February 19, 2012, 9:20 PM

Dear Angels: Could you please give me guidance about an issue that has vexed me for a few months and continues to bring me disquiet. There is a woman at work who I feel put upon by. I feel that she is competitive and trying to make me falter and look bad. I feel that my efforts to do a great job are being stymied by her, or challenged. I know that I am seeing images of myself here, and yet I continue to grapple with what to do to stay in my loving, patient energy. What should I do?

It is very pleasing that you are talking with your spirit energy now about this issue that you perceive as a stumbling block. You see, all stumbling blocks are stumbling blocks because we have laid the stumbling block in our own path. Why do we do this? We do this because we are walking too fast, without the patience of thought and without the deliberateness of thought. We do it because we are operating on default energy, without the conscious presence of our spirit guidance.

Your spirit guidance is your true self. Your spirit guidance is the part of you that brings you to a point of clarity of thought, clarity and kindness and patience in your emotions, brings you to a point of acceptance of what is and understanding of the value of the experience.

You see, within you is a treasure trove of goodness. And within F is a treasure trove of goodness. If you will step back from the competition, you will see that this is an inherent part of F, and of D, and of you. You can cooperate in this kind of energy, where you recognize what is important in the events that are transpiring between you. This – event – this set of circumstances – has nothing to do with the physical manifestations, but it has everything to do with emotion. Show F that you are willing to work with her and that you want to cooperate and that you have the greatest of intentions in providing quality work to all whose path you may encounter.

Now, this is not to say that F is not employing her fear emotions as well. She, too, has a big burden of responsibility, and she sees in you an opportunity to share this burden. But you may wish to emphasize to F that sharing is indeed what you are about – that shouldering the burden entirely will not serve your shared mutual intentions.

Now, you can bring this to their attention in gentle ways. You can focus on the work to be done and you can focus on how you might best share this burden while a transition is taking place.

To be organized and clear in your intentions will serve you well.

Take some time tomorrow and itemize those items, those tasks, that need to be accomplished. See where there may be opportunity to partner. See where there may be opportunity to take advantage of the best that each office has to offer. Make a list of what your office offers. And partner with F’s office to understand what their office may offer. Together, you can come up with a solid plan.

Go into the meeting with the belief that a solid plan is afoot. Believe in the plan, and hope for the plan, and then see it unfold.

Do not take credit for the plan. Be humble. Others will know it was you who had vision and ethical value here. And understand that F has it too. This is the basis of partnership – seeing the best in the other and believing that together you are greater than the sum of your parts.

Now, you may wish to come into the meeting smiling and happy because you have nothing to fear and everything to gain with an optimistic spirit. Let your spirit of optimism be your guiding light. It will always serve you well.

You may also wish to come into the meeting with a clear set of talking points. Think ahead. What do you wish to accomplish? What are your goals? Work backward from the goals. If you are clear about what you wish to accomplish, then it is quite easy to accomplish it.

What you wish to accomplish is to EXCITE your faculty about the prospects of teaching on the new system. How can this excitement be accomplished? It can be accomplished by having a balance of focus on the technology as well as the teaching. Your gift and your expertise and your job is to focus on the teaching. But the technology is of course part of the story. And the technology part is Fran’s part. So how can you blend the two?

This is the quest, the agenda for the meeting. Together, you can arrive at a good solution.

Tomorrow, you can spend some time in thought about this. There is time by Tuesday to make the arrangements, but perhaps if you could make the meeting on Wednesday this would give you a little more time. It is a concession that Fran can make and it is a courtesy to you.

However, do not believe for a second that a courtesy removed or un-offered is any statement of you. It is not. We are considerate and courteous when we are in our ethical values.

ALWAYS, always show consideration and courtesy to others. To do less is to live in fear. You do not want to live in fear. Today is the day to banish fear. It is an idea whose time has come.

So – write to Fran and ask if she might make the plan for Wednesday, to allow you to gather your materials at work at plan ahead.

Are you wanting the courtesy to force F to be courteous? Or are you wanting the time to allow yourself more time?

I am wanting both. I am wanting to breathe easy for a day but it would be nice to feel her reach out with a consideration.

Consideration is the act of working together to build a plan, and to do it with total respect, value and appreciation for the work that others have to do. It is appropriate to ask for this consideration. It sets the tone for the meeting and allows the playing field of respect, value and appreciation to be set.

So, believe in your ability to make this a productive meeting. You do not need A to be present. You may conduct the meeting on your own and allow yourselves the benefit of developing SHARED GOALS together. You may wish to stress this. This is a SHARED project. To share is to respect, value and appreciate what others and you, yourself, bring to the table.

Remember that this challenge is not about the physical manifestations of the training program. Try to forget the training program. Just remember that you are planning a big birthday cake, as it were. You are building a multi-layer cake with many flourishes and many flavors and many people will eat of the cake. You want it to be the most beautiful. Cooperation and imagination and creativity and all of your ethical values come into play: love, truth, equality, patience, trust, understanding, knowledge, etc.

Make this exchange with F and D a joy! But always, ALWAYS keep in mind that your point of joy is yours and yours alone. No one can take your joy from you unless you let them. Practice KEEPING YOUR JOY ON. With your joy ON, you, and you alone, lead the way. There is no other way.

Be happy, trust self, plan carefully but believe in the Universe to help make your dreams a reality.

Now, go define your dreams. And then watch them come true.

We wish you the very best. ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 10:32 PM

Dear Angels: Could you please give me guidance about the topic of friends? At this time in my life, I’m seeing a shifting in my friendships. Some have come but some have gone. The ones leaving have caused me to wonder what I may be doing that is adversely affecting the friendships. I want good feelings toward me in all the people I know. Perhaps I am not feeling good toward the people?

Linda, yes, there can be this reason for friendships leaving. What you see in your friends is what you see in yourself. If you are judging yourself, you will be judging your friends because friends are the palette that we can comfortably paint our reflection upon. Do you see things you do not like in your friends?

Yes, in part I am seeing inequality and lack of openness and a closing of the loving emotions, and judgment.

Then – these are attributes of self that you can begin to examine. What is it in yourself that you are feeling unequal about? – that you judge? That you deem unworthy? – and why?

You see, when we are feeling these feelings, it is because fear – fear beliefs about the nature of reality – are setting in. If you have fear beliefs – and all do – then you can examine where they have come from and what they relate to and then cast them aside with the knowing that they no longer serve you.

Now, the fear beliefs that you are contending with at this time are wrapped around the belief – the religious belief – in unworthiness. When we are afraid of death, we can begin to feel unworthy because we have the religious belief that if we are to be saved then we must be unworthy, so we set about, subconsciously, to prove our unworthiness. We may act in an unworthy manner; we may say words that show that we do not respect ourself…we think thoughts about others AND SELF that reflect the energy of unworthiness.

So to leave this energy, just begin to notice it when it presents itself, and then ask it gently to leave. You see, the ego controls the energy of unworthiness and the energy, all energies, of fear and fear beliefs. It is the fear beliefs that constrain your life and limit you. Without fear beliefs, you soar in a magnificent energy of worthiness. As you were made by your magnificent Creator, so you are imbued with the infinitely worthy energy of the Creator. You ARE worthy. You have always been worthy and you will always BE worthy. The challenge is to accept your worthiness in your conscious mind – in your thoughts, words and actions – and to believe in your worthiness, and thus the worthiness will become the action of truth.

Now, you may wish to examine some of the other fear beliefs that are predominating in your life now. We can enumerate these, but let us say that the REASON for these fears cropping up with intensity at this time is that it is a time of change for you, a time of major change – and the ego does not like change. The ego does not want the soul and spirit of man to recognize that change is blessed and that change can bring happiness and joy and enthusiasm and good will. So the ego has an investment in keeping you in fear.

Knowing this – knowing that all can be well if the ego is quelled – this can settle the heart and settle the mind and allow the full being to rest gently and to trust that the Universe is an infinite provider.

Do you see bounty around you? Do you see the farms filling up their silos with grain and food? Do you see baskets upon baskets of consumer items moving in and out of stores? Do you see money aplenty in the world around you? There is truly abundance in your midst. But the greatest abundance of all is not the abundance of material goods or physical things. The greatest abundance is the abundance of love that each of us has within. Truly, the limit of love within is – limitless. There is no limit to what you can express and feel and be in love.

So – believe in the energy of bounty and abundance, and believe that you are love, and believe that you are worthy of the love that is you. You never need to find love outside of yourself because you are the totality of love – within.