L, for many years you have been working to prepare yourself for this time. You have been learning about metaphysics; you have been learning about yourself; you have been giving the gift of friendship and receiving the gifts in return. You have, most of all, been nurturing E and in the process nurturing your own soul so that you would be ready, when the time came, to hunker down and commit yourself to the greatest change you have ever known: the change from fear to love. This change is the change that Jesus sought to confirm when he went into the desert, the high desert, for 40 days and 40 nights.
You see, Jesus was an extremely advanced soul, the Michael’s Light of the Earth, who is there, was there, to show mankind the way and the light. So you are following in the footsteps of Michael’s Light, of the loving light of the Father/Mother God, the Eternal Spirit of Love, the Christ Consciousness, as it expresses itself in the hearts of all of mankind, that we may each move forward in our soul evolution, our soul advancement. For this is our path, our eternal path: growth, change, advancement, evolution, learning, knowledge, wisdom, light, eternality, being all that we truly are.
So this is your time, L, to prove to yourself, to show yourself, that you have within you all the tools that you need in order to make significant strides – leaps – in your advancement, in your growth, if this is what you choose to do. You must make the conscious choice to change – because no one can force change upon you. It must be of your own choosing.
Are you choosing to change? Are you choosing to embrace light, and love, and to cast away your fears and to live, LIVE life from the consciousness of love? How do you live your life on a daily basis? Do you bring fear into your mind? Do you share fear thoughts with others? Are you living in the lightest way so that you, as a being of light, help light the way for others?
You see, it is not for us to live our lives one way – in fear – and to speak of our change in other terms that contradict the manner in which we are living. You see, this is a level of untruth. Untruth, or relative truth, takes place where there is dissonance in the thoughts, words, and actions of mankind. To live seamlessly in our thoughts, words, and actions – this is truth.
So your pursuit is one of truth. To BE truth, to speak truth, to know the truth and to behave in the manners that are consistent with truth – THIS is what you aspire to. This is what you seek. This is a worthy goal: to seek truth and to BE the truth that we seek.
Now, ahead of you lie many challenges that your soul and spirit have been preparing you for. You are consciously aware of these challenges because you are actively seeking to honor them and to bring them life in the physical world. This is to be commended. You are pursuing your dreams with eagerness and with a certain flourish that is quintessential to your being. We relish participating in these flourishes with you because they bring us joy. We share joy when we merge our consciousnesses of love, truth, and creativity. Creativity is of the physical world, but it is a spiritual act when inspired by spiritual thought.
So – what do you wish to create?
I wish to create love in this world. I feel judgment though. I feel energy threads of anger and hostility at times as I rehearse my grudges. I would like to let these go.
You may let them go by consciously choosing to change your thoughts. When you feel the threads of fear, change - consciously change those threads to loving threads. You will feel the energy change within you, and this will nurture you.
Keep the good work flowing. Much lies ahead.
We can feel you twitching. We can end this internal dialog for now and resume later. Good night and God bless.