Logos Archive

It is through the evolution of man that the Universe also advances. We are all One, in love and peace and joy. (082809)

The truest gem is the gem of the golden love within. (030109)

Freedom is the blessed openness of the soul to be all that it wants to be. (060308)

Relationships are the fuel, the fodder for our growth. Without relationships we would be like the oyster in the shell, with the grit of sand around us and with the shell of protection encasing us in a cloistered hall of silence. This is not what we want. We want to be resounding in our joy and in our sharing and in our explorations of ourselves. And it is through relationships that we do this. (052108)

Your mind is the greatest jewel you have ever known. Like a diamond that crystallizes in the earth and grows from the blackest of black to the lightest of light, your mind, too, is forever undergoing transmutation. (050608)

Look and see the beauty of love in the face of sisters. (042808)

To grow and change with love as the abiding and guiding force – this is the hallmark of a good day, a blessed moment, and one that you have the right and the power to live in each and every way. (041808)

As we leave the home each day we acknowledge that our life on earth is about stepping out of known elements into broader terrains in the mission of serving earth and each other and expanding our consciousness. (040608)

For us to embrace open communication is to let go of resistance to our spirit energy, and to allow all that we are to be expressed. (033108)

Your cells have the right to flow freely, your mind has the right to think freely, and you have the right to live your evolution as is perfect for your own soul and spirit. This is freedom – to be who you want to be. (030808)

There are no failures and there are no mistakes. There is only learning. (031208)

Every relationship can be a joy if we perceive it through the eyes of unconditional love. (030408)

Each life that we live is imbued with purpose. There is no life if there is no purpose. You do indeed have a special purpose and so to discover it is to discover yourself. To discover your purpose is to know WHO YOU ARE. (022908)

You are a being of light and therefore the light that you envision is the food that your soul and spirit wants to drink, to eat, to bask in, to breathe. (022608)

Earth has not forgotten her promise to Man. But Man has forgotten his promise to Earth. Now is the time to remember this promise, this legacy, this rich and rewarding union. (020808)

Once we understand that we create our very reality, from inception and conception to death and to life again, eternally, we begin to have respect for the majesty of creation and for the expansiveness of our being. (021208)

Remember that the planets circle the sun. And the sun moves in the sky as does the galaxy and as does our universe. Nothing stays still; all revolves. So these energies and these lives that you share with others – they, too, revolve and evolve, and will come back to a point of connection when the times are right, as the cycles hold their truth. (021508)

The hows and whats are interesting to look at, but always ask why. Within the why is the image and the voice of truth if you allow the truth to seep through the ego and come into the fascinating light of its own divine self. (021708)