Wed, May 27, 2009, 9:59 PM

Dear Angels of my Higher Self: I’ve been thinking about writing for many days. I’ve been resisting but wanting to write, but feeling that ego-spirit tug-of-war. But I’m happy that I am also paying more attention to the still voice within guiding me in life’s little moments. I do feel your presence and I’m ever grateful.

Dear L, thank you as always for thinking and for being in the moment of awareness and understanding. It is awareness and understanding that are the ethical values that allow us to move forward with greater insights, greater sensitivity and appreciation for the changes that are occurring.

And indeed you are experiencing many changes in your life. E is home for the summer and this is a big change because it allows you the comforts of your own blood – your flesh and blood – that bring you a sense of symmetry and balance. E is always for you a balancing factor and a mirror, a reflection, of the love that you feel within for her and for yourself and therefore for the changes that you are eternally ABOUT making.

For each of us, change is the element of life that we should seek with the greatest fervor. You see, to change is to grow out of the cocoon of fear that we have swaddled ourselves with as we have evolved through time – that is to say, fear has been our mantle, whereas now it is time to take up the mantle of love, and to do this we must shed the cocoon – dismantle it fiber by fiber – so that we can expand ourselves, spread our wings and soar as our Creator has designed us to do.

You see, there is never a moment in our eternal path when we should or must be in fear. Fear is not a part of who we are in our essential design. Fear is a learned emotion. It has served us. It has shown us what we do not want. But what fear can never do is show us light because fear is the absence of light and we are not designed to live in the shadows except as the shadows may ultimately transcend into light.

So now you are beginning to look at the light because you have dabbled for a time now in reflecting back into the shadows. It is easy to be magnetized to some of the parts of ourselves that we are not sure we’ve let go of. You see, there is value in looking into the past. We can see as we look backward that we have come quite a ways forward. We can reassure ourselves that we have made progress. We can recommit ourselves to the idea that our most joyful path is a path of love and light, not of struggle and depression. You see, struggle and depression are the operating words of our past as humans. Look to the past and you see the face of both. These are not faces that we want to wake up with in the mornings. It is important, imperative, to wake up in the light and in the openness of love, true love which is the love and appreciation of self. To love and appreciate self is to bless the body with all that it needs and no more or no less; to give respect, value and appreciation to every moment of living; to walk a path of equality; to sing; to dance; to be in joy; to joyfully create our lives and to plan for the future and to reach out to others as a gift of sharing delight. These are symbols of, aspects of love and the living of love. To live love is to BE love. To BE love is to understand that the Creator knows His children and that the children know their Father. We are one. We are forever, eternally, intricately, immensely, in all ways thoroughly united. The Creator, God, and His children are one. Now it is just for us as humans to believe this and to make it our truth in body, mind, soul and spirit.

So today you are working toward regaining the sense of unity that you feel you had. You are working toward expanding that unity and vigorously pursuing your goals. This is good. This is very good. Believe in yourself and your capabilities and you will succeed in whatever you seek to achieve. This is a powerful notion but do not underestimate it. It is simple but it is expansive. Think, and you can BE. BELIEVE and you can ACHIEVE. What is it that you want to achieve? Name your goal. Seek it. Make it happen, for you are the Captain.

Thank you for joining us in thought this evening. Blessings to you always. Good night.