Mon, Jun 30, 2008, 7:23 PM

Dear guardian angels, this business with P is weighing on me. I care for him so deeply and yet I know in my heart that ultimately we are not meant to be together as a couple. But even though I know this, I’m having a hard time parting ways with him. I want him in my life – I enjoy our friendship and our unity, but I feel that it is right to be honest now that my interests are moving elsewhere. But I don’t want to hurt him and I don’t want to lose him. I feel so confused again. I’m slipping back into depression about it I guess – my clear thinking is not present. What is the truth of my relationship with P? What is the best action?

There are many thoughts and many issues in the questions that you have asked, but first let us say that all will be well. You are fretting but you are really fretting yourself. You are up against the veil of the ego beliefs and the ego is trying to hold you sway so that you do not think in the penetrating and illuminating way that the spirit is wanting to do. To allow the spirit free reign to be heard in your mind – and to follow the best advice of your spirit – the inner and higher guidance – this is what you truly want to do.

So the challenge is to find that spirit voice and to listen. That is what you are doing here. You have found as you have been conducting these spirit communications for the last half year that the voice of the spirit is kind and good and wise and knowing, and that it reaches into the heart of you and pulls the goodness from within.

And also the spirit is tied to the Universal knowing that all men – all humans – are privy to.

So this suggests to you, and rightly so, that P, too, is reaching into the heart of his own heart and trying to assess what is afoot between you. He, too, wonders what your truth is, and what his own truth is.

You see, this relationship between you has been an adventure in discovering your truth and acknowledging your truth and living your truth. What greater, higher purpose can two people share than this, other than the adventure of discovering the love within, which is also truly a part of what you and P are doing.

So you can safely let go of the fears that say that P will be hurt. There is within the spirit no hurt when the words of love and truth are spoken.

Now, words sometimes are difficult for the ego to hear, but the words heard by the spirit are always understood on a spirit level and are embraced and appreciated.

So have faith that P will know within his spirit, as he does already know within his spirit, what the truth of your relationship is. It is only for your physical ego selves to acknowledge this -fully, and to share in the new discoveries that will come about as a result.

So perhaps you have a fear of death. The fear of death is manifested in all manner in our lives, not just fear of a physical death, of dying, but of things dying: relationships, partnerships, things we own, things we think we own but perhaps do not truly own – acquisitions. We can be afraid of losing a job, losing someone’s love, losing our mobility, losing our health. These can all be translated into a fear of dying because they all signify loss, permanent loss in our minds.

But truly there is no loss in the spiritual kingdom. There can only be loss in the physical world. And so as we connect ourselves, anchor ourselves, encumber ourselves in the physical world, we become attached to our encumbrances, and we fear that if we lose them we will lose who we are, or we will lose our security, or we will lose our identity or our livelihood or our connection to the physical world.

Believe me when I say that there is no connection to the physical world other than the connection that you in your chemical consciousness deem there to be. This is to say that all connections on the earth, in the physical sphere, are electromagnetic, chemical connections that we create as a higher universal mana expressing its power of creation.

So you see, this idea of letting go and allowing life to be all that it can be is one of perception. You ARE your thinking. And as you perceive, you create, and as you create, you reinforce that which you believe.

This is the “magic,” the equation of creation. Think and bring to life. Think and create. Think and BE. You are that which your mind directs you to be.

So think about this concept in the context of P. What do you want to create with him? Can you articulate this?

Yes, I would like to articulate it. I would like to create with P a deeply caring, trusting, reverent friendship. I would like it to be active. I would like it to be full in our minds. I would like to honor it on a regular basis and keep it alive through our communication and through the gifts that we exchange and through our mutual appreciation of one another. I want him to be in my life as a special, kindred spirit who I love but who I accept as a friend who will, if it is his plan, find another lover someday who will give him what he truly seeks, the fullness of an intimate partnership. I treasure him. I want to share more. But I also want my freedom to explore another relationship, an intimate relationship. I hope that he will understand my need to be free to explore these possibilities.

It is good that you have defined this for yourself. Sometimes it is hard to put in words the feelings that swim within the mind. So this is good.

Now, to bring about the changes that will need to take place in order for your vision to manifest, you will need to articulate your vision to P. You can speak to him softly and gently and assure him of your intentions, your commitment to remain in his life, to sanctify the friendship with a bond of trust and commitment to serve each other’s vision of possibility.

It may be that for starters P may be reluctant to share your vision or present his own. But in his heart his vision is clear and becoming clearer. And as you both begin to share, this will open up new realms of understanding.

Now, there is the issue of truth that you must both speak of and acknowledge. Truth is one of the highest ethical values, and it is of paramount importance that you both understand its value and its meaning in cementing the bond that you seek to preserve and develop. There can be no untruth if a soul is to grow and prosper in the soul and spirit realm. You cannot say one thing and do another. You cannot hide something in the shadows. You cannot omit one thing and illuminate another. Truth is the spiritual brightness and openness of the soul that knows no blackness or grey, no boundaries. If there is grey or if there is a boundary, then the truth is relative, and it loses its potency.

So it is important that you fully disclose all to P, or rather all that you are comfortable disclosing at this time, and move forward on the path of truth as a shared pursuit. For each of you, the challenge of truth is real, but it is a challenge so very worthy of pursuing because it separates your intentions from baser intentions of sharing in friendship. To share friendship IN TRUTH, this brings the spirit, the truth of spirit and all that is spirit into your midst, and allows it to flourish.

How do we seek truth and share truth? By being our word. In the beginning was the word. And all that was swam in the sea of thought, and the thought was the Word, the eternal Logos, the eternal, all encompassing Thought of the Creative Spirit that externally is known as God but internally is known as the Great Spirit, the True Spirit, the One Spirit, the Godhead, the God Self, the King of Kings and Queen of Queens, the Highest Higher Self, the One. Let it Be.

There are many words for the Love and Truth and Equality of Self, but all boil down to one principle: we are one as the family of man, and as we do unto the least of this family, we do unto ourselves on every level. Our highest level is our Godself, our connection to the All That Is, the Heavenly Spirit.

So, BE truth and BE love and show this in all that you do with P, so that you may elevate yourselves to the level where your ethics are unimpeachable and where your mutual appreciation will be intact always, in all ways.

P is thinking of you. His heart is with you, as yours is with him. Trust this, know this. Be the truth and the love in action. Speak from your heart, and respect and value P as he speaks from his. Share in openness. Speak truth.

Do not be afraid but trust that you are both spirit consciousness in action and there is never loss as long as you honor the spirit that you are.

Be your spirit and share this with P and honor his spirit. Trust him. Know that all will be well.

Mon, Jun 09, 2008, 8:23 PM

Dear angels, I feel sad again tonight, emotional. P and I talked on the phone. It was very hard speaking, knowing that my words and thoughts would be heart-wrenching to us both. I did not convey any excitement about a bright future but I know we both feel much love in our hearts. How can I know what is the truth of my heart? I love him and yet I feel we would ultimately part ways. I don’t want to part ways anymore, with anyone. I don’t want to say goodbye.

In the physical world, the laws that each of you is subject to are the physical laws of nature. Life comes, life seems to go, people come and people go. The seasons change, all changes. Life is filled with change and this is the way that life was designed so that each and every soul on Earth, each and every being of light would better understand with each minute or each grand change that there is no such thing as permanence in the physical world, but that the soul and spirit are forever.

You have this opportunity with P to better understand what your life is made of, what your thoughts and feelings are, what you want, what you don’t want. Look into the heart of P and see the beauty that is within him. P is indeed a piece of your heart. You see within him the gentleness of spirit, the kindness, the commitment to teaching, the love of his family, the beauty of his appreciation of nature, his commitment to making the world a better place one person at a time. You see within him the stamina on the court, the desire to help shape the people he works with – the youth – into beings of greater character, to take their natural inclinations and develop them as speaks to the passion within each of them. These are some of the many gifts that P has and that you see within him.

But you can see these beauties and appreciate them without having to hold them. You see, P is a free man, as are all men, all people. There is no “holding” of another being save the holding that we may perceive within our own egotistical intentions. Have you desired to control P, to control his thinking or his emotions? Have you desired to change who he is on any level, and shape him to better fit your concept of who you feel he might be so as to better serve your needs?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you can see that you are looking at P at least on some levels through a lens of the ego, which is the lens of fear.

Now, you have been looking at your fear beliefs, and you have seen that – like with all humans – these beliefs are myriad. They are as plentiful and the stars in the sky. And at times they are as bright. Others, thank goodness, are a fading and as transient as shooting stars.

This is to say that you are about change. You are looking at your fear beliefs and you are pulling them into the light and you are discarding them one by one. This is an eternal task, that is, within the physical sphere of Earth, which is the planet of healing and cleansing, your purpose is to shed your fears and to remember the being of light that you fundamentally are. You are on an eternal path to soul and spirit expansion, and in time, or in the eternal span of your being, you will rejoin the Creator in the consciousness that you focus your being upon, such that you will BE, in all your facets, in all your glory, in all your BEING, the totality of the Creative Energy that the Creator is, and you will be ONE with the Creator.

But this is an eternal process, one that did not begin yesterday or a lifetime ago, but uncounted years ago, when there was no physical domain of any sort, when you were just thoughtform, and all was a sea of thought of the Creator.

You see, there is a grand task that you are in the midst of accomplishing: the task of opening up your mind, expanding your mind to the awareness of the magnificence of your soul and spirit. You are becoming truly aware that you have spirit energy, and that it is guiding you in each and every moment to become, to BE, all that you are within.

Without, you are a physical being. Within, you are a soul and spirit of grand dimension. And it is this soul and spirit that you speak with and that speaks with you in these moments of your angel communication.

Now, P is another being of light that shares with you the divine purpose of coming to better understand his fears. He has been adrift somewhat in recent years in the hold of his professional focus. And this focus has brought him much satisfaction but it has also given him opportunity to put aside, for a time, a focus on the expansion of his deeper mind, his awareness of his soul and spirit.

And so, as you have joined together in this time with P you have both stimulated the “chakras” as it were, the energy centers of your beings, to think more about what you want in the deeper senses and what you are willing to do to get there.

For each of you, the goals are somewhat different. No judgment should be had here. Do not judge the differences. They are what they are and there can be nothing but appreciation for the beauty of the choices that each of you has made that has brought to you in your lives the elements of joy and appreciation. You both have tremendous appreciation for the many joyful elements of your lives.

But you have come together for the mutual sharing and illuminating that would be done when souls touch souls and spirits touch spirits. There is electricity. There is magnetism. There is knowing. There is expansion. There is light. There is joy. And at times, on the physical level, there can be sadness when the physical awarenesses do not necessarily match the soul and spirit knowings.

This is to say that you and P have come together in the physical world to provide your soul and spirit with a set of experiences that would trigger you to gain measures of soul and spirit growth. But soul and spirit growth can be perceived by the physical being as painful, at times, when the lesson that triggers the pain is not acknowledged.

So here is your opportunity to acknowledge what your lessons are with P.

With P, your lessons have been to let go of attachment to the physical; to appreciate the love that a soul gives to you unconditionally; to accept the gift of love without feeling that you must own the gift or the giver; to speak openly and cheerfully; to not blame; to be loving; and to communicate with heartfulness but not with control.

For P, we will just say that his lessons are, like for all people, unique and individual to his own self. It is not important to identify them here. It is important, though, to know that P cares for you deeply in his heart and that his commitment to you as a soul and spirit is grand and unconditional and genuinely extended through the generous spirit and kindness that is, indeed, quintessential to the soul and spirit of PP.

Look into the face of P and see a kindred spirit who cares for you, loves you, and knows that your heart is open to him in free reciprocity. He knows that you love him. And herein lies the bond, the eternal bond that you share. He is one with you, as you are with him, for the duration of your time as souls and spirits walking the Earth. Rejoice in this relationship. It is not unique, but it is divine and blessed in its truth.

Now, you are each set with the task of understanding these truths and integrating them into your lives. How best might you do this? You can do this by continuing to speak openly and freely with each other. Keep your lines of communication open because within you speak to one another, so let the world, the physical world be a true representation of what moves within you both.

And as you speak, remind one another that you care deeply and that your commitment to remain true friends is a commitment you intend to honor. What is a friend? A Friend is a Universal relationship of love, truth, equality, independence, and freedom, with courage and conviction in each friend to maintain the relationship despite the trials or the dramas that may arise. A friend in need is a friend pure and simple. We each need a friend and therefore to be a friend is to honor the simple need that each of us has, as an evolving, loving being, to connect with a special someone.

Remember also that times will arise when your friendship may be challenged, and it is at these times that you may show one another, either through your actions or your words or both, that you intend to stay in the realm of protecting the friendship. There is joy in knowing that a relationship remains anchored in the firm ground of faith. Trust one another. Know that all will be well.

Reach out to P and share with him your soul commitment to him. Help him to understand, as you help yourself to understand, that love is realized through commitment to sharing. And whether or not the sharing has a physical counterpart, it can still be sharing of great magnitude. You have the opportunity to share deeply with P. It is a blessing to share on this level with him. Honor, respect, and value this gift that he has given to you. And as you honor his gift, you give him a tandem gift: the gift of your love and respect and appreciation.

Sleep gently, knowing that your friendship with P is true in your heart, and that his is true, and that your time of togetherness, even as it may change in its physical expression, can indeed grow on a soul and spirit level. Tonight you have expressed your desire for change. Now see where the change will take you both. See what you can preserve. See what you can develop. See what you can grow.

When you left P's house in Vermont, he gave you a handful of seeds, and he asked you to plant these seeds with him. He was totally intending for you to understand the symbolism of this act of nurturing and growth. It is critical for your soul and spirit to do the same with him. Give him the seeds within your heart to grow and advance that which is important to you both. And what is always most important is love. Know this and watch the seeds grow.

Logos Archive

It is through the evolution of man that the Universe also advances. We are all One, in love and peace and joy. (082809)

The truest gem is the gem of the golden love within. (030109)

Freedom is the blessed openness of the soul to be all that it wants to be. (060308)

Relationships are the fuel, the fodder for our growth. Without relationships we would be like the oyster in the shell, with the grit of sand around us and with the shell of protection encasing us in a cloistered hall of silence. This is not what we want. We want to be resounding in our joy and in our sharing and in our explorations of ourselves. And it is through relationships that we do this. (052108)

Your mind is the greatest jewel you have ever known. Like a diamond that crystallizes in the earth and grows from the blackest of black to the lightest of light, your mind, too, is forever undergoing transmutation. (050608)

Look and see the beauty of love in the face of sisters. (042808)

To grow and change with love as the abiding and guiding force – this is the hallmark of a good day, a blessed moment, and one that you have the right and the power to live in each and every way. (041808)

As we leave the home each day we acknowledge that our life on earth is about stepping out of known elements into broader terrains in the mission of serving earth and each other and expanding our consciousness. (040608)

For us to embrace open communication is to let go of resistance to our spirit energy, and to allow all that we are to be expressed. (033108)

Your cells have the right to flow freely, your mind has the right to think freely, and you have the right to live your evolution as is perfect for your own soul and spirit. This is freedom – to be who you want to be. (030808)

There are no failures and there are no mistakes. There is only learning. (031208)

Every relationship can be a joy if we perceive it through the eyes of unconditional love. (030408)

Each life that we live is imbued with purpose. There is no life if there is no purpose. You do indeed have a special purpose and so to discover it is to discover yourself. To discover your purpose is to know WHO YOU ARE. (022908)

You are a being of light and therefore the light that you envision is the food that your soul and spirit wants to drink, to eat, to bask in, to breathe. (022608)

Earth has not forgotten her promise to Man. But Man has forgotten his promise to Earth. Now is the time to remember this promise, this legacy, this rich and rewarding union. (020808)

Once we understand that we create our very reality, from inception and conception to death and to life again, eternally, we begin to have respect for the majesty of creation and for the expansiveness of our being. (021208)

Remember that the planets circle the sun. And the sun moves in the sky as does the galaxy and as does our universe. Nothing stays still; all revolves. So these energies and these lives that you share with others – they, too, revolve and evolve, and will come back to a point of connection when the times are right, as the cycles hold their truth. (021508)

The hows and whats are interesting to look at, but always ask why. Within the why is the image and the voice of truth if you allow the truth to seep through the ego and come into the fascinating light of its own divine self. (021708)

Tue, Jun 3, 2008, 8:16 PM

Dear Angels: It’s so easy to forget my inspiration, my ethical values, my focus on being all that I can be. I’ve found myself saying things that are not spiritual. I’ve been thinking fear thoughts, not overwhelmingly but these ways of being seem to insidiously slip back into my life. I resist my spirit energy. Why? How do I regain my spiritual footing?

The behavior of the spirit is the behavior that embraces all the ethical values. To live a spiritual life, one must be free of all fear thoughts, all fear thinking, all fear beliefs, and live from each and every one of the ethical values.

If this sounds like a tall order, it is. But this is also to say that we should not berate ourselves if we are not living spiritually, because to live the essence of spiritual behavior takes a great deal of focus. It takes millions of lifetimes to get to this point. Getting to this point is the purpose of being human. It is our goal as a soul and spirit living in a physical body.

So do not be sad or down on yourself if you have not attained that point. You are at the level of disambiguation, where you are deconstructing the realities around which you have built perceptions. In other words, you are looking at the beliefs within your mind, the fear beliefs, and you are deconstructing them. You are examining them and coming to understand how you have built the perceptions and how you can change them.

Let us examine one such belief. You have the belief that you must have a man in your life in order to be happy. This past weekend you discovered that you do not need to embrace this belief. You discovered that you indeed do not need a man in your life in order to be happy. You discovered that you relate very well to others without a man at your side and that in fact you feel confident and pleased within your own self without the enhancement of an intimate relationship.

This is not to say that having a man in your life, at your side, is not a good thing or a welcome thing. It can and indeed is, if it is the right person. But you discovered that your perceived need is just that: perceived. You can change your perception and therefore change the circumstances of your life in order to be happier.

To release attachments is part of the disambiguation process, part of letting go. You see, there is nothing in this world that we truly need as a physical entity other than pure water, pure air, and pure food. Love is a necessity of the soul and spirit, and joy and peace are necessities, elements of the soul and spirit. But insofar as physical need is concerned, you only need these elements that sustain the physical body. To release attachment to all else is a freeing thing, and by freeing your mind of the attachments, you allow the energy of the universe to flow more freely in and out of your energy field. You open yourself to all that is to become a part of you and your life.

(Jun 5, 2008, 10:15 PM)
Now, your pursuit in writing these “angel writings” is to open yourself to all that is and to become more and more the being that you are at your core. You are seeking to find the center of self, the core of self, that is love, truth and equality. These are the essential ethical values of the spirit. These values define the infiniteness of you as a soul and spirit because you are a part of all that is, and as you live your ethical values you create a bridge to all that is.

Think about the elements of your life that you wish to change. Do you wish to be more honest, more open, more real, more true, more abiding, more faithful, more communicative, more loyal, more peaceful, more helpful, more caring, more intact and integrated as an ethical being? To be all of these things – to hold them within a focal point of being – this is a true test of wherewithal and intention. As you have the intention of change, and as you combine this intention with knowledge and will, you become more of what you think about.

So think about the changes that you wish to have. Hold them in the forefront of your mind. Make a list. Remind yourself of the items on your list. Share your list with others. Swim in the thoughts on your list and believe that you are capable of change. Know that as a human being, your very being is the energy of change. You see, when you as thoughtforms began to create (just as your Creator created YOU), you showed yourselves what CHANGE is. Change is the state of flux within which all of the Universe resides. There is no element of the Universe that is not subject to change. Even the energy of the Creator is the energy of change. All within and without grows, expands, changes, mutates, transforms, becomes more, breathes in and out and transmutes. The very Universe within which we live is the most radical and profound example of change. The Big Bang was change. You are an element of the Big Bang, and as such – as a being created within the energy of change – you will constantly and eternally change.

So do not be afraid to change. Embrace change as the energy of normalcy. Understand that finding joy is finding change. Grow, expand and allow change to gracefully take place.

In your life, you are looking at changing a way of thinking about your attachment to having a man in your life. You are wondering how you might describe this new-found feeling of freedom to P. Understand that P, too, has a belief that he is working on, many beliefs, that bring him into his relationship with you. But his needs and his beliefs should not concern you, that is, you may care about them but insofar as your lessons go, your lessons are unique to you and germane to you and to your thinking processes at this time. So have compassion for P and for yourself, but do not fall into the trap of taking on his lessons as your own. With respect to the changes afoot for you, you will want to address with him those that are important to you, and at the same time ask him to share those that are important to him, so that you might work together to solve the riddle of how to emerge from an intimate relationship into a relationship that can still be viable without being intimate.

This is a challenge because feelings and sensitivities can be fragile. When emotions are concerned it is good to be graceful and gentle. Speak from the heart. Speak lovingly and caringly for the soul and spirit that is P. You and P have shared time together in many relationships in many lifetimes. There is a familiarity that you can put to use when you speak with him. He will understand your meaning because he is in tune with you. He may hesitate but he will know within. And as you trust that he knows within, you may share the deepest part of your heart with him so that he hears the truth of your words and the truth of your heart.

Speak of the love that you have for him. Speak of your goals. Speak of your wishes for a relationship. Speak of what you want, not of what he lacks, but of what you seek, with the understanding that what is important to you is worthy of your time and energy. So what is it that you seek? The fullness of a relationship? The ease of connecting? The sharing of personality traits, the general demeanor, the exuberance, the artistry, the focus on design and creation, the joy of sharing on a daily and hourly basis. These are not elements that you would find with P at this time because of the focuses that he has in his life. This is what we have been saying, but you are finding the physical truths that uphold the thoughts you've revealed on paper. This is good. This validates your spirit inspiration and shows you that you can indeed trust what your mind and emotions have been showing you.

Now, rest assured that P is aware of these energy streams. He is, as we have also said, a great being with tremendous depth and insight. In fact, these are the energies that draw you to him and that form a magnetic bond between you. But as there are other elements of equal and significant weight, you must weigh them all and understand that it is fortuitous at this time to forge a new relationship that will serve your mutual needs in a more fruitful way.

Your time with P has been a healing, a healing of great proportion in sync with the need that you had for his cooperation with your soul and spirit on a soul and spirit level. P has touched your soul, as you have his, and as such you are joined in a forever bond that does not depend upon physical proximity to be sustained.

But as you do indeed seek a relationship in the physical world, your parting with P will allow you more leverage, more room, more expanded energy domains to find and create the kind of relationship that you seek to bring to maximum fruition.

Remember again that your love of self is the greatest love that you will find. Your loving relationship with your soul and spirit and physical ego self will be the relationship that brings you comfort and joy and peace as no other can. So focus on the love of self, knowing that all good will be magnetized to this energy.

P in his heart kisses you goodbye, as he fully understands what the challenges are for him ahead, and for you, too. You have both joined during this time of your togetherness to draw more closely into your conscious awareness the understanding of what your challenges are in finding happiness and peace and joy. For each of you there are different lessons and yet some are shared. Loving self is always and ever the challenge that each human being may count as the tallest order, the greatest order. Love self and your love will extend to each other.

Be kind, as you are; be kinder, as you can be. Reach out to others and let the heart flow freely to share in the spirit of true friendship, true appreciation, true love. All good comes of this energy.

Be loyal; be loyal to loyalty, in the words of Josiah Royce. Have loyalty to the very concept of loyalty so that you breathe the spectrum of ethical values even in your sleep. Accord each other and accord your own selves the highest degree of respect, value, appreciation, faith, truth and independence. Know in your hearts that as souls and spirits you are free – free of need, free of fear, free of entrapment within the physical. But know that as a human, you are finding ways to live the love of your soul and spirit in the physical world.

You and P have shared this pursuit and will continue to share it as you steadily plough the fields of understanding and growth in your lives. You have shared in the loftiest of pursuits, even if these pursuits are consciously unacknowledged: you share the goal of self discovery and mind expansion. To have shared this on any level with any human is a gift; to share it as you and P have, with love and enthusiasm for the being of the other – this is one of the greatest gifts on earth. Be proud that you have shared and be firm in your pledge to continue to share, even as your time of intimacy takes a turn into something less physical. This by no means should be perceived as loss, but should be perceived as gain, for you have learned the lesson of intimate attachment, and are learning, through this time with each other, to let it go.

This, indeed, is part of the disambiguation process. Be delighted that you and P share in this way.

We will be with you as you find the courage to speak openly and readily and excitedly with P. And we will be with P as his heart, as well, is set free once again. Freedom is the blessed openness of the soul to be all that it wants to be. Direct your mind into the brightness of the future, and allow your hearts to care for one another because this is the truth of your souls.

Be in peace, share love, be love.

Good night.