Saturday, May 11, 2013, 3:55 PM

Dear Angels: I feel like I’m getting caught up in a whirlwind of negativity. I understand that I would not be here if the energy around me were not a match to my own. But I want to climb out of this and find some equilibrium. What do you advise?

Dear L, we know that this kind of energy permeates the planet but there are many corners, many areas, many people who are finding equilibrium, and you, too, can find it.

The first order of business for change is to make the decision that you are not walking down that road—that your intention is to stay centered and focused on what you do want.

To achieve, to attain what we do want is a simple order: write it down. Use your emotion to move into it, your loving emotion, your sense of centeredness. Just get into the energy that you want to feel, and stay with it. Use affirmations, use writing, use thought, use friends, speak of it, want it, know that it is yours, and be there to receive it, expect it, know that it is for you to have. You must put yourself into the energy that you want to feel in order to feel it.

Now, a challenge with all of this is to not focus on what you do not want. Look elsewhere. Look at what you do want. Better yet, find those things that you love in your every moment. Be grateful for every moment. Be happy with what you have. Be simple in your appreciation, or grand in your gratitude, but focus on what is working.

Truly, the game of life is the game of conscious awareness. Become conscious of your thoughts. Become conscious of your feelings. Be aware of what is around you and what you are swimming in energetically in each and every moment. Take a shower. Wash yourself clean of that which does not serve. Swim in the waters that uplift. Know that you can do or be or have that which you want. But – believe that it is yours to have.

Meditation, quiet moments are good to seek. Walk in grace. Walk in that which brings you pleasure. Find, identify that which brings you pleasure, and think of it often. Find the feeling place of happiness.

How did I get into such volatility? I feel uneasy.

Little thoughts add up. You draw unto self that which is a match to your energy. Be aware of the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel. Concentrate on the ethical values. Bring them into focus when you can. Have patience with self. You are learning to adjust energy. It is a magnificent, ongoing learning experience. But when you master it, you will understand that you are far more than just a physical body enduring physical experiences. You will understand that life is for learning and that you can change your energy and thereby change your life. You will understand your divinity and you will understand your ethical values and you will be the spirit consciousness that you are.

Now, be patient with self. Rome was not built in a day. You have eternity to learn. You will never stop learning. It is ongoing and it is sweet because with each glimmer of a lesson learned there is a lightness brought into the countenance. There is a lightening of the being. There is a greater connection to peace. There is happiness. So—believe in your destiny of expansion. It is what the Universe is all about.

Have fun tonight. Believe that what lies ahead is an outgrowth of your thought and emotion. Just pre-pave your future by changing your present. Tell a new story. Feel differently. Give thanks. See beauty. See kindness everywhere. Have compassion. Believe in love. Believe in yourself. You are spirit consciousness having physical experiences for the purpose of learning. Enjoy the learning, make it worthwhile. Live the lessons you’ve learned. Trust that all is as it should be. Know that you live forever. Know that this will pass. Know that you will never die. Know that all the beings are spirit energy and you are cooperating masterfully to learn. Know that you will continue to learn forever because the expansion of the mind is the expansion of the Universe. The Universal Mind encompasses you, enfolds with you, and directs your being. You and mind are one. Enjoy the Unity!

Thank you, Angels. I relish our conversation and I will calm myself.