Dear Angels: It is early morning and I’m happy to be up and connecting. Could you please give me further guidance about writing a book about some of the many things I’ve learned in the last year – about health and well-being? I want to help others who may be suffering with illnesses and dis-eases who may want to circumvent a more traditional medical route of dealing with things. I want to pull together various ideas about alternative modalities and inspire people to take more responsibility for their health.
Dear L: It is nice to connect with you in this early morning hour. It is always good to spend the first moments of the morning in a meditative state because this is the time of day – one of the times during the day – when the brain is fresh and ready and receptive to receive ideas that are, shall we say, not tainted by the circumstances of the busy day. So we are glad to be with you and to help you with your book.
Now, when you think of any communication endeavor, the very first thing you must consider is tone. What is the tone that you want to set? Do you want to be the benevolent savior when you write this? Do you want to inspire people to think for themselves? Do you want to impart a fountain of wisdom and let it fall where it may on whomever it may?
Do you want to target the book to a specific population? Who will be your primary audience and what will be their receptivity to what you wish to share?
You may wish to target the book to a population that is already somewhat “in-the-know” about things alternative because they will be ready to understand the spiritual concepts you wish to write about. And the tone you may wish to embrace might be one of a kind friend who is concerned for the love and light that they have in their lives. For it is only love and light that any of us can ultimately impart, despite our words. All words are ultimately light.
Now, you may also wish to be sensitive to the needs these readers may have to learning and understanding newness. Even though they are primed, they are only so primed. We can only move ahead one step at a time. So if you throw a big ball of newness upon them, perhaps your words will be harder to understand, or more challenging to digest. So it could be a good idea to tred lightly. Deliver bits and pieces rather than the whole shebang, and in doing so you will ensure that you bring the reading audience with you rather than leaving them pondering if they want to.
To share informatiou about health is to speak of the fundamental desire in each and every one of us: the desire to reconnect with our basic structure in its most pristine and optimal form. Health is the vital breath of being. It is the certainty of physicality IF we are understanding of our divinity and our connection with the god-source that is our Creator. This concept is one that has been imbued in all religions, and yet – it has in many respects been lost as we have been mired in more dogmatic strains of the beliefs we are drawn to. So – it could be good to help your friends and readers to understand that health and well being is their birthright – their fundamental aspect of being that is – NORMAL. And yet normalcy – the idea of normalcy – has been tainted by modern man. We have lost the vision of what normalcy is.
True – normalcy is relative – relative to the times, relative to the being, relative to the area, the culture, etc. And yet – for Planet Earth, for humankind, for the species of human that inhabits this planet: you were designed with a specific structure. This structure is embedded in the codes of your DNA. And the structure is intended to be vital and strong and connected to its God-source.
So it may be helpful to help readers understand this connection.
Now, as to who will read the book and what their greatest desire/s may be for information, perhaps it is HOPE that defines this question, this need. It is hope that many have lost in the modern world because of the disparities that predominate. Hope has been lost by many because the “normalcy” that they have come to accept is not a normalcy that inspires optimism about the future.
So – you might wish to help your readers gain a sense of hope about the world, about living life, about gaining health, about helping others, and moving forward in their evolution, about touching the Godhead, the God-Source, the Intelligent Source and creative energy of the Universe. We each feel this potential. We know it exists. And yet we often lose hope, HOPE, that it is there. We lose faith as we indulge in the fears of our modern world.
So this book can inspire others to regain hope because they will see that change is indeed possible. Change is the miracle of the modern world.
Now, as we speak of change, we must also speak of the reconciliation that is needed. Reconciliation implies a meeting of what was with what will be. Indeed, in truth there is no time and therefore all that has ever been IS now and will forever be. There is no separation between ages or between people or between things or between concepts or between anything in the vast universe of universes.
BUT – in our perceptions there are separations, and as we deal with perceptions, we must move forward within – at least somewhat within – that perception schema.
So – understand that each of us must reconcile how we have lived our lives to date and how we will continue to live our lives if we wish to live differently – to experience a different level of vitality, a different level of HOPE, a different level of awareness, and a different sense of WHO WE ARE AS HUMAN BEINGS.
As humans we do have the gift of change. But when we change in significant ways, some faith must be held in the promise of a better day, a better ME. To have this faith will give each of us the courage to deal with the changes that will come about.
Change is not always comfortable. Change, true change, radical change as needed, can be an upheaval. Are you prepared for upheaval? Are you prepared to make the kinds of changes needed in order for true change to take place?
Some of the many changes that may be in store: a change in how we eat, a change in how we live each day, a change in the time that we arise in the morning, a change in the time that we go to bed, a change in what we do with our extra time, a change in how we see our relationship with our fellow man, a change in how we structure our day. Change, true change, is a commitment.
Perhaps it will be good to look at commitment as an act of change. To commit to a change is to have faith that the change will come about. When we are talking about health, faith is important because we must have faith that health is our birthright. If we believe that health is only a function of the genes our mother or father gave us, then we do not see ourselves in a position of power. Do you know that the DNA your father in heaven gave you is the DNA that you have within you at this time? Do you know that your father in heaven intended for you for all time to lead a life of vital health and well being? Do you know that within you now you have the power to fully embrace health and well being even in a microsecond of change? You do have the power, and yet – you do not understand who you are, so you do not understand the miracle of change.
What is a miracle? A miracle is a hastening of that which is. You ARE health. You ARE vitality. You ARE All That Is and you can BECOME All That Is in a microsecond. That is – you already ARE that which you aspire to change to. Within a miracle, you hasten “time” to become the alignment of All That Is within you.
So – have faith in the miracle of your existence. To the degree that you put your mind to change – to the degree that you have a COMMITMENT to this change – you WILL – you absolutely WILL experience it.
So you may wish to help your readers understand these concepts. These concepts will give each reader hope and ultimately certainty that change into a wholly health being not only is possible, but it is easy, ultimately, with commitment, with desire, with hope, with peace of mind, with dedication, and with the understanding that all that ever has been will be.
You ARE a piece of God, a Child of the Creator. As such, you are perfect. Now is the time to return to your perfection. Believe it is possible and it will be true for you.
Good luck in pulling these pieces together in your book.
Thank you! What a great way to start my day!
July 3, 2010, 10:07 PM
Dear Angels: I am ready to write the book. Could you please give me guidance? I am excited about this venture – so very excited. I want to start now. I am ready.
Dear L: This is wonderful news. The book has been waiting for you and you have been waiting for the right time – the time after you have had appropriate “thinking time” to digest all the ideas that have come your way, the experiences, the inspirations that are desired when we let them happen.
You see, this is truly an adventure in consciousness. You remember that consciousness is the integration of your thinking mind, your loving emotions and your spirit senses – in your physical body as a human. So you are learning to raise your consciousness so that you have the power – feel the power – believe in your power – to access higher realms.
And this you are doing – accessing the higher realms.
The higher realms are always waiting for mankind’s awareness, for his reaching out, for his simply WANTING to connect. You see, it is the WANTING that directs the experiences of man.
You are not always aware of your wanting, but believe me when I tell you that by virtue of wanting, you do indeed create. All that is before you, within you – is a creation of your consciousness. YOU ARE THE DIRECT RESULT of THAT WHICH YOU HAVE THOUGHT. Your thought directs your experiences. All that is before you is a manifestation of thought.
This is truly an expansive thought for mankind to digest because we, you, all who pass through the physical dimension – are taught that experience is random; that “God” bestows and “God” retrieves; and that punishment and sin and all manner of disavowing personal responsibility are the name of the game.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
So you see, there is a huge mental wall that mankind must climb – or walk through – or dissolve, or tear down brick by brick – like the Berlin Wall of your world years ago. These walls of illusive ideas must be rendered inert in order for man to leap forward, as is appropriate at this time to do.
So – your book: your book is to help mankind move forward in his evolution. It is time. It is time for your book and it is time for mankind to move forward. Many have come before you to help with this cause. Many come after you to help with this cause. Many are all around you helping with this cause. It is not a lonely cause but one of great proportion that entails the energetic participation of millions of souls – millions of PEOPLE as you know them – for all people are soul and spirit, and all people are blessed with the lifeblood of connection to the Creator.
So in your book you may fundamentally remind your brethren that all are connected by divine chords of beautiful love and exquisite perfection.
Let us examine perfection: perfection is the state of being in which you reside at this moment. All is perfect as it is. Perfection is never solid; it is always mobile. It is relative to the being. But all that is IS PERFECT AS IT IS by virtue of simply being.
So you must understand, and help mankind to understand, that BEING is ALWAYS at every turn, at every microsecond – BLESSED BY THE CREATOR AND BLESSED BY YOU.
You have free will. You have total free will.
So – you may ask, you might ask your readers – challenge them with this question: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR FREE WILL? You may charge the world and tear across nations with verve and vigor, or you may slither into the earth and remain cold and clammy, or you may move mountains with your belief that this is within your power. You see, there are NO limitations in what you can do.
So challenge your readers to accept their power and to believe in its depth and breadth. You are only limited by your beliefs in limitation.
Now, your questions are about health. How might you convey some helpful information about health?
First, you must find a way to help people believe that they can get well. You see, modern medicine has created the perception that only with machines and “big guns” can health be gained. These big guns make a lot of noise – lots of whirring and electrical energy, but they are cold and metallic for the most part and they can only ultimately bring man a sense of not having the power that his spirit knows exists. So when you buy into medicine you are buying into your own helplessness.
Man must begin to believe in himself AND IN HIS POWER TO HEAL HIMSELF. It is this belief that truly empowers man to create miracles.
When Jesus healed the sick and the lame, he did so by virtue of his profound acceptance of his spirit energy and by his profound acceptance of the spirit energy within the person he healed. Jesus understood his Divine Power and he understood the divinity within his brethren.
You, too – EACH OF YOU as humans – has this power to heal. “What I have done,” Jesus said, “you all can do.” Jesus knew that as a human, he could be Divine. He could be Divine in human form AS HE ACCEPTED his Divinity.
So, go and do as Jesus did – you and all whose lives you touch: HEAL YOURSELF.
Now, what does it take, other than thought, to heal? Thought alone is the basis, but you live in the physical world and you have myriad “props” as it were to assist you in your healing ventures. You have herbs, you have foods, you have water – clean water, you have air – clean air, and you have friends and lovers and family and beings around you to help you.
So draw upon all who can assist you in your efforts. The more that we connect with like minds in the process of growing and healing, the faster and deeper our healing becomes.
You see, you are all as humans connected by the silver thread of life. This silver thread is what connects you to the angels, to God, to the All That Is, to the Universal Consciousness of Perfection and Importunity. By importunity we mean the entreaty that the Universe gives to man in inspiring mankind’s expansion of consciousness. Mankind must expand his consciousness because the alternative is devolution. We do not want to see devolution. Your time is now to expand exponentially. As you are up against the veil of fear, you must thread the needle of love into the universal window of change. Squeeze through the eye of the needles, and see the vast sea of love and truth and equality on the other side of infinity. This infinity – this forever – is your birthright.
So now is the time for mankind to claim his birthright of healing, of loving self. You see, to heal is truly to love self. When we love ourselves, we do not abuse our body with toxins, poisons, or degrading influences of any sort. No, we cannot. We do not. We know when to stop the abuse.
Love is the eternal balancer. Believe in love and in the power of love, and you will indeed progress more on your path than you ever imagined possible. This movement forward is, IS NOW AND ALWAYS SHALL BE, a blessing. To move forward in your evolution is to be blessed with the energy of All That Is in your being.
So, let us pause for now so that you can re-read these words, and then we will move to phase two of planning for your book.
Thank you for coming to us with your questions. We are, indeed, your servants, as you are part of our glorious celebration of consciousness expansion. We expand together. We are one.
Good night.
Good night, Angels. I feel blessed, truly truly blessed and grateful for your presence. I am your servant and I come with the greatest desire to help create change on Planet Earth. I ask for your help again, your guidance, and your love. You feed my soul and it feels so very good. Thank you, and good night.
Dear L: This is wonderful news. The book has been waiting for you and you have been waiting for the right time – the time after you have had appropriate “thinking time” to digest all the ideas that have come your way, the experiences, the inspirations that are desired when we let them happen.
You see, this is truly an adventure in consciousness. You remember that consciousness is the integration of your thinking mind, your loving emotions and your spirit senses – in your physical body as a human. So you are learning to raise your consciousness so that you have the power – feel the power – believe in your power – to access higher realms.
And this you are doing – accessing the higher realms.
The higher realms are always waiting for mankind’s awareness, for his reaching out, for his simply WANTING to connect. You see, it is the WANTING that directs the experiences of man.
You are not always aware of your wanting, but believe me when I tell you that by virtue of wanting, you do indeed create. All that is before you, within you – is a creation of your consciousness. YOU ARE THE DIRECT RESULT of THAT WHICH YOU HAVE THOUGHT. Your thought directs your experiences. All that is before you is a manifestation of thought.
This is truly an expansive thought for mankind to digest because we, you, all who pass through the physical dimension – are taught that experience is random; that “God” bestows and “God” retrieves; and that punishment and sin and all manner of disavowing personal responsibility are the name of the game.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
So you see, there is a huge mental wall that mankind must climb – or walk through – or dissolve, or tear down brick by brick – like the Berlin Wall of your world years ago. These walls of illusive ideas must be rendered inert in order for man to leap forward, as is appropriate at this time to do.
So – your book: your book is to help mankind move forward in his evolution. It is time. It is time for your book and it is time for mankind to move forward. Many have come before you to help with this cause. Many come after you to help with this cause. Many are all around you helping with this cause. It is not a lonely cause but one of great proportion that entails the energetic participation of millions of souls – millions of PEOPLE as you know them – for all people are soul and spirit, and all people are blessed with the lifeblood of connection to the Creator.
So in your book you may fundamentally remind your brethren that all are connected by divine chords of beautiful love and exquisite perfection.
Let us examine perfection: perfection is the state of being in which you reside at this moment. All is perfect as it is. Perfection is never solid; it is always mobile. It is relative to the being. But all that is IS PERFECT AS IT IS by virtue of simply being.
So you must understand, and help mankind to understand, that BEING is ALWAYS at every turn, at every microsecond – BLESSED BY THE CREATOR AND BLESSED BY YOU.
You have free will. You have total free will.
So – you may ask, you might ask your readers – challenge them with this question: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR FREE WILL? You may charge the world and tear across nations with verve and vigor, or you may slither into the earth and remain cold and clammy, or you may move mountains with your belief that this is within your power. You see, there are NO limitations in what you can do.
So challenge your readers to accept their power and to believe in its depth and breadth. You are only limited by your beliefs in limitation.
Now, your questions are about health. How might you convey some helpful information about health?
First, you must find a way to help people believe that they can get well. You see, modern medicine has created the perception that only with machines and “big guns” can health be gained. These big guns make a lot of noise – lots of whirring and electrical energy, but they are cold and metallic for the most part and they can only ultimately bring man a sense of not having the power that his spirit knows exists. So when you buy into medicine you are buying into your own helplessness.
Man must begin to believe in himself AND IN HIS POWER TO HEAL HIMSELF. It is this belief that truly empowers man to create miracles.
When Jesus healed the sick and the lame, he did so by virtue of his profound acceptance of his spirit energy and by his profound acceptance of the spirit energy within the person he healed. Jesus understood his Divine Power and he understood the divinity within his brethren.
You, too – EACH OF YOU as humans – has this power to heal. “What I have done,” Jesus said, “you all can do.” Jesus knew that as a human, he could be Divine. He could be Divine in human form AS HE ACCEPTED his Divinity.
So, go and do as Jesus did – you and all whose lives you touch: HEAL YOURSELF.
Now, what does it take, other than thought, to heal? Thought alone is the basis, but you live in the physical world and you have myriad “props” as it were to assist you in your healing ventures. You have herbs, you have foods, you have water – clean water, you have air – clean air, and you have friends and lovers and family and beings around you to help you.
So draw upon all who can assist you in your efforts. The more that we connect with like minds in the process of growing and healing, the faster and deeper our healing becomes.
You see, you are all as humans connected by the silver thread of life. This silver thread is what connects you to the angels, to God, to the All That Is, to the Universal Consciousness of Perfection and Importunity. By importunity we mean the entreaty that the Universe gives to man in inspiring mankind’s expansion of consciousness. Mankind must expand his consciousness because the alternative is devolution. We do not want to see devolution. Your time is now to expand exponentially. As you are up against the veil of fear, you must thread the needle of love into the universal window of change. Squeeze through the eye of the needles, and see the vast sea of love and truth and equality on the other side of infinity. This infinity – this forever – is your birthright.
So now is the time for mankind to claim his birthright of healing, of loving self. You see, to heal is truly to love self. When we love ourselves, we do not abuse our body with toxins, poisons, or degrading influences of any sort. No, we cannot. We do not. We know when to stop the abuse.
Love is the eternal balancer. Believe in love and in the power of love, and you will indeed progress more on your path than you ever imagined possible. This movement forward is, IS NOW AND ALWAYS SHALL BE, a blessing. To move forward in your evolution is to be blessed with the energy of All That Is in your being.
So, let us pause for now so that you can re-read these words, and then we will move to phase two of planning for your book.
Thank you for coming to us with your questions. We are, indeed, your servants, as you are part of our glorious celebration of consciousness expansion. We expand together. We are one.
Good night.
Good night, Angels. I feel blessed, truly truly blessed and grateful for your presence. I am your servant and I come with the greatest desire to help create change on Planet Earth. I ask for your help again, your guidance, and your love. You feed my soul and it feels so very good. Thank you, and good night.
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