Saturday, April 20, 2013, 1:04 PM

Dear Angels: I had a dream last night about J – about how we communicated with openness about “what happened,” and it was a great dream. I woke up knowing that I need, well, want to write to him to explain what I feel. I want understanding. Can you help me find some words to use or a stance that I might take when I write so that I speak with respect and value and appreciation for how we have come to this point and how I might more readily create with him what I want?

Yes, we can help you in these regards. Let us start by asking you what it is that you want with J. What is it, more pertinently, that you want within yourself?

I want within myself to feel accepted and honored for who I am. I want to feel love and total acceptance of self. I want to feel joy and appreciation for everyone in my life. I want to feel that I am always in the right place and solid and sturdy even if the ground is shaking. I want to feel the purpose of growth. I want to feel the sweetness of excelling in my soul’s advancement. I want to feel my spirit energy coming to the fore with each thought in my brain and each word that I utter. I want to feel in tune, total atunement, to growth and awareness and kindness and compassion. I want to know that I am far beyond the fear behaviors that preceded where I am today. I want with J to reflect all of these attributes so that I uplift, only uplift. I want to be an uplifter.

Then this you shall be. Keep upliftment in the forefront of your mind. When you awaken each day, tell yourself that you are an uplifter. Ask for your soul and spirit to guide you in embracing the energy stream of upliftment. Know that this is who you are. Get into the emotional feeling place of being an uplifter. What does it feel like?

It feels joyful. It feels freeing. It feels uplifting! I feel as light as a feather when I feel that I am an uplifter because it just feels good. Weight is gone. I am free, free to dance and free to move. No weight, no holds. Happy.

Keep these ever in mind. Return to them frequently. Remind yourself of who you really are. For to BE who you really are in mind, emotions and senses is to live the truth of self. You are all that you have ever wanted to be, at your core. And yet as you live life, you give yourself experiences that will allow you to recognize consciously the spirit energy that connects you to your Creator and to each of your fellows on Earth. You are each body, thoughts, emotions and senses. “Come to your senses” by knowing that you are each spirit. This phrase is so apt.

Now, let us talk about J again. J has served for you as a bellwether of your mentality and your disposition in relation to the events of your life. For you and J both, you were not meant in your own intentions to stay together and to be a united front in the physical world. But you have pledged to support one another in all that you do at these junctures when reflection is most needed. See the perfection of this commitment, for it is a commitment. You see, there is more to commitment than signing a piece of paper in blood. Commitment is an ethical value of the spirit and as such it transcends the physical limitations of your world. You will never know what physical limitations are until your soul and spirit view your life from the vantage of “freedom forever.” This is to say that you are as a human a free soul and spirit. You are not bound by the restrictions of the physical world. You are not bound by physicalities. You are connected, all, to All That Is, and as such you do have freedom of choice, freedom of will and freedom of intention. These are essential aspects of your being. 

So how do you express these aspects of your being? Do you choose to see your world in the light of love? Do you have the will to honor this choice by living a life of love? Do you honor your choice by having the intention of creating for yourself the life you have imagined?

If so, then you can see in the light ahead what is possible with J. You can see that you can create what you have imagined with him. What is it that you imagine?

I would like for us to have the sweetness of knowing that we love. 

You do already have this. And yet, do you resist it?

Yes, I do. It has been easier to be angry and frustrated than to acknowledge the greater truth.

Yes, it is easy to follow established patterns. But you can change these patterns if you exercise your will. Use loving words when you speak. Use thoughts that make you feel good. Reach for the better-feeling thoughts. Reach for that which feels good. And honor your progress. Congratulate yourself with the good feeling of knowing that you are one step higher on the ladder of life. 

In truth, life is not a ladder but a series of spirals, spiraling into infinity. You have known each other before; you will know each other again. Have faith in All That Is.

Thank you, Angels. I want to write the letter. I will be thinking positive thoughts and keeping in mind that I have the option to be whatever I want to be.
Know, L, that J cares for you deeply. He is who he is and you are who you are. There is no need for anger at this. There is only appreciation, that is, if you understand that you are connected always. Release the beliefs of antiquity that spell out the behaviors of revenge and competition and punishment and expectation. Allow the Universe to give you what it has in abundance—the only thing that it has at all, really: Love. All else is a conjecture of fear. Let in the Universal light and know that you and J are spirit energies that intertwine for the purpose of growth. There is nothing left to resent and there is a great deal to appreciate—a Universe to appreciate and to allow into your frame of reference. All will be well if you see the ubiquitous wellness of life. It is your choice to allow it its full range of expression.

We are with you in our thoughts as we know we are with you in your thoughts. See our harmony and feel the expansiveness of your world. All is well. 

Thank you very much for being with me.