December 27, 2009, 11:35 AM

Dear angels of my higher self: This has been a most challenging year. I have been challenged in so many ways - financially, health wise, emotionally. Why so much at one time? What am I trying to teach myself and I wonder, too, how this all ties in with past lives and hidden memories. What within me am I tryiing to bring from my past?

L, this is indeed a challenging time - a time of reflection, a time of healing, a time of reconciliation, and a time to understand that all that you have ever been you are indeed at this time. You see, there is so separation between who you were in "past lives" and who you are now. But indeed, there is a space-time continuum that you live in in the physical world, and this is the continuum that you are facing as you face the physical challenges of your life.

Your destiny is to unite your soul and spirit energy with your physical experience -- to integrate the triune aspects of your self, such that your inspiration can show you the answers to all your questions - so that you are one with the Godself, so that you are integrated as a soul and spirit energy adventuring and growing and expanding through universal consciousness. This is your destiny.

But to get to this destiny (which is not a point but an expanding spiral of energy), you must travel through the physical domain. And this is where you are now - in the physical domain having the physical challenges and experiences that are part of your life.

It is true: for you this year the challenges have been challenging, not insurmountable but indeed steep. You have done well. You are doing well. You are showing yourself your power of healing and your ability to overcome the challenges that "life" sets in your path.

In terms of past lives and past-life energy, this is always an element to consider when looking at life's circumstances because, of course, there is no separation between your past and your present and your future. They are all one. So you cannot make a linear line that divides these aspects of self.

You must understand, though, that the past is a part of you that often remains hidden as you in your physical mind find it trying to see what the lessons of the past are. So this is why we bring experiences into our present: we have not fully learned what the lessons are from the past.

In these instances, there is the lesson of love that you are looking at with deep, deep intention. You are trying to understand that the love that you do not feel in your physical world - your physical life - is indeed within you. For many lives - yea, for thousands of lives - uncountable lives, you have been looking for love, desperately at times and lightly at others - you have been seeking the light of love, not understanding that the love is within you. Your relationship with your father show - that you have been examining in the past few months - this relationship is showing you the facets of self-love and the externalization of that quest for love - that have occupied - preoccupied your mind. You’re seeing in the face of your father the love that you have for him and the love that he has for you.

In the past, this man - your father - has lived in many different embodiments. In your most recent past life, this man was your brother. He was for you the brother that took from you a precious thing - your virginity. and you resented him for this and he resented himself for this and he has entered this life with you as his daughter to show you a different facet of love - the love that a father has for his daughter, with the respect that comes with honoring familial bonds and not making them sexual. You see, you were not your "brother's" victim in that other life but you were accepting the lesson of understanding what love means - that it is not truly a physical thing although it is believed to be sexual in the physical world. It is NOT sexual. But in the physical world love is believed to mean sex and you were cooperating with your father to understand this reality.

Today you will be visiting your father in the hospital and you will have an opportunity to help him understand that neither of you was "guilty" for what you experienced in that last life. There is no judgment and there should be no shame. You were/are/will eternally be exploring the path of learning and we learn via experience what we do not want by experiencing what we do not want. We are shaping our experiences to be in sync with the ethical values of our spirit consciousness. You are your father, albeit your brother in that past life, were cooperating to learn a lesson of love and caring and respect, value and appreciation. You are learning these values in this life but from a new perspective. It is good and it will serve you well eternally because you have made great progress in understanding the truth of love as the love of the spirit energy, not of the physical body. The physical body is temporal; the soul and spirit are eternal. You will forever have your soul and spirit but the body is allowing you to learn these exquisite lessons and they - the lessons - are guiding your forward in your expanding consciousness.

Now, let us look also at your relationship with your mother. You mother, too, was with you in that last life. In that last life she was your sister. You see this sisterhood in every way in this life - the sympathies, the comaraderies, the synchronicity, indeed the precious togetherness and the love of being together that sisters often have. Sisters - by spiritual design - are meant to share the core experiences of life and to share a bond like none other. You and your mother now share this but you will for all time switch roles with each other and live from many facets of relationships because you understand that you serve each other well in your expanding consciousness. You are superb teachers for one another.

This teacher role works exceptionally well for you both and you will continue to design it into your lives in the future as you have in the past. You are fortunate to share this promise and this love. Indeed, you have shown each other for countless lives the value of love and the truly precious purpose of commitment to soul growth.

Now, your mother and father in this life have been to you many different people throughout your soul history.

But look to the present, to the moment, to best understand the lessons for you now.

For you with your father, the lesson now is the lesson of understanding, of patience, of kindness and respect, value and appreciation. Do not judge, do not be angry, but allow him to express himself as he likes, as he wishes, and know that you can walk away if needed. He loves you, L, and wants to be with you as an endeared soul because he values you. Give him your best.

For your mother in this life, feel the power of the bond and respect it for its immense potential for growth. Your mother is your greatest advocate. Give to her as she has given to you.

Your illness now is a reflection of the love that you have been seeking. Your mother and your father created you in love. Believe in this love and know that it is in your very genes. To find love in self is to find healing in self. Find your internal love and find your physical healing, which is indeed a soul and spirit healing.

You are made of love. You do not need to find this outside of yourself. It is within, in every cell. Your mother and your father, who were your sister and brother in your last life, will be with you forever. See the foreverness of the bonds of love and know that love IS who you are.

Go in happiness. Believe in love. Be the love that you are.

Sunday, November 01, 2009, 09:05 PM

Dear Angels: This was such a wonderful day. I feel so encouraged about my prospects to feel well, but I want to be realistic, too. It seems that for every good day there is also a day when I am challenged to feel well. Why the vacillation? Why the turmoil? Why the emotional trials? I hear you tell me that better days are ahead, but I still feel fear. I still feel the electricity oppressing me – not all the time, but often.

There are many issues going on in your life now, Linda. There are many thoughts, many events, many memories that you are dealing with. Believe us when we tell you that nothing, NOTHING, is happening to you that you did not, in your infinite spirit wisdom, design for yourself to experience. This is all a magnificent experiment in consciousness expansion. You see, you did indeed, in your soul of souls, agree to create this “trial,” this “drama” of illness for the expansion of your consciousness that you believed would be possible. You needed a big jolt to jolt you out of your complacency.

You see, for many years you were complacent. You had lost your spiritual focus, your spiritual direction, at least in your physical focus.

But your spirit – your spirit NEVER loses focus. Your spirit is always calling to you, asking you to listen and to be in sync – to follow the sound of the music of the spheres, which is indeed the voice of “God,” that is, the voice of the Infinite Creator who is always, ALWAYS within as well as without, and always, ALWAYS the center of the Universe. Spirit IS the Universe. All that is not spirit does not exist.

So you see, this physical challenge for you is rather a spiritual challenge, a challenge of the spirit and the ego, wherein the ego wishes to do battle. The spirit does not battle. The spirit waits patiently, ever patiently, for the ego to be calmed so that the soul and the spirit can do their work of advancing the consciousness of mankind.

Now, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to raise your consciousness – your integrated thoughts, loving emotions and spirit senses – raise it to the point that you reclaim happiness and joy without the muckraking of the ego.

While you thought you were in joy last year, in truth your ego was very much afoot, because beneath the surface there were many issues, let us say some big issues, that you had tucked away to deal with at a safer time.

This IS now that safe time. This IS now the time when your soul and spirit are calling to you, asking you to join in a shared experience of conscious connection, so that you can rise to the occasion of helping the earth.

In helping the earth, you help yourself. Ultimately, to evolve the self is to evolve the Universe. There is no separation. Mankind, Earth, Nature and the Universe are one. We will never be separate except as there is perception of separation. But perception is always subjective.

Spirit, where is my life going? What is ahead for me?

There is much ahead for you, Linda. You must believe in your power to heal. You see, you have already been healing. You will be well. Trust that you will be well.

Can we talk about my brother, David? I feel that my relationship with him is such a big part of the skeletons in the closet that I am trying to bring into the light.

Yes, let us speak of David. David, as you rightly describe, is a gentle soul. And yet he, too, has a large ego, that is, he has been living in fear himself for many, many years, and he does not know how to leave this fear behind. He believes that his life must be this way and he is resigned to living in this manner.

Now, you and David can help each other heal by coming to explore the love that you have. This will take much patience on both of your parts because there are many ill feelings that linger in both of you–resentments, frustrations, judgments and anger. For both of you there is a head of fear to get through.

The best way to get through this fear with David is to trust, TRUST that the angels will be guiding you in the moments when you are together or when you are communicating.

Now you have been thinking of writing a letter to David. This is a very good idea. In this letter you can express to David you’re sorry that the events that did transpire transpired. You can apologize for that which you feel responsible for. It is not appropriate, though, to dwell on the past but rather to look to the future for the kind of relationship that you wish to have with him. Suggest to David your vision for the two of you –and for your family – that you would like to have. Encourage him to help you reach this together. Develop a shared vision of what you’d like to have. And then expand from there.

Now, it is important that you be very patient with David and never speak in fear or in frustration because each juncture of communication will be a delicate one for awhile, and so you want to protect the vibrations between you such that they are only nurturing.

David will understand. David is a smart man and even though he is in fear, he is also in his heart a loving man. And love will always guide us. So he, too, is receiving guidance. The angels are working with you both to lead you to a gentler place with one another. We wish for your injuries to heal. Healing the soul and spirit injuries will help you both heal your bodies.

So you may write a letter to David and express your vision, express your regrets, express your love, and then quietly let David think about what you have written. The letter can be short– let us say the letter does not need to be long. The letter can be succinct. David will read it and reread it – especially if your words are upbeat and optimistic. He will hear.

Remember that this is a time of healing. Let all your thoughts be thoughts of healing. Let all your words be words of healing. Appreciate your family. Appreciate your friends. Understand that healing is an art and all of your relations are cooperating with you to help create healing. You see, the Universe is cooperating to help you. Accept the help and then do what you need to do – what you are inspired to do – to keep the ball rolling.

We feel your resistance, and yet we feel your draw and interest. Work, work hard, no, work softly, that is, be diligent in quelling the ego’s fear beliefs, so that you can move forward with the expedience you desire. Your destiny and healing are in your hands. You have the power. Believe in your power and you will succeed in healing all manner of illness.

The electrical fields are indeed deleterious, but you can overcome their impact by properly shielding yourself and by boosting your immune system. Keep up with the healing practices that you are engaged in. Do the Qi Gong; do the yoga; do the exercise; do the writing; do the work in the physical world that is needed. You can heal, Linda. You are healing, Linda. Believe in your healing and it can be yours.

The angels of your higher self send you our love and our appreciation for you attention and for your sharing of your mind, your consciousness. Remember that we are always with you. We are, in love, your higher self. Believe in your higher self. It is YOU! It is love. It is the essence of your consciousness. Own it and be all that you are. We do love. Let love live in your heart so that all who come into your field will know love. This is the essence of sharing and it is indeed the essence of the miracle of healing. You are a miracle. Live it! Trust it. It will always serve you.

Good night.

Good night, Angels.

Saturday, August 29, 2009, 4:12 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: Please help me. I feel so out of sorts with this emf issue I’ve been having. My brain feels fried. I feel afraid. I feel concerned about my health. I feel lonely. Oh gee, I just feel deflated. Can you help?

Dear L, you do know that we are always with you and always here to share our love and our support and our thoughts about life and living and philosophy and all things spiritual. We will try to help you.

First of all, this is an issue of love, or the lack of love that you perceive. You see, when we are loving to self, we do not abide suffering or ill health or ill feelings. When we are loving to self, we feel the vibrancy and the joy of every breath, or every thought. And our lives are productive and filled with infinite meaning.

Now, this issue that you feel that you describe as electromagnetic sensitivity – it is indeed a real issue and must be understood as one related to energy. You see, the energy fields that are part of our world are indeed energy fields that affect us. There is, in truth, no energy field that does not affect us because you see, we are a part of the Universal system and a part of the Earth system whereby the energies that appear to emanate from these systems are also emanating from the beings that inhabit these systems. The consciousnesses that are part of these systems are part and parcel of the effects – both ill effects and healing effects – of these systems. So it is good to examine the effects that you are feeling and to understand them as the effects that come about as a result of tuning into those energy vibrations. Do you understand? You are tying into the energy vibrations that are emanating from the beings that produce the negative energy streams.

Now, you do have the choice to tune into any energy vibration you choose. Life is always choice. You must make the choices that serve you best. What is it that you are trying to learn from this issue? Are you learning about the negative polarities that are part of your world? Are you learning to respect your human body? Are you learning about the love and the care that your friends have for you? Are you learning that you are a self-sufficient being that can fend for herself? Are you learning about how to protect yourself from energies that do not serve you? Are you learning that as a human you are the highest living organism on the face of the planet and that you have the power to withstand and overcome adversity? Are you learning about your power of creation?

The answer is yes to all of the above. You see, this is a period of time of intense learning for you. And oftentimes we do not learn unless we are faced with an intense challenge – a challenge that gets our attention and that we are motivated to face because we see the wisdom and the value of looking adversity in the face and saying, “Satan, get thee behind me,” or words to this effect because indeed there is no Satan; there are only the fear beliefs that we have come through millennia with, life after life.

You see, in you is the belief that you are small and that you do not have the power, the wisdom and the wherewithal to triumph over this challenge.

But believe me when I tell you that you do indeed have the power to triumph over this and over every challenge that comes your way.

You see, all challenges are challenges that the soul and spirit of you has created for the benefit of your soul and spirit and for the advancement that can be wrought.

Now, it is time to put aside your fear beliefs and to understand that you can get through this challenge. But you will need the assistance of those who love you, to help you better understand the love that is within you. Turn to those you love and understand that they, too, see you with love and that they are willing to help you in your hour of need.

The friends of the soul are indeed soulmates and soul helpers who are here in life, sharing your life with you and with their own endeared souls, to further the goals of consciousness being expressed. Consciousness IS the integration of thoughts, loving emotions, and spirit senses. This integration is the formula for healing, and it is through consciousness that you will come to find the answers to the questions of how to heal.

Now, healing is truly a simple matter.

As I hear these words, I feel fear. I am afraid that what I’m feeling is very bad, that I am very sick. I’m afraid.

Do not be afraid. Feel the love that is within you and around you. Your love will heal you. It is love and the openness of energy that will heal you.

Understand that there is no time; that time does not exist in reality. It is only the illusion of time that allows you to perceive this experience with fear. You see, all that you are and all that you have ever been or will be, you are at this time. So there can be no illness ultimately; there is only the infinite love of the Creator that is within you. You are NOT a disease. You are NOT ill feelings. You are love, you are truth, and you are equality and all the ethical values of the spirit. Look at these ethical values and understand that they, too, are part of your healing.

What is it that I have? How can I get over this?

At this time, the presentation is a neuropathy. A neuropathy is a condition of the neurons within the brain that are displaced from the free-flow of energy that they need. You see, the electricity that was inundating your system gave way to a thwarting of the free-flowing energy such that it could not provide your organ system of the brain with the support it needs.

So the healing is to undo this neuropathy and to restore the free-flowing energy of the body. You may do this restoring in a number of ways:

  1. Remove yourself from the electrical fields in your home and work environment as much as possible. These fields produce an energy that is contrary to healing and restoration.
  2. Take the vitamins that will allow the nervous system to restore itself to free flowing. This will include Vitamin D, Vitamin C and the greens that create a balanced level of ph in your blood stream.
  3. Continue the writing and the exploration of your fear beliefs. It is these fears that are further impacting the health and vitality of the brain. Fear beliefs do indeed restrict energy. So you must work on releasing any restrictions within your being.
  4. You do need protein. Protein is the building block, the building energy of the body. Your amino acids must be restored.
  5. You may consider the cleansing diet that Kathy has discussed in The Joy of Health.
  6. You may wish to talk with Kathy about this. She is always your advocate. Do not hesitate to speak with her.
  7. Do the energy balancing work with Carole and have faith that she can help you at this time. She is a colleague and a friend and will help you advance your goals.
  8. Continue your work with the Institute of Metaphysical Studies. It is through your commitment to your friends and soul connections here that you will always find invigoration and love.
  9. Believe in your power to heal. Your power to heal is the very best defense you have against any ill, any malady, any tiny or big issue. “Believe, and ye shall succeed.”
  10. Trust that time is on your side. Have the energy to get through this. You will triumph. You will be well. Trust yourself and believe and learn what is here for you to learn. Make changes as needed. Be diligent with all change.

These steps are for you to consider and are not meant to be definitive or exhaustive but dynamic. Listen to your inspiration. You can succeed. You will succeed. It is destiny.

Thank you so very much. I am encouraged. I want my brain back. I want my health and happiness back. I want to be whole and vital. I have so much work to do that I am excited about. Thank you for guiding me. I feel blessed.

Thank you, L, for being with us and to listening to our words. In love, we are your angels and your higher self and we are one. We are always one. Remember to call upon the oneness of self and of all of life when you are in doubt. We are always present and we do see the wisdom of helping man move forward in his evolution. It is through the evolution of man that the Universe also advances. We are all One, in love and peace and joy. Blessings to you always.

Wed, May 27, 2009, 9:59 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: I’ve been thinking about writing for many days. I’ve been resisting but wanting to write, but feeling that ego-spirit tug-of-war. But I’m happy that I am also paying more attention to the still voice within guiding me in life’s little moments. I do feel your presence and I’m ever grateful.

Dear L, thank you as always for thinking and for being in the moment of awareness and understanding. It is awareness and understanding that are the ethical values that allow us to move forward with greater insights, greater sensitivity and appreciation for the changes that are occurring.

And indeed you are experiencing many changes in your life. E is home for the summer and this is a big change because it allows you the comforts of your own blood – your flesh and blood – that bring you a sense of symmetry and balance. E is always for you a balancing factor and a mirror, a reflection, of the love that you feel within for her and for yourself and therefore for the changes that you are eternally ABOUT making.

For each of us, change is the element of life that we should seek with the greatest fervor. You see, to change is to grow out of the cocoon of fear that we have swaddled ourselves with as we have evolved through time – that is to say, fear has been our mantle, whereas now it is time to take up the mantle of love, and to do this we must shed the cocoon – dismantle it fiber by fiber – so that we can expand ourselves, spread our wings and soar as our Creator has designed us to do.

You see, there is never a moment in our eternal path when we should or must be in fear. Fear is not a part of who we are in our essential design. Fear is a learned emotion. It has served us. It has shown us what we do not want. But what fear can never do is show us light because fear is the absence of light and we are not designed to live in the shadows except as the shadows may ultimately transcend into light.

So now you are beginning to look at the light because you have dabbled for a time now in reflecting back into the shadows. It is easy to be magnetized to some of the parts of ourselves that we are not sure we’ve let go of. You see, there is value in looking into the past. We can see as we look backward that we have come quite a ways forward. We can reassure ourselves that we have made progress. We can recommit ourselves to the idea that our most joyful path is a path of love and light, not of struggle and depression. You see, struggle and depression are the operating words of our past as humans. Look to the past and you see the face of both. These are not faces that we want to wake up with in the mornings. It is important, imperative, to wake up in the light and in the openness of love, true love which is the love and appreciation of self. To love and appreciate self is to bless the body with all that it needs and no more or no less; to give respect, value and appreciation to every moment of living; to walk a path of equality; to sing; to dance; to be in joy; to joyfully create our lives and to plan for the future and to reach out to others as a gift of sharing delight. These are symbols of, aspects of love and the living of love. To live love is to BE love. To BE love is to understand that the Creator knows His children and that the children know their Father. We are one. We are forever, eternally, intricately, immensely, in all ways thoroughly united. The Creator, God, and His children are one. Now it is just for us as humans to believe this and to make it our truth in body, mind, soul and spirit.

So today you are working toward regaining the sense of unity that you feel you had. You are working toward expanding that unity and vigorously pursuing your goals. This is good. This is very good. Believe in yourself and your capabilities and you will succeed in whatever you seek to achieve. This is a powerful notion but do not underestimate it. It is simple but it is expansive. Think, and you can BE. BELIEVE and you can ACHIEVE. What is it that you want to achieve? Name your goal. Seek it. Make it happen, for you are the Captain.

Thank you for joining us in thought this evening. Blessings to you always. Good night.

Sat, Apr 24, 2009, 2:15 PM

Dear Spirit Energy: I am ready to listen and to write. I miss you. I hear you. I need you and care to connect at this time. Thank you for your presence in my life.

Dear L: We are here to support you in your times of need - indeed in any and every moment of living. You see, there is never a moment in which we are disconnected from you or separate. We are always one. It is only your perception of our presence that denies it.

Today you have had an accident. You do indeed understand that in this universe of free choice, free will and free intention there are no accidents. What you have experienced is a wake-up call of your own creation. We must emphasize "your own creation" because this is the most important element of this "accident" to understand. You are learning to listen. You have denied what you hear and therefore you have created this situation, this physical crisis, because it has given you pause to consider what is important to you - what is is that you have come to Earth to do. You do have a mission and at this time this mission is reaching critical proportions and therefore you have created this crisis as a reminder of what you - your precious soul and spirit - have wanted to do and have committed to doing: to assist your teacher in teaching Universal wisdom to the masses.

At this time your teacher is in great need of your assistance, and indeed you, too, need her assistance - to help you elevate your consciousness to the level that will most facilely help you in reaching the masses and achieving a positive outcome.

So look ahead to create what you have dreamt of. Remind yourself of your plan. CALL UPON THE ANGELS OF YOUR HIGHER SELF TO GUIDE YOU IN THE DIRECTIONS YOU SEEK.

Do not slow your pace because time is indeed of the essence. Yes, celebrate your accomplishments. Take the time to honor the love and good will that you and your friends share. But do not permit yourself to overindulge the good times with the removal of responsibility because herein is the ego voice luring the mind into stasis, much as Pinocchio did when he visited the carnival. There is a time to celebrate, but it is for you at this time to balance the energies of celebration and dedicated work. Achieving the right balance will bring safety and comfort to you.

So be mindful of the changes around you. Be mindful of WHERE YOU WANT TO BE IN YOUR SENSORY AWARENESS. Be aware! Be mindful of your thinking because IT IS YOUR THINKING MIND - THE THINKING MIND - that guides the thoughts of man and the life of man.

Fri, Mar 20, 2009, 10:14 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: I’ve been reading Storeybook again. I so love to read the stories of our history as humans and to sink myself into remembering that which was, and thinking about my potential and what our potential as humans is. I feel that connection to the Divine when I read about the life of Jesus. But I’ve been wondering about this idea of Jesus as the First Son. What does this mean?

The First Son was the ray of light, the very first ray of light that emanated from the superconscious mind of the Creative Energy of the Creator. When the Creator stirred in his desire for companionship, that first thought, that first action, the first consideration of self that turned outwardly from self was the spirit consciousness that became the thoughtform that became the human energy that you recognize as the entities Amelius, Adam, Hermes and Jesus. There were many, many thousands of other lives that the First Son lived. And indeed, the lives of the First Son were all lives of choice to the entity because choice is how we move from life to life, from energy expression to energy expression.

You see, the entity that you know as Jesus was indeed the First Son. He was closest to the superconscious mind energy of the Creator, such that the Creator could most easily connect with that entity, that thoughtform, that human, that energy essence. The Creator KNEW and KNOWS most intimately the mind of the entity of Adam/Amelius/Hermes/Jesus.
Now, the names are unimportant. It is the work of the entities that distinguishes the lives of the soul and spirit that is the First Son.

The First Son is the embodiment of love, mercy, compassion. The First Son is the truest Characterization of the Creator that exists, outside of the Creator. And yet, the First Son and the Creator are one. There is no separation because the First Son, through the choices that he/she made as thoughtform and indeed as human, were made in the image, in the spirit, of your Creator, and therefore reflect and ARE the Creator. You, too, ARE a SEED of the Creator, living in the Creative Energy that is your birthright and your essence.

The Universe is a vast sea of Creative Energy. There is no “nothingness” in space because all of space, all of the galaxies, all of the universe and universes are made of the energy of the Creative Spirit that is known to some as God. But God is the external concept, and Spirit is the internal concept. You are spirit, and the Universe and all within it is Spirit, which is the creative energy of self.

This is indeed a vastly expansive topic and yet it is good to ponder its meaning. What does it mean to be so connected to the Creative Superconscious energy of goodness, that there is no separation?

Firstly, this means that any actions that are lived, thought, spoken of or dreamed of outside of goodness is madness; it is not right thinking. The NORMAL, base and true character of each of us as humans is goodness and light. To the degree that we do not see this, then we are living in madness. Do we act with love? Do we speak with love? Do we hear love in the words of others and see it in their actions? We can apply the coating of love and goodness over all that is around us, and thusly see and perceive the world in new ways.

You see, the entire universe is a universe of perception. Depending upon where your consciousness is – the focal point of your consciousness – this is what the Universe becomes FOR YOU. This is a subjective universe. Each being, each entity, each thoughtform has the freedom to perceive in any way he or she chooses. There is no mind that perceives anything in ways other than the ways that the mind has chosen.

You see, our mind is truly free to go where it wants to go. Yes, the body can be captive but the mind cannot be held captive because it is truly an infinite organ. Your mind is the exquisite connection that you have with the Creator. When you think, you can think of whatever you want. You can direct your thoughts wherever you desire. Feel the freedom of thought. It is the most amazing and infinite travel you will ever experience. There is no destination in the physical universe that can match the destinations of the mind. The mind – mind energy, thought energy – is truly and literally infinite.

So, to be inseparable from the Creator also means you have the privilege, the honor and the challenge of directing your mind in any way you choose. You may not overcome all mental “obstacles” in one life; indeed, you live infinite physical lives, and each of them is focused on overcoming – understanding – obstacles, or rather challenges. You live to grow beyond the obstacles and you do this by surmounting the challenges.

Your challenge, your greatest challenge at this time, is to make a commitment to yourself to honor the profound teachings that you have been taught, and to use these teachings for the betterment of mankind.

In the life of Jesus, the First Son – the Creative Consciousness – the Christ Consciousness – chose to understand his own divinity by living the human experiences that are part of living life. Losing, loving, hurting physically, making a living, acquiring food, attending to the people we love, helping others, working hard – these are all physical ways that we live our life and thus have experiences that allow us to understand ourselves with keener and keener insight. Insight means having the sight to see within. “When we understand ourselves, we will understand the Universe.”

Now, Jesus lived a life as a mortal because he was trying to show man that responsibility for self would be critical to attaining the consciousness of divinity that is our birthright. There can be no messiah. “God” has not created our preciously-bejeweled world as an infertile ground of living and dying. No. Our Creator has created this world so that we have an expansive venue within which to grow and change, to evolve, to come to understand ourselves and through this understanding begin to see that we are mortal in the flesh but that we are eternal in spirit energy. We ARE spirit energy and as such we never die. We never die in spirit. Only our physical body is lost, but then we take a new physical body and therein is the answer to the mystery of life. The answer to the mystery of life is that life is eternal. There really is no death; there is only passage from one land to the next, one body to the next, one living paradigm to the next. It is all perception.

So – here is your challenge: PERCEIVE your eternality. Know that it is true. KNOW that you are eternal and that you are love and that there is no separation between you and the Creator other than the separation that you perceive there to be. Do you see how this works? Do you understand that the doors of perception are always open, always beckoning the entrance of the keen and probing mind? The mind that probes is the mind that eventually finds its own golden stage, which beams light out into the Universe and thusly expands the Universe. This truly is how the Universe expands: through the expanding consciousness of the minds that inhabit the Universe. Expandingmind is indeed an exciting moniker.

So we have here an opportunity to grow and change and evolve into the being that you truly are in your essence and in your original form. You were created, you are created, by the Creative energy of the Creator. You are a seed of consciousness in the body of the Creator. There is no separation. This is an immensely-powerful concept because it DEFINES you. Do not accept a definition of self that demeans you. How many of us have defined ourselves in ways that make us perceive ourselves as less than we truly are? Many, many have done this in myriad ways. We have debased our creative selves, our superconsious connection, by defining ourselves as less than -- less than you, less than me, less than everyone out there.

BELIEVE in your greatness. It defines you. BELIEVE that you are ALL THAT IS, because you ARE. Believe that you can become whatever you want, because you are already all that you have ever been or ever will be. All that has been created IS, and all that IS has been created. There is no way out of this connection, but there is a way in, and it is through the mind.

So tune into your power, your power of thought. Make your thought a thing of beauty. See light in your mind. See good things. See a waterfall of love and beauty. See the sparkling, shimmering waterfall of consciousness, of power, spewing, gushing, endless, lavish. This is YOU. This is consciousness. This is love. This is the connection between our dual soul and our spirit. Our mind and our loving emotions and our spirit are eternally connected. THIS is consciousness. This is integration.

Now, look ahead and see where you want to be. What do you want to create? Do you want to create the Online School? Do you want to help affect the thoughts of the masses? You have the power. You have the gift. You have the wherewithal. You can do it. See your successes. Imagine your successes. Know that they will come about if you set your mind to this.

Jesus did indeed depart this world with some sadness that he was not able to instill a greater, higher level of consciousness in the minds of men and women – so that they would see their goodness.

You may now help in this task that is always present as a challenge on Earth for those souls who wish to work in service for the betterment of mankind. For these souls, and truly all souls, there is always opportunity.

Make this your promise to yourself, your CONSCIOUS promise. You have already made it your soul commitment. When you entered this life, this was your soul commitment. It was your choice in this life to blaze a new trail, to go in a new direction and to help others along this path of self discovery. This is always, always a worthy trail.

So, see the light ahead and follow it. There will always be leaders and there will always be followers. You may join where you feel most comfortable. But most importantly, let your mind be free. Your mind is truly your salvation, and in a world where there are no saviors, it pays to honor the thinking, feeling, sensing mind. It will never fail you if you honor it for the greatest jewel that it is.

In love, in light, in peace, and in hopes that your world will see the light, today, tomorrow, someday ahead. The light is waiting. It calls. It loves. It leads. Follow, and take with you those who believe. Amen.

Sun, Mar 2, 2009, 10:26 PM

Dear Angels: I am in an ethical dilemma. My friend, C, would like me to give her contact information for my brother, D, so that she can ask him for information about the whereabouts of her son, M, who left her family out of anger. I feel in a quandary because I feel that this would be interference in my brother’s life and I feel that it is interference in M’s life, and also I don’t want to feel used and controlled. I feel that this is her issue and not mine. What do I do?

When a friend is in need, the best thing that we can do is honor the friendship to the degree that we can to provide the assistance needed and asked for, and hope and believe that our help will be used to the best advantage of the friend seeking help.

Now, there are indeed times when help–the best help we can provide–is to stay out of someone else’s business because it is indeed interference. This may well be the case in this instance. Let’s examine some of the related issues and see where on the scale of helping you would fall in granting C’s request.

First of all, is C asking for something that you could give her? The answer is yes. It would be no problem to give C the contact information for your brother. Are you hesitant to do this out of fear of contacting D? You must examine this because you, too, are shunning D because you will not provide his contact info to C. You are not sharing and openly communicating with D or with C in this instance. You withhold information that you have because you do not wish to open the door as it were to him. You are comfortable with your little door closed and not revealed, not illuminated.

This is a choice you have made, in fear, because you seek to punish D for his perceived sins of punishing you. What goes around comes around, though, and it may not serve you well to continue D’s form of punishment as your own form of punishment because it is punishment that ultimately only punishes self. You see, all forms of punishment are self abuse. There is nothing that we dish outwardly that we do not first dish inwardly. So it is ideal if you do not succumb to the same behavioral pitfalls that your brother falls to. You can rise above, elevate yourself to the level of love, respect, value, and appreciation, to better adhere to principles that will serve you well.

But I feel that if I communicate with him, this will just give him reason to continue to shun me and treat me in ways that I don’t want to be treated. It feels easier just to let him live his life without me getting involved.

It is fine to let him live his life, but he is your brother and this has been a grand opportunity to understand better–to refine–your ethical values. You can contact him when needed and not fear that the contact will backfire because what you intend in these moments, these instances, is to share openly and with love. There can be no backfiring. You do not need to accept or take on his fears. His are his and yours are yours and you do not need to mix the two.

Now, let us return to the issue with C. In this instance, it would be fine to give C D’s phone numbers. What you must remember is that here you are helping a friend in need and your friend is turning to you for help that she feels will assist her in her quest. Perhaps her quest is misguided–and indeed it may well be misguided–but that is her road and her decision and you do not need to concern yourself with that. It is her business. You do not need to try to control her use of the information, nor judge it.

Indeed, C does seek to interfere in the decision that her son has made. His decision was to leave the family and to not have communication with the family. This is a major lesson for C and she is learning this lesson, but it is a tremendous challenge for her, and for her family, because they do not understand the need or the value in allowing M to have the time to come to his own senses and to perceive himself as a man. So she seeks to treat him as a subservient son who must give in to her wishes.

But this is her lesson to learn with her son, and learn it she will. But for you to help her in the way that she wishes–this will not compromise your ethics. It will be handing her what she seeks so that she may do what she is intent on doing. If she blames you for this, or if M blames you for this, then this, too, will be misguided because you will have only given her what it is she seeks, without questioning her motives, but simply as a gift to allow her to continue on her path.

So do not be afraid to give C the phone numbers.

Now, there is the issue of control in this friendship. Indeed, C at times does not understand that she wields a great deal of oppressive authority when she deals with others. You see, she is trying to control her own fear, but she does not understand fear. She understands, though, that she hurts, and when she hurts, she has a tendency to lash out and to blame others. She does not want to be “wrong” and so she makes others “wrong” in an attempt to make herself “right.”

In this instance of her dealing with you and M, though, she is attempting to communicate with her son and to assure him and herself that a line of communication can be open. It is a good thing that she is trying to do. There is no need to judge her motivation here. She is operating with a clear mind on this and it can produce fruit.

So in this instance, you may provide her with what she seeks, with the knowing that you are helping the friendship and serving as a bridge between her and M.

Now, this may be a difficult issue for you because of your relationship with D, so if anything here, this is an opportunity to once again examine your relationship with D. For a long time you have allowed this relationship to flounder and to exist in the energy of an in between zone – not because of anger but because of confusion. This is understandable and it is very common. We are often immobilized out of a sense of not knowing what is best, rather than a sense of knowing what the issues are and what would serve our best interest.

But it is time to move to the next steps with D. It is time to normalize your relationship. Yes, this can evoke some fear. It can also produce an amazing transformation if you are open to transformation taking place. In many respects, it does not matter who was “right” and “wrong” in the events that transpired. Suffice it to say that all was as it should have been. There were no victims and there were no perpetrators other than the victims and perpetrators that willingly – on a soul level–opted to serve in such capacities and roles. You were living what you desired, subconsciously, to live.

But those days may be over as you move into a new frame of mind about the implications of these relationship quandaries. They no longer need to be quandaries because you wish to see them as opportunities. This is totally within your means to do. In this instance, you may write to David and to ask if he minds you giving his contact information to C.

Oh please don’t ask me to do that. I do not want to speak with him. I don’t like him.

Then you do not like yourself. When we love ourselves, we love everyone else. There is no separation in who we perceive ourselves to be and who we perceive others to be. There is no exception to this rule.

Yikes. Then I don’t want to not love myself.

Then you can show yourself your self love by showing D your love. These can be small gestures–they do not need to be grandiose or overt. They can be subtle and undefined in many regards. Do you want to maintain a cone of silence, or do you want some warmth to creep in? If you want warmth–as comfortable as you may have become to the ice–then this can be an opportunity to instill some warmth. You could call D and ask him if it is okay, or you could simply forward the info to both of them at the same time. Send a cheerful message. This could be a boon to both of them and to yourself. Go ahead, give it a try and see how good it makes you feel.

I feel it already just thinking about it.

Good. This is exactly what “sharing energy” means. We are energy. You must remember this. Energy is our essence. When we live, we share. We cannot live and not share who we are and what our energy is. So by just being, you share your energy. To share it readily, purposefully, intently, you further create energy bridges that have an impact in the world. This is a good thing. To share energy with intention is to share the love that we are, in our soul and spirit. We want to share.

Now, as you share energy with D, you also share energy with yourself, and this is good. This is what healing is about. Ultimately all healing is self healing, and self healing is evolution. You see, we move forward in our soul path by giving ourselves energy infusions of love. So – by reaching out to D, you reach out to yourself and you give yourself a new neuronal pathway of love in the nervous system. This opens the heart “chakra” as it were, which is your energy of love and life. You allow your energy to flow and pulse with the blood that travels to all corners, reaches, of your bodily system.

Now, this is a good thing to think about because you have been on the path of healing for many years. This “issue” with D is indeed only an issue of perception. Once the perception is healed, the issue is healed because there is no issue other than the ones that we create in our own mind. So–feel the courage to triumph in your mind over this issue that you perceive in the physical world. You will be advancing tremendously on your soul path.

Remember, too, that your brother D does love you. He feels tremendous love in his heart for you, and as your love reminds him of the love that he feels for you, this is an energy healing for both of you, and it will carry you both to new places.

There is much to look forward to in this healing vein that you have struck here–as you might strike a vein of gold as you are mining for gems. The truest gem is the gem of the golden love within. You do indeed have a mother lode of this love within. We each do, as humans, because we are children of the father/mother god, our Creator, who shared with us as children the love of self that the Creator felt. This love is in infinite supply and truly it is unlimited. The love you have within is unlimited, and as you express it to each other, you indeed express it to yourself.

So–share your love with D and with C and trust that all is moving as it should. You are each on your own path of healing and recovery from wounds, and in this instance there is a delightful triangulation of energy that can move each of you forward on your soul path. Be assured that all is well and that all will be well when the love that you are becomes the love that you express in the minutiae of your communication challenges.

Trust that love is here and that love is what you each have for each other.

God bless you.

Tue, Feb 10, 2009, 10:29 PM

Dear Higher Self: My physical body has been quite a challenge in the last few months and things seem to be getting worse, that is, now I have this breast discomfort and the hip discomfort is getting intense; I have the issue with my finger, and my foot is healing ever so slowly. Why do I have this plethora of maladies? I’m trying hard to eat right and get enough water and minerals and vitamins. But still – the discomforts persist. Please help.

Indeed, this is a time of recuperation and regeneration, and of learning. You see, when we have discomforts, our mind is forced to recognize that which brings us discomfort – and to observe that we are more than just the business of our daily lives. When we are in discomfort, we must pause to acknowledge that the physical body is the temple of the soul and as such it must be honored, appreciated, valued and respected in new ways.

You see, the body is always speaking to us, but do we heed? Do we listen to the nuances of speech that the body engages with us? Oftentimes we do not. And so therefore the body must find ways to speak loudly enough so that we will listen.

Now the body has your attention. So the key now is to understand what the body is saying. Have you been getting the minerals that you need? Are you supporting the optimal PH levels in your blood? Are you giving your body the necessary nutrients and protein and oxygen and all the essential amino acids? Are you polluting yourself in any ways?

You must acknowledge, too, that you have lived for a good number of years and that within those years you have not always been kind to your body. Smoking, drinking, and excesses and deficiencies can come knocking on your door years later even as you have made radical and ongoing changes over the years.

The body is truly a miracle of creation. There is hardly another creation in the universe, the known universe of man, that rivals the earthly human, physical body in terms of its perfection, its symmetry, its loveliness, its aesthetics, its purity, its imaging of God and spirit. Indeed, the human body is a miracle of creation.

But as humankind, you have not always appreciated these attributes. Indeed, you, collectively, have violated them. And so the body, the beautiful body, must account for these violations in the only way it knows: it changes to show you the outcome of your free will, free choice and free intention.

Now, you must understand that the body is truly a creation of your own making, but it is also embued with spirit consciousness, that is, the very essence of you IS your Spirit Consciousness, and as such, you, then, and your physical body, are intertwined as Spirit Consciousness. And Spirit Consciousness recognizes that you have free will, free choice and free intention to create whatever you think about. We become what we think about, and what we think about, we do.

So you can take inventory of those things that you have done, that you have thought, that you have BEEN, and you can understand that these thoughts and actions have become your physical reality.

So, herewith is a grand challenge: to accept that you are a creator, and that your creations have meaning, and that you can change your creations with your power of thought and with your power to create in the physical world just as you create within the world of your mind, your emotions, and your spirit senses.

You ARE a creator and as such, you are responsible for your creations. So now you may ask, “What do I wish to create? Do I want to restore my body to its perfection? Do I believe that I am subject to the fears of my past, or do I believe that I have the power to change myself, my thinking, my body, and my life?”

You do indeed have this power to change all that you are. You see, you can change whatever you wish. But you must have a plan of action, and you must see it through.

So here is a plan of action for you to consider in terms of healing those so-called maladies:

1. Understand, accept, acknowledge and respect each one for the lesson that it is showing you. With your hip, you are learning that mobility is essential in your daily life, and that sitting, while important for your job, is not always pleasing to your physical system. You must move more. You must make a point to move more and to engage the body in motion. Let your cells breathe and dance. Go to a masseuse. Let your body be invigorated. Have NDP done. Work on those nerves. Revitalize the sensory connections within and let your body sing once again. Do not believe that these changes will happen overnight. They will not. You must be patient and you must be diligent and you must have faith that your choices, your mental choices, will manifest physically if you make the commitment and follow through.

2. Now, you wonder about the tenderness in your breast. This is indeed an issue to track. Perhaps you have a low grade, opportunistic infection that is deciding what it wants to do. It is imperative that you allow your blood and your fluids to maintain optimal PH levels so that you can replenish the blood supply to areas that need it, and to allow comfort in those areas that want to rest. Now, do not be afraid. Your fear can cause harm and can delay your healing. Focus on what you want, not on what you do not want. Send energy to your breast. You do not want to have to take antibiotics. This illness, this dis-ease, can be cured through natural methods. Read in your book of natural remedies. You can find a cure but you must be diligent. This is about a lifestyle change. It is time for some big changes. If you make these changes, you can find comfort.

3. With respect to the fingers, you are finding ways to treat this. Go natural. Avoid the cortisone and rather use the tea tree oil. Just stick with it. Have faith. Send energy to your fingertips. Be a friend of your body. Support the body chemistry that will allow your skin to breathe life and joy again. Your skin is akin to the lungs. Both breathe. Both are there to support you in living a vital life. Moisturize your skin. Nurture it. Be kind to your skin.

4. With your foot, time will heal this wound. You do indeed need time to restore the balance, the bone stability, the integrity of the joint. Send energy. Do not use the electrical energy from your mother. This is not what “the good Lord” intended. But you may use NDP and the body’s natural electrical and magnetic energy. Restore with what is natural. Be patient. This time at home (off the dance floor) is valuable to you and it is showing you many ways to enjoy your own being independent of the social circles that generally draw you away from more productive ventures. Not that these are not valuable – they are indeed, and your friends are a precious gift that you have given yourself. But you must balance, and always, always remember that you have a purpose and your purpose, your chosen purpose, is to help mankind learn the lessons and the principles of spiritual philosophy that your beloved teacher has given her life to teaching you and your fellow students. So – it is for you, according to your choice and your life plan, to honor the teachings and to share them with others as they have been shared with you, in the purity of the Pythagorean tradition of experience, of commitment, of immersion, of loving friendship, of camaraderie to support the blessings of personal growth and change. Thy will be done.

Are there any other physical ailments that you would like to discuss?

Not ailments per se but I would like to know more about my acupuncture treatments and my work with Ta-Ya Lee. She has been such an inspiration to me to change and to respect the natural communication that my body has with me, and to move forward with my healing.

Ta-Ya Lee is a spirit energy of great gifts. She does indeed have much to share with you, and as you have noticed, she is very committed to sharing her gifts in the true spirit of healing, not for the money or the glory but for the compassionate assistance she may be able to provide to help one soul, and another soul, and whoever may wish to engage her services, to achieve balance and good health. This is a special gift for anyone to share, and for Ta-Ya, it is her life work. She eagerly shares.

Now, acupuncture as you know is a very old science of understanding the physical body through the electrical impulses that it yields to the awareness of a sensitive being. Ta-Ya is a very sensitive being and she can help immensely. But acupuncture itself does have limitations in that the electrical pulses that are generated by the piercing of the needles is not enduring. It is not necessarily sustained. So it is like the sprint runner who can go very fast but not for long. Your goal is to go the distance in an enduring way.

But the value for now is that you are helping the body to remember its rightful rhythm and pace and electrical balance. So – it is fine to keep going to Ta-Ya. Eventually you may exhaust your interest in this approach, and you will find, through experience, that NDP is truly the most successful and enduring and powerful healing approach that exists. It has the power to heal beyond what you currently accept. You would do well to spend more time investigating the healing powers of Kathy Oddenino’s neural depolarization. It is a gift of unparalleled value. See it for what it is and you will be accepting a gift of immense proportion, not only for your own healing but for the healing work that you may wish to share with others. It is a lasting healing approach and it is time for the world to understand that as a physical body, a mind, a soul and a spirit consciousness, we are all that is, and we groove with the energies that swirl around us and through us and to the degree that we can balance these energies, we will know health and vitality, happiness, joy, peace, and have understanding that nothing, NOTHING is not within our reach, including full and unequivocal healing, and love in all its splendor.

So, may these words bring you encouragement and happiness in knowing that YOU ARE A CREATOR. So – create! Have fun in your creations. You body is your first and primary creation. Your death will be your last creation in this life. All that lies inbetween is the wonderful joy of living. So live joyfully, heal joyfully, and share your joy with others for that, too, is a healing. And to heal is to BE the creator that we are. Go forward and CREATE!

Jan 30, 2009, 9:24 PM

Dear Angels, Michael’s Light, Higher Self – all the good energies combined that help me in my quiet moments and I guess in my boisterous ones too – I am happy to be here tonight. I was excited about this quiet time. It was one year ago that I started this writing and I’m chagrin that it dwindled but I gained the knowing that you are always with me and that I can speak to you at any time and hear the answers if I will it to happen. This has been an amazing discovery for me and it has helped me in many moments. I feel that I’ve grown but I also see how much more, so much more, that I have to grow to embrace all the ethical values of my spirit, to live them, be them. So – I wanted to take stock tonight, to be quiet and to listen to you and just feel the reverberations of the peaceful, beautiful energy that I feel when I tune in.

L, it is nice to see you tonight in the quiet of your home, with the cats, with the pieces of your life that bring you comfort and a sense that at least for these moments all is right in the world. It is always good to quiet the mind and to feel peace because truly we cannot control what is happening in our world on the macro level, but we can control the micro level – we can be at peace in our minds. We do have the power of the mind and that is precisely what the spirit energy of you is all about – the power of the mind. The mind is the master computer; it is the central processing unit; it is the vehicle that connects you to all that is. It is the central element of you; it is the locus of your being; it is the power center. Do you understand? The mind is the greatest tool that anyone can possibly have – even a mind that is “compromised” – even a mind that is disturbed – even a mind that seems to lack much thinking. These minds are no less significant because each one – each mind – tells the story of the soul that lives within that mind. And that soul is YOU, that is, each mind, each soul, each thinking mind and loving emotions is YOU. You are your mind and you ARE your soul and your mind and soul are forever entertwined. They are one.

So you see, it pays to respect, value, and appreciate the mind because within it are all the stories of your colorful and eternal past, present and future. All that you have ever been and ever will be, you are now WITHIN YOUR MIND. There is nothing greater for you than the thinking, loving mind. Treasure it, cherish it, feed it, treat it as the god that it is because for you, it is your connection to the Divine. It IS the Divinity of You as the Genesis of You. The mind is the builder.

Now, let us look at that thought, “The mind is the builder.” This is what the greatest teachers of all time have shared with their students, like Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristotle, Jesus, the Buddha, and the philosophers of more recent times – all have shared that the mind – the THOUGHTS OF MAN – are what create the life of Man.

You see, this thought that you are indeed the master of your own destiny is a thought that eludes many souls because it implies a gift of personal responsibility, and this gift (for TRULY it IS a gift) is not perceived as such by the masses. The masses have placed their “fate” in the hands of an external god – a PERCEIVED external god. But you must know that such an external god who saves and puppeteers is a fallacy. It is a fallacy of monumental proportion. It is a fallacy that is responsible for more damage, more sickness, more sadness, discomfort and ill “fate” than anything else, because when the mind of man denies the power of man, then only the fears of man can dominate. You see, man is afraid of his power and so he relinquishes it to someone else in the hopes that this someone else will be more responsible than he is willing to be.

And of course, there is no such savior. Jesus, in his last incarnation as the son of Joseph and Mary, bespoke these truths in his very being. For it was Jesus who took full and complete responsibility for his life, for his family, for the siblings that Joseph and Mary bore to the family. And Jesus cared for them all after Joseph’s death, and he showed each of them, as he showed mankind, that each of us needs to be responsible. He taught responsibility. We learn by seeing and we learn by doing. And in this way, the brothers and sisters of Jesus did learn to be responsible for their lives and for their souls. And they were a family that appreciated one another for the gifts of love and goodness that Joseph, Jesus and Mary showed to them.

Jesus did say to those who would listen to him, “I am the way, the truth and the light. What I have done, ye all can do.” In these words of supreme truth, Jesus meant for mankind to understand that there are no saviors, and that each of us must be responsible for our own selves. When Jesus departed this world, he left in sadness knowing that his message was not truly understood. But he left joyful, too, to know that he had learned his own lessons of living a physical life while in Divine form. He understood that mankind had a long way to go before joining him in his Divinity.

So for us to begin to shed our fears and begin to embrace the love that is truly us – and to understand that we must be personally responsible for living in this way – this is our challenge at this time. We look at the world and we can see that a tremendous amount of change is needed.

Now you see, Change is the destiny of the soul that lives. The soul is imbued with the gift of change – the imperative of change, the profundity of change. Even small changes are good. To not change is to be in stasis, and to be in stasis is to begin to decay. To decay – well, is this what anyone wants? For countless millennia, eons, uncountable years, you as soul and spirit inhabited the celestial spheres looking at physical life and wanting it with increasing urgency. Your thoughts as thoughtforms brought you into the Earthly existence. You relished this physical experience and yet it has taught you the challenges of being in physical form. But this is what you wanted. And as your Creator gave you free will, you have chosen your “fates,” your daily existences, your lives. THESE LIVES ARE OF YOUR MAKING.

So why do you not respect, value, and appreciate them for the great spiritual gifts that they are? You expire your bodies, you exhaust your minds, you deplete your energy. Are you learning what sustenance truly is? Indeed you are. And so all is not for naught.

But NOW is the time for change. NOW is the time that mankind must extricate himself from the ways of fear because these age-old fears are no longer serving you in your eternal quest for growth and change. Your fears are suffocating you and the Earth.

It is time for change.

How do you go about change? First, you make a commitment to change. You understand that change is the way that we grow and evolve, and that change is in our hands. We are able to change. Never believe that you do not have the power to change or that change is not a good thing. Only a fearful, egotistical mind could dampen the spirit with such a lonely thought. Truly you are connected to all that is, All That Is, and All That Is never stops changing. Therefore, you MUST change.

Next, you must imagine the changes that you want to make. Do you want to let go of your fears? Do you want to love sister Mary or brother David? Do you want to forgive a friend? Do you want to be happy and to awaken each day with the sun, the bright beautiful and replenishing sun in your face, showing you the truth and the light? The sun is a symbol to you of change and life because it gives you life, which is the manner of your change. Through living your earthly life, you are learning about change.

Next, you must share your growth and change with others. Always feel free and open to let others know the happiness that you have experienced in your changes. Your friends and your family will see your changes and this will bring them a sense of hope that they, too, can change. You see, change is an energy of mass consciousness. To tie into that energy is to see the healing power of “group think.” We are never alone. We are like the body of man, made of many molecules, many chemicals, many amoebas, many elements and all come together through the vital chemistry of life! Earth is the master body for man. You are a part of earth and the World Consciousness is within you. Share it freely. Share the power of change.

And then you must come to peace with the idea that life is a gift that has been bestowed upon you. Have humility in knowing that life was not meant to be abused ultimately. War is abuse. Stealing is abuse. Graft, untruth, physical punishment are abuse. Angry words are abusive. When we think fearful thoughts, these are abusive. Why do we abuse ourselves? We abuse ourselves because we don’t know any better. It is what we have seen. It is what we know from this life and countless others that we’ve lived.

But now is the time to reinforce ideas that see and appreciate the truth. We ARE LOVE. We are CHANGE. We are God’s children, that is, we are children of Spirit Consciousness. And now is the time to LIVE that understanding, that truth, and to BE the children of spirit consciousness that we are.

To BE is to KNOW. Do you know that you are connected to every cell of every man, woman and child on Planet Earth? Do you know that you are connected to every animal that walks the face of the planet? Do you know that you are connected to every planet in the solar system, and to every star in the sky, and to every galaxy in every universe, and to every universe in the eternality of the space-time continuum, and to the dual universes that are beyond knowing and ever seeing? Oh the vastness is unfathomable. And yet it IS. The scale of you is also unimaginable. And yet it IS. You are as vast as all that is, All That Is.

Now it is time to shed our fears and to feel our connections to All That Is, and to understand that our faith in ourselves is what saves us – not Jesus, not “God,” not the tooth fairy or Santa or world leaders or Big Oil or even Mom or Dad. Not that any of these cannot help us in perceived times of need. But ultimately we are responsible for our own destiny. We do indeed “pack our own chute.”

Today there was a blue sky. There was air to breathe, a home to come home to, love to share, family and friends to share it with. But what else exists beyond this? Look beyond, see the bright light in the distance that calls to you, listen to what it says, and follow. In that light is your next step, and your next step is your path to change. Choose wisely. Have faith and hope. Feel love, and accept the gift of change.

Good night.