?
Are you my spirit energy or are you my ego?
I am your ego but I am your spirit, too. I am all of you.
Spirit, please guide me. I don’t want to lose P in my life. He brings me happiness.
He does not fully bring you happiness. This relationship has brought you confusion and a sense of rejection a number of times. Is this what you want?
I do not want rejection. But isn’t that a mental challenge on my end and not necessarily a statement of his intentions or an inevitable outcome?
All that we deal with in life is a mental challenge. To see clearly – to see our intentions, to see our subconscious thinking, to recognize our fears and our hopes and dreams and to understand how they all merge in the soup we call life – this is the biggest mental challenge of all.
You are examining these elements of your life and this is good. It is good to question what you want and to itemize what you currently have – to take stock of it all.
Once again, I encourage you to look at your list of attributes – the attributes that you seek in a relationship, and describe where on the list P fits. This can be an objective exercise, one that you can do quickly and easily.
It is no problem to let go when you need to. There is no loss. You read this morning that all things in your life go in cycles. All things in our eternal life go in cycles. All good things come back in bountiful return. The love that you send P’s way will come back to you – from him – in ways that perhaps you do not expect. Trust that Paul is thinking of you and that his heart is with you.
Is it possible that we can move on, away from each other, without feeling loss? I do not want to feel loss again. It’s a hard emotion to deal with.
Yes, it is hard. But it is also a motivator. It inspires. You have had much inspiration in your life in the last few years and this is by design. It is no accident. These people in your life are playing roles for you that are very instrumental in you moving forward in your evolutionary path. It is critical that your heart be opened further and that this opening extend way into the future.
Well if it means crying over loss, I’m not sure I want it.
There is much loss in our world, and it is this loss on a mass scale that is galvanizing humankind to evaluate the precipitous juncture that you are living at right now and to find ways to change it. This must be done if mankind is to survive. There is no other way. The emotions are magnetic and the thoughts are electric, and together they have the effect of charging the spirit of man to gain a greater foothold in the life and livelihood of man.
You see, you are a product of your spirit energy. You must move forward, and you move forward by virtue of the emotions triggering your mind to think in deeper and deeper ways.
P is for you a trigger. Think of a hairline fracture. It is a small but significant crack in the system that leaves an impression – and the impression for you is to act. You are seeking ways in your life to move forward, to advance to a new level of thinking, and you are using, truly taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to help you.
This is something to be proud of. It is human and natural and right and timely to move forward. You must move forward.
Does moving forward mean letting go of P?
Moving forward means letting go of attachments to the degree that you can. There are no attachments that serve your higher good unless you are learning what you do not want. It is better to decide what you DO want and work toward that.
I want bountiful love and bountiful progress in working toward change in this world.
Then seek this with all your heart and all your mind. Put everything that you are into what you want. Your mind and heart can move mountains. You have this power, as all do, if you accept it and believe in it. So just keep moving on your path to achieve what you want. It can be done. Give it your all.
How do I say goodbye to him?
You do not need to say goodbye to him. But if you wish to tell him that you believe that your time of connection is coming to an end, it is important that you be sincere in these words. These are words that you have spoken to him and to J in the past when you indeed were not certain of their veracity. So you must decide what truly IS your truth. And then speak this truth to P. It will soothe his heart and bring him a sense of comfort. To hear the truth of the heart is to hear good things that bring the mind to a state of equilibrium. There is never a moment when truth does not serve all who come to it with a heart open to hearing.
Thank you self – higher self, guardian angels, me. I am glad that we connect. I am happy to know that you are always with me.
We are always with you. We are ever present with everyone. We do like to be heard. Thank you for listening. Goodbye for now.
Sun, April 6, 2008, 6:34 PM
Erica truly is your angel of light. She brings light to your daily world because this is the arrangement that you and she made by virtue of your living life together and by virtue of the promise of soul growth that you made to each other when she entered your world in this life.
Now, you may understand that you and Erica have traveled through time together, as so many people in your life have. Understand that there are hardly any new relationships in life for anyone because you have been through soul evolution for millennia, aeons; and you come back with one another and you attract one another, magnetize one another over and over because it is easier to learn lessons when the soul energy is known, when there is a comfort and a familiarity between souls. The ground for learning becomes more expediently arranged.
So you and Erica have been together for many, many lifetimes. And the lifetimes that you have shared by and large have been ones where the two of you know tremendous, truly tremendous love. In fact, it is a beauty to behold the love that you share because it is a gift of inspiration on a daily basis. It is a fine light.
Now, as parent and child you have a bond of supportive energy. It is important of course as a parent that you serve the role of supporting Erica in all that she does. For Erica this is a great gift but for you it is a great gift, too, because it has the effect of reaching in your heart on a daily basis and drawing into the forefront of your mind and your heart the love that you have for her. To be able to feel love in each and every moment, this is a great sensation. To feel love, to give love, to hope for love, to look forward to love, to sense love as a mother does for her child, this is precious and this is the gift that she gives you and that you give yourself because you ultimately decide what you feel and what you sense and think. No one can make you sense or feel anything if your soul choice is different.
So for you both, there is the gift of love.
Also for you both there is the gift of planning, which honors the organization, discipline, structure and form that are part of your soul design. You see, to have a child and to accept the role of responsibility to provide for your child, you must have a plan for how to carry out the responsibility. This plan allows you to more highly and thoroughly cultivate the discipline and structure that are part of your soul, and the organization and form. You must think ahead, you must think in an organized fashion, you must have an idea of how the plans will be executed, and you must understand how to advance the plans through the years. While these approaches may sound simple, they are indeed not necessarily so. And because they speak to part of the essence of your soul design, the gift is that they allow you to more thoroughly evolve your soul and spirit into its essential being. You are a being of light, and to discover this being through the events of your life, THIS is the purpose of living. And with your child you discover in each moment how great life is when it is lived with love.
Erica is truly an advanced soul, and it is perfect that she chose you and
Do not be afraid of her chosen path. She intends to live a long and supportive life. But she will make an impression on those around her because she does not follow the path of commonality; she does not seek to conform. She does indeed march to her own drummer, and it is no coincidence that she is keen on rhythms and the sounds of the heartbeat of life. She is very sensitive to what makes man tick and what propels him to do and to live as he does. In fact she studies these patterns that mankind lives; they are curious mannerisms to her and yet she understands that they have as their basis the effect of advancing man on his soul path. She understands that each of us must live our own life and make our own soul choices in order to grow.
Erica is very excited about the weeks and months ahead. For you and Erica this is a time of tremendous transition because you have lived your seventeen years of life together, in each day finding gain in the energy of togetherness. So as you part ways and as she ventures into her new life, you will both need to find ways to emulate and acquire the same or similar inspirations without the physical presence of each other. This will require some creativity and some discipline because you are both used to, in good ways, the daily energy fix that you receive from one another. So in what ways will you find inspiration when Erica is not physically bringing this to you? There are many techniques that you can use. You can sing more often. You can play guitar more often. You can write poetry. You can write your angel dialogues. You can connect with your family more. You can speak with
Now, Erica feels trepidation about leaving home. For her, this is the biggest transition she will know. You can share with her some of the lessons that were and are relevant to you. You see, leaving home is something we do on a daily basis as well as in more singularly-framed ways. In leaving home each day for our daily pursuits, we learn and see in new ways that we are part of a wider world. Our homes are our sanctuaries if we have set them up nurturingly, but as we leave the home each day we acknowledge that our life on earth is about stepping out of known elements into broader terrains in the mission of serving earth and each other and expanding our consciousness. So to leave the home each day, this is a fractal pattern of, a symbol of what we do on a larger scale as we make major life changes and, through all, we evolve as a consciousness: we expose our self to new energy and we expand into it.
So Erica, in leaving for college and embarking on this wonderful adventure of college, will have a new image of what the world holds for her and what she holds for the world. She will be coming to new and significant understandings of her life’s role and her purpose for being here. For each of us there are many purposes, but for all of us there is a “greatest goal,” and Erica will be discovering many facets of these goals, soon, on a much larger scale.
Be happy for her expanded mission, and be proud of the job that you and
Also you are together seeing the value and the power of love. You see, families show each other, demonstrate to each other what love is. Truly there is no one element of love; it has many faces -- polyfaces, and each is a beauty. And in Erica’s beautiful face there is the reflection of the many facets of love that she has seen and continues to uncover in some of the dustier recesses of the world. Part of her mission is to explore the unexplored, and to bring into the light that which has remained hidden – the beauties of this world and the glories of seeing through eyes inspired by love. There is much love in her heart, and this is shown as she shares it with you and
So be cheered that Erica’s life is unfolding according to her plan for this life. She entered this life with very specific intentions, as all people do, and she is following rather intently, as the soul of all of mankind guides each person to do. She hears the quiet voices of loving energy guiding her, and this is a testament to the spiritual energy that you and
Ahead, all good things. Know that soul love never dies; it is ever about us and ever guiding us. For you and
As a family, you and
Blessings to your family. We are, in love, with each of you. Goodnight.